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    Josh the fatty may ban you for weight loss advice or an anime avatar. Kengle the fatty won't and never will.

Pvcc /cwc/ /kkk/ /cow/ julay.world

/cow/ was great back in the day, but it stopped being fun in about 2015. The initial iterations were the best, like /kkk/, /cwc/, /atf/, etc. 789chan was the best version. JEWS is probably the best only by process of elimination, i guess? but none of the admins have been worth a damn. Space Pirate was a total sped, but he didnt do HORRIBLE. seanieb was an idiot who hated fun and had shitty managers. throw in Atlus because his version of n0chan before he handed it off also had a /cow/-focused board. Mark Ortiz is a cow without a thread.
I wrote a post on what appeared to be the demise of /cow/ back in the fall, but its revived on some stupid gunt retort site. Out of laziness, I am gonna just cut and paste it here because i think it sorta adds something and frankly im lazy.

Link or lore on Mark Ortiz please?
Where to begin? lol...

Ortiz has a long history of making a huge embarrassment of himself, but he holds an integral role in the history of this community.

First the good. Way back when the concept of a lolcow was just hatching, Chris was basically the Gold Standard for what a lolcow should be, and there were relatively few places to discuss cows. Ortiz opened what would be the first real imageboard focused on lolcows, named /kkk/ (Krapple Komputer Kompany) :rolleyes:. He also went on to be one of the people maintaining the CWC Library on youtube. So he has done some decent stuff. The problem is that he cant stop making an ass of himself.

In high school, he made a Bob Chandler t-shirt and wore it around school. This is known because he got himself doxed by trying toget people t do his dirty work for him and to prank some chick. Of course it backfired. He's a lolcow. The people he gave her info to used it to contact her and she outted him lol.

In about 2011, a few years after /kkk/ shut down, Krapple was trying to fuck this girl from the internet named "Ominous". He arranged for a trip to Las Vegas where he planned on banging her, but it turned out to be a ruse cruise, and this faggot named Atlus literally cucked him, making out with her and banging her while he was around. To get a better idea, here is Atlus today.


Atlus is a bit of a tard himself. Following the trip to Las Vegas, he actually wrote an article on ED about him and the chick fucking with Mark. That's a bit overkill, but then he went over to /cwc/, which was an early incarnation of /cow/ and began to brag about it and link to the article. People told him to fuck off, and his response was to behave like a gigantic child. He ha admin power on /cwc/, so he started outting people's IP addresses on posts that were critical of him and banned people who kept posting about him looking like a retard for bragging. The 789chan admin, seanieb, kicked atlus off admin the next day.



So anyways, Mark got cucked by this guy, and the chick also fucked with Atlus a bit, doing things such as getting him to dye his pubes blue.

Since then, he's been stalking that Britbong dude. I don't follow it at all, but I guess he got cucked again?
/cow/ was fun. Whenever i got bored of /pol/ and /v/ on 8ch, /cow/ and /tech/ were the other boards i would frequent. Whenever there was a ralph stream during the skeptic™ saga, especially whenever Metokur was involved, I'd keep refreshing whatever active skeptic™ thread that was open on /cow/ to see the shitposts that would go on in real time.
/cow/ was great back in the day, but it stopped being fun in about 2015. The initial iterations were the best, like /kkk/, /cwc/, /atf/, etc. 789chan was the best version. JEWS is probably the best only by process of elimination, i guess? but none of the admins have been worth a damn. Space Pirate was a total sped, but he didnt do HORRIBLE. seanieb was an idiot who hated fun and had shitty managers. throw in Atlus because his version of n0chan before he handed it off also had a /cow/-focused board. Mark Ortiz is a cow without a thread.

Seanie was actually decent, but he quickly realized hosting a site that lambasts reprobates, derelicts, and delusional people might also mean that his friends might get lambasted as well, while dealing with antagonistic forces that wanted to ruin his actual business(Lost Signal) might not be worth it.
Seanie was actually decent, but he quickly realized hosting a site that lambasts reprobates, derelicts, and delusional people might also mean that his friends might get lambasted as well, while dealing with antagonistic forces that wanted to ruin his actual business(Lost Signal) might not be worth it.
i feel like they squashed a lot of fun threads and that the jannies were too itchy on the trigger finger to delete posts. And I'm not even a janny hater. Or maybe I was just such a shitty poster back then that i felt i was being repressed. :thinking:

What he did well was he tried to nurture community. Tinychat was a blast and that was where Jen was found. What I appreciate most about 789chan was that it taught me how insane trannies are. Before then, I just thought it wrong to target them. But god damn. thank god for introman.