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    Josh the fatty may ban you for weight loss advice or an anime avatar. Kengle the fatty won't and never will.

Communities /cow/

Communities of interest on the internet


`he who laughs last laughs best`
Registered Member

/cow/ 8chan 9chan julayworld guntlogs​

Someone far more eloquent then myself articulated the various iterations of /cow/.


I miss /cow/, it was my intro into this world.
@JEWS was best mod.
Around the time of the 6 or 7th /cow/ thread on (jahans) esoteric Jahanist from a discord server flooded /cow/ seemingly in an effort to remove dox, based JEWS came along and asked the question we all ask "what did he mean by this?"

<reports> Local report on /cow/ by [6eed5b3768] on [6eed5b3768]: 'doxxxxing, Off-topic' -> https://sys.8ch.net/mod.php?/cow/res/255913.html#255913 [1 file(s)]

<reports> file: 'gordo.jpg' -> https://sys.8ch.net/file_store/a5e94015ee4b5aa0e0bcfd47c852a1c73024842c7202b64058cc1a8f0c7a3676.jpg

>OP of the previous Jahans thread reported his own post

What did he mean by this?

Apparently there was a splinter in esoteric Jahanism, some not content with black adam () Godwinson_ being the voice. Black Adam vanished only to resurface as godwinson back with a new pet lolcow in the name of PPP people's populist press, you many onlookers shock very few mentioned previous jahanic forays.

Metokur makes a mistake.
http://archive.is/gEEhX - Kraut in Tears
http://archive.is/7YsDs - Kraut Thread 2
http://archive.is/4TLES - Kraut Thread 3
http://archive.is/dzAGJ - Kraut Thread 4
http://archive.is/Av8VZ - Kraut Thread 5/Skeptics v1
http://archive.is/rR7L5 - Kraut Thread 6
(http://archive.is/Ftsoy) v10
(http://archive.is/esrXJ) skeptic v44

  1. https://archive.md/KU7iP - Skeptics Thread v46
  2. https://archive.md/IxcUc - Skeptics Thread v47
  3. https://archive.md/FfzNE - Skeptics Thread v48
  4. https://archive.md/2VoDm - Skeptics Thread v49
  5. https://archive.md/EtSod - Skeptics Thread v50
  6. https://archive.md/LkhHl - Skeptics Thread v51
  7. https://archive.md/6Rznv - Skeptics Thread v52
  8. https://archive.md/qKGqC - Skeptics Thread v53
  9. https://archive.md/gATM8 - Skeptics Thread v54
  10. https://archive.md/nANND - Skeptics Thread v55
  11. https://archive.md/IJPT7 - Skeptics Thread v56
  12. https://archive.md/GdajD - Skeptics Thread v57
  13. https://archive.md/XGTze - Skeptics Thread v58
  14. https://archive.md/bTQa5 - Skeptics Thread v59
  15. https://archive.md/RFJQ1 - Skeptics Thread v60
  16. https://archive.md/MibwP - Skeptics Thread v61
  17. https://archive.md/C2Ied - Skeptics Thread v62
  18. https://archive.md/iLaFX - Skeptics Thread v63
  19. https://archive.md/rQoHQ - Skeptics Thread v64
  20. https://archive.md/zSXI2 - Skeptics Thread v65
  21. https://archive.md/vpABU - Skeptics Thread v66
  22. https://archive.md/opxqI - Skeptics Thread v67
  23. https://archive.md/A36xm - Skeptics Thread v68
  24. https://archive.md/hn07O - Skeptics Thread v69
  25. https://archive.md/qLYd3 - Skeptics Thread v70
  26. https://archive.md/jUx1b - Skeptics Thread v71
  27. https://archive.md/wqt9v - Skeptics Thread v72
  28. https://archive.md/5rLE6 - Skeptics Thread v73
  29. https://archive.md/htGlc - Skeptics Thread v74
  30. https://archive.md/0FFtC - Skeptics Thread v75
  31. https://archive.md/DRA1Z - Skeptics Thread v76
  32. https://archive.md/Qnxaj - Skeptics Thread v77
  33. https://archive.md/IaISo - Skeptics Thread v78
  34. https://archive.md/17LTc - Skeptics Thread v79
  35. https://archive.md/tYT7z - Skeptics Thread v80
  36. https://archive.md/Tjvsz - Skeptics Thread v81
  37. https://archive.md/2JG7j - Skeptics Thread v82
  38. https://archive.md/6gEsS - Skeptics Thread v83
  39. https://archive.md/60Apd - Skeptics Thread v84
  40. https://archive.md/F1RUO - Skeptics Thread v85
  41. https://archive.md/FI8Qs - Skeptics Thread v86
  42. https://archive.md/fM5mK - Skeptics Thread v87
  43. https://archive.md/HJv0p - Skeptics Thread v88
  44. https://archive.md/tMTnK - Skeptics Thread v89
  45. https://archive.md/hH97p - Skeptics Thread v90
  46. https://archive.md/BXWcz - Skeptics Thread v91
  47. https://archive.md/FPRaZ - Skeptics Thread v92
  48. https://archive.md/tK7UE - Skeptics Thread v93
  49. https://archive.md/0G5oR - Skeptics Thread v94
  50. https://archive.md/QHF9U - Skeptics Thread v95
  51. https://archive.md/kFTSL - Skeptics Thread v96
  52. https://archive.md/O3y0v - Skeptics Thread v97
  53. https://archive.md/6p4CL - Skeptics Thread v98
  54. https://archive.md/yvsC2 - Skeptics Thread v99
  55. https://archive.md/K1OsQ - Skeptics Thread v100
  56. https://archive.md/RrXD6 - Skeptics Thread v101
  57. https://archive.md/dkFxZ - Skeptics Thread v102

