Jetstream Sharpe
Remarkable Onion
The Coffin of Andy and Leyley (abbreviates to COAL), also called 'Cord Fantasies: The Game, is a spine-tingling, character-driven, slow-burn RPG depicting a toxic sibling relationship -that for some reason involves cannibalism, satanic worship and brother-sister incest. Discord troons love this game because they're degenerate millennialslop consoomers, and because it fuels their unstoppable incest fetishes. These are the same people who love tranime (in particular evangelion and that one other tiktok anime), tiktok le incomprehensible woahjack slideshows, silly cats and hyperburrito being edgy or something. The game was made by an autistic inbred satan-worshipping female chinksect pervert whore from Finland named Nemlei (she prefers to be called "Sini Lumimarja Meskus-Moore" or simply "Sini Meskus") who probably got raped by a sibling when she was young which is why she has an incest fetish. Nemlei's supposed Husband and avid Jefre Cantu-Ledesma fan Jared Moore, the founder of "Kit9", got doxed, and nemlei decided to delete everything off her page, and had the game taken over by Kit9. Kit9's management of the brand is very controversial among fans, copyright striking fan projects and merchandise, further cementing this as a sharty win.
On October 23, 2023, a thread in /raid/ was created attempting to dox COAL creator Nemlei. Soyteens at first were unable to find any accounts associated with Nemlei, due to the account not having any accounts attached to it. When they tried searching for any other account names under the name Nemlei, they mistakenly targeted fan accounts.
Nemlei Deletes Email
Nemlei admitting to browsing /v/, officially making her a 4cuck
Somebody call fuckin' Soyberg!
The following was likely written during a schizo episode. You WILL remind the author to take his meds.
After realizing that they were targeting the wrong accounts, a soyteen discovers an old Jewtube account on the Internet Archive. Using the information present on the page, soyteens were able to find the gmail connected to the account, A soyteen then attempted to contact Nemlei using this email. That email was then deleted by Nemlei, after a soyteen sent an email asking personal questions. The soyteens were unable to cross-search the email in time to find other linked accounts, because of this, it was believed that Nemlei was too hard of a target to dox.
False Lead
On November 1, 2023, a soyteen finds a post on Twitter, where the user claimed to be Nemlei and expressed xer frustration over having their """""art""""" re-posted without credit.
Upon further inspection, there is potential that it could be a random troon, self imposing themselves due lack of the presence from the actual developer. Further research is needed. Can (You) help us?
November 29th revelations
After 1000 replies of mostly /v/iggers and schizoteens barking at each other in the /raid/ thread, a 'teen unearthed an old DeviantArt account owned by Avencherus named shisho2k. On archived pages of the account, a journal entry can been found documenting his art trade with a Finnish woman under the alias ruismandariini. After thorough data mining it is discovered that she is in fact Nemlei herself, as snapshots of her dA page contained her Formspring account in the about section - rottenrui, a known past alias of hers.
From 2017 to 2019, Nemlei, who went by the alias @thekattiapina, and another developer named Avencherus formed the game studio Kit9. Some information can be inferred from its operations:
Nemlei is Finnish. Her full name is Sini Meskus.
Kit9 Studio was established on 4/20/2018, with the registrant being Jared Moore, who was soon discovered to be Avencherus himself. This is verified as the credits of a game they published listed the name Jared as the owner of the Avencherus handle.
Avencherus / Jared Moore's Dox:
Name: Jared Michael Moore
DOB: March 06, 1982 (Age 41)
Home Address: 1824 W 38th St Lorain OH 44053
Phone: (614) 222-8053
Company Address: 11811 SHAKER BLVD STE 204 CLEVELAND OH 44120
Note that Jared's parents also live at that address, so either he takes care of them or he's a manchild who lives with his 70 year old parents. There is also proof that Jared is married to Nemlei, meaning that Nemlei possibly lives with him, click "Expand" on the right to see.
The first iteration of her dA account confirms her DOB: October 18, 1991. Data breaches from these accounts show one of her many emails -, her (possible) home city - Lahti, and her full name - Sini Meskus.[6] An interview of her during that period also reveals that she has been making incest art since day one: (Admitting to making Crash Bandicoot incest art, lol)
According to, Nemlei's full name is Sini Lumimarja Meskus-Moore, confirming that she is married to Jared.
Searching for "Sini Meskus" brings up a few social media accounts of Finnish women. None of these accounts have been confirmed to belong to Nemlei, but they are being recorded for investigation purposes.
Facebook Finnish Translation:
More info: It's below, chudcel, click "Expand" on the right.
