• Welcome to Onionfarms. All races, ethnicities, religions. Gay, straight, bisexual. CIS or trans. It makes no difference to us. If you can rock with us, you are one of us. We are here for you and always will be.

    Josh the fatty may ban you for weight loss advice or an anime avatar. Kengle the fatty won't and never will.

Astin Soul / Vixen Soul / Luna Prey / Lunaprey / Alise

Christine's Pickles

used to do that more flirtingly
Baby Onion

Names: Astin Soul, Vixen Soul, Luna Prey (Lunaprey), Alise
Birth Date: ??/??/1997 (23-24 years old as of this post)
Known Locations: Daytona Beach, FL (2016), Madison, WI (more recently), China?
Known For:
  • Administrating/"coding" (?) the Sociopath Community forum/chat (2013-2016, and likely for some time thereafter - she claims to have moved on from that now)
  • Administrating/"coding" the Boards.zone platform and at least one of its boards (Free Chris Chan)
  • Being a post-merge CWC white knight (yes, seriously)
  • Being a moralposting retard and general lunatic on Kiwi Farms, especially in the CWC subforum
  • Having a seething hatred for Joshua Conner Moon/Null
  • Extensive history of schizophrenic/edgy posting and straight-up insanity on Reddit for almost a decade


Astin Soul, as she is known to us lolcow watcher types, is a late millennial who came into this world at the end of the 1990s, and has been active on the Internet in some fashion since at least 2013. She positions herself as an IT consultant and/or web developer, yet it seems that she leans heavily on others to accomplish even the basics of this work. She has historically claimed to own/run a firm called SoulCreative, but little information exists about it now aside from a screenshot of a Chinese language LinkedIn page.


She is rumored to have an older brother, Michael (Knave Soul), but little is known about him (aside from his supposed involvement with SoulCreative and other ventures with Astin), and he may not actually exist (or he's roleplaying as Astin). If he exists, he's boring.

Astin has been known to live in Florida in the past, and more recently, Internet activity has tied her to the Madison, WI area. Milwaukee figures in there in the past, too.

Aside from posting some really stupid ideas on Reddit about how she thinks the world should work (likely due to her being a total pothead), Astin is known for exhibiting narcissistic and potentially schizophrenic behavior, and much of this is well-documented at Kiwi Farms and other places around the web (links and screenshots to support these claims will appear as they are discussed in this post). More recently, she has taken to becoming a crusader for righteousness and morality, taking up arms against lolcow boards by defending an incestuous rapist. Sounds fun? Let's dig in!

Will the Real Astin Soul Please Stand Up?​

Before we start, I should address the fact that reasonable doubt has been cast on Astin's true identity. For one, she seems to have roleplayed various people through the years, which has muddied the waters for anyone who looks into her. In the SC days, she would use chat as "Luna Prey", but then she would go away and then "Michael Prey" would appear, typing in exactly the same style and using the same linguistic patterns and idioms as her.


This led some to believe that she doesn't actually exist, and is simply some fat neckbeard catfishing thirsty dudes. However, there are others who believe that she actually does exist, and it's instead the brother who was invented... and sometimes that "brother" gets conflated with being a "boyfriend", though that seemed to happen solely in the SC days, and maybe someone mentioned that having your brother as a boyfriend is not socially acceptable.

I tend to believe that Astin is actually a twenty-something woman, simply because I have yet to see any evidence that would disqualify her existence. She certainly uses being a girl on the Internet to her advantage, and has for nearly a decade. She also seems to be very concerned about her pictures leaking to the Internet, even to this day when those pictures have had years out there. If she were indeed catfishing as a girl, why would she be so concerned about that? So - I think she's real, but of course you can draw your own conclusions.

The Early Years​

Not much is known about Astin prior to 2013. She was originally seen posting some bullshit in various places under the name "lunaprey". Screenshots of her earliest writings come from a KF thread which we will discuss in the next section, but here:


Obviously, at this stage of Astin's life, we were dealing with a lulzy teenager who liked to edgepost (probably while high af) while making up odd claims (running a business in China?). This leads us to...

