
  1. Gamercat

    Communities (AKA the sharty) is an online imageboard dedicated towards development of the soyical arts (soy duels, soy quotes, soy spam) ETC. Despite being a fun place to post soys and act like an unhinged schizo it has faced a myraid of issues, mainly CP spam from discord faggots like...
  2. naught

    Robby Pilkington / Tonkasaw / Robi Vio

    Robby Pilkington / Tonkasaw / Robi Vio Tonkasaw was a part time skeptic and full time aspiring grifter, the other noteworthy part of his personality is encompassed by asking for others I'm the internet to fight him 1 on 1 when he can't take the banter, many such cases and even more hurt...
  3. naught


    /cow/ 8chan 9chan julayworld guntlogs Someone far more eloquent then myself articulated the various iterations of /cow/. I miss /cow/, it was my intro into this world. @JEWS was best mod.