Meet the ‘elite’ couples breeding to save mankind
Meet the ‘elite’ couples breeding to save mankind
At the beginning of March, Aria Babu quit her job at a think tank to dedicate herself to something most people have never heard of. Having worked in public policy for several years, the 26-year-old Londoner had come to an alarming realisation about the future of the UK, the world – and the
After reading this article about how the elite are dating and breeding, I decided to have a look at some of the services mentioned in this piece that the elite are apparently using to maximize their breeding patterns.
‘It became clear to me that people wanted more children than they were having,’ Babu says. ‘Considering this is such a massive part of people’s lives, the fact that they were not able to fulfil this want was clearly indicative that something was wrong.’
The new focus of Babu’s career is a philosophy known as pronatalism, literally meaning pro-birth. Its core tenet is deceptively simple: our future depends on having enough children, and yet life in developed countries has become hostile to this basic biological imperative. Linked to the subcultures of rationalism and ‘effective altruism’ (EA), and bolstered by declining birth rates, it has been gaining currency in Silicon Valley and the wider tech industry – especially its more conservative corners.
‘I’ve been in various text threads with technology entrepreneurs who share that view… there are really smart people that have real concern around this,’ says Ben Lamm, a Texas biotech entrepreneur whose company Colossal is developing artificial wombs and other reproductive tech (or ‘reprotech’) that could boost future fertility.
So I decided to have a look at this Texas based Colossal company that's supposedly developing artificial wombs:
Ben Lamm - Founder and CEO - Colossal Biosciences
Founder and CEO
Colossal Biosciences
Jul 2021 - Present1 year 10 months
Dallas, Texas, United States
Colossal is a breakthrough bioscience and genetic engineering company that builds radical new technologies to advance the field of genomics. Colossal creates disruptive technologies for extinct species restoration, critically endangered species protection and the repopulation of critical ecosystems that support the continuation of life on Earth. The company is the first to apply CRISPR technology for the purposes of species de-extinction, beginning with the woolly mammoth. Colossal is accepting humanity’s duty to restore Earth to a healthier state, while also solving for the future economies and biological necessities of the human condition through cutting-edge science and technologies.
Reawakening the Lost Wilds of Earth
Extinction is a colossal problem facing the world. See how COLOSSAL, the de-extinction company, is developing the science that will save us, our planet and the species that inhabit
Not a word about artificial wombs in their bio. Typical.
So I visited their Youtube channel:
Again, nothing about artificial wombs here, just about them recreating extinct animals like the Dodo. I guess that journalist from the Telegraph got the scoop on the artificial wombs or something. Why hide this, Colossal? Why hide the fact that you're working on making women obsolete?
Next, I decided to have a look at the AI matchmaker mentioned here:
‘We are quite familiar with the pronatalist movement and are supporters of it,’ says Jake Kozloski, the Miami-based co-founder of an AI matchmaking service called Keeper, which aims to address the ‘fertility crisis fueled by a marriage crisis’ by helping clients find the other parent of their future children.
Let's have a look at this dating app for the elite:
Jake Kozloski - Co-Founder and CEO - Keeper | LinkedIn
Co-Founder and CEO
May 2022 - Present 1 year
Miami, Florida, United States
Tell us what you want in a partner. We only match you with serious people who fit the bill. Find the one, not just anyone.
Backed by Bain Capital Ventures, Champion Hill Ventures, Sovereign Capital and others.
Keeper - Meet the one you're looking for.
Keeper helps you find lasting love with the right person using AI and human matchmakers. Match with the one, not just anyone.![]()
Keeper - Meet the one you're looking for.
Keeper helps you find lasting love with the right person using AI and human matchmakers. Match with the one, not just
So I visited this website and it seemed geared at straight couples.
Filter for anything.
Dating apps only give you a dozen or so filters. On Keeper, tell us everything that matters to you.
So I checked if you can filter for troons or anyone else from the get-to but it doesn't show the filters. Instead, you have to schedule a paid-for 30 minute face2face consultation with someone at Keeper who's going to interview you about your dating preferences. It doesn't even give you their rates up-front, which definitely looks kinda scummy and scammy to me.

In one of their blog articles they explain their payment plans: either you pay them a sum for every first date with a suitor (which sounds kinda escort-y to me...) or you pay them some kind of a "cyber-dowry" if the match results in marriage.
