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Kiwifarms Gossip & Yarring KF General 2.0

These threads cover general gossip and interacting with Kiwifarms (openly calling them out).
The new declines of Kiwifarms
Barbarella shills Josh's shitty shirts for free.
I had a regular dental appointment and the dentist hit my lingual nerve. It was like a shock then my tongue went dead. Only half. One side of my tongue was numb for a full year. Couldn’t taste either. They said it might not ever come back but it did. I slurred for a couple days but already being able to speak, I adjusted quickly.

Atlas once said “yeah” on a walk on a path way ahead of his mom. It wasn’t clear, but he said it. He does make noise as we’ve heard him scream a few times. Not making truck or train sounds though, just screaming. I don’t remember him babbling like Woody is doing now but long before she would have considered a speech problem she got into those dumb boomerangs.

I’m looking forward to hearing if he is saying words. Even if he’s very delayed, the fact that he can communicate would be good.

(FYI: Head on down to The Situation to vote for Halloween merch. Null is remembering females and will order women’s cut tees if anybody wants them. He has to have a hundred votes to order them. There is also a Viking zippered hoodie for the first time. Vote in the poll to let him know what you want, sale shoukd start early Oct. )


Edited to add link.
3 pages of calling random people solzhenitsyns :takeyourmeds:
If men had periods, they'd be proud of them, they'd boast about them
Troons are already boasting about their periods, which in reality is their neovagina being infected and leaking pus
So, we are calling men that refer to females as incels. Is femcel appropriate in this case?
They'd be stoked if that happened to them.
They would think it an honor.
Given how many times Josh has screwed over his user base or lied to them or grifted money from them.
I kind of lost count of the number of times Josh has been called out for absolutely lying or just making shit up. Because anybody who bothers the do this it just gets banned from his website anymore.
I don't get how this is used to prove Lidl Drip is actually Null, unless you want to call people like Slav Power and Seafarer sock accounts too because they follow(ed) Null around and kiss up to him.
View attachment 68565
View attachment 68566
Lidl Drip explaining how women are literal deities.
It's more than just that, the accounts white Knight eachother and lidl is guarded by his janny main he switches between web browsers to hop on. There are a bunch of other things you have to notice that not everyone is even capable of spotting. It all adds up to be the most simple explanation.
Reason: Which according to Occams razor probably makes it the correct one.
Seems like the type to get made fun of in school for being "that kid" that tried to dress like cartoon characters and started hissing at the boys who said she looked like a moron. Many schools had them.
We had this one girl that everybody called 'Dinosaur Girl' because she was obsessed with Jurassic Park. To the point where it was almost like she was the joke. Because she would wear this dinosaur hat - a velociraptor, I think it was.
Anyways what is it with these fujos always trying to turn black man into a effeminate niggers? It's like they all have a buck breaking fetish.