• Welcome to Onionfarms. All races, ethnicities, religions. Gay, straight, bisexual. CIS or trans. It makes no difference to us. If you can rock with us, you are one of us. We are here for you and always will be.

    Josh the fatty may ban you for weight loss advice or an anime avatar. Kengle the fatty won't and never will.

Kiwifarms Gossip & Slap Fights KF General 2.0

These threads cover general gossip and interacting with Kiwifarms (openly calling them out).
That design is so hideous it looks like something a teenager whipped up for a geocities page logo in 2003. The composition is just terrible, the lines are too bold and all the elements of the character are squished together so tightly that at a distance it would just look like a crude drawing of an undifferentiated blob. The human eye instinctively is drawn to symmetry and lines that conform to the fibonacci spiral, the cape should be larger and more curved to give it dynamism. The helmet looks like a photoshop texture. I guess it's less embarassing than that one shirt he was hawking that portrayed him as jesus.

I do graphic design and have a fairly successful shirt business and could make this look less like a napoleon dynamite drawing but josh can go fuck himself.
"Are you retarded!" Moon squealed in a falsetto voice as he pondered a way to create an anonymous internet sanctuary for women; at least a few of whom, he hoped, would entertain the idea of caressing his tiny dysfunctional genitals. Moon sighed impatiently as he reclined in his lazy boy and slowly lifted his legs. An army of kiwis descended on his prolapsed rectum; soothing it with warm mozzarella cheese recently harvested from a nearby pizzeria.
The question of the sanctuary weighed heavy on his mind. It was one of the great mysteries of the early 21st century. The brightest minds of the epoch hopelessly bashed their brains against the knurled carapace of this unsolvable enigma. Women. On the Internet. In Peace. Was it even possible? Or was it just a fever dream straight off a piss soaked tab of LSD? Like someone who has been waiting in line for hours at the DMV, Moon just wanted a fucking answer.
And that's when it happened! The idea reverberated off the walls of Moon's cranium like an light beer induced migraine on a hot summer's day. Unfortunately this idea had nothing to do with women. . . . or did it? Paypigs. Who needs em? Well if you have absolutely zero marketable skills, the personality of an angry retarded goldfish, and a BMI higher than the national debt the answer is you. And your name is probably Joshua Conner Moon.
T-shirts! Genius. In fact it would take one such individual, a member of mensa since 4 (or he would be if his deadbeat mother could've afforded the membership), to conjure up this new method of carving out that sweet sweet bacon from paypigs. T-shirts of rotund birds, so stupid they don't know how to fly, wearing viking armor and brandishing berserker swords. Feathered crusaders who post online the addresses of people they don't like in their thankless efforts to rid the world of the perverts and degenerates with enough of a life to avoid creating an account on Kiwi Farms.
That design is so hideous it looks like something a teenager whipped up for a geocities page logo in 2003. The composition is just terrible, the lines are too bold and all the elements of the character are squished together so tightly that at a distance it would just look like a crude drawing of an undifferentiated blob. The human eye instinctively is drawn to symmetry and lines that conform to the fibonacci spiral, the cape should be larger and more curved to give it dynamism. The helmet looks like a photoshop texture. I guess it's less embarassing than that one shirt he was hawking that portrayed him as jesus.

I do graphic design and have a fairly successful shirt business and could make this look less like a napoleon dynamite drawing but josh can go fuck himself.
It's amazing that he took a black and white design and somehow robbed it of it's innate contrast.
Here's a thought. Not sure where this would go, realistically but..
Instead of creating this stupid app, here's a thing you could do, Josh...
Just make a Google alternative, untouched by LFJ. Just make a Wikipedia, untainted by the usual suspects.
Just make a YouTube...yadda, yadda, yadda...
You see where I'm going with this?

See, if I were in your position Josh, I would at least acknowledge the fact that you've a bunch of talented a-loggers who could probably apply said skills to more...noble pursuits. Same with a lot of other creative minds on the Kiwi Farms who have since become nomads due to all the online censorship.

