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Kiwifarms Gossip & Yarring KF General 2.0

These threads cover general gossip and interacting with Kiwifarms (openly calling them out).
The new declines of Kiwifarms
Moid is just a funny word that's mostly innocent. You can't really call it a slur or offensive. Women just want a slur to call men and that's the best we got. Can you blame us? There are tons of words to be directly derogatory towards females both rightoids and leftoids adore. Dyke(as you say), cunt, bitch, all popular on both sides of the aisle and now "birthing person" "menstruating person" "vagina owner" from lefties to actually reduce us to our body parts. I think if "moid" actually offends you you're soft AF. Moid is just a more fun word than "male" "man" or "guy". Personally I enjoy "scrote" because that sounds almost offensive. Kind of like how men will try to insult us as "beef flaps" or "beef curtains" for decades.
"I can understand why you'd want to use terms like'moid' or'scrote', but to be honest, they just don't have the same bite as the words we've historically used to degrade women. Those words have a weight and a history to them, and they still carry a lot of power and hurt today. In contrast, the insults you're using against us just don't have the same impact or resonance.
They're just not that sharp, and to be frank, they're a bit... basic.

Another great take. Naturally, Josh does not have any female friends nor does he understand the concept. He seems to function on some weird level of regarding women like they're children.

Also, a man continues to unironically tell another man he isn't a woman and has no role in this. Damn this is funny! Love how Josh just gives himself permission not to be held to the standards he subjects everyone else to on his website. Very objective!
Yeah, every so often I wonder if there's some retarded social experiment going on.
But here, I think he is completely sincere and will likely discover how stupid he is a few weeks later when his idea doesn't take off and he never mentions it ever again.
Probably be like "sorry lay-dees I tried but the mean men didn't support us".

He's using abuse tactics to keep the TERFs stuck to him by antagonizing average users with their rhetoric which naturally has caused a rift between the TERFs and the rest of the site. Sure they are insufferable but when you look at how Null himself first gave them high visibility on the farms and then began his annoying sermonizing tot he average users he automatically created these conflicts even before the TERFs were super aggressive. I'm not saying it would have been sunshine and rainbows but when you look back you can see how much of these sour feelings were cultivated by Null himself.


Narcissism on full display "DO NOT QUESTION MEEEE!!!!!"

"Are you sure the man that fucks you isn't gay honey? Maybe you married a faggot because he disagrees with us sweetie?"
Oh yeah I can see this TERF haven just being a lovefest with no problems. What will be the cope when there is more in-fighting but no men to blame it on?

Apparently this will be structured like a textile corporation and no one will invite their friends or internet clique.

A wild Josh sock appears. user for 10 years with under 500 messages? get the fuck out of here.

The Kiwifarms Telegram channel will now be subject to moderation from someone other than Josh:
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He'll continue to use Telegram because he's a buckbroken little bitch in much the same way he crawled back to Twitter after screaming to the heavens to everyone about ditching Twitter and moving to the decentralized fediverse.

He gets snippy and fallaciously conflates using the fediverse with hosting a fediverse server. He has an account on pedo Poast and can make an account anywhere. He just chooses not to because he doesn't get that adrenaline he does in Twitter from people liking his posts. Sad!

Despite all his LARPing to the contrary Josh LOVES centralized platforms.
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He gets snippy and fallaciously conflates using the fediverse with hosting a fediverse server.
What are these "thousand sister services"? His puppy death rape archive is online, autistic TMZ is online, his podcast archive site is online.
Really seems like he's digging his high heels in on not bringing KF.cc back online because being autistic Perez Hilton should afford him sooo much respect, despite a lot of his users really missing that service.
@Kenneth Erwin Engelhardt
And no, this isn't a call to double down on your doomed to fail Fedi instance. You could have just listened to which backbone you should have used, but alas, you're a total mongoloid that doesn't understand why Web 1.0 is unattractive to anyone not Japanese or autistic (same thing, tbh)
Based as fuck comment:

The userbase of True and Honest women that Joselyn is trying to cultivate:

This ladies CHARTS and GRAPHS foretold the arrival of the "Chosen Moid" in the form of God Emperor Null, who would lead the legbeards, empty egg cartons, cat ladies, pooners, and lesbians out of Egypt the normie internet where they could be safe and protected from anything that didn't fit their hivemind world view.

Null going full feministè

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Dis nigger done lost his muthafuckin mind.