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Joshua Conner Moon - Kiwi Farms Null and Mad at the Internet

Joshua Moon the owner of Kiwifarms


`he who laughs last laughs best`
Registered Member
OP NOTE: Vex made two threads on Null yet never deliver the 3rd on later events. Vex covered the Blocklands era and touched on a portion of Nulls time at 8chan along with the fiasco known as Infinity NEVER Next only recently finished by Null with 9chan(a) Which Null promptly sold to the first Eurofag who offered a few shekels as he told Kiwi he made 9chan in an effort divert users from Polisperging, This thread will focus on his stint as a live streamer, conversely, I made this thread which focuses on mad at the internets viewers. (

MATI M(a)d At The Internet Internet is a stream operated by Null, MATI serves as decent background noise and a great place to grab funny, provided you can stomach extreme cringe. For anyone who has seen his current "updates" on stream one might wonder "what's the appeal here?" Null used to do entire shows focused on a single person or subject such as Nulls China Praise other times Null would stream at random hours and called it "Midnight Mad" here. Null even streamed video games under the name Bad At Video Games.
In late 2018 and early 2019 null had a far more practical reason for starting to stream, Null needed a new monitor.
Now, what do NEETs do when they need money? (they sell coins but that's later)
Well they live stream akin to based DSP Null tried it, Null even made this site(a)to promote his content Heavily "Inspired" or "Homaged" from everyone's Favorite Internet father Mister Metokur and his series named Internet insanity obviously Null has admitted to being a fan, On various occasions even acting as an archivist for daddy Jim's content Metokur/
Amidst the madness that was IBS Null made a thread on the site he inherited from Champthon (the euphoric fedora tipping atheist) to promote his Bloodsports Esque streams. (archive)
Null snuck into the IBS sphere where TonkaSaw brought Null on the Kumite, Keep in mind Null was brought on as a neutral party to verify DM's between people in the Bloodsports circle this only served to further worsen nulls reputation in the eyes of anyone who paid attention.
Stream.Me died for nulls sins.

Stream.Me is where Null's relationships with his enemies both past and present are best exemplified, One of the most notable incidents in the history of Mad at the Internet is the stream me incident, null achieved quite a feat on stream.Me null got the site nuked, keep in mind Stream.Me was able to withstand the autism of britbongs trolls yet not the vicious brand that seems to follow null.
(Around this time null was worked on streaming to get on the leaderboard so he could buy a new monitor.)
Another new enemy of null drove him off Youtube and over to the containment site where very few others such as Ethan Ralph, Mister Metokur, and Britbong streamed. This person was Jonathan Yaniv who filed a DMCA request against null for a thumbnail on an upcoming stream to be shown on Youtube.
So, null was forced to stream on this resulted in a nice rant where he said all CEOs should be drug into the street and have their throats slit.
null on damage control:
During his time as a live streamer over on null promised the owners he would not feud with any fellow live streamers.
Thus null proceeded to let himself get sucked into a personal army request by a group of Swedes who dangled a lolcalf In front of him, and null took the bait and allowed a thread with himself as OP on Kittystyles after Kitty threatened him on Stream null got calm and said:: "I like when people threaten me". (archive)
Due to null accruing so many enemies no one is sure for certain who doxed the owner of Stream.Me, his wife and proceeded to cum tribute their pictures live on /cow/ as they proclaimed her to be a rival to Melony (Andy Warskis sister who had recently had her cum tribute), yet those who dropped the dox claimed to from the Cult of Vordrak, Patebin Anon (who received the moniker PATEBIN anon when he tricked Kraut and Tea into misspelling the word Pastebin in one of his Gay Ops) later went on a live-stream hosted by Dispatch who later helped create Odysse a site Null live streams on currently despite him and Xander forming a rivalry over Ethan Ralph and Dispatch / Xander doxing Ethan's Paypigs. It was at this point null budding rivalry with the gunt Ethan Ralph intensified, as well as nulls weird friendship with PPP and Godwinson was formed, This group is affectionately known as the 4 Horseman here is the first stream wherein they first rode together, The second time they went against Ethan Ralph still a sore subject for null.
Before Null and Ethan Ralph had a falling out null tried to please Ethan Ralph he went so far as to host a Forum for Ralph and Stream on someone Ethan Ralph disliked, this person was Kenny Jones a paypig of Ethan and Margeret both voracious Gamergaters, Most telling recently when Kenny Jones mentioned he might go on Adrienne Blaire stream null decided to pull his thread out of Spergatory and place it in the gunt forum.

