• Welcome to Onionfarms. All races, ethnicities, religions. Gay, straight, bisexual. CIS or trans. It makes no difference to us. If you can rock with us, you are one of us. We are here for you and always will be.

    Josh the fatty may ban you for weight loss advice or an anime avatar. Kengle the fatty won't and never will.

Sexuality Drama TERF General

Sexuality related drama
if kiwifarms was just A&H no one would care enough to go after them.
Everyone likes to try and blame those "evil fedposting right wingers!!1" cause they post "lol guess the race" on news articles about crime, when the reason the site always goes down is cause of TERFs and similar spergs spamming "GAS AND MURDER ALL TRANNIES!!!" and encouraging actual dox and harassment campaigns, which the trannies then point to as proof that KF is just an anti-trans hate site. Hey, I hate trannies too, but lets be honest about who the real fedposting retards causing trouble for the site are, but those tend to be the paypigs, whereas A&H is full of freeloading edgelords who giggle at posting "nigger".
Everyone likes to try and blame those "evil fedposting right wingers!!1" cause they post "lol guess the race" on news articles about crime, when the reason the site always goes down is cause of TERFs and similar spergs spamming "GAS AND MURDER ALL TRANNIES!!!" and encouraging actual dox and harassment campaigns, which the trannies then point to as proof that KF is just an anti-trans hate site. Hey, I hate trannies too, but lets be honest about who the real fedposting retards causing trouble for the site are, but those tend to be the paypigs, whereas A&H is full of freeloading edgelords who giggle at posting "nigger".
It's slightly more complicated than that. The "bomb threat" post which led to Cloudflare dumping KF during the keffals drama was made from an inactive account and deleted by the user who posted it before the jannies had even received the reports. It was posted solely so it could be screenshotted.

It's virtually impossible to guard against shit like that. There's no lead up and the damage is done the moment the post is made.


Josh thinking about a lolsuit vs Liz "Elliot" Fong-Jones. Plus insulting the paypig siegemeister675, whom is a KF forum regular (siege has the "True & Honest Fan" badge, which means he has donated $100 or more to Josh).
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Everyone likes to try and blame those "evil fedposting right wingers!!1" cause they post "lol guess the race" on news articles about crime, when the reason the site always goes down is cause of TERFs and similar spergs spamming "GAS AND MURDER ALL TRANNIES!!!" and encouraging actual dox and harassment campaigns, which the trannies then point to as proof that KF is just an anti-trans hate site. Hey, I hate trannies too, but lets be honest about who the real fedposting retards causing trouble for the site are, but those tend to be the paypigs, whereas A&H is full of freeloading edgelords who giggle at posting "nigger".
@The Gays From LA you're getting called out! any response? he's right though. TERFs remind me of how people act when they first get redpilled, but then they learn the ins and outs and mature with their bigotry except women are so used to being able to say whatever the fuck they want and never getting shit for it that they don't realize that those protections aren't there for people with anti-left wing opinions like being anti-trans and because these cunts refuse to swallow any pills after the ones they feel 'ffect them like the trans issue they're going to stay stuck in the "Gamergater in november of 2014" mode forever.

Frederick is all into fonts. He's talking about his font project.
the faggiest thing on the planet, you'd be surprised how many losers go "well i want to be creative but am too scared to go into any medium where i might be called out for sucking so let's pick something so small and rarely thought about that i can easily impress people with literally entry level ideas.....i got it i'll go into fonts!"

What's "BAP"?
Bronze Age Pervert, its some kike who disguises his voice because he's extremely well connected on the left and part of the upper class. literally was in plays with BJ Novak and Jim from the office back in high school. Despite not being publically doxxed he has an agent and manager and has been fairly well known in academia and literally has done podcasts with red scare and other big lefty podcasts. But more importantly than that he is one of these pre-GG alt right guys who thought being an e-celeb was faggy and he was mainly just a shitposter until he got fed up with all the people in that sector being blatant fed ops or lying shills. So he's doing this half-in half-out approach where he's a published author and is releasing podcasts and helping other alt-right guys pesudoanonymously publish magazines and articles and being a public figure who does segments on fox news or other places while also keeping his real identity at least somewhat secret and preaching to people to not fedpost or do anything in real life that might make you a target.

Essentially its like if an A&H guy decided to make a career out of their bigotry. Even his own fans admit its 90% shitposts with a few legit takes. i don't know how he feels about the farms and his entire output is just doomposting but him and josh have similar enough views on everything especially hating nick that they probably would get along. (up until someone decides to make a thread on the guy who will demand josh takes it down and we burn the bridge for him)
@The Gays From LA you're getting called out! any response?
X to doubt there. Still hasn't acknowledged the Russian Connection (even the kwiffar managed that) nor the decades old link between the idiot box and being a cretin.