Keeper’s initial product is a high-end, high-touch matchmaking service. We facilitate romantic connections where the man and woman meet all of each other’s stated preferences for a long-term partner. Men or women can either pay for first dates or put down a deposit to receive free matches (one at a time), which converts to payment upon marriage.
I read their "About" page where they list their guiding principles/company values, and I suspect they included this entry about biology at the very bottom of the list to let their "knowing" customers know that they are secretly a Gender Critical company who won't shame you or deny you service if you don't want to date trannies:
Humans are the product of millions of years of evolution. Evolutionary biologists have studied the way men and women act when seeking long-term partners. They behave differently. They have different preferences, different communication styles, and different ways of seeking long-term partners. Dating apps completely ignore sex-linked differences. As a result, the way they generate so-called “matches” has helped fuel a culture of hook-ups rather than marriages. Keeper takes human psychology seriously, so we are realistic about how to match people for long-term success.
Keeper - Meet the one you’re looking for
Keeper helps you find lasting love with the right person using AI and human matchmakers. Match with the one, not just
This is from their blog:
Current Options [on other generic dating apps]: Uniform and unisex user profiles ignoring individual preferences, sex differences, and the nuances of attraction psychology.
Keeper: Profiles are sex-differentiated and tailored to each user's preferences, emphasizing the traits that each individual cares about the most.
The Master Plan | Keeper
Keeper CEO Jake Kozloski explains how Keeper addresses the global marriage decline and solves the fertility crisis, and how we’re going to get
This to me suggests that the elites are all gender critical and very aware of biological sex differences being an evolutionary fact of life, they just want to force all that TRA shit on the rest of us to dumb us down and control us.
Continuing with the article:
In an Insider article last November that helped bring the movement to wider attention, 23andMe co-founder Linda Avey acknowledged its influence on the Texan tech scene, while the managing director of an exclusive retreat, Dialog, co-founded by arch-conservative investor and [GAY!!!] PayPal pioneer Peter Thiel, said population decline was a frequent topic there.
So let's have a look at this Dialog Retreat where the elites apparently go to talk about their breeding strategies...
Hey! I got an exclusive invitation to this off-the-record conference . . . but I think I’ll take 3515 Jamaican beef patties instead.
Posted on February 16, 2022 9:07 AM by Andrew
Andrew –
You have been invited to Dialog 2022—an off-the-record retreat for global leaders. See below for a list of confirmed participants. . . .
There are no speeches or panels—only many moderated breakout discussions for 8-12 participants. Everything is 100% off-the-record. The agenda is curated based on your interests. (And, we optimize for introverts—no small talk.)
Click here to register.
Dialog 2022 Retreat - Ungated Page
Registration closes on March 16. Your registration has been highly discounted. Use discount code INSIGHT22.
Dialog Retreat 2022
When: December 1 – 4, 2022
Where: The Ritz Carlton, Bacara | Santa Barbara, CA
This invitation is only for Andrew Gelman and is non-transferable.
Apparently Tulsi Gabbard attends this retreat:
Tulsi Gabbard – Lieutenant Colonel, US Army Reserves. Fmr. Congresswoman (D-HI), U.S. House of Representatives. [Honolulu]
So does Steve Pinker:
Steve Pinker – Professor, Psychology, Harvard University. Author, Enlightenment Now, The Better Angels of Our Nature. [Boston]
But it'll cost you 17k to meet them in the flesh:
$16,846, huh? For that amount of money I could pay for 6 to 12 years of Wiley Computational Statistics journal, or 5 articles in a Research Media publication. All in all, I’d rather just have 4222 Big Macs.
This comment is telling of where the wind is blowing amongst the elites: they are definitely anti-woke:
If the overall list of invites reflects that published list, there’s gonna be a whole lotta “anti-woke” dialog going on there. My guess that will be the topic of about 90% of the convos.
Dialog is completely off the radar but it one of those groups that have extremely high influence on global events. It was founded in 2006 by Peter Thiel, Elon Musk, Reid Hoffman, and Eric Schmidt — all well-known high-tech CEOs working on expanding their influence. Senators Cory Booker and Ted Cruz are active participants.
Dialog Retreat needs more transparency on what transpires, who attends, and what decisions get made. There is no sunlight on Dialog today. While I don’t think Dialog should be banned completely, government officials that attend should have to publicly disclose who they engaged with and what they talked about. “Off-the-record” sounds nice but it is another way of saying “the public does not need to know.”