Taking yet another idea from Mister Metokur null decided to allow the farms to be used by furries on a holy crusade to eradicate their community which they said had been infiltrated by Zoo Sadists, in a backward effort to bring more traffic to the kiwi farms.
Not content with taking only ideas from Mister Metokur null decided to join Metokur, Nick Reiketa, and Dick Masterson on New Project 2, this ended in disaster see my thread on PPP for more info on New Project 2, sufficed to say it ended in disaster. (null still streams with Nick Reiketa of Weeb Wars infamy).
Null also used Nick Rekeita to amplify the growing narrative of the idea guy being literally Hitler as well as guilty of Extortion.

Prior to null's MATI streams his channel only had video edits of one AmberLynn Reid (a favorite of the Beauty Parlor "gals") null said these were difficult to edit, Although I suppose most things are tough for Nool.
Null later did a full length stream on ALR In exchange for titty pictures a policy he no longer continued due to too many requests. during the stream, many of the major ALR content clip channels joined and even the former mod of KF @emspex joined to guide Nool on the timeline and lore of ALR a process null would repeat when it was time for a stream on Tommy Tooter where null had Yawning Sneasel, Millenial Turkeys and Emspex guide him through the lore of Tommy Tooter since null himself despite running a site about lolcows rarely catches up with said lolcows.
In this same stream null also briefly touched on ZedKissed / @Cody Rutledge Wilson dox On Secret Gamer girl / Jake Alley.
Now, in this same vein of fawning over emspex a fat girl on the Internet (Capital I) null expressed his fondness of Emily Youcis and his obsession with using Emily's Alfred Alfer art as his fursona.
Nulls awkward encounters with women, and men pretending to be women are in the many yet one of the funniest he covered in a stream about TransLifeline.
To continue his attempts at damage control and steering a narrative, null did a stream on Blocklands, in a later stream about justinRPG null mentions he was one of the first lolcows besides CWC null knew of this was due to his crush over at Blocklands.
Null also covered Deagle Nation where he went over his involvement with Jace Connors and Gamerfood this covered the one period of nulls life when he had a job. Null's stream on Internet Juche is where null expands on his feud with Vordrak and his struggle to keep the kiwi farms afloat. This lore extends over into his stream Titled "Goodbye Jim" a stream null promised after the failure of Infinity Next in late 2016.

