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Kiwifarms Gossip & Slap Fights Kiwis that could be halal worthy

These threads cover general gossip and interacting with Kiwifarms (openly calling them out).
I'm putting down BLASTERRIFLE.
Blasterrifle III.PNG
Blasterrifle II.PNG
On the BLASTERRRIFLE's thing, the guy comes like he's off his rockers. He talks about how most people on the internet deserve respect and Kiwifarms is a deterrent against that. Then posts the second post about war-torn countries, then afterwards begins posting a bunch of other stuff against Bogleech. And then writes the third post as though the previous posts didn't exist.
He's a boring guy IRL from what i gathered, idk why he would be halal.

Ironically enough, there was ANOTHER user who used the name Satan, but he had his profile deleted. This guy would go into threads with lolcows posting in them and argue with them all the fucking time. Well, he was doing that with Marjan back when Marjan was a big thing on KF. Back in those days, people were more free and open about themselves on KF, so pictures of him were in a few threads, including the pics thread. Also, he would give out a lot of info about himself like where he lived, how he made money, his family, all this other shit. He also would talk about cheating on his wife! lol... So Marjan used his info to dox the guy and he contacted his wife. Satan had a massive panic attack and contacted null, and asked him if null would give him the ability to delete his own posts and remove info from quotes. Null couldn't do that without making him a manager at the time, so null personally went through thousands of posts for like 3 days making changes to them to help Satan bury his past.
The Satan you're talking about was a regular poster in a lot of places, he could definitely pass for normie, almost a surfer looking Chad really, better than most of us. He was one of the nicer users as well, maybe too much for his own good, and he liked to overshare especially with the incels. Maybe he saw good in them and in Null as well. Never seemed to have the usual sperg problem of getting a girlfriend or anything, but then again he did move to an impoverished island nation in Southeast Asia so it's anyone's guess. He was nice to me both on and off site, but I can't blame him for wanting to leave internet drama behind. Trying to fix Marjan's retardation and rapey tendencies and Thonis the incel is a bit much even for an optimistic Chad, let alone the other users. If the cheating on his wife part is true and not just a weird flex on the incels, it's too bad, he was doing quite well for himself.

To Satan's credit though, Thonis got past his retarded Elliot Rodger worship and somehow managed to become a father. I mean, I can't blame him for being a sadboy, he does live in a shithole country after all.
i dont think that's that extreme of a position to take. whether or not sex offenders should be executed is a valid debate and a rational case that its morally wrong could be made from several perspectives.
The only perspective that matters is the one at the steps of 4210 Wolfetown Road, Cherokee, NC 28719
Criminally underrated post
Despite making up only 13% of the posters, anime avatars make 50% of the unironic shitposters.
wtf I love anime avatars now?
The Last Stand, so brain dead and gay. Very arguably most reddit poster.
They actually posted some pictures with geolocation data in the EXIF one time, I don't remember what thread it was in, though. I only remember that zed quoted the post when responding to TLS, and when I went to the original post all the images were still up.
They actually posted some pictures with geolocation data in the EXIF one time, I don't remember what thread it was in, though. I only remember that zed quoted the post when responding to TLS, and when I went to the original post all the images were still up.
I asked TLS about it in the dms and he said that the context of those pics was that he was visiting someone else's home. He doesn't live in Pennsylvania which was where the geolocation data of that pic was at. He lives in (IIRC) Ohio.
The NeoGAF & ResetERA Community Watch thread is filled with lolcows to the brim. I assume this is partially due to some of them being former users of these forums similarly to Crunklord420 (the tranny jannie that created the ResetERA ban tracker and writes cringey blogposts about alt-tech, cryptocurrencies and all types of Dark Enlightment elitist bullshit).
Just looking at the last two pages, and at the top of my head, the following users are lolcows, most of them already discussed in this subforum: Senior Lexmechanic, NeilBreenLover 69 & Lemme See.
There's a lot of other fine stock, such as the cringey essayposter Ctrl+Alt+Rt & AnOminous (lol fat).
And I don't know if I mixing people but wasn't BubbleButt a ban-evading furfag? I mean, the furfag profile picture would make sense then and the name rings a bell.


Edit: yes, I was mixing people BubbleButt isn't Bubble Sink, they both have potential in their own ways thou.
The NeoGAF & ResetERA Community Watch thread is filled with lolcows to the brim. I assume this is partially due to some of them being former users of these forums similarly to Crunklord420 (the tranny jannie that created the ResetERA ban tracker and writes cringey blogposts about alt-tech, cryptocurrencies and all types of Dark Enlightment elitist bullshit).
Just looking at the last two pages, and at the top of my head, the following users are lolcows, most of them already discussed in this subforum: Senior Lexmechanic, NeilBreenLover 69 & Lemme See.
There's a lot of other fine stock, such as the cringey essayposter Ctrl+Alt+Rt & AnOminous (lol fat).
And I don't know if I mixing people but wasn't BubbleButt a ban-evading furfag? I mean, the furfag profile picture would make sense then and the name rings a bell.

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lel edgy
I was at one point considering taking his side in his thread because I was bored and agreed enough with some of his points and the people getting mad at him were also acting cowish that it would have been fun, but then I found out he wanted to lower the age of consent to 14 (or 12? only heard him say 14 but I haven't seen most of his posts) and I permanently canned that idea.
You should have done it. It was pretty fun when @Icasaracht and titan west did joined his "side", but they ended up leaving as fast as they came. About the age of consent he specified 14 at first but then said when they start puberty later on. Puberty starts around that age for girls plus the fact that he justifies lowering the age of consent because it used to be 12 in the U.S probably led to people thinking he meant 12.
Didn't Satan make before he was banned?