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    Josh the fatty may ban you for weight loss advice or an anime avatar. Kengle the fatty won't and never will.

Kiwifarms Gossip & Slap Fights The Suicide of Near

These threads cover general gossip and interacting with Kiwifarms (openly calling them out).
“Keep your head strong and try not to focus on the haters”
I’m going to post what I know about his family, since they’re all dead and gone I don’t see any issues with revealing information but delete this at your discretion @Kenneth Erwin Engelhardt

From the Obituary of Near’s father, Alvin.

Obituary of Brother

And then tracking through public records, last recorded place was Ohio.
View attachment 45294

Most likely place of birth would be Florida.
Holy shit, no wonder Byuu is/was a furry when his parents bred like cockroaches (assuming it's just one mom).
Very interesting. If there isn't a remaining family its very unlikely we will any documents released. And why would they give ammo and reveal themselves to the trolls they believe drove him to suicide, as @BurnerAccount333 said.
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I'll post this here too.
Kiwifarms sperging over the byuu thing and Ashley made a sock that had most of her posts deleted because they make them look bad.


Look at this, someone on kiwi said that Near could be dead and their account and all their posts got nuked. So much for “free speech”
View attachment 45430

Look at this, someone on kiwi said that Near could be dead and their account and all their posts got nuked. So much for “free speech”
View attachment 45431
Yeah, ❄️🍑 unless they say something against the narrative. Like q annoners. Also boof was @Ashley Hutsell Jankowski , and in this case I agree with her. Broken clocks and all that. Letsfreakingo was also her.
so wait... not only are they covering up the whole thing.. but silencing anyone who questions it?
Yeah, it appears to be an active cover up with the excuse that they are just getting rid of Ashley. I'm surprised they didn't delete the replies too.
Reason: They made the baseless claim he faked suicide before as well and I have yet to see proof.
View attachment 45430

Look at this, someone on kiwi said that Near could be dead and their account and all their posts got nuked. So much for “free speech”
View attachment 45431
I still believe that blaming Kiwifarms on his suicide is a stretch. Byuu was already in a toxic environment to begin with, as CIA Nigger himself has confirmed.

IMO It's more likely that CIA Nigger himself orchestrated attacks against him, as they did have some beef. CIA Nigger saw his personal army request backfiring on Kiwifarms so he resorted to some more retarded forum to do it.
I still believe that blaming Kiwifarms on his suicide is a stretch. Byuu was already in a toxic environment to begin with, as CIA Nigger himself has confirmed.

IMO It's more likely that CIA Nigger himself orchestrated attacks against him, as they did have some beef. CIA Nigger saw his personal army request backfiring on Kiwifarms so he resorted to some more retarded forum to do it.
From the evidence that I’ve come across, it seems like the trans community’s own toxicity was to blame, but Kiwi attacking his friends was the straw that broke his back.

Most likely, he made a last ditch attempt to protect his friends. He probably wanted his death to mean something.
In Byuu's own words:
To: Null <null@kiwifarms.net>
From: byuu <byuu@byuu.org>
Date: June-26-2021 12:59 PM

I can't do this anymore.

I've tried therapy, I've tried every anti-depressant available in Japan, I've erased my entire internet presence back in July. I've tried everything, but nothing works. I can't stop having panic attacks. I can't stop feeling humiliated. I can't stop spending every hour of my life worrying about what your users are going to do next to me or my friends both onsite and off. It's been a three-year nightmare for me.

I know I'm different, but I've tried my best to be a good person. To learn from my mistakes and not repeat them. To help others wherever I could. But I've always been ridiculed for being different. It's been a constant my entire life. It's unbearable.

I can't live like this any more, it has wrecked my entire life. I really can't explain why this hurts me so deeply, and I know it's irrational. I can only tell you that I can't handle this anymore. "byuu" is all I have. I have no real-life friends, no identity off the internet, this is it. There's no other reason for my being but to try and emulate game consoles for people. I put my entire life into this.

So I'll give you the choice.

If you'll take down my thread, I'll offer you my entire life's savings: $120,000 USD, as much of that as you want, however you want it. I'll further offer you my services as a 20-year software engineer, free of charge. I've done my best the past three years to better myself and make changes for every point criticized there. I'm not involved with the fandom or non-binary scene and haven't been for years, I was just desperate to fit in somewhere. My politics are centrist and kept to myself, my social media accounts are all long-gone. You won't hear of me again, I'll just post emulator releases and that's it, absolutely no internet presence otherwise, on my word. And I'll keep going to therapy to try to get past this. This is me just outright begging you with everything I have. Please give me the chance to get through this. You won, a thousand times over already.

If not, then I'll reply with my dox: a scan of my passport, a recent photo, and proof that it's mine, for confirmation. And then I'll hang myself. I live alone, I've tested my setup with a slipknot on a solid climbing rope over a door frame, I've spent weeks doing my research on this, it works. I can nearly pass out with little effort or discomfort, the carotid arteries are easily compressible. A kick stool should be all that's needed. It won't fail, but if it were to, I live on the 14th floor and have a balcony. On my reputation and honor, having had no history of ever threatening this nor of being untruthful in my 20+ years online, I give you my word that I'm serious. You can post this e-mail if you choose. I won't make a big fuss about it online though, don't worry. It doesn't matter anymore.

I really tried to avoid getting to this point, but every day has been worse than the last for too long now. Those two weeks were the only time in the past few years where I felt any happiness at all. So it's up to you. Let me know what you decide please, or if you want anything else from me.

~ byuu


Josh's defense:
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Kiwifarms always distances themselves from their users who do something illegal when shit hits the fan. Couch cuck shot up a school and he posted more than users who would be considered true and honest kiwis. CIA nigger was a kiwi, likely with multiple socks. Just because someone posts on both reddit and Twitter doesn't mean one or the other can disown them as an other. They were both.
From the evidence that I’ve come across, it seems like the trans community’s own toxicity was to blame, but Kiwi attacking his friends was the straw that broke his back.

Most likely, he made a last ditch attempt to protect his friends. He probably wanted his death to mean something.
But Byuu wasn't trans...he himself distanced himself from the non binary community after some time. CIA Nigger specifically mentioned the furry community as a response to some question regarding Byuu. Not the transformer community.
Who were the ones saying he didn't kill himself? Should we tag them here? I vaugly remember some people denying it happened or said there was no proof or something.
Tactical Consumption dedicated the entire last segment of his KF documentary to examining the evidence of the suicide and declaring he didn’t kill himself.

I like that video in general but he got quite a few things wrong. Another one was him claiming KF is not “alt right” cuz they go after conservatives like Ethan Ralph. That doesn’t mean shit.

I won’t harp more on the political views of Kiwi Farmers cuz I’ve gone into it on here before. TL;DR dude should’ve done more research.