(i will add to this as i see fit)
OP reinstated, please leave this @Sailfish null provides a lot of insights into his thought process or lack thereof, and Mad at the Internet affects how he admins KF.
anyway, there's a new mad at the Internet.
At the end of this weeks mad at the internet Null addressed him leaking ips and turning mod tools on 8chan /v/ and other boards that'd meme on him, how'd he address the question someone sent via superchat one might ask? By lying of course and saying it was only paedo boards since he knows his audience loves to foam at the mouth over paedophilia (while doing absolutely nothing about it).
despite this being one of my best threads I still need to link some shit from the era, there were so many slapfights and people forget how much null would weaponize his site.
In which null has a meme song at the start accompanied with a meme of r/crypto, this followed by Linux autism Null said he has a "Radeon 99 AMD super blast video card processor".
Around 4 minutes in Null admits he has been watching the Genoamuel documentary and in particular is curious how people will react to his part in the CWC story.
7 minutes in null explains how the guy who wrote his RationalWiki had it out for him and "made him look like he was hunting down all of the enemies of the west".
Eight minutes Null shifts his attention to a journalist from Christchurch who wrote "he lived in his mother's basement at the time of Christchurch." which null said was impossible due to him being from Florida.
This quickly devolves into Polisperging and a clip where someone told another "you can't even cum" null said this without addressing the fact he himself can not coom or even better did not see the irony.
13 minutes in null and the Fedverse laughing ensues.
14 minutes in null alleges he has been sugar-free for years "I'm a fat boy so I drink sugar-free"
sixteen minutes in null who eat pizza as a diet food claims he and his mother used to obsess over sugar and foods.
seventeen minutes cryptocurrency autism "from crunklord420" narrated by null so doubly autistic and ill-informed.
Null goes over the suicides ad how he should have bought crypto back when people suggested it many years ago.
Complains about DDoS attacks.
Null bought a new router.
Mentions when he moves he will do a stream on Lowtax.
After all of the crypto and personal sperging Null gets into "video game Drama" featuring shitty soulless corporate art and woke racism.
43 minutes in a teenage trannie got arrested and did the "are you winning?" meme.
47 minutes Grooming meme and the discussion therein.
null brings up a tweet about Weimar Germany and the chat erupts into ironic and unironic Nazi sentiment.
Fifty minutes in null pulls the Wikipedia article on "gay male speech".
Fifty-one minutes in font admiration.
55 Null addresses new posters being shit, coupled with the Fuentes board when I would likin it to the love-shy conversion therapy center of old Kiwi farms.
Fuentes clip plus AF autism.
1 hour 5 minutes in weekly Ralph this time featuring Mr. Matthew Vickers.
Amidst his update on Etham Ralph, he declares Ralph will never put a ring on May.
Always surreal when the site owner is as big of a hate watcher as well as a fellow Alog.
1 hour 21 minutes Null gets sidetracked on the race of Lauren Southern's husband since Ralph implied she was a "coal burner" as Null put it.
1:25:00 Baked Alaska and the plea deal.
1:30:00 Andy Dick coverage plus clip.
1:42:00 Another Dick this time Dick Masterson and the women null alledges are not in fact reporters but escorts.
1:43:00 right back to Ethan Ralph.
Null pounds through some super chats Andy Warski style and a story about Andy Dick.
1:48:00 Null goes on a nice rant about Andy Dick and reveals his Paypig nature plays "secret garden" by Andy Dick.
forgot to add this video, i linked it in the PPP and Godwinson thread. patebin anon (the man who tricked kraut into misspelling Pastebin) brought down which withstood britbong and dsp trolls with as he described it "vordrakian tactics" picked up from nulls MATI stream.
now for those who don't remember null was competing with kittystyles, dispatch, the ralph retort for s new monitor he wanted, and for those who were watching along the "friendly" competition took an odd tone and as the fallout would suggest.

In late 2018 and early 2019 null had a far more practical reason for starting to stream, Null needed a new monitor.
Now, what do NEETs do when they need money? (they sell coins but that's later)
Well they live stream akin to based DSP Null tried it, Null even made this site(a)to promote his content Heavily "Inspired" or "Homaged" from everyone's Favorite Internet father Mister Metokur and his series named Internet insanity obviously Null has admitted to being a fan, On various occasions even acting as an archivist for daddy Jim's content Metokur/
Amidst the madness that was IBS Null made a thread on the site he inherited from Champthon (the euphoric fedora tipping atheist) to promote his Bloodsports Esque streams. (archive)
Null snuck into the IBS sphere where TonkaSaw brought Null on the Kumite, Keep in mind Null was brought on as a neutral party to verify DM's between people in the Bloodsports circle this only served to further worsen nulls reputation in the eyes of anyone who paid attention.
View attachment 10883
Stream.Me died for nulls sins.
Stream.Me is where Null's relationships with his enemies both past and present are best exemplified, One of the most notable incidents in the history of Mad at the Internet is the stream me incident, null achieved quite a feat on stream.Me null got the site nuked, keep in mind Stream.Me was able to withstand the autism of britbongs trolls yet not the vicious brand that seems to follow null.
(Around this time null was worked on streaming to get on the leaderboard so he could buy a new monitor.)
Another new enemy of null drove him off Youtube and over to the containment site where very few others such as Ethan Ralph, Mister Metokur, and Britbong streamed. This person was Jonathan Yaniv who filed a DMCA request against null for a thumbnail on an upcoming stream to be shown on Youtube.
So, null was forced to stream on this resulted in a nice rant where he said all CEOs should be drug into the street and have their throats slit.
null on damage control:
During his time as a live streamer over on null promised the owners he would not feud with any fellow live streamers.
Thus null proceeded to let himself get sucked into a personal army request by a group of Swedes who dangled a lolcalf In front of him, and null took the bait and allowed a thread with himself as OP on Kittystyles after Kitty threatened him on Stream null got calm and said:: "I like when people threaten me". (archive)
flashback to the only time null interacted with jim metokur outside of the ralph retort, this was during the height of the furry zoo sadism leaks.

