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    Josh the fatty may ban you for weight loss advice or an anime avatar. Kengle the fatty won't and never will.

Getting lol cows demonitized isn't a massive win


Registered Member
I don't think getting cows demonetized or removed from social media is a massive win. Look at DSP for example. Because DSP detractors constantly pushed DSP to get demonitized and lose sponsors for making edgy jokes DSP is now boring as fuck. Part of his original appeal was his failed attempts at edgy jokes. These days we're lucky if he makes any. He's effectively neutered in potential as a cow.


It's just pathetic. It takes absolutely 0 effort to get someone demonitized. It's not impressive. It's comparable to a child desperately trying to get attention from their parent. "look! We made him angry at being demonitized! He mentioned us!"

It's vastly more impressive if someone puts genuine effort into exposing or breaking a cow without calling for the equivalent of mommy or daddy. Look at the take down of boogie as a shining example of this. The reddit post obliterated his career. All the more beautiful because it wouldn't have had he just ignored it.

We're unlikely to see anything of the sort from modern kiwifarms. There's tons of interesting cows like Review Tech USA or someone like Hamza that are far more entertaining than DSP or the lawyer guy that null has a hate boner for.
However they'd take actual effort to expose. Effort that most kiwiposters would rather put into writing essays about trannies or whatever figure is currently popular on social media.
I just said this in another thread but I'll say it again here because it applies: this is the type of faggot shit that people on Twitter and Reddit do when they "cancel" people.

This whole culture of snitch bitch tactics needs to stop. It's fucking lame.
reddit needs to be cancelled.
Reddit is literally just a bunch of trannies, commies, nigger enablers, gay 14 year old femboys and 40 year old men who want to fuck the 14 year old femboys.

It's a den of weirdos. If it was an actual place that you could physically go to, that's the type of place that I pray a mass shooting would happen at in lieu of a school.
Reddit is literally just a bunch of trannies, commies, nigger enablers, gay 14 year old femboys and 40 year old men who want to fuck the 14 year old femboys.

It's a den of weirdos. If it was an actual place that you could physically go to, that's the type of place that I pray a mass shooting would happen at in lieu of a school.
I wish the term "femboy" was banned off every social media site. Almost every "femboy" is just a prepubescent boy who was groomed online. Femboy culture is extremely pedophilic.
I wish the term "femboy" was banned off every social media site. Almost every "femboy" is just a prepubescent boy who was groomed online. Femboy culture is extremely pedophilic.
It's either underage kids that were probably fucked by a relative so they think they have to be gay now, or "straight" kids that have been overly sexualized by the woke kike/fag media.

I mean I was horny as fuck and having sex at 14 too but the only people who ever knew about it at the time were the girls I was fucking.

I realize that I was 14 in 1998 and social media wasn't really a thing but if I would have put stories about my sex life up on my Angelfire page or humble bragged about that shit in an AOL chat room I'm sure my parents would have killed me after the fucking FBI came over to talk to them. Now if we don't support prepubescent children "transitioning" we're horrible people, but it's still pedophile ass shit to me.

If people cared half as much about a 15 year old girl getting finger banged in the backseat of an Oldsmobile cutlass supreme as they did these "lgbtq youth", they would be on the sex offender list quicker than you can say doctor disrespect.