AltisticRight is dumb and doesn't know people still got older than 50 but the general life expectancy was lower because of infant and maternal mortality. The real reason girls got "married" at 12 is that they were actually betrothed or promised to someone, not married.
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Here's an excerpt from an article, confirming my theory that Altistic is an uneducated dumbass who thinks everyone used to die young until the modern age:
Many of us believe our ancestors lived much shorter lives than we do. Cutting-edge archaeology shows otherwise.
Apparently Altristic Right never bothered to read the Old Testament where God is shown to be perfectly okay with his people plundering other nations and take their virgin women and girls for themselves.
People make fun of Islam because its founder is a pedophile (the story of Muhammad and Aisha) but even in the context of Judaism and Christianity, God himself never seem to have an issue with his people engaging in the rape of women and forcibly take girls for themselves.
Here's some Bible verses that show God approving of kidnapping, rape, mass murder, and pedophilia:
Exodus 21: 7-10
Numbers 31: 1-18
Deuteronomy 20: 10-14
Judges 21: 7-11
Judges 21: 20-23
Altristic Right is not wrong that the Gropyers are freaks that use religion that justify doing bad things to other people but the Groypers aren't wrong that God doesn't seem to care about pedophilia because it says so in the Bible itself (it's not really blasphemy if it's down written in a holy book where said texts are considered canon).
Whether it's in the context of Judaism, Christianity, or Islam; the God of these three religions simply does not care about rape, kidnapping, pedophilia, mass murder, or other war crimes so long as it's done in his name (God described in the Old and New Testaments of the Bible and God described in the Quran does not care about the sensibilities of modern day people and this includes those on Kiwi Farms).
Obviously society has an obligation to protect children from dangerous predators but what I find laughable is that I don't even know why Kiwi Farms still shills for Christianity where if they want to oppose pedophilia so much then just convert to some form of European paganism instead (European paganism is actually white and you usually don't have a deity present that approves of war crimes).
Holy fuck, Christianity isn't even white, it was a religion that has its origins in ancient Israel (during the age of the Roman Empire) that was simply adopted by the white man as Rome began to decline. The ancient Greek religion, the ancient Roman religion, the ancient Norse religion, various forms of Slavic paganism, paganism found in the British isles, and other native European religions are more white than Christianity when you think about it. I don't understand why the vast majority of those on Kiwi Farms (and other similar groups online) promote Christianity when it's a religion that is the sequel to Judaism and half of the stuff written in the Bible are stuff that the Kiwis would oppose to anyway.