Part 2 and best of all it was streamed by coach kino pill.
flashback to the only time null interacted with jim metokur outside of the ralph retort, this was during the height of the furry zoo sadism leaks.

Part 2 and best of all it was streamed by coach kino pill.
Daisy Cousens not looking impressed at the beginning there.
From Nool's last MATI stream on the 22nd of July, there were two moments that struck me as important in regards to his financial activities and employment and family history.

KhordKitty, a popular furry artist whose wife broke up with and took their kid away from him because of some drama I don't care about, has a meltdown over it and he makes a thinly-veiled seethe-post about how Jersh and the Kiwi Farms are the masterminds of the Furry Fandom like an Illuminati, which Josh reads and dissects on stream. Also, Josh completely blanks when he reads "McDonald's Hat", lol; didn't guy worked at a fast food joint and isn't McDonald's everywhere? Afterwards, he gets overworked and needs to watch anorexic Eugenia Cooney at the beach to cool off.

During this, Josh goes over his employment at 8-chan, to which he has to correct the reccord by stating that he wasn't fired from there for "promoting pedophilia", as he was "never employed by 8chan", but that he left because Hotwheels wanted him gone and that there was "something on /cow/ that got [him] kicked off there as a moderator", which he never specifies.

When Josh talks about also volunteering at a hospital, which is never for he never volunteered at anything because he doesn't work for free as he's "good at my job", he makes a reference to the infamous Healstream, and that it didn't matter that the money got refunded, because St. Jude's could not and would not accept money from racists denying the Holocaust out of principle and publicity, he spent hours acting like a black person for St. Jude's.:story:

lol, at him saying that he got served by a Syrian refugee who was a waiter at a fancy restaurant in some Eastern European shithole that he made smile by giving him a tip, making it sound like he's 80's Donald Trump or something. :story:

This is where we get the most seethe and spite out of Josh, btw

Some time after the first clip passes, Josh first says that he's going to take a drink of water before changing gears about approaching "a delicate subject" and needs some "cold confidence", cracking open a can of, presumably, beer or sodapop, because he's a diabetic fatty that cannot live without a large amount of sugar being pumped into his body.

Josh brings up how PPP is such a giant hypocrite because he attacked New Project 2 and now, years later, PPP, and Andy, are now using Powerchat, which is partly owned and controlled by fed-asset Baked Alaska, who is a part of the Catboy Cult of America First. Josh brings up the interview that PPP and Godwinson did with the evil Lord Vordak, and says that all of the skeevy stuff about NP2 was all made up, it's fiction. Josh is still irate over losing the money that he would've made from NP2, and he's suprised that PPP and Godwinson hate him, the owner and administrator of the Foxdick Farms. Josh says that he's not malding because PPP's a hypocrite and that he lost money and that he was poor and his family hates him and he doesn't understand why other people hate him, like an clinical psychopath

Josh also jumps at the chance to prove that PPP is a lying hypocrite by pointing out (incorrectly) that he and Tardski were going to see Faith in Cali, but he immediately backtracks on this when he realizes that they actually didn't go to Cali at all; spaghetti spilt. He then brings up Vordrak and how he went after his family, and that got his family mad at him, including his uncle, who was an active serviceman in the U.S. Army at the time, even thought Josh has a great dislike and distrust for service members. After this, Josh told that kept moving everywhere, broke as fuck, and Dick comes out and gives a whiff of money and Josh takes it, but then some fat Canadian had to come in and take that away from him; "it fucking sucks, don't it?" Josh says sarcastically.