This is what I don't understand, Josh (and yes, I know you read everything here). You make a big deal about so many faggots on the Internet who don't give a shit that Anita Sarkeesian and others forced their manicured nails into politics, but you don't utilize the talent within your own ranks. Instead, you let your pride take over and everything turns to shit over and over.

There's an election about to gone down in the US and you're fidgeting about vagina men infiltrating your website. Get your priorities straight, man. Fix yourself!

But, of course, you won't. And everyone here will just kick back and watch with pleasure as you abort your pride and joy. Just like your BP hangs do with their children...
Here's a thought. Not sure where this would go, realistically but..
Instead of creating this stupid app, here's a thing you could do, Josh...
Just make a Google alternative, untouched by LFJ. Just make a Wikipedia, untainted by the usual suspects.
Just make a YouTube...yadda, yadda, yadda...
You see where I'm going with this?

See, if I were in your position Josh, I would at least acknowledge the fact that you've a bunch of talented a-loggers who could probably apply said skills to more...noble pursuits. Same with a lot of other creative minds on the Kiwi Farms who have since become nomads due to all the online censorship.

This is what I don't understand, Josh (and yes, I know you read everything here). You make a big deal about so many faggots on the Internet who don't give a shit that Anita Sarkeesian and others forced their manicured nails into politics, but you don't utilize the talent within your own ranks. Instead, you let your pride take over and everything turns to shit over and over.

There's an election about to gone down in the US and you're fidgeting about vagina men infiltrating your website. Get your priorities straight, man. Fix yourself!

But, of course, you won't. And everyone here will just kick back and watch with pleasure as you abort your pride and joy. Just like your BP hangs do with their children...
Because fundamentally Null is a despicable and disgusting human being. He was clearly this way as a teen when he harassed a young girl online and told everyone he hated and wanted to kill his mother. When he took Hotwheels and Jim's money without delivering a usable product. When he got control of Kiwi Farms from the people that started it. And now trying to find a young vulnerable partner while profiting from mentally ill women. Instead of getting better with time he only gets worse and attracts similarly abhorrent followers, like JustA Giant Hole.

What really claps his fat ass is OF growing and Ken being more popular with his users than he ever has been.

I don't like to psychoanalyze people I haven't met in a clinical setting but clearly he's losing his grip on reality if he thinks portraying himself as a woman respecter is going to insulate him from the consequences of his actions. The TERFs and radfems he gathered on KF were too much for the likes of Ovarit and the second he lashes out at one they will set out to ruin him. Since he's burned all his bridges no one will come to his rescue. Even the most degenerate and abusive men (and women) on the internet manage to maintain business relationships and usually have some redeeming qualities. Null has no redeeming qualities; his only skill is grifting his mentally ill followers and pissing off people he does business with. He has no one who can or will save him from the fury of angry TERFs and legbeards; the autists he threw under the bus are biding their time. Everyone he pissed off is waiting to pay him back in kind.

Stocking up on popcorn for the inevitable Lowtax finale.
The design sucks and looks like some pagan LARP sketch. Just look at it.

Viking helmet. Large sword. Foot on a tiny skull. Giant cape clearly meant to overcompensate for something. If Josh truly did commission this I surely hope he didn't specifically suggest said attire. There is a way to draw such an image in cute style that is more appealing.
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Because fundamentally Null is a despicable and disgusting human being. He was clearly this way as a teen when he harassed a young girl online and told everyone he hated and wanted to kill his mother. When he took Hotwheels and Jim's money without delivering a usable product. When he got control of Kiwi Farms from the people that started it. And now trying to find a young vulnerable partner while profiting from mentally ill women. Instead of getting better with time he only gets worse and attracts similarly abhorrent followers, like JustA Giant Hole.

What really claps his fat ass is OF growing and Ken being more popular with his users than he ever has been.

I don't like to psychoanalyze people I haven't met in a clinical setting but clearly he's losing his grip on reality if he thinks portraying himself as a woman respecter is going to insulate him from the consequences of his actions. The TERFs and radfems he gathered on KF were too much for the likes of Ovarit and the second he lashes out at one they will set out to ruin him. Since he's burned all his bridges no one will come to his rescue. Even the most degenerate and abusive men (and women) on the internet manage to maintain business relationships and usually have some redeeming qualities. Null has no redeeming qualities; his only skill is grifting his mentally ill followers and pissing off people he does business with. He has no one who can or will save him from the fury of angry TERFs and legbeards; the autists he threw under the bus are biding their time. Everyone he pissed off is waiting to pay him back in kind.

Stocking up on popcorn for the inevitable Lowtax finale. ...finale.
Jocelyn's karma is bound to happen, all we have to do is wait...
The design sucks and looks like some pagan LARP sketch. Just look at it.
View attachment 64821

Viking helmet. Large sword. Giant cape clearly meant to overcompensate for something. If Josh truly did commission this I surely hope he didn't specifically suggest said attire.
I like how her user base will continue to call other people's art shit but you have Jocelyn commissioning this shit...
The design sucks and looks like some pagan LARP sketch. Just look at it.
View attachment 64821

Viking helmet. Large sword. Foot on a tiny skull. Giant cape clearly meant to overcompensate for something. If Josh truly did commission this I surely hope he didn't specifically suggest said attire. There is a way to draw such an image in cute style that is more appealing.
This is how you know Null is a tranny and not a fag, the woman has no taste.

This tranny has been robbing my jokes again.
So the femcels are going to send the results of their pap smears to Null? Gross.
Way to lurk your own thread Jocelyn.
(click here if the image doesn't load)

Glowie said:
Anons of old called ourselves, everything fag, memes confuse the zoom zoom (eg Ben Gay on your balls), an hero etc.

Sharty users are fags in same manner we were two fucking decades ago. They condem 4chins and rightfully so.
Yet more proof most of kiwifarms userbase are zoomers lmao.
Glowie said:
That place was co opted by trooned out anons with internet veteran syndrome coupled with unwarranted sense of importance.
this shit literally what kiwifarms is. replace troons with BPfats and you have commiefarms.
Glowie said:
TL;DR: Sharty users picked up remains of old anon, proxy condoms and more while furfags that shit up their forums for attention and validation see @Catler for example.
@Meowsolini kiwis still have you live rent-free in their heads.

such in life of the average kiwifarms zoomer. their oldfag larping is especially hilarious. I bet they don't have any clue what youtube was like before ads were introduced.
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(click here if the image doesn't load)
View attachment 64921

Yet more proof most of kiwifarms userbase are zoomers lmao.

this shit literally is what kiwifarms is. replace troons with BPfats and you have commiefarms.

@Meowsolini kiwis still have you live rent-free in their heads.

such in life of the average kiwifarms zoomer. their oldfag larping is especially hilarious. I bet they don't have any clue what youtube was like before ads were introduced.
Why is that post so damn hard to follow?

He's sorta right about fursonas though. Furries wear them like troons wear trans.

@Meowsolini is not the 95th percentile furry though, he's more exceptional than anything else.
not sure which type of kwiffar is more cringe, those who brag about being 'an oldfag' from 4chan on a gay ass website that started in 2012 or those that dont understand old internet memes.
actually it's the ones that brag they've been there the longest. you spent years namefagging on a 'lolcow' website...so youre retarded. gj

KF isn't the old internet, its the embodiment of what is wrong with the current internet because its a Reddit clone run solely by a manatee.
why do these people think posting there makes them some wizened internet historiographer?
nothing wrong with shitposting but maybe get a job or a hobby or keep a banana pepper plant alive instead of reliving the epic glory days when you punched a username into Google and got a 'hit'.
ive heard rumors of people seeking revenge on others from YouTube/reddit and looking into signing up to KF with usernames of those people. you just post some weird pro pedo stuff or fat dragon fart porn and someone's reputation is ruined because the kwiffar are too dumb to recognise gayops and trolling