Sociopath Community​

From at least 2013 until sometime after 2016, Astin helped administrate the Sociopath Community board, which included forums and chat. It wasn't a very interesting place, its most active users being a bunch of teenage-level edgelords (though some were in their 30s or 40s) posting 3edgy5me shit about murder and other awesome topics. Astin used the name "Lunaprey" (or "Luna Prey") here. She and her "brother", "Michael Prey", handled adding features and making sure that the software worked (though there were issues with that).

The community, and Astin by extension, first appeared on the radar on January 15, 2016, when Kiwi Farms user CatParty actually posted a decent topic for once about SC, which eventually reached 48 pages: https://kiwifarms.net/threads/sociopath-community-com.16540/

Within hours, a couple of weens decided that it would be FUCKING HILARIOUS U GUYZ to raid that board and announce that KF was making fun of them. This caused some of their users to conduct a failraid on KF, with one even getting KF kicked off of their web host for posting what they claimed was CP (which was not CP, but that is outside the scope of this thread). Eventually, most of those users ended up with threads...

... including Astin herself. On January 26, 2016, her KF thread debuted, courtesy of KF user chimpburgers: https://kiwifarms.net/threads/soulcreatives-astin-vixen-soul-luna-prey-knave-soul.16938/ (page 1 archive, page 2 archive, page 3 archive)

This thread eventually ended up reaching only 3 pages, but much of the information about Astin known to that point comes from here, especially from SC user/moderator Turncoat's post detailing her own experience dealing with Astin (in fact, the pictures and several of the screenshots up to this point come from that post (page 1 archive)). None of this painted Astin in a favorable light, but it provided a more complete look at who she is, and even gave us some pictures (as previously stated).

For completeness' sake, we'll mention that the same dipshit who got KF's hosting pulled for lying about CP also made a thread about Astin and her "brother", but it was unsurprisingly full of AIDS and fail: https://kiwifarms.net/threads/luna-prey-and-michael-prey.17007/

Astin is the only user who stayed on KF after the failraid despite getting a thread, though her activity was mainly making some failposts trying to defend her board and shitting up a couple of other threads randomly.


Eventually, after a short time of being known as "Null's Personal Cumslut", she was force-named to "Astin Soul", which is why we are using that name in this post. Once interest died down a month or so later, Astin stopped posting, and aside from some curious posts a couple of years ago from a KF user named NOTLUNA who posted in Astin's KF thread about how Astin was stealing her picture (and being summarily ignored, more or less), not much happened until recently.


Boards.zone (archive) is Astin's latest project, and judging by the copyright dates at the bottom of the front page, it has existed since 2017. The connection to Astin was made due to a post she made on Kiwi Farms that existed just long enough to get into some search results before some jannie nuked it. Here's all that remains of it in the Bing cache (which is why it looks like fuck).

She's even tried shilling this thing on Reddit: (archive)

Upon first glance, it bears a striking resemblance to what Sociopath Community looked like, right down to the board and chat layout/functionality, but parlayed into being a platform vs. a single board. The platform is hosted on Amazon's AWS (the A record for boards.zone points to an IP address whose PTR/reverse record shows that it is in us-east-2, if you want to get technical), although the whois record for the boards.zone domain appears to be privacy protected (not surprising, due to GDPR and other privacy measures these days).

It seems like a solution in search of a problem, as anyone who has been on the Internet for a day or two in the last five years will probably gravitate toward Facebook, Reddit, or other much more successful platforms to find an audience to discuss a particular topic or hang out somewhere. As a result, there isn't much traction on this platform, as evidenced by the Featured Boards barely having any posts, with one glaring exception:

The presence of a "Free Chris Chan" board is surprising at first, not only because it's the only one with more than one post, but also it's the one topic in which Astin now has a special interest.

Astin Reinvented: Chris-chan White Knight​

Anyone who is reading this knows that in July 2021, Christine (Christian) Weston Chandler of Ruckersville, VA, did the unspeakable and allegedly repeatedly raped Barbara Weston Chandler (Chris's mother) over the course of the previous month or so. This, of course, has landed Chris in jail on an incest charge (with more potentially coming as the case works its way through the legal process), and has renewed interest in The Internet's Most Documented Person, even among those who didn't know of (or care about) Chris's existence beforehand. There are many theories put forth as to why Chris was engaging in these terrible acts, who put Chris up to this (a certain zoomer with a subforum on KF continues to be blamed, for instance - again, outside of the scope of this thread), what will happen to the house/car/pets/Chris, etc.

