I personally feel like someday Kiwi Farms will get sued into oblivion much like what happened to Alex Jones with his hot takes on the Sandy Hook shooting.
If you remember the infamous defamation lawsuit the Sandy Hook families filed against Alex Jones, they sued him over his statements that the Sandy Hook shooting was a "false flag" that would give the American government a reason to erode away the 2nd Amendment and that the Sandy Hook families were "paid actors" and the result from that was the Sandy Hook families getting harassed by his fans (and it got to the point where some avid viewers of Alex Jones harassed the families when the attended the funerals for their dead kids). Roughly a decade after the fact, they filed a civil lawsuit to sue Alex Jones for everything that he's worth and they won.
As for Kiwi Farms, someday a similar fate will happen to them (especially as the laws in America in regards to the Internet have been changing). If it's not someone close to Near suing Kiwi Farms for damages then it's probably going to be some lolcow living in America that will sue the farms (some states have since criminalized doxing and cyberharassment and in recent years I know for as fact that two states now let their residents sue a person or a platform for damages caused by doxing and harassment).
It's going to happen. Jersh is going to be put on the stand and try to defend himself to a jury about why his website that laughs at mentally ill people is not a bad thing (which won't look good to a jury where they're just going to see Jersh as a piece of shit along with the rest of his userbase).
Jersh is going to get the Alex Jones treatment someday sooner or later.