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/cow/ was great back in the day, but it stopped being fun in about 2015. The initial iterations were the best, like /kkk/, /cwc/, /atf/, etc. 789chan was the best version. JEWS is probably the best only by process of elimination, i guess? but none of the admins have been worth a damn. Space Pirate was a total sped, but he didnt do HORRIBLE. seanieb was an idiot who hated fun and had shitty managers. throw in Atlus because his version of n0chan before he handed it off also had a /cow/-focused board. Mark Ortiz is a cow without a thread.
Link or lore on Mark Ortiz please?
Where to begin? lol...

Ortiz has a long history of making a huge embarrassment of himself, but he holds an integral role in the history of this community.

First the good. Way back when the concept of a lolcow was just hatching, Chris was basically the Gold Standard for what a lolcow should be, and there were relatively few places to discuss cows. Ortiz opened what would be the first real imageboard focused on lolcows, named /kkk/ (Krapple Komputer Kompany) :rolleyes:. He also went on to be one of the people maintaining the CWC Library on youtube. So he has done some decent stuff. The problem is that he cant stop making an ass of himself.

In high school, he made a Bob Chandler t-shirt and wore it around school. This is known because he got himself doxed by trying toget people t do his dirty work for him and to prank some chick. Of course it backfired. He's a lolcow. The people he gave her info to used it to contact her and she outted him lol.

In about 2011, a few years after /kkk/ shut down, Krapple was trying to fuck this girl from the internet named "Ominous". He arranged for a trip to Las Vegas where he planned on banging her, but it turned out to be a ruse cruise, and this faggot named Atlus literally cucked him, making out with her and banging her while he was around. To get a better idea, here is Atlus today.

View attachment 4984

Atlus is a bit of a tard himself. Following the trip to Las Vegas, he actually wrote an article on ED about him and the chick fucking with Mark. That's a bit overkill, but then he went over to /cwc/, which was an early incarnation of /cow/ and began to brag about it and link to the article. People told him to fuck off, and his response was to behave like a gigantic child. He ha admin power on /cwc/, so he started outting people's IP addresses on posts that were critical of him and banned people who kept posting about him looking like a retard for bragging. The 789chan admin, seanieb, kicked atlus off admin the next day.