The reason these exclusive retreats are off-record is so that the elites can say based shit without getting recorded and cancelled on social media. Cowards. Just come out of your elite fox holes and fucking say what "ever" the plebs are thinking.
At the centre of it all are Simone and Malcolm Collins, two 30-something American entrepreneurs turned philosophers – and parents – who say they are only the most outspoken proponents of a belief that many prefer to keep private. In 2021 they founded a ‘non-denominational’ campaign group called, under the umbrella of their non-profit Pragmatist Foundation. Buoyed by a $482,000 (£385,000) donation from Jaan Tallinn, an Estonian tech billionaire who funds many rationalist and EA organisations, it is now lobbying governments, meeting business leaders, and seeking partnerships with reprotech companies and fertility clinics.
So I decided to look up this Pragmatist Foundation, and they're very humble and down-to-earth with their goals: "Specifically, we aim to lay the foundations for a diverse, technophilic, interplanetary empire for the descendants of man".
The Pragmatist foundation was created to serve as a nexus for an alternate approach to maximizing the positive impact people can achieve with their lives optimized around long-term impact at a civilizational level.
Specifically, we aim to lay the foundations for a diverse, technophilic, interplanetary empire for the descendants of man.
Rather than making incremental improvements to the status quo, we focus on planting the seed that will blossom into the next great civilization.
We do this by coalescing like-minded families, providing high-quality, affordable gifted education, democratizing nepotism to allow for a truer meritocracy, and supporting reproductive technologies ranging from from genetic screening to artificial wombs.
The Pragmatist Foundation – Dedicated to promoting pragmatic perspectives and approaches
The Collinses did not coin the word ‘pronatalism’, which has long been used (along with ‘natalism’) to describe government policies aimed at increasing birth rates, or mainstream pro-birth positions such as that of the Catholic Church. Its opposite is ‘anti-natalism’, the idea that it is wrong to bring a new person into the world if they are unlikely to have a good life. Lyman Stone, a natalist demographer and research fellow at the US’s Institute for Family Studies, has described the Collinses’ philosophy as ‘a very unusual subculture’ compared to millions of everyday natalists. Yet it is their version – a secular, paradoxically unorthodox reconstruction of arguably the most traditional view on earth, driven by alarm about a looming population catastrophe – that is prospering among the tech elite.
‘I don’t think it’s appealing to [just] Silicon Valley people,’ Malcolm tells me on a long call from his home in Pennsylvania. ‘It’s more like, anyone who is familiar with modern science and familiar with the statistics is aware that this is an issue, and they are focused on it. The reason why you see Silicon Valley people disproportionately being drawn to this is they’re obsessed with data enough, and wealthy enough, to be looking at things – and who also have enough wealth and power that they’re not afraid of being cancelled.’
Here comes the big gender reveal: Most of these elite breeders are "pale and male", but this is totally not about saving the white race or anything:
The problem, he concedes, is that falling birth rates are also a common preoccupation of neo-Nazis and other ethno-nationalists, who believe they are being outbred and ‘replaced’ by other races. ‘A lot of alleged concerns about fertility decline are really poorly masked racist ideas about what kinds of people they want on the planet,’ says demographer Bernice Kuang of the UK’s Centre for Population Change.
The Collinses strongly disavow racism and reject the idea that any country’s population should be homogenous. Still, Babu finds that many in the rationalist and EA community, which skews pale and male, are wary of exploring pronatalism – lest they be ‘tarred with the brush of another white man who just wants an Aryan trad-wife’.
But the Collinses contend that this kind of future is exactly what they are trying to prevent. ‘People often compare our group to Handmaid’s Tale-like thinking,’ says Malcolm, ‘and I’m like: excuse me, do you know what happens if we, the voluntary movement, fails…? Cultures will eventually find a way to fix this; how horrifying those mechanisms are depends on whether or not our group finds an ethical way.’ Though they define themselves politically as conservatives – Malcolm invariably votes Republican – they claim to favour LGBT rights and abortion rights and oppose any attempt to pressure those who don’t want children into parenthood.
Instead, they say, their hope is to preserve a ‘diverse’ range of cultures that might otherwise begin to die out within the next 75 to 100 years. They want to build a movement that can support people of all colours and creeds who already want to have large families, but are stymied by society – so that ‘some iteration of something that looks like modern Western civilisation’ can be saved.