It's been noted previously that TERFs are the mothers of Troons. Ofc wymbymz don't have the critical thinking skills to work it out.

btw, does joshy remember all the smug posts saying "Bullying is just society's way of telling you you're wrong"?
OF apparently doesn't have a separate TERFs thread, but since this thread on Ovarit here is the closest to it: All discussions about TERFs, Gender Critical Feminists, Libfems, Radfems, Feminist Socialists, Anarchafeminism, Lesbian Separatists, Political Lesbianism, Misandrists, Goddess Feminism, Womanism, etc. etc., should go here, not in the Joshua Moon thread or any other thread.
So the feminist website Jezebel is being shut down because no one wanted to buy it. Everyone there just got fired.

None of all these Youtubers making crab party videos will tell you the real reason Jezebel went down.

Here's the real reason Jezebel went down:

Jezebel went down because they decided it was a good idea to tell women to castrate their mentally ill kids... and then women told them to go fuck themselves. Instead, Jezebel cheered at TRA's attempts at using the legal system to silence women speaking out against them:

Jezebel also became pornsick and tried to sell women on the idea that troon hookers are their sisters who are engaged in just another form of legitimate work, sex work is work, and don't you dare kink-shame sex workers, you SWERF:

I guess telling women that they have to like whores and support prostitution wasn't a such sound business decision.

Jezebel declared themselves the gate-keepers of 21st century feminism, deciding which women are actual TERFs and deserving of public witchhunts and which were going to be salvaged:

Here's one man - of many - who will be celebrating Jezebel's downfall, for making the documentary that Jezebel themselves could've made if they hadn't alienated all the TERFs in favour of the troons:

Jezebel had an audience... but they lost it the moment they decided to throw TERFs under the bus, declaring their blind allegiance to TRA at the expense of women. You see, most women - even the lefty/progressive ones that Jezebel catered to - really don't like troons. They instinctively know they're creeps and despise the political correctness that censors them from freely stating so. These women don't want to be emotionally blackmailed into being the narcissistic suplies of AGPs. Jezebel said fuck you to an emerging branch of modern feminism, and that was when feminists moved on and left Jezebel behind to gush at troons. Instead of being, at the very least, neutral in the war between TERFs and TRA, Jezebel chose to be on the wrong side, and that cost them their audience.

So Jezebel, tell us, how did sucking the gurldiq turn out for y'all? Not very profitable now, was it?
Maybe you were just bad whores, excuse me, I mean "bad sex worker business women", LMAO.

PS. I do think Null should read this article, before it gets taken down:

Archived: https://archive.is/RI3tY
So the feminist website Jezebel is being shut down because no one wanted to buy it. Everyone there just got fired.

None of all these Youtubers making crab party videos will tell you the real reason Jezebel went down.

Here's the real reason Jezebel went down:

Jezebel went down because they decided it was a good idea to tell women to castrate their mentally ill kids... and then women told them to go fuck themselves. Instead, Jezebel cheered at TRA's attempts at using the legal system to silence women speaking out against them:

Jezebel also became pornsick and tried to sell women on the idea that troon hookers are their sisters who are engaged in just another form of legitimate work, sex work is work, and don't you dare kink-shame sex workers, you SWERF:

I guess telling women that they have to like whores and support prostitution wasn't a such sound business decision.

Jezebel declared themselves the gate-keepers of 21st century feminism, deciding which women are actual TERFs and deserving of public witchhunts and which were going to be salvaged:

Here's one man - of many - who will be celebrating Jezebel's downfall, for making the documentary that Jezebel themselves could've made if they hadn't alienated all the TERFs in favour of the troons:

Jezebel had an audience... but they lost it the moment they decided to throw TERFs under the bus, declaring their blind allegiance to TRA at the expense of women. You see, most women - even the lefty/progressive ones that Jezebel catered to - really don't like troons. They instinctively know they're creeps and despise the political correctness that censors them from freely stating so. These women don't want to be emotionally blackmailed into being the narcissistic suplies of AGPs. Jezebel said fuck you to an emerging branch of modern feminism, and that was when feminists moved on and left Jezebel behind to gush at troons. Instead of being, at the very least, neutral in the war between TERFs and TRA, Jezebel chose to be on the wrong side, and that cost them their audience.

So Jezebel, tell us, how did sucking the gurldiq turn out for y'all? Not very profitable now, was it?
Maybe you were just bad whores, excuse me, I mean "bad sex worker business women", LMAO.

PS. I do think Null should read this article, before it gets taken down:

Archived: https://archive.is/RI3tY

A good day indeed!
A good day indeed!