Where Astin ties into this is that she has decided, after watching the first 10 parts of Chris Chan: A Comprehensive History, to become a Chris-chan white knight. Chris has had white knights for longer than Chris has been known to the Internet (i.e. Anna McLerran, Kim Wilson, etc.), so that's nothing new, although the timing in this case is extremely suspect. If we also consider that part 10 of the Comprehensive History series leaves off in early 2009, which means that it has covered the Megan saga and some of the other earlier stuff that Chris did without troll intervention, Astin's decision to go CWC white knight reeks of someone trying super hard to fit even that old content into a current narrative against cyberbullying.

Starting in early August 2021, she started defending her newfound interest by... moralposting. Her latest MO is to go on websites (mainly KF) and directly accuse all - yes, ALL - KF users of conspiring against Chris. She has even gone as far as to suggest that these users gave Chris the idea to rape Barb by way of making up Bella. I hope that the irony of someone who has roleplayed a brother and potentially others in the past now accusing people of making someone up to troll people is not lost.

Astin especially seems to hate Null/Joshua Conner Moon, and appears to be constantly trying to point an accusatory finger toward him.



Naturally, she found a tough crowd on KF who was all too eager to remind her of her lolcow status and her past failures such as SC... if they didn't just tell her off for being a dipshit.



Her exceptional behavior attracted the ire of the site's staff, even resulting in her recently picking up a week-long ban from the CWC subforum from local jannie Ellesse_warrior for her outright Null a-logging. Of course, she chimped out about this, too, on her CWC board:

She has also taken her fight to Reddit. Her takes can be found on several subreddits (r/awfuleverything, r/redditmob, r/ChrisChanSonichu, r/CWCandSonichuResearch, etc.). Results so far have been mixed, but at least she hasn't gotten herself banned from anywhere on Reddit over it... yet. Have some examples of her infinite wisdom:
- (page removed - use the archive)
- (archive)

In the context of the CWC metaverse, Astin is still one of the lesser white knights, most likely due to not having been around until after Chris got arrested. We will continue to monitor the situation if something notable happens, but outside of a major revelation, not much is going to change anytime soon.

Astin Today​

These days, Astin spends most of her time online sperging on Reddit about online games, leftist censorship, the decline of western civilization, Chris being a good boy who dindu nuffin, Null being the Antichrist, and whatever else she can do to be a nuisance and get attention for being "different". You can read her ruminations on the human condition here, but be forewarned that there are probably thousands of posts to go through: https://www.reddit.com/user/lunaprey (first page archive as of original post date)

She also is more or less the only regular poster on her own Free Chris Chan board (archive), and it's mostly her shouting into the void under the names "astinsoul", "lunaprey", and "alise" about how terrible Joshua Conner Moon is while pushing outdated information about him and his hosting. Occasionally, the board attracts people like Matthew Hopkins or some coomer creep who wants to fuck her strictly on the basis of her being a girl on the Internet, but all in all, it's yet another failed project of Astin's.

Here are some examples of the fine, high-quality posts you can read on that board:
Here's a fine example of what the chat looks like on the Free Chris Chan board (which can also be seen in any of the Null topic archives). Astin's being herself, but there may be some more milk here besides that. Also, dudes are still thirsting after her based on a couple of pictures. Fucking coomers.


Come to SC luna

Won't be as bad as you think it'll be

Sc is stagnant. I dont want to save it, or deal with the immaturity

Bz is mine thats the only reason im even here lol

I plan to resume development and make it into a successful startup

Cofounders and partners
welcome :)

Looks inviting, I like the setup.

SC is a snooze fest atm.

It's a snoozefest because I haven't been going on there very much anymore.

its a snooze fest because commander doesn't make any changes ever

and he doesnt really participate

turncoat is the onlyone willing the site to stay alive

and maybe almightlyjim

i think the site will stay exactly as it is for the rest of its life

tho commander has been known to steal my designs

maybe now that BZ is up he can steal some more lol

he needs all the help he can get


I really don't think Jim keeps it alive. If anything he keeps it static. Just enough antics to keep the core userbase looking at the trainwreck, and enough to keep any normal, sane person to wanna stay far far away.

