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Kiwifarms Gossip & Slap Fights KF General 2.0

These threads cover general gossip and interacting with Kiwifarms (openly calling them out).
This person doesn't know what to do with themselves because Daniel Larson is locked up.
Im sick of these idiots. Not even worth posting on there anymore. its nothing but cliques, feds and bot shills like vniggers.

Any of the posters that made the site what it was have been banned by jewsh or left and the site doesn’t even discuss lolcows anymore. Its just obviously underage retards sperging about the hysterics of the day derailing most threads and virtue signalling about it.
I tried to read that first screenshot and my eyes glazed over. What in the word salad???

This is reminiscent of the tranny pearl clutching over Hogwarts Legacy. Even the mods of Reset Era got scuttled for buying and playing the game.

The real truth is that women are a huge chunk of Dragon Age's audience and its because Bioware realized that if they put in attractive white men in their games for female protagonists to kiss, then they will sell gazillions of copies. And DAI proved that correct despite being ugly as fuck!

The truth is that Bioware can do whatever they want so long as they do not impede the player's ability to make himself He-Man/herself Barbie. They know that. I would even go so far as to say that this is a drastically cynical move on Bioware's part. Patrick Weekes has spent the last few years pretending to be a tranny (after more years spent being a chaser) to ensure that EA can't fire him even when they're sniping his colleagues. There's a deeper agenda at work than just Bioware being woke for no reason.

TERFs and conservatives have always fundamentally misunderstood the "woke agenda" BS. They babble their asses off about woowoo shit like "woke mind viruses" because they can't figure out that wokeness is insanely lucrative. I'm only surprised that these TERFs aren't attributing Bioware's """"""""new""""""""" wokeness to their astrological signs.

This niggers are crying about Baldur's Gate 3, one of the best games to come out in the past decade, because you can rub your balls on Wyll's big black master sword.

Why are conservatives so stupid? BG3 is the game that pulled aside the curtain and showed how the games industry has been making bad videogames on purpose and that it is still possible to make fun and stunning vidya in Current Year. Of course these types scream like they're on fire because teh ghey!!!!!1111!! Why bother having good videogames??? Good vidya is fraudulent and homosexual! Please serve us more bug laden goyslop shooters EA, because those affirm my heterosexuality!!!!

Reject retarded right wing goyslop and play Baldur's Gate 3.

It is a sign that social media is actively a destructive force to humankind. My memory is fuzzy now but I don't remember this kind of posturing (where men and women frantically try to act out their worst stereotypes) happening when the internet was a series of webshrines and forums tenuously connected via web rings. The doomers on r/nosurf are correct to a certain degree about the detrimental effect of the internet.
above all, why do conservatives care so fucking much about these, let alone get so affected by them like idk, snowflakes?

If I see some woke cartoon like Velma (tbf no one liked it) all I do is just to look the other way and find something else to entertain myself.
I think the intent here is to stop the hundreds of posts in those types of lolcow threads that add zero discussion but yell about how pedophiles deserve the woodchipper (they do but it also makes thread filled with virtue signaling spam). If you're not a pedophile, you don't have to remind the world every second of the day that you are not a pedophile and dislike them.
I think the intent here is to stop the hundreds of posts in those types of lolcow threads that add zero discussion but yell about how pedophiles deserve the woodchipper (they do but it also makes thread filled with virtue signaling spam). If you're not a pedophile, you don't have to remind the world every second of the day that you are not a pedophile and dislike them.
That's a fair point. They should keep it if it's funny mocking of his pedo tendencies but regular virtue signaling does get repetitive.
Larry David's Opera Cape blames modern degeneracy on the birth control pill.
Just wondering what your specific concern was, because usually when people say that, they are worrying that in order to roll back this part of the insanity, they will have to sacrifice some form of progress ("progress," usually) they thought was good. It's understandable.

I think it might not be fixable except through the most extreme regressions, something pretty much no one wants.

I'm not even a papist, but I can see how wrenching apart human sexuality from human reproduction, mid-20th century with the contraceptive pill, was the turning point for all of this. You don't have to oppose it for religious reasons or anything like that. You can even see how it's reasonable and helpful to be able to space out births. But those things were apparently paired up for a reason and having violently unpaired them, modern man (and woman) has been on a downward spiral of depravity and degeneration.

Without that technology, we would have none of this. It would be unthinkable. You teach school, you get married, you start having babies, you go home and raise them, you come back a middle aged marm.

The whole idea that it is "medical help" to cut up reproductive systems would be unthinkable if we still understood them as "organs of generation" and not just "organs of pleasure."

Like I said, I'm not one of those trad catholics who fantasizes about everyone having to have an econoline van full of kids, or else. I just see that we thought we could reason our way around nature, but maybe things got completely and irretrevably fucked up.
I think the intent here is to stop the hundreds of posts in those types of lolcow threads that add zero discussion but yell about how pedophiles deserve the woodchipper (they do but it also makes thread filled with virtue signaling spam). If you're not a pedophile, you don't have to remind the world every second of the day that you are not a pedophile and dislike them.
That's understandable, but what's not is the ongoing tolerance of their presence on Kiwi Farms.
That's a fair point. They should keep it if it's funny mocking of his pedo tendencies but regular virtue signaling does get repetitive.
The umbrella of sexual degeneracy is usually the least funny aspect of a cow. How many times have you heard the same exact jokes about Nick, Dax, or Chris that were barely above a chuckle the first time you heard it?
That's understandable, but what's not is the ongoing tolerance of their presence on Kiwi Farms.
Devi's advocate: keeping cows in-house to have a focused thread making fun of them that they engage with is more fun/funny than just yelling into an echo chamber about how bad the pedo is by posting screenshots of their social media posts. I don't know who this particular cow is but all the ones with 1000 page threads of the cow engaging with the farms are funny to read while active.
The umbrella of sexual degeneracy is usually the least funny aspect of a cow. How many times have you heard the same exact jokes about Nick, Dax, or Chris that were barely above a chuckle the first time you heard it?

Devi's advocate: keeping cows in-house to have a focused thread making fun of them that they engage with is more fun/funny than just yelling into an echo chamber about how bad the pedo is by posting screenshots of their social media posts. I don't know who this particular cow is but all the ones with 1000 page threads of the cow engaging with the farms are funny to read while active.
That's a really misguided view. Keeping pedophiles in a thread to mock them isn't edgy or funny, it's just reckless. By engaging with them in this way, you're giving them attention and oxygen.
Plus a platform that could attract other like-minded individuals.
Quite a few people on the farms have been posting similar sentiments

It's a really old argument from when birth control was first becoming available
He posted in another thread that allowing teens birth control is what lead to trans teens getting tiddy Skittles.
As I keep telling people- this shit started with "sensible" things to middle-of-the-roaders like "access to contraceptives to prevent teen pregnancies." The premise that parents are abusive brutes who will knock a kid's teeth out for asking about the Pill is what got us "trans kids."
The umbrella of sexual degeneracy is usually the least funny aspect of a cow. How many times have you heard the same exact jokes about Nick, Dax, or Chris that were barely above a chuckle the first time you heard it?
Muh bent duck, muh unclit. It was pretty funny when they called ADF an "antifa supper slopper", but of course that had nothing to do with his sexual degeneracy.
That's a really misguided view. Keeping pedophiles in a thread to mock them isn't edgy or funny, it's just reckless. By engaging with them in this way, you're giving them attention and oxygen.
Plus a platform that could attract other like-minded individuals.
You're doing the Kiwi thing of looking for deeper intentions in what is ultimately superficial decisions: poking the retard was more fun than banning the retard at the time. There's not some massive scheme to normalize pedophiles on KF, just dumb decisions by even dumber mods and admin. It happens with such frequency because the site attracts autistic retards and they tend to be dumb enough to admit it in the open, then just kept around to make fun of by people on the same spectrum.
Muh bent duck, muh unclit. It was pretty funny when they called ADF an "antifa supper slopper", but of course that had nothing to do with his sexual degeneracy.
Time for the 3000th post by AutisticRight about Juju the Cow that was never funny.
poking the retard was more fun than banning the retard at the time.
It really was. It was hilarious when the cow would come into their thread and get really mad about it. It was one of the best things about the site. I don't know if it stopped mostly because KF got delisted on Google or what.
Why wouldn't you want to get your kid help for depression though? You could always go the therapy route if you don't want him taking SSRIs.
My dad actually did deny his doctor to screen my little brother for depression. And the doctor proceeded to try and argue, at first playing nice ("It's just some simple harmless questions") then threatening, implying that denial could look bad on paper. Luckily my dad is sharp and worked in the medical field at the time so he didn't fall for this implied threat. He actually ended up making the doctor afraid he would get a formal complaint.

The average person doesn't know all of this stuff and thinks they HAVE to allow it. It's evil. This shit should be illegal.
He posted in another thread that allowing teens birth control is what lead to trans teens getting tiddy Skittles.

At this point I think David Larry'soperacape is completely drunk off the far right cool aid. And up his own ass
Wow. lmao.
This makes 4 known pedos that they are keeping on site. For their personal amusement.