View attachment 4985
View attachment 4986

So anyways, Mark got cucked by this guy, and the chick also fucked with Atlus a bit, doing things such as getting him to dye his pubes blue.

Since then, he's been stalking that Britbong dude. I don't follow it at all, but I guess he got cucked again?
these people never cease to amaze, unfortunately for them not in the way they hope.
Please stop trolling britbong.
/cow/ was fun. Whenever i got bored of /pol/ and /v/ on 8ch, /cow/ and /tech/ were the other boards i would frequent. Whenever there was a ralph stream during the skeptic™ saga, especially whenever Metokur was involved, I'd keep refreshing whatever active skeptic™ thread that was open on /cow/ to see the shitposts that would go on in real time.
Good times.

(archive of his ED)
KrappleGuy (AKA VanKrause, aka Kopyboat, Mark Joseph Ortiz irl, b. June 6, 1990) is a corpulent, shifty homosexual race traitor and terminally depressed science teacher from California who is known for (among other things) being a shitty admin on a handful of *chans (most of which have since gone belly-up), being mistaken for a fed on numerous irc networks due to being a chronic idler, being a very outspoken white supremacist, anti-semite, and /pol/ack (despite being a dirty jew mongrel himself), having a lengthy hairstyle awful enough to make Howard Stern cringe, and secretly despising the students in his charge. Currently, Krapple can be found diddling his own asshole on cam for money.
We start our charming tale at Krapple Komputer Kompany, a sub-par chan run by a mentally handicapped weeaboo. While staffed under the KKK, Krapple birthed possibly the only thing worth half a bottle of piss from his hairy asshole; /cwc/, the home of Chris-Chan enthusiasts, second only to the CWCki-- the Chris-Chan site people ACTUALLY go to. Once KKK was shut down, it was then that KrappleGuy began his long tenure of shitfesting at Legi0n. It was quickly discovered that, aside from buying the domain names and handing out staff positions like a whore passes out VD, he amounted to two things: jack and shit. Not long after the birth of legi0n, Krapple made another doozy of a good decision. After stumbling upon a certain unwilling immortal and becoming fascinated by the video of him spewing vampire piss all over Chris-chan’s stolen Sonichu medallion, Krapple promptly added Ickeriss to staff as an admin, hoping to gain himself a bit of dat hardcore e-cred.
The opportunity for power soon went straight to Ickeriss’s head and it wasn’t long before he began making plans to overthrow Krapple. That’s right, folks. Even emaciated, pale, crooked-dicked Ickeriss could see that Krapple was a feeble-minded idiot who contributed nothing to a site he claimed as his own.
As is wonderfully detailed over in the legi0n article (refer to above link), the resulting hooplah with Lotz proved to be quite a self-coup de grace, as it were, resulting in much drama, butthurt, and legi0n being closed down. As if anyone expected anything else from Beany McBeanerson.
As an added kick to his small, sensitive testicles, Krapple's dox somehow ended up in the possession of known pillow lover Riley34470, Krapple shit an atom bomb when he realized he was now being stalked by a pillow molesting redskin and promptly started making himself scarce in a desparate attempt to avoid being sodomized.


—Krapple's summer vacation summed up in one sentence.


Unfortunatly for Krapple, he realized too late that what happens in Vegas ends up on the internet.
Sometime in late July, Krapple decided to go after another girl from the internet. So in a fashion similar to a date rapist, he invited a girl he fancied from the internet to visit Las Vegas with him and his family; obviously intending to make sweet, sweet gringo love. The girl saw right through Mark's game, however, and approached a mutual friend of her and Krapple's to devise a complex and elaborate plot to take advantage of the situation. The girl gave Krapple an ultimatum; allow the third friend to join them in Vegas, and she would gladly come to Vegas, too. Krapple, being the oblivious twat that he is, saw no problem in allowing another guy to partake in what was supposed to be a romantic fuckfest. Even after Krapple shelled out $700 to fly the duo to Casa de Krapple, and paid another $350 for the hotel room at the MGM fucking Grand, the trip was STILL a romantic fuckfest. Only Krapple wasn't included.
In the true stylings of master trolls, the mutual friend, although aware of Krapple's love for the girl, decided to hook up with her right in front of him. Literally, right in front of him. And to make matters even more unfortunate, they soiled his childhood treehouse prior to embarking on their vacation, left love stains in his own bed, and even used the condoms Krapple had bought because he assumed he was getting some during the trip.