And of course they gave their child a weird name that would get them bullied to death if they were a regular child going to a regular public school (but these are the rich, so they probably have like 5 nannies to homeschool their kids for them):
As she says this, her five-month-old daughter Titan Invictus – the couple refuse to give girls feminine names, citing research suggesting they will be taken less seriously – is strapped to her chest, occasionally burbling, while Malcolm has charge of their two sons Torsten, two, and Octavian, three. They live in the leafy suburbs of Philadelphia, balancing parenthood with full-time jobs as co-chief-executives of a travel company, writing books about pronatalism, and their non-profit projects (to which they donated 44 per cent of their post-tax income last year). They project an image of accentuated preppiness, dressing in ultra-crisp country club, business casual when photographers visit, and are effusive and open to the press. Malcolm starts our interview by saying, ‘Absolutely spectacular to meet you!’
This part is hilarious, because the catch is that the husband is the one raising the kids. Which is like, OK, whatever works for you, but don't pretend like the average husband is that mindful (or capable) of his wife's wishes:
What changed Simone’s mind was not any kind of Stepfordian conversion but a simple promise from Malcolm that she would not have to surrender her career. So it proved. She took no time off during Octavian’s gestation, answered business calls while in labour, and returned to the office five days after his birth. She stays with each child continuously for their first six months, carrying them in a chest harness while working at a treadmill desk, after which Malcolm handles the bulk of child-raising. She finds she gets a productivity bump with each newborn – ‘You’re up every three hours anyway, so why not knock off some emails?’
9 billion is not what I would call "endangered", calm the fuck down LMAO:
‘If this was an animal species it would be called endangered,’ says Malcolm. ‘We would be freaking out that they are about to go extinct.’ He begins our interview by speaking without interruption for nearly half an hour, incredibly quickly and with frenetic intensity as if chased by the enormity of what is coming.
Here's the part of the article that The Laughing Daiymo is going to love, so I hope Ethan gets to read this:
Take the UK’s current economic doldrums and broken public services, which Babu blames partly on the combination of Britain’s ageing population and the flight of younger immigrants after Brexit. What happens when populations everywhere are ageing or shrinking? One omen is Japan, which is ageing faster than any other nation. A Yale professor called Yusuke Narita, who has become an icon among angry young people, has proposed ‘mass suicide and mass seppuku [ritual disembowelment] of the elderly’ as ‘the only solution’, although he later said that this was merely ‘an abstract metaphor’.
Of course I went and looked that up just to fact-check, and holy shit it's true:
A Yale Professor Suggested Mass Suicide for Old People in Japan.
A Yale Professor Suggested Mass Suicide for Old People in Japan. What Did He Mean?
Yusuke Narita says he is mainly addressing a growing effort to revamp Japan’s age-based hierarchies. Still, he has pushed the country’s hottest
*Shocked Pikachu Face* right-wing authoritarians fuck without a condom a lot:
For the Collinses, all of this is only part of the crisis, because the fertility of different cultural groups is not declining uniformly. Research by found that higher birth rates are associated with what some psychologists call the ‘Right-wing authoritarian personality’ – or, as Malcolm puts it, ‘an intrinsic dislike and distrust of anybody who is not like them’. That is, says Malcolm, emphatically not his or Simone’s brand of conservatism, which welcomes immigration and wants a pluralistic, multicultural society in which all groups are free to raise their children in their own way of life. By contrast, progressives and environmentalists have fewer children on average, not least because of a widespread despair about climate change among millennials and Gen Z.
Oh, this argument is great in term of alarmist fear-mongering: the "Global Natsees" will outbreed them:
There is also emerging evidence that the personality traits thought to undergird political beliefs – such as empathy, risk-taking, and a preference for competition vs cooperation – may be partly inherited. A literature review by New York University and the University of Wisconsin found evidence that political ideology is about 40 per cent genetic. Hence, the Collinses fear that as fertility declines it will not be some racial Other who outbreeds everyone else but each culture’s equivalent of the neo-Nazis. ‘We are literally heading towards global Nazism, but they all hate each other!’ says Malcolm.
My answer to this is, if fascists are destined to inherit the future, SFW? No one else will be around anyway, so let these Natsees outbreed eachother to see who's the whitest of them all. Basic genetics dictates that evolution values diversity and that interbreeding results in degeneracy, so let them knock themselves out with the inbreeding.