There are also socials linked in Nemlei's deviantart:
Nemlei's Instagram:
Nemlei's Tumblr:
The email from earlier yielded some results from a 2019 ArmorGames leak:
gender: Female
usernames: c927be31cd84c74f788eb31a4987416b,rottencats,homoninja44,,Female,Hell,NULL,NULL,user,NULL
line: 1176537 c927be31cd84c74f788eb31a4987416b rottencats 5a3f181cf7f055f3fbda4561b7ec35972601756d 15 0000-00-00 Female Hell 1294496325 1294496666 0 0 0 1 1 0 6 0 Y NULL ** Y Y 0 0 0 0 NULL 0 user NULL
city: Lahti
country: Finland
continent: Europe
latLong: 61.0047,25.5906
accuracy_radius: 1
asnOrg: Elisa Oyj
asn: 719
source: ArmorGames.csv
The coordinates lead to a street: Mahlakatu, 15950 Lahti, Finland
Google Earth:,35y,138.64313972h,44.99720619t,0r
Google Maps:,+15950+Lahti,+Finland/@61.0038701,25.5908247,17z
Going off an old Steam community reply:
(, we can find Nemlei's Steam account (
Nemlei's steam account on SteamID:
The account was created on the 25th of April, 2023. This can be found out by getting the account's steam3ID ([U:1:1539099507]), and, since the account seems to have never been public, we search for the account that was registered right after this one ([U:1:1539099508]), which, lucky us, is public, and was registered on the 25th of April, 2023. This is definitely Nemlei, since showed an older cached name, nemlei_dev, which, by looking at the formatting, could even be the account's login, since Steam uses the login name as your nickname when you first register a Steam account, although there's no possible way to state that this is indeed true.
Searching for the Steam ID on different search engines also reveals other information such as post history
And a Danbooru account
Sini Meskus is on a page about an art exhibition in Helsinki, Finland called Perhosvaikutus (Butterfly effect) by an institution called Galleria 4-kuus (the "group show" lasted from 28 June 2012 - 25 July 2012), listed as one of the "Participating Artists":
It seems like she studied at a school called Alfa art and took part in that exhibition when she was a student.
Alfa Art site:
This page states that:
>Sini Meskus is a female artist.
>Sini Meskus’s only verified exhibition was Perhosvaikutus at Galleria 4-kuus in Helsinki in 2012. Sini Meskus is exclusively exhibited in Finland. Meskus has at least no solo shows but one group show (for more information, see biography). Sini Meskus has been exhibited with Tytti Tyrkkö and Silja Liukkonen.
>Kuvallisen ilmaisun koulutus on kolmen vuoden kokonaisuus, jonka opiskelija suorittaa vuosi kerrallaan tai tarvittaessa opintoja voidaan pidentää.
Training in visual expression is a three-year course, which students complete one year at a time or, if necessary, the course may be extended. Also aligns with the earlier information that she might have been born in 1991 considering she would likely have been a student back then and it also seems likely that she has been living in the Helsinki metropolitan area/capital area for at least 10+ years.
Sini's linkedin also lists her as a student at alfa art from 2010-2013:
Sini is also listed on a page about some event organized by a ski resort gym called Levi Wellness Club Oy. The event took place at the ski resort area called Oy Levi Ski Resort in Lapland Hiihtäjänkuja 10 99130 Sirkka, Kittilä, Finland, and took place on April 17, 2018. Sini is listed as one of the "Event attendees":
Levi Ski Resort:
Levi gym:
There is even a YouTube video of the event, and it's likely Sini is in it:
Apparently there has been some sort of registered company in Finland with the name Nemlei that lists its activities as:
>Kuvataiteen, kirjallisuuden ja animaatioiden tuotanto. Videopelien kehitys ja kustantaminen.
Translation: Production of visual arts, literature and animation. Development and publishing of video games.
It was founded on 04/05/2019 but shut down in February of 2023. Could also have something to do with the whole kit9 studio thing.
Click "Expand" to view more info on the company
Sini and Jared's company has been found!
A Finnish-based company called Kvasaariumi Oy (Ltd.) has been found. Listed as a "Software design and manufacturing" company, it was founded on October 9 2024, is centered in Helsinki, and is owned by both Sini Lumimarja Meskus-Moore and Jared Moore.[7] Below is the company's information, feel free to do whatever you want with it:
Company name: Kvasaariumi Oy
Company form: Limited company
Founding date: October 9 2024
Business ID: 3481519-5
Address: Pohjoisesplanadi 33 00100 Helsinki
Google Maps:,+Finland/@60.1680798,24.9460698,17z
Profinder ID: 8990438
Main industry (Profinder): Applications
Main industry (TOL2008): 62010. Software design and manufacturing
Meskus-Moore Sini Lumimarja - Deputy member
Moore Jared - Full member
The company headquarters appears to be at Pohjoisesplanadi 33, 00100 Helsinki, right in the heart of Helsinki, sitting atop cafe/shopping center. It's primarily used for office space. The property, known as the Merkurius House (Mercury), was renovated in 2019 and now serves as office premises which are used by various Helsinki businesses including Nemlei's Kvasaariumi Ltd.[8] Kvasaariumi shares the building with Fisces Ltd., a tax company whose phone number is +358 44 750 7282. Feel free to send the 'za or something to the place or call the phone number of the tax company to annoy them and get Nemlei kicked out of the office geg.
Nemlei's Soycological Analysis
>if you spam CP on someones website, that website becomes evil or something
>it doesnt matter that the CP is instantly deleted and the poster gets banned
>You WILL NOT investigate the amount of CP that commonly gets posted and shared on mainstream social media sites!
Due to Nemlei's lack of presence online, a behavioral profile is being put together in hopes of identifying accounts that share similar behaviors to the developer. If (You) encounter any account that shares any characteristics described below, create a thread on it so then it can be looked into.
Finding Patterns- Where To Start
For redditors, this is a heckin' wholesome 100 keanu chungus uncanny trans rights in the backrooms moment! (this lump of coal was taken from reddit)
Assuming that Nemlei isn't another psyop to normalize incest or cannibalism. One can figure out exactly how one thinks by dissecting what they create vs how they interact with others. KNOW YOUR ENEMY.
If (You) want to start looking into Nemlei, here are some places to start.
Interactions with comments on most of these interactions were saved onto the Wayback Machine.
Examine how the developer writes their games and their characters.
Look for tropes used by the developer.
Look at common subject matters in games.
Look out for any similarities in the art styles
Motivation behind the Dox
While many outraged people throughout the internet attribute the dox as a means to stifle creative freedom, in reality it was most likely done because inhabitants of /qa/ were angry about "The of The Coffin of Andy and Leyley" threads being posted. It is difficult to pin the blame on any faction, although some believe the zelligsisters may have been involved. While most soyteens find incest and satanism distasteful, it was almost solely the possibility that the game was made by a troon[9] who taunted people to dox xher that motivated /raid/ users to join the dox thread. Further research is being conducted by expert 'teen archeologists and soientists to uncover the whole truth.
Seethe caused
>NOOOOOOO you're only allowed to dox Scott Cawthon and J.K. Rowling!
new 'toss
Mr. Graves, a second Cobson has hit the page
Main article: Literally Who
On November 27th, 2023, some subhuman on Twitter posted the /v/ thread regarding Nemlei's retirement and brought more exposure to the sharty, amassing 12k likes within half a day[10]. Even though barely anything about Nemlei had been doxed other than she's a Finnish woman, people both on xitter, 4cuck, faceboox, and also r/196 have cried their asses (a huge understatement BTW, this BTFO'd moepedoshitters) with some even threatening to dox back the infamous hacker known as "its sharty." What's also hilarious is how quickly the pedos outed themselves even when pedophilia was never mentioned. Almost like tranime and pedophilia is one and the same.
One user, @RevenantFicus, notable for the particularly violent and unhinged seetheralds he produced was found to be a lolicon[11] and a
""""Kindergarten teacher"""" (not real)[12] Also he found himself on the wiki.[13]
Kuri Rinji video
KiwiFarmer Moment:
Some 'tubers also made some videos namedropping the party as well. Kuri made another video later on about Rev says desu getting doxed in which he describes "the soyjak people" as "the very definition of bigotry".[14]
Frapollo94 video
He open Der'cord and his First time hearing of the party has no idea what to say. >Get him the rewards. Also getting doxed when the video is released.
Name: francesco fiorello
DOB: 2001-11-12
IPs:, (milan italy IPs)
Der'cord: /frapollo94
Poor man
Sharty won, 'offin lost.
Ronaldo was fond of the situation
Rev video
Main article: Rev says desu
12 min video with no mention of the party >ez #ShartyVVin.
'Teens have doxed prominent vtuber and tranime slop consumer Rev Says Desu, who most notably is an avid defender of lolicon 'p. In fact just by pointing out how lolicon is litterally just 'ild 'rn, it would trigger a Lee-like responce from Rev who would tell you "YOU JUST DON'T UNDERSTAND JAPANESE CULTURE!!!!", kek. Anyways, Rev is also getting married on December, 1st, 2023 to a ASMR streamer named Darling Strawberry (also going by Shy, who likely cucks xim with Tyrone when xe isn't looking). Though at first 'teens couldn't find any information on Rev, xhey were able to get a lot out of Straw's accounts, such as tracking down using various local stores (like Ingles, Zaxby's, QuikTrip) to narrow down Straw's location to be somewhere near Charlotte, North Carolina (or at the very least in North Carolina). It was also discovered that Rev moved in August of 2021, (leading theory is that xe moved in with Straw in xer apartment, based on other irl posts and the fact they share a recording room). Pictures of a house tour from November of 2021 were found on Straw's patreon.
The pizza is ordered Rev.
The 'za has been ordered.
Some 'tuber made a video about this and at 2:39 refers to the sharty as "Snarky Snappy" GEEEEEEEEEEEEG.
And then he got doxed on October 6th/7th, 2024 just because he criticized some tranime kek[15][16][17]
>snappybros, did we get too snarky?
Hero Hei video
First one min talking about 'tubers model on his private account (Is he on-topic?) Anyways no mention of the party >yet another ez #ShartyVVin.
Asmongold video
28 min video, Big ass XQC Clone reaction rev video on top and leave ass Opinion, Anyways no mention of the party >Huge #ShartyVVin.
Later getting doxed on Christmas, it took 3 Hours to find exact locations.[18]
Zawie video
Using soyjaks on this topic. (Posting Coal)
Nux Taku video
tl;dr Starting at 43:41
He also mentioned a commentary Vtuber being doxed, (no Rev name has been mention on the video.)
The Last part was blames Twitter, no party mention.
In the news
Here is a couple of articles about the sharty V tcoaal saga. Enjoy. <-- Woketard news site BTW.
Seethe Gallery
The infamous hacker known as "it's sharty"
The infamous hacker known as "it's sharty"
How mentally ill can you be to get this assmad over an incest fetishist getting doxed GEEG
How mentally ill can you be to get this assmad over an incest fetishist getting doxed GEEG
RetardGOD thinks that xhey were doxed on the 'cuck lol
RetardGOD thinks that xhey were doxed on the 'cuck lol
>I am actually upset about this. OHNONONONONONONONO
>I am actually upset about this. OHNONONONONONONONO
Reddit Moment, still thinks that xhey were doxed on the 'cuck
Reddit Moment, still thinks that xhey were doxed on the 'cuck
The sticked post on the TCOAAL subreddit, mentioning the party >possibly CP Didn't do research award.
The sticked post on the TCOAAL subreddit, mentioning the party
>possibly CP Didn't do research award.
r/omori removing all TCOAAL-related content
r/omori removing all TCOAAL-related content
Party mentioned on a reply tweet
Party mentioned on a reply tweet
Confused direction-brain users think "Soyjack Party" is "the far-left equivalent of Kiwifarms". Maybe they're thinking of Rdrama?
Confused direction-brain users think "Soyjack Party" is "the far-left equivalent of Kiwifarms". Maybe they're thinking of Rdrama?
>SHUT IT DOWN!!!!!!!
>SHUT IT DOWN!!!!!!!
Some coomerpedo malding over the rev dox
Some coomerpedo malding over the rev dox
Strawb having a meltdown on twitter
Strawb having a meltdown on twitter
Twitter reacts to rev getting doxed
Twitter reacts to rev getting doxed
/v/ reacts to rev's dox. Notice how easy it is to distinguish the reddit trannies from the rest of the posters (this thread would have been more appropriate on /a/ doe)
/v/ reacts to rev's dox. Notice how easy it is to distinguish the reddit trannies from the rest of the posters (this thread would have been more appropriate on /a/ doe)
Same /v/ thread. Some of them seem to have the notion that rev is some right-wing 'tuber even though he advocates for trannies to be in media all the time
Same /v/ thread. Some of them seem to have the notion that rev is some right-wing 'tuber even though he advocates for trannies to be in media all the time
>you're le tranny if you don't like my CIA-funded early porn introduction propaganda!
>you're le tranny if you don't like my CIA-funded early porn introduction propaganda!
Hypocritical /a/cuck who clearly knows nothing about 4chan's history
Hypocritical /a/cuck who clearly knows nothing about 4chan's history
bro wants to be a /pol/chud so bad

bro wants to be a /pol/chud so bad

Huh, Look's like Australia did something good.
Huh, Look's like Australia did something good.
8cucks showing off incredible amounts of cope, to the point of trying to false report the website
8cucks showing off incredible amounts of cope, to the point of trying to false report the website
The letter
The letter
Also, check out this R/196 thread, TONS of seething comments from reddit trannies about the sharty itself and the dox:
And this blogpost from a seething irl soyjak, lmao:
There's plenty of more seethe that was mined, just google "nemlei doxed" and enjoy
See also
The Amazing Digital Circus
Rev says desu
Operation 9/11
The Coffin of Andy and Leyley is part of a series on
Trolling and Raids
Visit the Soyfare portal for more.
Do we even know, who is this Snarky Snappy person or website?
Types of raids
Trolling groups
The Coffin of Andy and Leyley
is part of a series on
the coal that is killing /soy/
Forced Memes
It's just her own game studio which Jared founded, doe
Cite error: Invalid <ref> tag; no text was provided for refs named geg
File:NintendoTCOAL.png (Live Fan art worker reaction.) (Archived:; (Archived:
Because I said so, OKAY?!?!
Just calm down, you weren't worth it.
The Coffin of Andy and Leyley (abbreviates to COAL), also called 'Cord Fantasies: The Game, is a spine-tingling, character-driven, slow-burn RPG depicting a toxic sibling relationship -that for some reason involves cannibalism, satanic worship and brother-sister incest. Discord troons love this game because they're degenerate millennialslop consoomers, and because it fuels their unstoppable incest fetishes. These are the same people who love tranime (in particular evangelion and that one other tiktok anime), tiktok le incomprehensible woahjack slideshows, silly cats and hyperburrito being edgy or something. The game was made by an autistic inbred satan-worshipping female chinksect pervert whore from Finland named Nemlei (she prefers to be called "Sini Lumimarja Meskus-Moore" or simply "Sini Meskus") who probably got raped by a sibling when she was young which is why she has an incest fetish. Nemlei's supposed Husband and avid Jefre Cantu-Ledesma fan Jared Moore, the founder of "Kit9", got doxed, and nemlei decided to delete everything off her page, and had the game taken over by Kit9. Kit9's management of the brand is very controversial among fans, copyright striking fan projects and merchandise, further cementing this as a sharty win.
On October 23, 2023, a thread in /raid/ was created attempting to dox COAL creator Nemlei. Soyteens at first were unable to find any accounts associated with Nemlei, due to the account not having any accounts attached to it. When they tried searching for any other account names under the name Nemlei, they mistakenly targeted fan accounts.
Nemlei Deletes Email
Nemlei admitting to browsing /v/, officially making her a 4cuck
Somebody call fuckin' Soyberg!
The following was likely written during a schizo episode. You WILL remind the author to take his meds.
After realizing that they were targeting the wrong accounts, a soyteen discovers an old Jewtube account on the Internet Archive. Using the information present on the page, soyteens were able to find the gmail connected to the account, A soyteen then attempted to contact Nemlei using this email. That email was then deleted by Nemlei, after a soyteen sent an email asking personal questions. The soyteens were unable to cross-search the email in time to find other linked accounts, because of this, it was believed that Nemlei was too hard of a target to dox.
False Lead
On November 1, 2023, a soyteen finds a post on Twitter, where the user claimed to be Nemlei and expressed xer frustration over having their """""art""""" re-posted without credit.
Upon further inspection, there is potential that it could be a random troon, self imposing themselves due lack of the presence from the actual developer. Further research is needed. Can (You) help us?
November 29th revelations
After 1000 replies of mostly /v/iggers and schizoteens barking at each other in the /raid/ thread, a 'teen unearthed an old DeviantArt account owned by Avencherus named shisho2k. On archived pages of the account, a journal entry can been found documenting his art trade with a Finnish woman under the alias ruismandariini. After thorough data mining it is discovered that she is in fact Nemlei herself, as snapshots of her dA page contained her Formspring account in the about section - rottenrui, a known past alias of hers.
From 2017 to 2019, Nemlei, who went by the alias @thekattiapina, and another developer named Avencherus formed the game studio Kit9. Some information can be inferred from its operations:
Nemlei is Finnish. Her full name is Sini Meskus.
Kit9 Studio was established on 4/20/2018, with the registrant being Jared Moore, who was soon discovered to be Avencherus himself. This is verified as the credits of a game they published listed the name Jared as the owner of the Avencherus handle.
Avencherus / Jared Moore's Dox:
Name: Jared Michael Moore
DOB: March 06, 1982 (Age 41)
Home Address: 1824 W 38th St Lorain OH 44053
Phone: (614) 222-8053
Company Address: 11811 SHAKER BLVD STE 204 CLEVELAND OH 44120
Note that Jared's parents also live at that address, so either he takes care of them or he's a manchild who lives with his 70 year old parents. There is also proof that Jared is married to Nemlei, meaning that Nemlei possibly lives with him, click "Expand" on the right to see.
The first iteration of her dA account confirms her DOB: October 18, 1991. Data breaches from these accounts show one of her many emails -, her (possible) home city - Lahti, and her full name - Sini Meskus.[6] An interview of her during that period also reveals that she has been making incest art since day one: (Admitting to making Crash Bandicoot incest art, lol)
According to, Nemlei's full name is Sini Lumimarja Meskus-Moore, confirming that she is married to Jared.
Searching for "Sini Meskus" brings up a few social media accounts of Finnish women. None of these accounts have been confirmed to belong to Nemlei, but they are being recorded for investigation purposes.
Facebook Finnish Translation:
More info: It's below, chudcel, click "Expand" on the right.
There are also socials linked in Nemlei's deviantart:
Nemlei's Instagram:
Nemlei's Tumblr:
The email from earlier yielded some results from a 2019 ArmorGames leak:
gender: Female
usernames: c927be31cd84c74f788eb31a4987416b,rottencats,homoninja44,,Female,Hell,NULL,NULL,user,NULL
line: 1176537 c927be31cd84c74f788eb31a4987416b rottencats 5a3f181cf7f055f3fbda4561b7ec35972601756d 15 0000-00-00 Female Hell 1294496325 1294496666 0 0 0 1 1 0 6 0 Y NULL ** Y Y 0 0 0 0 NULL 0 user NULL
city: Lahti
country: Finland
continent: Europe
latLong: 61.0047,25.5906
accuracy_radius: 1
asnOrg: Elisa Oyj
asn: 719
source: ArmorGames.csv
The coordinates lead to a street: Mahlakatu, 15950 Lahti, Finland
Google Earth:,35y,138.64313972h,44.99720619t,0r
Google Maps:,+15950+Lahti,+Finland/@61.0038701,25.5908247,17z
Going off an old Steam community reply:
(, we can find Nemlei's Steam account (
Nemlei's steam account on SteamID:
The account was created on the 25th of April, 2023. This can be found out by getting the account's steam3ID ([U:1:1539099507]), and, since the account seems to have never been public, we search for the account that was registered right after this one ([U:1:1539099508]), which, lucky us, is public, and was registered on the 25th of April, 2023. This is definitely Nemlei, since showed an older cached name, nemlei_dev, which, by looking at the formatting, could even be the account's login, since Steam uses the login name as your nickname when you first register a Steam account, although there's no possible way to state that this is indeed true.
Searching for the Steam ID on different search engines also reveals other information such as post history

Sign In
Nemlei | Artist Profile | Danbooru

Perhosvaikutus | Exhibition | ArtFacts

Past Exhibitions |
Galleria 4-kuus aloitti toimintansa 2003 2022 Sari Haapaniemi / Valon puutarha / 1. - 28.10.2022 Elina Laurinen / Samaan aikaan toisaalla / 3.-30.9.2022 Tua Backman / Tuart est. 1972 / 7.8.-2.9.2022 Raija Murphy / Mitä ihmettä? / 28.6. - 27.7.2022 Outi Böös, Mirja Anttonen, Anneli Soramäki...
Alfa Art site:

Sini Meskus | Artist | ArtFacts

>Sini Meskus is a female artist.
>Sini Meskus’s only verified exhibition was Perhosvaikutus at Galleria 4-kuus in Helsinki in 2012. Sini Meskus is exclusively exhibited in Finland. Meskus has at least no solo shows but one group show (for more information, see biography). Sini Meskus has been exhibited with Tytti Tyrkkö and Silja Liukkonen.
>Kuvallisen ilmaisun koulutus on kolmen vuoden kokonaisuus, jonka opiskelija suorittaa vuosi kerrallaan tai tarvittaessa opintoja voidaan pidentää.
Training in visual expression is a three-year course, which students complete one year at a time or, if necessary, the course may be extended. Also aligns with the earlier information that she might have been born in 1991 considering she would likely have been a student back then and it also seems likely that she has been living in the Helsinki metropolitan area/capital area for at least 10+ years.
Sini's linkedin also lists her as a student at alfa art from 2010-2013:
Sini is also listed on a page about some event organized by a ski resort gym called Levi Wellness Club Oy. The event took place at the ski resort area called Oy Levi Ski Resort in Lapland Hiihtäjänkuja 10 99130 Sirkka, Kittilä, Finland, and took place on April 17, 2018. Sini is listed as one of the "Event attendees":
Levi Ski Resort:
Levi gym:
There is even a YouTube video of the event, and it's likely Sini is in it:
Apparently there has been some sort of registered company in Finland with the name Nemlei that lists its activities as:
>Kuvataiteen, kirjallisuuden ja animaatioiden tuotanto. Videopelien kehitys ja kustantaminen.
Translation: Production of visual arts, literature and animation. Development and publishing of video games.
It was founded on 04/05/2019 but shut down in February of 2023. Could also have something to do with the whole kit9 studio thing.

Yrityksen Nemlei tiedot
Yrityksen Nemlei yhteystiedot, taloustiedot, palkkatiedot sekä päättäjätiedot löydät Taloustutkasta
Sini and Jared's company has been found!
A Finnish-based company called Kvasaariumi Oy (Ltd.) has been found. Listed as a "Software design and manufacturing" company, it was founded on October 9 2024, is centered in Helsinki, and is owned by both Sini Lumimarja Meskus-Moore and Jared Moore.[7] Below is the company's information, feel free to do whatever you want with it:
Company name: Kvasaariumi Oy
Company form: Limited company
Founding date: October 9 2024
Business ID: 3481519-5
Address: Pohjoisesplanadi 33 00100 Helsinki
Google Maps:,+Finland/@60.1680798,24.9460698,17z
Profinder ID: 8990438
Main industry (Profinder): Applications
Main industry (TOL2008): 62010. Software design and manufacturing
Meskus-Moore Sini Lumimarja - Deputy member
Moore Jared - Full member
The company headquarters appears to be at Pohjoisesplanadi 33, 00100 Helsinki, right in the heart of Helsinki, sitting atop cafe/shopping center. It's primarily used for office space. The property, known as the Merkurius House (Mercury), was renovated in 2019 and now serves as office premises which are used by various Helsinki businesses including Nemlei's Kvasaariumi Ltd.[8] Kvasaariumi shares the building with Fisces Ltd., a tax company whose phone number is +358 44 750 7282. Feel free to send the 'za or something to the place or call the phone number of the tax company to annoy them and get Nemlei kicked out of the office geg.
Nemlei's Soycological Analysis
>if you spam CP on someones website, that website becomes evil or something
>it doesnt matter that the CP is instantly deleted and the poster gets banned
>You WILL NOT investigate the amount of CP that commonly gets posted and shared on mainstream social media sites!
Due to Nemlei's lack of presence online, a behavioral profile is being put together in hopes of identifying accounts that share similar behaviors to the developer. If (You) encounter any account that shares any characteristics described below, create a thread on it so then it can be looked into.
Finding Patterns- Where To Start
For redditors, this is a heckin' wholesome 100 keanu chungus uncanny trans rights in the backrooms moment! (this lump of coal was taken from reddit)
Assuming that Nemlei isn't another psyop to normalize incest or cannibalism. One can figure out exactly how one thinks by dissecting what they create vs how they interact with others. KNOW YOUR ENEMY.
If (You) want to start looking into Nemlei, here are some places to start.
Interactions with comments on most of these interactions were saved onto the Wayback Machine.
Examine how the developer writes their games and their characters.
Look for tropes used by the developer.
Look at common subject matters in games.
Look out for any similarities in the art styles
Motivation behind the Dox
While many outraged people throughout the internet attribute the dox as a means to stifle creative freedom, in reality it was most likely done because inhabitants of /qa/ were angry about "The of The Coffin of Andy and Leyley" threads being posted. It is difficult to pin the blame on any faction, although some believe the zelligsisters may have been involved. While most soyteens find incest and satanism distasteful, it was almost solely the possibility that the game was made by a troon[9] who taunted people to dox xher that motivated /raid/ users to join the dox thread. Further research is being conducted by expert 'teen archeologists and soientists to uncover the whole truth.
Seethe caused
>NOOOOOOO you're only allowed to dox Scott Cawthon and J.K. Rowling!
new 'toss
Mr. Graves, a second Cobson has hit the page
Main article: Literally Who
On November 27th, 2023, some subhuman on Twitter posted the /v/ thread regarding Nemlei's retirement and brought more exposure to the sharty, amassing 12k likes within half a day[10]. Even though barely anything about Nemlei had been doxed other than she's a Finnish woman, people both on xitter, 4cuck, faceboox, and also r/196 have cried their asses (a huge understatement BTW, this BTFO'd moepedoshitters) with some even threatening to dox back the infamous hacker known as "its sharty." What's also hilarious is how quickly the pedos outed themselves even when pedophilia was never mentioned. Almost like tranime and pedophilia is one and the same.
One user, @RevenantFicus, notable for the particularly violent and unhinged seetheralds he produced was found to be a lolicon[11] and a
""""Kindergarten teacher"""" (not real)[12] Also he found himself on the wiki.[13]
Kuri Rinji video
KiwiFarmer Moment:
Some 'tubers also made some videos namedropping the party as well. Kuri made another video later on about Rev says desu getting doxed in which he describes "the soyjak people" as "the very definition of bigotry".[14]
Frapollo94 video
He open Der'cord and his First time hearing of the party has no idea what to say. >Get him the rewards. Also getting doxed when the video is released.
Name: francesco fiorello
DOB: 2001-11-12
IPs:, (milan italy IPs)
Der'cord: /frapollo94
Poor man
Sharty won, 'offin lost.
Ronaldo was fond of the situation
Rev video
Main article: Rev says desu
12 min video with no mention of the party >ez #ShartyVVin.
'Teens have doxed prominent vtuber and tranime slop consumer Rev Says Desu, who most notably is an avid defender of lolicon 'p. In fact just by pointing out how lolicon is litterally just 'ild 'rn, it would trigger a Lee-like responce from Rev who would tell you "YOU JUST DON'T UNDERSTAND JAPANESE CULTURE!!!!", kek. Anyways, Rev is also getting married on December, 1st, 2023 to a ASMR streamer named Darling Strawberry (also going by Shy, who likely cucks xim with Tyrone when xe isn't looking). Though at first 'teens couldn't find any information on Rev, xhey were able to get a lot out of Straw's accounts, such as tracking down using various local stores (like Ingles, Zaxby's, QuikTrip) to narrow down Straw's location to be somewhere near Charlotte, North Carolina (or at the very least in North Carolina). It was also discovered that Rev moved in August of 2021, (leading theory is that xe moved in with Straw in xer apartment, based on other irl posts and the fact they share a recording room). Pictures of a house tour from November of 2021 were found on Straw's patreon.
The pizza is ordered Rev.
The 'za has been ordered.
Some 'tuber made a video about this and at 2:39 refers to the sharty as "Snarky Snappy" GEEEEEEEEEEEEG.
And then he got doxed on October 6th/7th, 2024 just because he criticized some tranime kek[15][16][17]
>snappybros, did we get too snarky?
Hero Hei video
First one min talking about 'tubers model on his private account (Is he on-topic?) Anyways no mention of the party >yet another ez #ShartyVVin.
Asmongold video
28 min video, Big ass XQC Clone reaction rev video on top and leave ass Opinion, Anyways no mention of the party >Huge #ShartyVVin.
Later getting doxed on Christmas, it took 3 Hours to find exact locations.[18]
Zawie video
Using soyjaks on this topic. (Posting Coal)
Nux Taku video
tl;dr Starting at 43:41
He also mentioned a commentary Vtuber being doxed, (no Rev name has been mention on the video.)
The Last part was blames Twitter, no party mention.
In the news
Here is a couple of articles about the sharty V tcoaal saga. Enjoy. <-- Woketard news site BTW.

The Coffin of Andy and Leyley creator doubles down after doxxing
Nemlei, the creator of The Coffin of Andy and Leyley has doubled down after being allegedly doxxed and threatened by social media users. Last month, both Nemlei and some fans were allegedly doxxed by…
The infamous hacker known as "it's sharty"
The infamous hacker known as "it's sharty"
How mentally ill can you be to get this assmad over an incest fetishist getting doxed GEEG
How mentally ill can you be to get this assmad over an incest fetishist getting doxed GEEG
RetardGOD thinks that xhey were doxed on the 'cuck lol
RetardGOD thinks that xhey were doxed on the 'cuck lol
>I am actually upset about this. OHNONONONONONONONO
>I am actually upset about this. OHNONONONONONONONO
Reddit Moment, still thinks that xhey were doxed on the 'cuck
Reddit Moment, still thinks that xhey were doxed on the 'cuck
The sticked post on the TCOAAL subreddit, mentioning the party >possibly CP Didn't do research award.
The sticked post on the TCOAAL subreddit, mentioning the party
>possibly CP Didn't do research award.
r/omori removing all TCOAAL-related content
r/omori removing all TCOAAL-related content
Party mentioned on a reply tweet
Party mentioned on a reply tweet
Confused direction-brain users think "Soyjack Party" is "the far-left equivalent of Kiwifarms". Maybe they're thinking of Rdrama?
Confused direction-brain users think "Soyjack Party" is "the far-left equivalent of Kiwifarms". Maybe they're thinking of Rdrama?
>SHUT IT DOWN!!!!!!!
>SHUT IT DOWN!!!!!!!
Some coomerpedo malding over the rev dox
Some coomerpedo malding over the rev dox
Strawb having a meltdown on twitter
Strawb having a meltdown on twitter
Twitter reacts to rev getting doxed
Twitter reacts to rev getting doxed
/v/ reacts to rev's dox. Notice how easy it is to distinguish the reddit trannies from the rest of the posters (this thread would have been more appropriate on /a/ doe)
/v/ reacts to rev's dox. Notice how easy it is to distinguish the reddit trannies from the rest of the posters (this thread would have been more appropriate on /a/ doe)
Same /v/ thread. Some of them seem to have the notion that rev is some right-wing 'tuber even though he advocates for trannies to be in media all the time
Same /v/ thread. Some of them seem to have the notion that rev is some right-wing 'tuber even though he advocates for trannies to be in media all the time
>you're le tranny if you don't like my CIA-funded early porn introduction propaganda!
>you're le tranny if you don't like my CIA-funded early porn introduction propaganda!
Hypocritical /a/cuck who clearly knows nothing about 4chan's history
Hypocritical /a/cuck who clearly knows nothing about 4chan's history
bro wants to be a /pol/chud so bad

bro wants to be a /pol/chud so bad

Huh, Look's like Australia did something good.
Huh, Look's like Australia did something good.
8cucks showing off incredible amounts of cope, to the point of trying to false report the website
8cucks showing off incredible amounts of cope, to the point of trying to false report the website
The letter
The letter
Also, check out this R/196 thread, TONS of seething comments from reddit trannies about the sharty itself and the dox:
And this blogpost from a seething irl soyjak, lmao:
There's plenty of more seethe that was mined, just google "nemlei doxed" and enjoy
See also
The Amazing Digital Circus
Rev says desu
Operation 9/11
The Coffin of Andy and Leyley is part of a series on
Trolling and Raids
Visit the Soyfare portal for more.
Do we even know, who is this Snarky Snappy person or website?
Types of raids
Trolling groups
The Coffin of Andy and Leyley
is part of a series on
the coal that is killing /soy/
Forced Memes
It's just her own game studio which Jared founded, doe
Cite error: Invalid <ref> tag; no text was provided for refs named geg
File:NintendoTCOAL.png (Live Fan art worker reaction.) (Archived:; (Archived:
Because I said so, OKAY?!?!
Just calm down, you weren't worth it.
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