Krapple looks out the window, ever vigilant in his search for those DAMN JEWS!
In response to this unforeseen complication, Krapple turned to the family friend of Mexican families everywhere, alcohol. Seemingly forgetting what happened the last time he was in a situation involving alcohol, Krapple downed eight beers in a single day. Two 1-Liter cans of Budweiser, three bottles of Kokanee, two Alaskan Ambers and a Corona later, Krapple was living the life of an angry retarded homeless man. In Las Vegas


Separated at birth?
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Timelines: 2009-2010 Krapple Komputer Kompany opens up. It's an imageboard started by Mark Ortiz aka KrappleGuy/Kopy. Servers get DMCA'd because of CEO hosting terabytes of Hentai.

Mark Ortiz opens up the legion board in early 2010. That also fucks up since krapple has the opposite of the midas touch where everything he gets involved with ends up in failure. A young dude named Seanie B decides to host it. This was about summer of 2010 IIRC. Seanie wanted to host it on his small tech chan called 789chan to increase web traffic/appreciate the web culture.

789chan lasts from late 2010 to November 20th 2012. Seanie literally inheritis all the mods/admins of the legion board except for adding homor.

N0chan opens up on the same day as 789chan's closure. Since krapple guy wanted to host his own lulcow board away from Seanie. People come and it sustains until January 13th-15(my guess). Krapple's host literally goes awol for a month without telling anybody. The servers were in limbo and Krapple keeps telling people it will go up. Nekoarc sees that a dedicated group of people are a home and wants to capitalize on this. Nekoarc decided to used the 888chan server he bought and help his buddy krapple out. Nekoarc wanted the viewership the small but dedicated board culture brought. Since 888chan pre /cow/ migration and post chanology had like 2 posters. Nekoarc and spacepirate. The board was up from february 15th 2013 to around May 4th 2014.

After Nekoarc's buttbuddy laurelai and tranny crew decided to DMCA the server for our activism. Nekoarc didn't want to host the server anymore since it came with a lot of drama. /cow/ is the opposite of the community nekoarc ever wanted. While we're "misgendering" people. Nekoarc runs a fucking LGBT support group IRC. It would be like if Archie Bunker and Daria Morgendaffer got together. Just an akward mix.

Spacepirate who thought the whole DMCA thing was funny decided to host /cow/ on the n0chan domain krapple still had. This went on from May 5th 2014 to around September 11th 2014. Spacepirate used a megabyte host which made hosting /cow/ on n0chan really cheap. As half the non dedicated IRC posters were gone. This started to amp up in costs until it was 40 dollars a month. Now I saw the donations that the rest of the people thought SP was mis-using. He got a total of 15 bucks for about 5 months of having it open. SP was hemorrhaging money because hosting started to increase incremently to around 40 dollars a month for the last 2 months. Dude, was very impulsive with money and would spend it when he got it. He worked a dish washing job and when his paycheck of 200 dollars came in. He would spend 40 bucks on stupid impulsive shit. For a Jew. He was really bad with money.

Spacepirate got mad that the forum treated him like shit. Even though he was paying for it. So one day, he decided to stop paying for it and just leave. They've hosted /cow/ on here ever since September 11th. IIRC

(789chan & 888 thread)

