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Kiwifarms Gossip & Slap Fights Kiwi Farms Moderators

These threads cover general gossip and interacting with Kiwifarms (openly calling them out).
The Kiwifarms equivalent of two retards fighting
Crunklord420 - Fascist conspiratard tranny, in love with Null (yes, seriously), programmer who shills his shitty games and other projects on imageboards. Pretends to be business and cryptocurrecy expert because he browses /biz/. For details see here

Computer toucher, crypto shill, doesn't use the place that much other than to talk about nerd shit and the drama of the tranny speedrunning community.

There was 9299 posts and I can't make it through all of them.
But 1. Troon 2. Schizo posting 3. Self shills

Crunklord420 is a close friend of a grifter that used Terry's grave to sell his TempleOS merch, merch that he sells without giving a penny to Terry's projects or Terry's family, Crunklord420 used him to shill his TempleOS-based game on a literal-who's stream who annoyed by all the spam he received he accepted the shilling and decided to see Crunklord420's stuff.
That made @SIGSEGV kinda mad at the internet, I'm not blaming him though, I can relate.

Crunklord420, despite being a tranny, is also a Dark Enlightment nerd that constantly whines about the Cathedral.

Crunklord420, despite being a tranny



I doubt that's Crunklord420, Crunklord420 often reposts cringey memes, but it's a well known social media troope that trannies are either communists, ancaps or nazis. I can name dozens of examples, Crunklord420 himself is a "Dark Enlightment" (far-right) blogger.

In a piece on taking Ketamine ("Special K"), Jim Goad wrote concerning his Special K dealer, "I pegged him as a “Dr. Buzz” type—my label for a white male who compensates for possible social awkwardness by knowing everything there is to know about illegal drugs." Can't help but feel like CrunkLord is a sort of 'Dr. Buzz', only with programming and neoreaction instead of illegal drugs — a "Dr. FizzBuzz" if you will.

Le Endarkenment of D00m was founded by a tranny (Justine Tunney). It's a bunch of abstract inactionable navel-gazing bullshit that holds no bearing on anyone's life or proscribes moral standards, so unlike some reactionary ideologies a tranny could practice it with minimal hypocrisy or cognitive dissonance involved.

seventeen minutes cryptocurrency autism "from crunklord420" narrated by null so doubly autistic and ill-informed.

After trannies started raping Josh this year he welcomed the kiwi refugees with open arms only to turn on them all and tell them to fuck off, including transgender Kiwifarms moderator crunklord420,


I have a question about these old CrunkLord420 posts: y'all apparently believe CrunkLord420's statements about being a troon (despite Null consistently referring to him as a man)... but have people ever seriously researched the possibility that CrunkLord420 might be one "Alec Murphy" aka "tramplersheikhs"/"tsheiks" aka "obecebo"? Alec Murphy was a prolific C programmer whose old programs for TempleOS are still mirrored by CrunkLord420 and others in TempleOS/Davisanism development circles. Alec Murphy was very active in the TempleOS/Davisanism milieu around the same time that CrunkLord420 was active on KF, but then Alec Murphy proceeded to DFE his entire online presence including all of his TempleOS programs, to the frustration of his fellow TempleOS nerds who archived their copies of his programs on their own repositories. Murphy DFEd around the same time (2020 - 2021) that CrunkLord420 began offering his TempleOS games on his website, together with a "Demand" urging people in the TempleOS milieu to abandon mainstream online platforms... which is what Alec Murphy himself arguably did when he DFEd:

The TempleOS community must stop using Leddit, Discord and other suppressive and proprietary platforms. One must ask themselves, "would they have banned Terry?".

There's about a year between Alec Murphy DFEing and CrunkLord420 beginning to post fully fledged TempleOS games, so I just want to know if anyone else has followed this possible lead. Alec Murphy supposedly claimed to have met Terry Davis IRL before his death. Has CrunkLord420 ever made similar claims of meeting Terry Davis IRL? I just want to know if there is anything else Alec Murphy and CrunkLord420 have in common other than being TempleOS nerds who are both fluent C programmers, who both wrote programs for TempleOS with networking capabilities (when TempleOS was, IMU, originally supposed to be an offline OS), who both use an MIT (+ NIGGER) license, and who both avoid mainstream online platforms.

