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    Josh the fatty may ban you for weight loss advice or an anime avatar. Kengle the fatty won't and never will.

Communities Pvcc /cwc/ /kkk/ /cow/ julay.world / alogs.space

Communities of interest on the internet


`he who laughs last laughs best`
Registered Member
New Op.


/cow/ is the successor to /cwc/, which was created by Krapple and hosted by CEO on KrappleKomputerKompany circa 2008, according to the Wayback Machine's oldest copy of it:
( https://web.archive.org/web/20080613113421/http://krapplekomputerkompany.com/ )
( https://web.archive.org/web/*/http://krapplekomputerkompany.com )

Krapple Komputer Kompany was similar to 8chan in that it allowed users to create boards. There are a few surviving third-party accounts of KKK-era /cwc/: ( http://www.sonichu.com/cwcki//cwc/#History )

789chan's and n0chan's history are very much intertwined . 789chan, owned by SeanieB, and n0chan, owned by Atlus, coexisted for a while before n0chan's boards were acquired by 789chan. ( https://web.archive.org/web/20121003180852/http://789chan.org/ )
( http://web.archive.org/web/*/http://789chan.org )
789chan archive

888chan also had a board on 789chan and vica versa.
( https://archive.fo/http://888chan.org/* )
( http://web.archive.org/web/*/http://888chan.org )

The original n0chan can be seen here: ( https://web.archive.org/web/20110720050356/http://n0chan.org/ )
Or here: ( http://archive.is/http://n0chan.com/ )

2014 after m00t bans topics for the first time Fredrick Brennan aka Copypaste or Hotwheels decided to host /cow/ on 8chan with mods Homor, JEWS and Judge Candy.
( http://archive.is/http://8chan.co/cow/* )
( https://archive.fo/http://8ch.net/cow/* )

2018-2019: after the El Paso shooting cloudflare drops 8chan for a short period /cow/ died only to be brought back by julayworld.


Timelines: 2009-2010 Krapple Komputer Kompany opens up. It's an imageboard started by Mark Ortiz aka KrappleGuy/Kopy. (More on Mark Ortiz here).
Servers get DMCA'd because of CEO hosting terabytes of Hentai.

Mark Ortiz opens up the legion board in early 2010. That also fucks up since krapple has the opposite of the midas touch where everything he gets involved with ends up in failure. A young dude named Seanie B decides to host it. This was about summer of 2010 IIRC. Seanie wanted to host it on his small tech chan called 789chan to increase web traffic/appreciate the web culture.

789chan lasts from late 2010 to November 20th 2012. Seanie literally inheritis all the mods/admins of the legion board except for adding homor.

N0chan opens up on the same day as 789chan's closure. Since krapple guy wanted to host his own lulcow board away from Seanie. People come and it sustains until January 13th-15(my guess). Krapple's host literally goes awol for a month without telling anybody. The servers were in limbo and Krapple keeps telling people it will go up. Nekoarc sees that a dedicated group of people are a home and wants to capitalize on this. Nekoarc decided to used the 888chan server he bought and help his buddy krapple out. Nekoarc wanted the viewership the small but dedicated board culture brought. Since 888chan pre /cow/ migration and post chanology had like 2 posters. Nekoarc and spacepirate. The board was up from february 15th 2013 to around May 4th 2014.

After Nekoarc's buttbuddy laurelai and tranny crew decided to DMCA the server for activism. Nekoarc didn't want to host the server anymore since it came with a lot of drama. /cow/ is the opposite of the community nekoarc ever wanted. While we're "misgendering" people. Nekoarc runs a fucking LGBT support group IRC. It would be like if Archie Bunker and Daria Morgendaffer got together. Just an akward mix.

Spacepirate who thought the whole DMCA thing was funny decided to host /cow/ on the n0chan domain krapple still had. This went on from May 5th 2014 to around September 11th 2014. Spacepirate used a megabyte host which made hosting /cow/ on n0chan really cheap. As half the non dedicated IRC posters were gone. This started to amp up in costs until it was 40 dollars a month.
SP was hemorrhaging money because hosting started to increase incremently to around 40 dollars a month for the last 2 months. SP was very impulsive with money and would spend it when he got it. He worked a dish washing job and when his paycheck of 200 dollars came in. He would spend 40 bucks on stupid impulsive shit. For a Jew. He was really bad with money.

Fredrick Brennan aka Copypaste or Hotwheels gained favor with 8chan when m00t of 4chan banned discussion on the Fappening & Gamergate.
It was at this point Fredrick inherited /cow/ as well as the former mods JEWS, Homor and Judge Candy.
Around this time copypaste / Fredrick even made null of the cwckiforums a global mod of 8chan this drew further ire From those who believed the Cwckiforums to be home to the Stonecutters and nulls position as mod away to further his Agenda, this fear was intensified when null struck out at /v/ for and failed to deliver on infinity next.
Fredrick sought out investors anywhere he could find them, which is how he ended up with the pig farmer Jim Watkins Who at first seemed to be a Savior, Jim's son Ron convinced Jim to host 8chan yet his strangle hold was in truth a death grip.
/cow/ speaks up let's listen.

Robi Pires took hold of /cow/ proper after 8chan to the relief of 10 anons and 2 ecelebs, JEWS took a backseat after a scuffle with Fredrick who'd Grown to hate what he helped foster, this led 8kun ran by Jim & Ron Watkins to host a variant of /cow/, Null of the Kiwi Farms once cwckiforums Followed with a neo/cow/ on 9chan.tw.
Despite this change anons stayed on julay.world many follow the /ibs/ cyclical thread #9 to this day.
Homor a mod since 789chan even encouraged what some considered the death of 8chan /cow/ in the form of the Internet bloodsports cyclical, Homor went so far as to appear on live streams and deleted threads of well established lolcows.


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https://archive.today/oocat - /atf/ page 0
https://web.archive.org/web/20140909202221/http://www.n0chan.com/atf/ - /atf/ page 0 (9/9/14)
https://archive.today/SLRid - Andy Markiewicz/Liz Davis/SpoonfulOfBromide
https://archive.today/3NVxR - Andy & SJWs
https://archive.today/mSyOH - Chris Gillon/Autphag
https://archive.today/ts0Lh - Gavin McInnes
https://archive.today/b0JPM - Kevin Hughes/Kat Haché (>100 replies)
https://archive.today/rkasJ - Joseph Harnishfeger/NekoArc & Wesley Bailey/Laurelai (>100 replies)
https://archive.today/YRz5E - Robb & Andy on Shredded Moose (>100 replies)
https://archive.today/2iib5 - Robb & Andy on Shredded Moose again
https://archive.today/GRniB - Romeo Rose (>100 replies)

(888chan /pvcc/ thread) 9/04/14 http://pastebin.com/QFk7AxZE (https://archive.fo/oN9FN) Contains omitted info (https://web.archive.org/web/20150719234635/https://pastebin.com/JWkNen0k)




(888chan pvcc thread) 16/04/14


(888chan pvcc thread Rika edition) 08/05/13

(8chan /pvcc/ thread) 01/27/15
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https://encyclopediadramatica.se/NekoArc (https://archive.ph/89JvI)

https://www.tinychan.org/topic/12450 (http://archive.md/FzHxU)

Neko was around for the 3rd incarnation of /cow/ after /cwc/ of 789chan's collapse, and the antebellum through which it shifted to Krapple's reincarnation of n0chan. It was temporarily renamed /atf/ on two different occasions, one of which was towards the end of Neko's willingness to host the servers, after which Spacepirate had found very temporary soujourn on a Megabyte host. Spacepirate was relegated responsibility for the main managerial aspect of the imageboard itself sometime in the Spring of 2013, after Neko decided to distance himself from the lolcow boards, presumably out of disgust with Robert Wayne Stiles' autogynephillia over which he had a genuine outburst. Neko came into the ire of the lolcow-sphere himselfsometime around the latter part of this particular incarnation's life just before axing it from his chan for good, c. mid-2014; he became embroiled in the defense of Kat Hache from twitter-drama invoked by the then-/atf/ers.

Neko has a history of getting in the cross-fire of similarily ranked autogynes on the Benjamin scale, always getting defensive over whether it was attacked for its own less-than-stellar candour over the genuineness of his transgenderism, which is tentative at best; he would devote space to /cow/ regularly in serenade of how he had hypocritically managed to rail against Robert Wayne Stiles despite engaging in boasting of a similar degree of fetishism, saying he liked to penetrate to keep his member well-endowed, and similar likes. Finally, he lost his grip over the board some time in the latter part of 2014, when his tastes, affected under the pre-text of Social Justice Warriorism, could no longer tolerate that of his own medicine.

Blog: http://laurelai.info (http://archive.md/UlD1N)
DeviantArt: http://laurelaibailey.deviantart.com/ (http://archive.md/UtmC0)
Disqus: https://disqus.com/by/facebook-771323265/ (http://archive.md/E8awX)
Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/laurelai.bailey (http://archive.md/uRsLO) (Since deleted, archive from 2013)
GitHub: https://github.com/Laurelai (http://archive.md/Dt3ny)
Hubski: http://hubski.com/user/Laurelai (http://archive.md/qmE6w)
Imgur: http://laurelai.imgur.com/ (http://archive.md/y0Ggq)
LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/laurelai-bailey-5b599531 (doesn't archive)
MySpace: https://myspace.com/artixstorm (http://archive.md/O22y2)
MySpace: https://myspace.com/wesleyraziel (private)
Steam: http://steamcommunity.com/id/artixstorm (private)
Twitter: https://twitter.com/ArtixStorm/ (http://archive.md/T19K1)
Twitter: https://twitter.com/laurelai_bailey (http://archive.md/pufgP)
Twitter: https://twitter.com/stuxnetsource/ (http://archive.md/sCzQK) (suspended)
ED article about him: https://encyclopediadramatica.rs/Laurelai (http://archive.md/VOKH3)
archive of their LinkedIn https://archive.ph/GLrPN )
Seems like most any weeb ever, did they ever go back to the internet? Doesn't seem like they have.

This is exactly why I don't dox others and just guess until others give up their name. It's not funny to me to dox, but it is funny to be so annoying that people outright tell me who's to blame.

That said, way too many of these punks can't take their own medicine and that's why we are at where we are at. Too many blowhards laboring under an idea of perfection that comes from never appearing weak. Truth is, only the weak can be seen as courageous in the first place. Trying to act tough without ever getting your ass kicked is why people on the internet cannot tell who can actually fight. Too many people, like this person, act tough and have nothing to back it up with.

I'd actually fight most people in a ring for fun. I'd also stab Sigsev in Minecraft over using me for his faggy civil war and misinformation campaign. That's some Something Awful Era levels of bullshit and the reason I left the SCP Foundation when it was forming there. Too much unnecessary drama, too little facts.

Speaking of, why is this person relevant Naught? You're not good at establishing that in the OP but I think this format you have down is pretty dang good.

You rush too often, slow down when making OPs and add more context you fake pedophile edgecunt.
Laurelai and nekoarc hosted an iteration of /cow/ on 888chan.
Also, heavy crossover with autphag as he was discovered on the previous incarnation /atf/