TBH, I don't think it's a good day. Jezebel could've catered to women and published real content and news of interest to actual real women, but went it to shit because they decided to suck the gurldiq at the expense of real women. Jezebel refused to go where they saw the feminist movement was going, and to engage in witchhunts of TERFs and SWERFs instead of accepting women's actual concerns and issues, and writing articles catering to that. Women do not want to be told to tolerate troons, and women do not want to be told that prostitution is good and wholesome and "just another job". Women have a visceral disgust of these topics and the moment you try to gaslight them on either, they will abandon ship.

So instead of shutting down Jezebel, why don't they give it to some TERFs so they can stir it into the right direction?
Just as a test, just to see if it will generate an audience under a new leadership and a new staff?
For example, why don't they give Jezebel to the women who run Reduxx, who already do real reporting on actual issues of interest to women?
I'm sure they have a lot of friend whom they can recruit to write articles now that Jezebel's actual staff has been fired.
SJWs are so destructive, they never think of solutions. "Oh well, our troon-suqing prostitution simping website didn't work out, let's just nuke it!" :rolleyes:
>women do not want to be told that prostitution is good and wholesome and "just another job".

I have always, always noticed it's always uggo slobs who say shit like this. Ugly women who want to see "Stacy" get dragged and men who wish Stacy would fuck down. It's like what Randy Shilts said:

"The trouble was that, by definition, you had a gay male subculture in which there was nothing to moderate the utterly male values that were being adulated more religiously than any macho heterosexual could imagine…Promiscuity was rampant because in an all-male subculture there was nobody to say ‘no’ – no moderating role like that a woman plays in the heterosexual milieu. Some heterosexual males privately confided that they were enthralled with the idea of the immediate, available, even anonymous, sex a bathhouse offered, if they could only find women who would agree. Gay men, of course, agreed, quite frequently.”

It's the same shit, really. Fun fact: they used to spit on Shilts on the street, calling him a traitor, an Uncle Tom, etc, etc. It's only after he died that he suddenly became a "martyr" for LGBT rights, even though he was basically pointing out their shit on the regular:

“If I criticize the gay community, then I’m part of the establishment. I sold out, rather than just having a different opinion. There’s no room in the gay community for people of good intention having different opinions. Either you have the opinion or you’re nothing.” – New York Times: April 30, 1993

“The gay community didn’t want me to write about things like bathhouses that made gays look bad. But to me that was like going to one side of a burning building and covering the firemen trying to put out the fire, and then ignoring the guy on the other side who’s dumping gas on it.” – Los Angeles Times: October 09, 1987

“The politically correct line, emerging from a handful of ‘AIDS activists,’ maintained that talking about the gay community’s prodigious promiscuity was part of a ‘blame-the-victim mentality.’”– “And the Band Played On”

“Don’t offend the gays and don’t inflame the homophobes. These were the twin horns on which the handling of this epidemic would be torn from the first day of the epidemic. Inspired by the best intentions, such arguments paved the road toward the destination good intentions inevitably lead.”

“Later, everybody agreed the baths should have been closed sooner; they agreed health education should have been more direct and more timely. And everybody also agreed blood banks should have tested blood sooner, and that a search for the AIDS virus should have been started sooner, and that scientists should have laid aside their petty intrigues. Everybody subsequently agreed that the news media should have offered better coverage of the epidemic much earlier, and that the federal government should have done much, much more. By the time everyone agreed to all this, however, it was too late. Instead people died. Tens of thousands of them.”
I hadn't read a thread on Ovarit in ages, so I headed over to see what the TERFs are saying about Trump. Even these TERFs, many of whom are or were themselves leftwing/Dems/socialists and hate Trump, even they are saying that the Dems have tanked their Party by coddling troons: "they'll die on the trans hill"


The top comment correctly points out that Democrat misogyny is actually a side-effect of their anti-white racism, or the idea that women are "white privileged Karens" who want to genocide innocent black tweakers by calling 911: "Leftie men have learned that they can say whatever misogynistic shit they want as long as they put "White" and/or "TERF" in front of the word "woman"."


TRA-indoctrinated Dem staffers who only know censorship, not debate:


I love how they call Emma Vigeland "the Final Boss of dick-worshipping handmaidens", LMAOOO:


They have another thread asking why Dems are so zealous about troons, and I think this hits the nail on the hate: Dems cannot admit that trooning out children is not "helping" them, but rather mutilating and castrating them for the amusement of sadistic pedophilic pornsick troon groomers online.


This excellent post points out that the Dems are so utterly fucking Astroturfed when it comes to TRA, they must be tanking their own Party intentionally because someone in TRA is paying them to do so:
