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    Josh the fatty may ban you for weight loss advice or an anime avatar. Kengle the fatty won't and never will.


We're 8 days in the past bros. It's like Edge of Tomorrow but even worse. Just some e-stalker, oops gossip forum, sorry.
If the Supreme Court takes this case, this is as high stakes as it gets. And yes news media will be salivating at this once they start digging into kiwifarms. This could actually benefit us in terms of free publicity.
The Supreme Court will not take any of these cases. People need some perspective on how small KiwiFarms is, how inconsequential the rulings have been, and how many lawsuits are filed per year, even publicized ones, which these are not.
Tismguide said:
Given this petition shows up right after the legal fund I'm guessing it was not done for free.
AnOminous said:
Did you read it? Does that look like some shit that was done for free?
Null said:
Like 2/5th of the expense was just getting it bound and printed for the Court's rules. It's not cheap to file these.

Is Josh saying that 2/5th of the legal fund is gone or is he saying that 2/5th of the cost of this filing were spent?

I am assuming that of the expenses incurred in filing this with the Supreme Court was the preparation for filing (bound and printed).
The actual filing is $300. I am assuming the rest of the fund would be used for the lawyers time in arguing the case before the supreme court.
Filing with the supreme court.jpg
Josh seems pretty confident. He said it’ll be in the next two months :story:
He's confident he can cause trouble for people on his way out. Have the Kiwis figured out that if this does succeed it will be the end of KF necessarily?

Even if Null could keep the website up somehow he would have so many new enemies with connections it would be over for him. How is painting a giant target on your poor set upon website supposed to help?
Small update on the Josh Moon Legal strategy. This week on MATI Null reveals that his real plan is to start up a grift with Hardin where they issue FOIA requests and sue for non-compliance. It's not time stamped but he talks about it right at the start.
If any of his simps had a spine they might be mad he took their money and used it to bankroll a get rich quick scheme.
better late than never.
The OP didn't make sense to me. What the fuck is KF even contesting?
Hopefully this helps you understand


  1. Whether receiving a takedown notice is sufficient to prove knowledge of copyright infringement.
  2. Whether posting a takedown notice contributes to any prior or ongoing direct copyright infringement.
  3. Whether the posting of a link to copyrighted material at a third-party provider is the same as posting the infringing material itself.
Josh is looking to fight Greer in the Supreme Court, potentially setting copyright law precedent
Oh my sides. I just re-read the judgement in Greer v Moon at the appellate level and then the petition for certiorari the Kiwis have their widdle hopes pinned on.

Greer, being legally untrained, has sued Moon and the website as parties. The website is not a legal entity, Josh is and his company is. Neither side have taken this point. Hardin has appealed in the name of this non-existent entity, which gives him difficulties like how has it authorized him to act as his attorney? Makes ya think. Unless of course Greer meant the website is an unincorporated association, like a club or his new lawyers are construing it that way.

Leaving aside that dubious question, Josh's problem is that this is not a hard issue. The court ruled against him and denied re-hearing en-banc because it is a no-brainer. They identified the standard then applied it to the facts,
Dem Pesky Appeal Judges in Dat 10th Circuit said:
Under the inducement rule, the Supreme Court has held “one who distributes a device with the object of promoting its use to infringe copyright, as shown by clear expression or other affirmative steps taken to foster infringement, is liable for the resulting acts of infringement by third parties.” Grokster, 545 U.S. at 936–37. Inducement requires a showing of “affirmative intent,” such as “active steps . . . taken to encourage direct infringement” or “advertising an infringing use.”

On an application for demurrer, facts will usually be construed in the jeopardized party's favor. Dem judges aren't stoopid. The idea of encouraging someone to do something without being explicit, nudge, nudge, wink, wink ain't new. If it might be proven at trial they have to take it as true at this stage.
Null has apparently reached an out-of-court agreement with Epik:
[Resolved] Domain Registrar & Epik's Seizure
Null said:
I'll repeat myself from the other thread and then close this one. We reached an out of court agreement, which resolves the litigation issue. My requests were that Epik would issue a retraction in public, provide a certified copy of such retraction for other litigation purposes, and then assist me in contacting NICs to get a domain we lost to an intermediary RIR returned to me.
Epik is a company now owned by a very big company and nobody wants to get into shit over that, but I would have because the claims are so wtf audacious. It was very obvious that a retraction would be the most expedient and mutually beneficial outcome.
I'm still ready to go to court over defamation but I'm going to try once again to be nice.

https://kiwifarmsaaf4t2h7gc3dfc5ojh...-registrar-epiks-seizure.178088/post-17986296 Ar: https://archive.is/LH9Lc#selection-3139.0-3151.91
If he goes to court, Null should sue them for deformation because he had to squeeze his corpulent frame into a human sized chair.

I bet he asked for money and their lawyers turned him down. This wishy-washy retraction isn't the W that Moobs is painting it to be. They didn't say unequivocally that there's no CP on kiwi farms, in fact they said in their "certified retraction" that there's content on KF that they don't like. The only part they walked back was directly saying there's CSAM on the farms, they dialed that down to not having seen it directly which is barely any less damning than the original statement.
If he goes to court, Null should sue them for deformation because he had to squeeze his corpulent frame into a human sized chair.

I bet he asked for money and their lawyers turned him down. This wishy-washy retraction isn't the W that Moobs is painting it to be. They didn't say unequivocally that there's no CP on kiwi farms, in fact they said in their "certified retraction" that there's content on KF that they don't like. The only part they walked back was directly saying there's CSAM on the farms, they dialed that down to not having seen it directly which is barely any less damning than the original statement.
I love the term “corpulent” lol nicest way to say someone is a fatass 😂