What is to be done? ‘Our solution is, uh, we don’t have a solution,’ he admits.He says the only things proven to increase birth rates are poverty and the oppression of women, which are bad and should be stamped out. The only hope is to find those few families that combine liberal, pluralistic politics, such as support for LGBT rights, with high fertility – or create new, hybrid micro-cultures that value both – and help them multiply.
That means creating new educational and childcare institutions, supporting alternative family structures (the nuclear family is historically very unusual, and struggles to support large broods), repealing red tape such as sperm- and egg-freezing regulations, and cutting the cost of fertility treatments.
The super rich don't want their children to be woke, but they are OK with everyone else's children being dragged into the SJW TRA cult:
‘We’re trying to rebuild the high-trust networks that existed before the industrial revolution,’ says’s 20-year-old executive director Lillian Tara. ‘Raising children takes a village, and we’re trying to create that village.’ It also means resisting any attempt by what Malcolm calls the ‘woke mind virus’ to assimilate their children into a progressive monoculture.
When the super rich have children, they can screen a basket of embryos for obesity, migraines and anxiety and pick out the best one to grow into a fetus, but they want the rest of us to continue having retarded babies to serve them:
Then there are those who struggle with inheritable problems such as depression and schizophrenia. Diana Fleischman says she knows many ‘wonderful people’ who are leery about having children for this reason. Such problems could be mitigated by genetic screening and embryo selection. Titan was born through just such a process, the Collinses tell me, winning out over other embryos that had higher estimated risks of traits such as obesity, migraines and anxiety.
LMAO, "Musk is not of this persuation", bitch of course he is:
The idea of using birth rates to influence future politics is one many will find alarming. It echoes the American ‘Quiverfull’ movement, which dictates that Christians should breed profusely so that over time society will be stuffed full of good believers.
Malcolm is blunt that some techies are trying to do just that. ‘Silicon Valley people, they’ve done the math, and they actually do want to replace the world with their children,’ he says. ‘They’re like, “Oh yeah, I have eight kids, and if those kids have eight kids, and those kids have eight kids, then at the end my kids will make up the majority of the world’s population… I understand these people’s mindset. They’ve been economically successful… they think they’re better than other people.’ (Musk, he insists, is not of this persuasion.)
This statement is fucking creepy: "I'm gonna photocopy myself into the future"
Fleischman says she has encountered this too: ‘A lot of this is secret, because it’s just not socially acceptable to say, “I’m going to use my wealth to make as many half-copies of myself as possible. I’m going to photocopy myself into the future.”’
Anyone who uses a creepy phrase such as "spamming your genes" should be given the Yusuke Narita treatment:
The Collinses aren’t worried about this, because they think it is doomed to fail. They want to build a durable family culture that their descendants will actually want to be part of, not just ‘spam their genes’, and to help other families with different values do the same. ‘You have an 18-year sales pitch to your kids… and if you fail, well f—k you – your kid’s gonna leave,’ says Simone. ‘The people who carry forward their culture and viewpoints are going to be people who love being parents.’
If KF discovers this article, you know they are gonna go nuts over this part: "Simone, who herself is autistic and Jewish"
The Collinses – despite using embryo selection – say they reject that kind of eugenics, and Malcolm pours scorn on the ‘pseudoscience’ idea that intelligence or political personality traits differ meaningfully between ethnicities. Rather, he argues that they cluster in much smaller cultural groups such as families or like-minded subcultures. When screening their own embryos, the Collinses did not worry about traits such as autism or ADHD. ‘We don’t think humanity can be perfected, we just want to give our kids the best possible roll of the dice,’ says Simone, who herself is autistic and Jewish.
Some of the comments underneath this piece:
The elite make money from high populations. The more the people the more chaos and problems the more opportunity to make money. Not to mention the more people the more essentials they need to buy and the elite invest in all these companies. That’s why the GOP doesn’t like abortions, plain and simple. It’s has nothing to do with religion.
These people are creepy and entitled. Their children are unlikely to have the skill needed to save a world where their modern gadgets don't work and they don't have someone else to do the manual labor for them. Cooking, cleaning, basic farming, basic carpentry/repair skills. They'll be sitting there crying for a barista.
Americans, contrary to what they’d like you to believe, don’t actually like children. If they did, they wouldn't work so hard to make raising a child in the US so difficult. They only reason the people in power want you to have more children is so they can become worker drones to prop up the rich.