I am not at all familiar with the TempleOS mileu, so if anyone here knows that space better, please reply. Do people behind the scenes in the TempleOS milieu perhaps know what happened to Alec Murphy that he DFEd?
Crunklord420 is a close friend of a grifter that used Terry's grave to sell his TempleOS merch, merch that he sells without giving a penny to Terry's projects or Terry's family, Crunklord420 used him to shill his TempleOS-based game on a literal-who's stream who annoyed by all the spam he received he accepted the shilling and decided to see Crunklord420's stuff.
That made @SIGSEGV kinda mad at the internet, I'm not blaming him though, I can relate.
No he hasn't I believe. He along with some people ran some kind of merch sale during Terry's 1 year death anniversary and that pissed off @SIGSEGV for some reason. I can't remember the full story.
Probably because of the above. Ghoulish to profit off the recently deceased, but true to form for the KF milieu (and power grabbing politicians).
No he hasn't I believe. He along with some people ran some kind of merch sale during Terry's 1 year death anniversary and that pissed off @SIGSEGV for some reason. I can't remember the full story.
CrunkLord420 was in a thread on /g/ begging a guy who was doing a TempleOS stream to play whatever shitty game he had written in HolyC. The stream was being organized by a guy who had used Terry's grave as a billboard for his merch store. He'd made a thread on /g/ asking how to get TempleOS running in a virtual machine, everyone told him to fuck off because /g/ is not your personal tech support, then when it was discovered that he'd used Terry's grave as a billboard, "fuck off" turned into "kill yourself" and his home address was posted. CrunkLord420, however, continued to beg this retard to play his game on stream. It shows that he doesn't really give a shit about Terry or his legacy, he just wants to use it as an excuse to stroke his own ego. So, really, he's no different from the guy using Terry's grave as a billboard.
Don't know if this is relevant but I thought I'd post this here just in case... :unsure:


As you can see both Alec Murphy and CrunkLord420 use(d) an anime avatar. Alec Murphy's avatar on his now defunct account was of a thirsty drooling blonde anime girl, whereas CrunkLord420's avatar on KF all these years is of an anime femmeboi (?) with the word "scum" in a bar over his eyes, like a criminal posting for a mugshot. (I am not very familiar with anime, so if anyone knows the specific sources of these two images, please share.) Obviously lots of people in programming have anime avatars nowadays (much to the delight of Null), but here it might be relevant in the context of Alec Murphy DFEing just as CrunkLord420 starts posting his Scumgames with the "Demand" to quit mainstream online platforms. You have two respected TempleOS programmers both using femme anime avatars, one of whom DFEd for the other to show up and start mirroring his programs. CrunkLord420 is not the only TempleOS enthusiast who has archived or mirrored Alec Murphy's old programs, but still...

I know that there have been endless rumours on and off KF about CrunkLord420 himself being a troon based on those pictures of him (also archived here on OF) with a transflag and a Natsee flag hung in his room, with him resting his feet on his desk while wearing girly striped socks, as well as those messages where someone claiming to be his lover refers to CrunkLord420 as "my gf (bf)". Even if CrunkLord420 isn't Alec Murphy, perhaps he knows what happened to Alec? I've only just begun to explore all these githubs, gitguds, etc but so far I can't find any evidence of CrunkLord420 and Alec Murphy communicating directly, despite CrunkLord420 clearly being into Alec's stuff to archive it all. Then again Alec Murphy very thoroughly purged his online presence when he DFEd (I can't even find any mirrors of many of his purged accounts), so who knows. The TempleOS hobby programmer milieu isn't very big AFAICT, so if CrunkLord420 was getting into TempleOS games around the same time that Alec Murphy was sharing all of his programs, why isn't there any trace of them interacting while Alec was still public? CrunkLord420 seems very willing to interact with the rest of the TempleOS milieu, so why not with Alec Murphy himself? :unsure:

and I'm not familiar with the TempleOS mileu like at all, so I can't give an opinion whether Crunk is this Alec Murphy guy.

Me neither, but I suspect there is a guy in the TempleOS hobby programmer milieu who might just know who CrunkLord420 is IRL.

CrunkLord420 is associated with a group of TempleOS enthusiasts and hobby programmers on Github called "The Church of TempleOS". This is their github account:

Besides the disappeared Alec Murphy is another respected TempleOS game developer by the name of Clayton Rhodes or Nrootconauto (an ex-Muslim by his own public admission on Reddit), who I suspect knows who CrunkLord420 is.

This is Nrootconauto's Github account:

His profile on

Nrootconauto has a Wordpress blog from 2020 where he includes images of his handwriting:

Lets imagine an octopus If the octopus is eating all the pizza around it,all the pizza it eats will be spilled to memory(the octopus is a greedy node),but if we spill the octopus to memory,we get more free variables we can store in registers.

On Reddit, Nrootconauto claims that his IRL name is "Clayton", and he also claims to have been an ex-muslim who "hates Allah" and "pulled the plug on my religion":

nrootconauto • 5y ago
Hi,im clayton and i hate Allah,im busy atm,expect me to reply later and stuff

I wrote this awhile ago:

L.o. fucking l, I officially pulled the trigger on my religion millions of years ago,but now there's a gaping hole in my brain. Don't worry,the holes is on the side of my fucked up mind so,nothing is leaking out(not to mention i shit out Allah a long long time ago). So what the fuck is the problem. I don't know

That same Allah fuck-nut once said "I am who i am",but i stole his words as he stole my life. But bye,"Allah" i don't care.

I remember defiantly walking half way across a city(not a gaint one like new york city) to visit a mosque,i knew i fucked (because i would be late to coming home and my then-asshole parents would find out),and yet i walked anyway. Bye Allah,like a curved fish hook,i pulled it out,but not so cleanly like a layman,i ripped the fucking thing out.

That fish hook was much like time, curved,almost even circular. It pierced me. Came in one hole curved around and then made a second one. And ripping (not pulling) it out was a real bitch. It left more of a wound than it did coming in. Wounds heal and leave a scar.

So what is my brain-no rather what is my skull like? Its an empty hollow cave now with drawings on the side,i imagine a darkish pink and purple etchings of a once living flesh on one side, written in C++,and scratches on the other,but don't look forward,the light seeping through the (upper) back tells the story of it's own,a window looking out into a black and well,pinkish world of what used to be my brains.

I used to imagine a little room in my mind,just a l ittle one to be exact one willed will books as magical as the quran and bible and torah guarded by an evil mysterious presence,what was it in reality. It was Allah. In a time when sorrowful days were nice,i saw glimpses a man named Allah, a man who(in this black and pinkish realm) would disappear whenever I turned to the same corner as him,but this me and Allah no heart,and no head,so which would I give to him after I did all this searching to find my own,but there was only room for one organ in this fucked up world along with a knife,when I gave him my heart,he was “caring and compassionate and loving”-- so he killed himself and set me free,but as for my head-- that fucker stole it and stabbed me over and over,made me suffer to save his own ass from the curse that was my mind. Why? Because he thought more “rationally” with the very utility I used to think and decided he needed to live and escape this madhouse of my mind.

So here I am,dead and lifeless,still crawling for the window that sits atop my lifeless brainless body that brought me peace,the light comes in,looking for an escape of this fucking pain,saying “blah blah blah There is a God blah blah blah blah”. But just as I returned the the mosque ,minutes away from a fuckfest known as home,i return to a fuckfest known as life,blah.blah,blah...(and there certainly is a fuckfest known as al-Lah… not the abrahamic one,but “the God” waiting for me after death,after all,who else could fuck up such a truly beautiful head)


Nrootconauto has an Instagram account as "Clayton Rhodes" where he uses the same masked picture as on Github:

Nrootconauto and CrunkLord420 appear to be very close.

This guy on Youtube reviewing TempleOS games, including a game he worked on together with nrootconauto, explicitly thanked both CrunkLord420 and nrootconauto for their contributions to his video:

Premiered Aug 13, 2023
Five years ago, on 11 August 2018, we lost one of the best programmers to ever live. Join us as we celebrate Terry's life and work by showing off some new engines that were made this year in TempleOS.

Thanks to nrootconauto and crunklord420 for their contributions.

Repos for my and nroot's game

Play Cyberchud:

Here are nrootconauto and CrunkLord420 sharing programs from Github to Gitgud. "3days" is a HolyC [= C with C++ aspects by Terry Davis] compiler written by nrootconauto. CrunkLord420 is on Gitgud instead of Github because he refuses to use mainstream online platforms, as per his "Demands" on his website; unfortunately CrunkLord420 couldn't convince his friend and fellow TempleOS enthusiast nrootconauto to comply to his "Demands" and abandon his Github account as well:

Merge branch 'main' of authored 1 year ago

nrootconauto posted this about 3Days in /r/TempleOS:

3Days is a project I have been working on for awhile. And I think it's about done,so im posting it here. It started out as a silly HolyC compiler for Linux,then I chanllenged myself to have that compiler compile the offical TempleOS compiler and runtime and epicness ensued. The current version is v0.6.00. I think it is about done,but if you find bugs,let me know.

I also included various community projects in the Community-Heiresis. (If you type `Dir("Community-Heiresis");` you can see them).

As for what I am planning on working on now mainly is a secret project called *aiwnios* which is old greek for Enternity. It will run on 64bit arm

It's avaible at:

I don't know if nrootconauto/Clayton is willing to come out and deny that CrunkLord420 and Alec Murphy are the same person, but it would help if he did.
Where's your entirely written from scratch operating system?
Just because a retard takes a shit shaped like Michelangelo's "David" doesn't mean the shit sculptor isn't retarded.
TempleOS is neat but it's schizo babble turned into code and Terry Davis was a psychotic pedophile. It's gay nerd shit to act like it matters if someone grifts off his memory.
Continuing the "is CrunkLord420 perhaps Alec Murphy, the disappeared TempleOS programmer?" brainstorming session:

Mutahar posted a video a couple of weeks ago where he effectively showcased CrunkLord420's Cyberchud games before an audience of young gamers who would've otherwise never been exposed to either CrunkLord420's games or TempleOS for that matter. This video was originally titled "Revisiting The TEMPLEOS Rabbit Hole... 3 Years Later..." but the title was changed to something more "Catholic":

The Apostles Keeping TEMPLEOS Alive…



Other comments were praising CrunkLord420 by name (presumably these are Kiwis):


Mutahar seemed very impressived with Cyberchud, saying:

"Cyberchud is one of the most impressive pieces of gaming that I've seen on TempleOS. By most impressive, it also is, one of the only pieces of serious gaming developped, more so than what Terry Davis was even doing... this is, THIS was impressive. Now, obviously CrunkLord420 decided to put another tribute into the situation, and they decided to update their engine. And, in fact, released Chud's Vacation." [note how Mutahar refers to CrunkLord420 consistently as "they" in his video, like he doesn't know his gender, when Null has explicitly referred to CrunkLord420 as a man on MATI.]

Mutahar did not appear to recognize a lot of the very explicit references to KiwiFarms that CrunkLord420 has worked into the graphics of his game - or if Mutahar did recognize them, he made sure to hide his recognition thereof.


Someone in the comments points out that the dogs are a reference to Null's KF avatar of a slobbermutt:


Towards the end of the video, Mutahar brings up a TempleOS program by "tramplersheiks", which was of course one of Alec Murphy's aliases before he DFEd:


Notice the anime girly in the background.

Alec Murphy had a reddit account as "tramplersheiks", which he appears to have used to respond to people in /r/TempleOS_Official but that too was DFEd along with everything else:

His reddit account was mentioned in this post, where Alec Murphy is brought up as someone who met Terry Davis before he died:

I think u/TramplerSheikhs did, he may even be the one of the ones who talked to him in the Down The Rabbit Hole video, but he's since deleted pretty much all of his projects and online presence

Various people had emailed him, of course

Alec Murphy as "tsheiks" was also active on, the hacker news website, where he would post about his TempleOS projects:

tsheikhs on March 26, 2017 | prev | next [–]

I've been dabbling in learning TempleOS programming for a bit, did a host-guest driver giving VMware Tools-like functionality, minimal web browser, Mega Man game engine & DOS demoscene style intro, Github stuff is here if anyone's interested:

Here is a 2018 post mentioning "@tsheikhs aka Alec" in response to a question about TempleOS software links being down:

In fact, I'd say it's been at least a year since @tsheikhs aka Alec took all of his stuff down.

The oldest capture for Alec Murphy's website "" is from Jan 2018 (recall here that CrunkLord420 joined KF in 2017):

I wanted to highlight this part where Mutahar notices CrunkLord420's use of anime imagery in his games:

"You've got some anime on the wall here", so why did CrunkLord420 make sure to include some anime in Cyberchud? If CrunkLord420 agrees with Null that anime is pure evil and that anime femmebois are "scum", why put anime into Cyberchud? Just as a 4chan "joke"?



Mutahar then says that it's crazy that "a user created a full video game engine in here"... which is exactly what I thought when I saw footage of CrunkLord420's game. Not that I am an experienced gamer or anything, but even I immediately saw this game was made by someone who's obviously experienced programming retro games. (Which is why I began to speculate that CrunkLord420 is pretending to sound like a dumb teenager on KF because he's age-LARPing to seem younger than he actually is.)

But then I saw archived footage of the kinds of programs that Alec Murphy was programming for TempleOS, back when Alec was posting excerpts of his work on Youtube (an account he DFEd along with everything else)... and lo behold, just like in Crunklord420s retrogames, Alec's programs and video demos too were full of anime:


Notice how Alec Murphy, in the above video demo screenshot, was using an "Erythros" desktop background with an anime girl. "Erythros" is a TempleOS program by Alec Murphy that is a desktop environment for TempleOS. Unsurprisingly, CrunkLord420 has archived Murphy's Erythros on his Gitgut account:

("Erythros" is ancient Greek for "red", as in "red blood cells" aka "erythrocytes". I am guessing it's meant to be a reference to the blood of Chris.)


Source ( mirrors of Alec Murphy's videos; the identifying string used for these videos on, namely "UCiHz7aSA2zdYsdhCMHH8JJQ", was the unique string for the address of Alec Murphy's channel on Youtube):

Looking at archived these versions of Alec Murphy's old Youtube videos, it's very clear that Alec Murphy was into anime and used his HolyC programming skills to bring anime themes into TempleOS... just like CrunkLord420 is doing with his games.

I, being anime ignorant, had no idea what either "Bad Apple" or "Touhou" was, so I had to watch this Youtube video to learn about yet another esoteric anime meme.

Bad Apple Explained: History and Analysis

The history and an analysis of a viral music video: Bad Apple. Originating from the Touhou Project franchise, Bad Apple is arguably the most famous thing to come from it... but where exactly did it come from? And why is the video so mesmerizing? That's what I hope to answer today.

So again, here we have two TempleOS hobby programmers, both of were active online around the same time, both whom have femme avatars despite being men, both of whom include anime graphics into their respective TempleOS programs. I am still going through CrunkLord420's accounts at the moment but AFAICT thus far, there is no evidence that CrunkLord420 ever contacted or interacted with Alec Murphy while Alec was active and public online. Isn't that a little bit strange, given the timeframe these men both got into TempleOS and their mutual interest in anime and retro computer graphics? CrunkLord420 could've easily reached out to another TempleOS enthusiast who was into the exact same stuff he was into... but he didn't. Instead, CrunkLord420 archived Alec Murphy's TempleOS programs only after Murphy DFEd.

TempleOS demo#2 made by Alec Murphy on 1st of November 2017.

I would love for someone to play devil's advocate and debunk my findings. But for now, I will keep asking if CrunkLord420 is the DFEd TempleOS programmer Alec Murphy, and wondering Murphy DFEd because he went to work for Null on KF, disappearing fully into his CrunkLord420 alter ego?

If (again, IF) I am right and CrunkLord420 and Alec Murphy are the same person, then it would be highly ironic if Mutahar mentioned "tramplersheiks" in the very same video he showcased (and thus white-washed) CrunkLord420, not realizing he was actually referring the referring to the same person.

I really do think at this point that Clayton/nrootconauto should come out and either deny or confirm whether CrunkLord420 is Alec Murphy.

Once again, I don't know anything about the TempleOS milieu, so I don't know if it's very common there to meme with anime. When I watch these Youtube videos of other people's TempleOS games, no one else seems to be fucking with anime in TempleOS but CrunkLord420 and Alec Murphy.

Maybe this explains why Null is raging against anime so much? Maybe it's because his closest associate on KF, the person who is helping him troubleshoot KF, is also a massive anime nerd and Null hates the fact that an anime nerd is a better programmer than him?