I don't know how people can even be entertained by his schtick at this point though; it's repetitive.

maybe people are getting bored of it and that's why it's going stagnant

Turncoat is a better though. At least he puts real thought into what he says in his replies instead of mindless recycled drivel that Jim does

is better*

Even Aizen keeps it alive more than Jim, predictable as he may be.

There's certainly been a decline in quality regarding topics and general chat.

Bone dry.

i never thought of turncoat as someone who puts in thought, or has thought for that matter

his posts to me all seem like bait to keep the other user talking and not much more

any stance you take, he will take the opposite just to keep you talking

he's just bored, and he has been bored for like 10 years, i really hope he has a job now and does something with his life

i always thought he was smart, but he is not really motivated

so he doesn't actually put in the effort to learn anything in depth... that i know of. I havn't spoke to him in a long time

are you a long time sc user hateme?

Not exactly


Hey guys and gals. I write MatthewHopkinsNews.com. I have put up a post with some information about Joshie's legal name change and present location.

WOW i love you!!!!

Hello, I have followed Chris in a sympathetic way for his cartoons and basically laughing with him at the horrors of life and I'm glad there is actually a page against the abuse of the mentally disabled. I hope all of those who have manipulated and hurt Chris will be caught and come to justice! Salutations

welcome Jim!

Thank you, I was wondering if there is a way to talk to Astin Soul. I thought she was really pretty on her KF banned profile in the pic and I would really like to talk to a girl who has such a golden heart.

I'm actually a good looking guy, six feet tall, smart, and I have a good heart too. I know there are a lot of creeps around so it's really risky, but for now I just want to talk to her.

i am astin

thats not my real name

i already have a boyfriend sorry

Oh, too bad... seems any women with a decent heart are few and far between these days. I was suprised there was even one who cared about all that has been done to CWC. As for the sorry, don't be. I'm sure I'll be fine and there are plenty of fish in the sea.


do you know null? it would be lovely if you could ask him or someone to remove that pic from my profile

i didnt really pay attention to that kiwifarms stuff or chris until i watched that documentary

and it made me want to cry

someone has to stop them


Thanks to KF users CatParty, chimpburgers, and Turncoat for unknowingly contributing to this thread.

Additionally, I will be updating this from time to time as I discover more content worthy of sharing (I have already edited this post a few times since posting it to correct errors, improve flow, add content, and so forth), or if I need to fix some archiving/linking issues. This is one of those lolcows where there's a lot to be discovered, but it takes a lot of digging to get there, and the original KF thread just doesn't do it justice.

Also, no thanks to Archive.today for throwing up a fucking captcha every three seconds, and Google for being a royal PITA to use over Tor. DuckDuckGo is shit, and Bing sucks, too, but at least they work over Tor.


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Holy fuck, good thread.
I interacted with them on one of my socks, post-merge she went from alogging nool to praising his admin skills.
Holy fuck, good thread.
I interacted with them on one of my socks, post-merge she went from alogging nool to praising his admin skills.

I did notice that when I went through her KF posting history to see if there was anything else worthwhile, but it does underline the point of her doing whatever she can to act like a nuisance and get attention. There are definitely more potential gems in her Reddit post history since that's really the only place where she's been consistently active for all this time, but someone with more autism than I have will need to go through it and find the goods :)

I will be updating the thread shortly. Nothing really new here - just minor fixes and updates.
As if the Bella subforum on KF isn't autistic enough, here comes Ass-stain to shit up a random thread in there because she clearly wasn't getting enough attention told off on Reddit enough lately.


>"I am normal"
Double post to add this because I was getting a "message too long" error when trying to edit the previous one. Of course, this fucking rabbit hole had to get even deeper, didn't it?

Every time I think I should check Reddit to see what kind of spergery she's getting up to over there, I get sidetracked with the spergery she's getting up to on KF. It makes this way easier to keep track! Also, the fact that she's trying to play psychiatrist with a perpetually assblasted troll is fucking hilarious.

@Sailfish will you make a post in the "onion farms and other splinter sites" community watch thread on KF and let them know about @astin soul got a high quality thread here? i'd like it if she showed up here, also you might want to mention @unabashedhermaphrodite has gotten their own sub forum.

Every time I think I should check Reddit to see what kind of spergery she's getting up to over there, I get sidetracked with the spergery she's getting up to on KF. It makes this way easier to keep track! Also, the fact that she's trying to play psychiatrist with a perpetually assblasted troll is fucking hilarious.

View attachment 10137
lel, needs a pic of Freud.
Astin just ate a threadban earlier this morning for shitting up the "Bella returns to Texas Tech" thread on the ILJ subforum on KF.

https://kiwifarms.is/threads/bella-...lout-and-misc-speculation.98250/post-10090507 (archive)

I guess she'll just have to go back to posting on Reddit...





Despite her shilling of Boards.zone on Reddit, there is still not much traction on the platform, though there's a new Geopolitics board with some activity... nearly all of which seems to be generated by our subject herself:
http://geopolitics.boards.zone/ (archive)
Astin just ate a threadban earlier this morning for shitting up the "Bella returns to Texas Tech" thread on the ILJ subforum on KF.

https://kiwifarms.is/threads/bella-...lout-and-misc-speculation.98250/post-10090507 (archive)
View attachment 10185

I guess she'll just have to go back to posting on Reddit...



Despite her shilling of Boards.zone on Reddit, there is still not much traction on the platform, though there's a new Geopolitics board with some activity... nearly all of which seems to be generated by our subject herself:
http://geopolitics.boards.zone/ (archive)
View attachment 10190
Oh shit, now would be perfect.
@Sailfish please respond to this
@Sailfish will you make a post in the "onion farms and other splinter sites" community watch thread on KF and let them know about @astin soul got a high quality thread here? i'd like it if she showed up here, also you might want to mention @unabashedhermaphrodite has gotten their own sub forum.
Quality update @Christine's Pickles
So... remember how I pointed out that this person likes to sperg out on Reddit? Apparently, that hasn't changed, but now the focus has drifted away from white-knighting Chris-chan and onto a-logging Dr. Anthony Fauci. I know that there is an entire (rather heated) debate about the COVID-19 vaccines, but there has to be a better way to discuss it than to autistically recite the same shit over and over at people in every single thread you can find on Reddit. Sadly, that's par for the course with this individual.





Luna Prey has also started a new subreddit to shill some book by Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. about Fauci. It's going about as well as her Chris-chan white-knighting, Boards.zone, the Sociopath Community, and just about everything else in her life that we've seen so far.

Why would she continually go to Reddit? She seems lonely and paranoid from some of her stories but if she had a dnd group she can manage to get friends. To keep friends you simply don't let petty politics get in between you.
I am guessing that she doesn't have friends in real life, and based on what we know of how she treated people back in the SC days, she probably doesn't have many online, either. She did say on her old Blogspot page (I don't think it's archived here, and I'd have to find it again on archive.org to get screenies) that she was home schooled, meaning she probably wasn't socialized that much growing up, perhaps preferring to spend time online. Add in all the weird shit that has gone around the Internet in the last 10 years, and some people just don't know how to react in a way that they don't get sucked into the worst of it.

Politics is one of the worst topics to speak about in America cause you only have two options that conflict with each other. The only way to establish a lasting bond is just sticking with someone despite your differences. If Astin could learn this I'm sure that they would find some spaces that welcome them. I often find most people like other friendly people, politics or two choice opinions can get in the way of seeing that.

As a tranny centrist cunt I cannot see why more people can't just learn to bond over their hobbies instead of virtue signalling over if someone likes the color red or blue more.
Agreed on all of this. However, she appears to be a mid-twenties individual who is very set in their ways, and if she doesn't want to change anything, this is how it will stay.

BTW I looked at Boards.zone, and it looks like she nuked most of the boards on there, the Chris-chan one included. This is what it looks like now:


The "Reddit Mob" one is her collecting instances of people getting bullied by "the left" on Reddit, or something like that. It's all her posts in a few of the threads. Here's an example where she found a story out of the UK about trans women beating a guy down for saying that they weren't really women. It sounds like an unfortunate reaction to an unfortunate situation, but her interpretation of some of the comments to that story is pretty wild. Example:




