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Kiwifarms Gossip & Slap Fights The Suicide of Near

These threads cover general gossip and interacting with Kiwifarms (openly calling them out).
“Keep your head strong and try not to focus on the haters”
What I went through reading this thread, as somebody not very inundated with the world of KF/OF/lolcows, but interested in Byuu suicide.

- What the fuck is the Good Boy Points Guy doing here?
- Holy fuck, the Good Boy Points Guy actually killed him!

I was personally a strong non-believer due to the fact that he pre-paid all his domains and other internet properties for years, sometimes decades in advance, as if he were to return to them once the internet forgot about him. His credit card is likely still active because one of the services we're both using doesn't allow for prepayments, but was still working the last time I checked.
What I went through reading this thread, as somebody not very inundated with the world of KF/OF/lolcows, but interested in Byuu suicide.

- What the fuck is the Good Boy Points Guy doing here?
- Holy fuck, the Good Boy Points Guy actually killed him!

I was personally a strong non-believer due to the fact that he pre-paid all his domains and other internet properties for years, sometimes decades in advance, as if he were to return to them once the internet forgot about him. His credit card is likely still active because one of the services we're both using doesn't allow for prepayments, but was still working the last time I checked.
Well, dude is as dead as a doornail no pun intended
If someone posts some fake-ass bullshit and people want to believe, the bullshit becomes fact. I've seen it many times on kiwifarms. Those who should know better often look the other way if it benefits them somehow.

The byuuicide hoax is a prime example of this.
All up until his death certificate comes out and gets made public. Then they have to eat their words as people learn josh sat on an information request to cover up they bullied a tranny to suicide. Now anyone who still believes it can just be shown the document which gets funny reactions.
Has Josh given up on trying to "verify" the autopsy documents on Byuu or has he given up and realized how embarrassing that would be? He only stopped because he was found it. It will never not amaze me how his users gave him a pass on sitting on the evidence while smugly pleading innocent at the same time.
It's been 4 days since the announcement of Byuu's confirmed death and Josh has yet to answer why he hid the knowledge of the FOIA he received last year confirming Byuu's death while this year claiming he was innocent of such accusations and promoting the unfounded claim that Keffals bullied someone to suicide. He's not seriously going to run with lie that he didn't believe the autopsy reports he got last year... right ?
On one hand, they did cover this death up. On the other hand, Byuu was a stupid fuck. Like he had an well off life that allowed him to move overseas. All he had to do was ignore the Kiwifarms thread, say "lol, assholes", and move on with his life. His thread was only 13 pages or so, who gives a fuck?