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Kiwifarms Gossip & Yarring KF General 2.0

These threads cover general gossip and interacting with Kiwifarms (openly calling them out).
The new declines of Kiwifarms
That's assuming I'm 22 and started the game at 18. But yeah that isn't my real count I'm just making fun of paladinboo and related simps who think any woman who can pull more than 1 boyfriend by the time they're 34 is some massive whore. I'm an anti social shut in but I can still pull dudes over my entire life without effort I'm just likeable and not disablingly mentally ill. Jealousy is a disease 💅
That's assuming I'm 22 and started the game at 18. But yeah that isn't my real count I'm just making fun of paladinboo and related simps who think any woman who can pull more than 1 boyfriend by the time they're 34 is some massive whore. I'm an anti social shut in but I can still pull dudes over my entire life without effort I'm just likeable and not disablingly mentally ill. Jealousy is a disease 💅
You're starting to make me think that you're actually a gay man and not a woman.
You're starting to make me think that you're actually a gay man and not a woman.
So you are accusing him of being a Null sock?
Screenshot 2024-09-05 185958.png
"vagina owner" from lefties to actually reduce us to our body parts.
"Vagina owner" just sounds like Ed Gein and the skinned and tanned vulvas he kept.
it's quite easy to gather this information if you spend time not watching anime
I am quite beloved though and my well rounded view of smegmoids
Both sexes have smegma though?
Do you frequently take the mentally solid advice of medicated paranoid schizophrenics seriously?
The medicated thing is a positive though.
Both sexes have smegma though?
Yeah that's why it's funny moids get super offended at this. What are they hiding? Stank dick probably 🤢
The medicated thing is a positive though.
Kinda but it clearly isn't working. She's 34 and hasn't moved out and likely never been employed a day in her life. Additionally she spends her time attacking randos and accusing them of being different people with nothing at all to warrant that. Needs to try something different or up the dose I guess.

"I'm not thread-banning people for making off-topic bait posts that derail the thread. It is your fault for responding."

On the one hand, I see Josh as continually burning through the goodwill of regular site users with this shit. On the other hand, I am very skeptical. Many users are buck-broken and just continue using the site despite how gay it has become.


This is interesting to see.
I thought the Battlefield dude was very pro-Null, but it appears even he cannot deny the level of faggotry is off the charts.
Yeah that's why it's funny moids get super offended at this. What are they hiding? Stank dick probably 🤢

Kinda but it clearly isn't working. She's 34 and hasn't moved out and likely never been employed a day in her life. Additionally she spends her time attacking randos and accusing them of being different people with nothing at all to warrant that. Needs to try something different or up the dose I guess.
Tfw you can't get smegma.
@Gargamel your people have robbed me of an opportunity, I demand reparations.
I was curious so I looked it up. The only negative side effects I could find where something to do with bowl obstructions in testing mice and a possible connection to hyperactivity in children. It was unbanned in most places it had previously been banned in more than a decade ago. And the only reasons for its original ban was because it didn't comply with older laws about food additives.

Unless this person is eating shipping containers worth of Flamin Hot Cheetos it's probably not the dye...