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Kiwifarms Gossip & Yarring KF General 2.0

These threads cover general gossip and interacting with Kiwifarms (openly calling them out).
The new declines of Kiwifarms
"I'm pro AOC, because that's what everyone else here pretends to be pro about... but sometimes... I should be able to fuck a kid" Pure kwiffar.
The hits don't stop as the kiwis pull a reddit and dox the wrong guy with the same name as one of their cows. Not content with smearing a completely innocent man the Kiwis further dox him to prove he isn't the guy they are looking for lol. Now they are all blaming the guy who posted the wrong dox when they could have verified the info before believing it. What a disaster.
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Josh comes in without taking any responsibility to whine about it.
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This isn't the first time, is it? Thought they've made "heinous accusations" multiple times without verifying, but don't follow closely.
I don't know why people have to be so randomly mean for no reason online. If you do or say anything at all its the worst thing since Hitler and you may find yourself the target of a brief witchhunt and ban overnight, but if anyone else does or says the same things its the best thing ever. I just don't understand this strange phenomenon.

For example, take a hobby like Drawing. Assuming no sketchy shit and just drawing something like a mech or power armor. Simply asking for help with shading. I would be just be randomly told to kill myself or be immediately ostracized for no fucking reason while they pretend like I'm speaking an alien language. Meanwhile anyone else could show up and ask the exact same thing and get a very different response and everyone would dote on them. I just dont understand this bullshit.
Online is like high school extended edition. Adult level debate and thought is discouraged, and popularity is king.
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Toolbox says the majority of COVID deaths in NYC were not from the disease, but in fact from black criminals being moved into nursing homes to kill the elderly and frame it as a sickness-related death.
I agree that whoever made the idiotic decision to house covid infected in nursing homes should be tried for manslaughter, at a minimum.
I agree that whoever made the idiotic decision to house covid infected in nursing homes should be tried for manslaughter, at a minimum.
Point of Information, this cRaZy mistake was made in hospitals in large cities all across the Anglophone world and beyond, at the same time. What a crazy mistake, whoever made this mistake simultaneously, all over the world should really get a stern talking to.
No other community is so autistic when it comes to shirt neck and shirt sizes, especially when this is apparel no sane person would wear in public. Mister Metokur just puts out normal sized unisex shirts without feedback from his fans and people eat that shit up. Looks like Josh's community is filled with amorphous blobs who don't fit in regular-sized clothing.
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At least they don't have to repurpose bedsheets into dresses and shirts like they used to before all the fat size clothing stores.
I agree that whoever made the idiotic decision to house covid infected in nursing homes should be tried for manslaughter, at a minimum.
Yeah, memes aside that was so stupid to the point it seemed intentional. Putting sick people with at risk people in general is an obvious thing to not do. They're either too stupid to be in power or malicious so either way it looks bad. I think it happened in California too iirc.