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Kiwifarms Gossip & Yarring KF General 2.0

These threads cover general gossip and interacting with Kiwifarms (openly calling them out).
The new declines of Kiwifarms

Tetsuo Takahashi

Biology Teacher
Remarkable Onion
Don't agree with Null's stupid ideas? BANNED!

View attachment 64528
Pool is now closed.

Josh is never straightforward with his reasoning. Posting a picture of some dude in a skirt on amazon and expecting people to be like, "Oh, of course!" is unrealistic.

What's next?

Josh: "Hitler was right all along!"
Kiwis: "Explain."
Josh: <posts pictures of a man in a skirt> "Any questions?"
Kiwis: "Sieg heil!"

Actually, in hindsight, that posting that would've been far more entertaining than this stupid vaginas only app.


Remarkable Onion
Here's a better idea, Josh. Just ban all troons from the Kiwi Farms. And...actually, that's pretty much it. There! I just saved you all that time and effort of creating your stupid app. You're welcome!
but what about all the mean testicle people that post there! it's not enough unless the women are insulated completely from any male thoughts.
Despite how often they get bored (like Fatta Hon Whoria) and waddle into men's spaces anyway.

complains about women who don't hate men

But defends resident pajeet rapist from criticism:

Georgio Cocklord. Truly a man you want around women

Which makes this post funny as fuck

Do it Null! Let Fatta be your head janny!
It can only end well!


Honorary Moid
but what about all the mean testicle people that post there! it's not enough unless the women are insulated completely from any male thoughts.
Despite how often they get bored (like Fatta Hon Whoria) and waddle into men's spaces anyway.

complains about women who don't hate men
View attachment 64541

But defends resident pajeet rapist from criticism:
View attachment 64540

Georgio Cocklord. Truly a man you want around women
View attachment 64542

Which makes this post funny as fuck
View attachment 64543
Do it Null! Let Fatta be your head janny!
It can only end well!
Thanks for the custom title Dripping Dildo!


Null is a Faggot 4 Lyfe
Hellovan Onion
You guys are totally being unfair, I for one completely encourage Jocelyn to make an app/site that needs to be fed Federal Documents to be able to be used. It's just a great idea all around. Especially being created by a man who can't implement small changes without breaking his site.

And the idea for it to be exclusively catered to women? Brilliant 👨🏽‍🍳😘 Women never infight and they absolutely won't form clique's around the smallest slight and end up driving the majority of the user base away.

And Didl's idea to find some arbitrary criteria to label dissenters with a "pick me" tag and then instantly ban said users sounds fucking genius.

Look out Instagram your days are fucking numbered kid.

youthful_ shannel

Hellovan Onion
but what about all the mean testicle people that post there! it's not enough unless the women are insulated completely from any male thoughts.
Despite how often they get bored (like Fatta Hon Whoria) and waddle into men's spaces anyway.

complains about women who don't hate men
View attachment 64541

But defends resident pajeet rapist from criticism:
View attachment 64540

Georgio Cocklord. Truly a man you want around women
View attachment 64542

Which makes this post funny as fuck
View attachment 64543
Do it Null! Let Fatta be your head janny!
It can only end well!
Hodoria could be a janitor no problem, she is just looking for the right moment to twist Jocelyns titties.
I sometimes wonder did Greta work as a special needs assistant before becoming a cradle snatching immigrant? I think she wrangles tards real well!
Reason: cocise


unyuns unyuns unyuns unyuns unyuns unyuns unyuns unyuns unyuns unyuns unyuns unyuns unyuns unyuns *make beat noise with the mouth to avail*
Hellovan Onion
Ask any woman in your life if she's heard "bitch" "cunt" or worse and I'm sure I won't be the only one. You know I have female and male friends right? It's quite easy to gather this information if you spend time not watching anime and experience life a little. I don't care if not every woman wants to call a man a moid or scrote but I still will on the internet because it clearly grinds animetards gears alot (such as yourself). I am quite beloved though and my well rounded view of smegmoids doesn't effect that. You can ask my boyfriend if you'd like, or the past ones I broke the hearts of, or the ones I've had to reject lately. </3

Spoiler: "man haters" and "woman haters" get along like peanut butter and jelly.
unyuns countering arguments!
words funny. both side.
crude humour

Autism Rulez

Baby Onion

Tetsuo Takahashi

Biology Teacher
Remarkable Onion
Wait a minute Josh gets his encrypted messenger service moderated and suddenly he's trying to create some harem dating app for himself that allows only underage women on it.

My thunk is provoked. :thinking:
I can't wait for Tuesday's cope stream where Josh is going to enact some mental gymnastics about that abortion* of a thread.

*See what I did there, femoids? 🤣

cosmic veteran

veteran of the cosmos, navigating the cosmos
An Onion Among Onions
He'll continue to use Telegram because he's a buckbroken little bitch in much the same way he crawled back to Twitter after screaming to the heavens to everyone about ditching Twitter and moving to the decentralized fediverse.
He'll continue to use Telegram because he's a buckbroken little bitch
and someone isn't capable of coding