(a) legi0n
In the time that Christian Weston Chandler has graced the internet with tales of autastic adventure, many an aspiring troll have tried to capatalize on the seemingly endless source of lulz that stood to be gained at the manchild's expense. Some of them incredible, some of them mundane. But as with all good things, it came to an end. As with any decent lolcow, soon the less talented amount the various corners of the internet to get their time to shine, and before you know it, the once tranquil waters had been pissed in by everyone within earshot of JULAAAAAAAAAAAAAY. The dream had died, and Chris chan was left to stew in his filth. The "trolling" had yet to cease, however. Far from it, as every furfag, weeaboo and /b/tard that witnessed the beast in action attempted to get in on the action to prove to the internet that they too could produce the lulz so long as the target was an honest to God retard.
One of these budding pioneers was a young Mark Ortiz, who stumbled across Chris chan towards the end of 2008. Deciding that Chris was the funniest fucking thing he had ever seen, Krause headed over to the Krapple Komputer Kompany, a service which allowed anyone to create a customized imageboard and be admin of the sole board. He created /cwc/, and the boards popularity soared, becoming the most popular board on KKK. It was around this time that he adopted the name "KrappleGuy". Enjoying his newfound popularity, Krappleguy advertised Chris chan to the unwashed masses and rubbed elbows with the various seasoned CWC trolls.
As fate would have it, KKK closed its doors, leaving Krappleguy without his board. Somehow stumbling across 789chan, krapple convinced that chan's admins to host Legi0n, a full imageboard for /cwc/ and various other boards.
The actual number 1 source for Chris chan related information, Legi0n had always maintained an uneasy relationship with the CWCki, a Chris-Chan centric wiki. That there was a better known hub of retard stalking just didn't sit well with Legi0n, especially ones that allowed furfag contributors, and so members of Legi0n decided that they would head on over to CWCki and rape the user pages of said editors. While this would normally constitute a win, it was done out of genuine spite that there was a bigger Chandler site than /cwc/, and as such amounted to little more than a dick measuring contest (though given Medics frequency to whip out his ghost white wanker at the drop of a hat, this should come as a surprise to nobody). Thus, Medic and various other Legi0n officials decided that a raid was in order.
Except for the fact that nobody supported them. In a shocking display, most of the boards traffic decided that the idea of a turf war over the exclusive rights to teasing a retard wasn't necessarily the most lucrative of operations, and promptly told Legi0n staff that this was an ill fated and unnecessary venture that would only serve to distract from the boards main goal of autistic analysis. Medic proceeded to ban every member of the board to tell him just what a dumb cunt he actually was, all the while accusing the CWCki and it's Admins of USI.
This was done for about a week before Legi0n pulled their heads out of their collective assholes and realized that insulting and banning most of their users might, in fact, not be the best way to keep traffic flowing to the site, and immediately halted the mass banning. The "official" reason for the bans was a "purge thread", i.e. /cwc/ was trimming it's fat and getting rid of unsavory elements.
It still remains to be seen what exactly was gained from making it "just look like" they attempted to initiate an e-war and rage-banned people who called them out on their butthurt, besides looking like they're all completely full of shit, but yeah, it all went according to plan.

After Ickeriss' brave leadership led the clique right to annals of Encyclopedia Dramatica, Legi0n determined that the once glorious Medic needed to step away from the reins of power. Medickeriss, as classy as ever, flipped his shit entirely and decided that if he didn't get to be a Chris-chan trolling cool gui then nobody got to be and threatened to expose horrifying and irreparably damaging information to Chirs-chans handlers that would totally and completely prevent any future trolling. Ever.
It is expected that this latest totally ingenious and rather large, complex and elaborate trolling on Icky's part will be met with his usual amount of success. Suffice it to say, the number of people openly and proudly trolling under the name of Legi0n has drastically diminished on August 27th Legi0n closed it's doors, moving /cwc/ and keeping the board online as an archive. While this was a completely voluntary decision by management, it's assumed Ickeriss will eventually claim some form of credit for forcing the closure. Well, some credit other than "I was a huge faggot and they shut down due to shame that they had been associated with me and people like me". That part he'll probably leave out.
Thought Legi0n finally learned their lesson about faggot mods after Ickeriss, too? Think again. Meet SeanieB: owner of 789chan. When he's not being a totally hardcore troll or Mac fanboy, he's admining on Sonic The Hedgehog forums. Once again, Legi0n accepts only the finest into their ranks of internet terrorist elite
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