That's all I got of his stream, because, really, all of Josh's streams can simply be boiled down to:

  • Merch & Coin Shilling
  • Trannyshit
  • Keffalsshit
  • Ralphshit
  • Amberlynnshit/Chantalshit
  • Beauty Parlor shit
  • "I Need That Money. I Really, Really Do. I Need that Money"
  • Some political sperging, and sperging about how much the U.S. sucks
Sounds like Dr Jim needs to come in and ask some hard hitting questions, eh joshy?

He really is a tard. When will be realise he's the one whose causing the problem?

every time he brings up the vordrak interview, people will watch it, they will say "wait, from the verifiable info... Joshy is the biggest scum bag".

and no amount of gay opping is going to change the fact nobody gives a shit about you.

you are in hiding because you are a pedophile. that's why you moved to where you are now.

if you really are in serbia, don't think the laws over CP will protect you from your neighbours.
From Nool's last MATI stream on the 22nd of July, there were two moments that struck me as important in regards to his financial activities and employment and family history.

View attachment 15370

KhordKitty, a popular furry artist whose wife broke up with and took their kid away from him because of some drama I don't care about, has a meltdown over it and he makes a thinly-veiled seethe-post about how Jersh and the Kiwi Farms are the masterminds of the Furry Fandom like an Illuminati, which Josh reads and dissects on stream. Also, Josh completely blanks when he reads "McDonald's Hat", lol; didn't guy worked at a fast food joint and isn't McDonald's everywhere? Afterwards, he gets overworked and needs to watch anorexic Eugenia Cooney at the beach to cool off.

During this, Josh goes over his employment at 8-chan, to which he has to correct the reccord by stating that he wasn't fired from there for "promoting pedophilia", as he was "never employed by 8chan", but that he left because Hotwheels wanted him gone and that there was "something on /cow/ that got [him] kicked off there as a moderator", which he never specifies.

When Josh talks about also volunteering at a hospital, which is never for he never volunteered at anything because he doesn't work for free as he's "good at my job", he makes a reference to the infamous Healstream, and that it didn't matter that the money got refunded, because St. Jude's could not and would not accept money from racists denying the Holocaust out of principle and publicity, he spent hours acting like a black person for St. Jude's.:story:

lol, at him saying that he got served by a Syrian refugee who was a waiter at a fancy restaurant in some Eastern European shithole that he made smile by giving him a tip, making it sound like he's 80's Donald Trump or something. :story:

View attachment 15371
View attachment 15372
This is where we get the most seethe and spite out of Josh, btw

Some time after the first clip passes, Josh first says that he's going to take a drink of water before changing gears about approaching "a delicate subject" and needs some "cold confidence", cracking open a can of, presumably, beer or sodapop, because he's a diabetic fatty that cannot live without a large amount of sugar being pumped into his body.

Josh brings up how PPP is such a giant hypocrite because he attacked New Project 2 and now, years later, PPP, and Andy, are now using Powerchat, which is partly owned and controlled by fed-asset Baked Alaska, who is a part of the Catboy Cult of America First. Josh brings up the interview that PPP and Godwinson did with the evil Lord Vordak, and says that all of the skeevy stuff about NP2 was all made up, it's fiction. Josh is still irate over losing the money that he would've made from NP2, and he's suprised that PPP and Godwinson hate him, the owner and administrator of the Foxdick Farms. Josh says that he's not malding because PPP's a hypocrite and that he lost money and that he was poor and his family hates him and he doesn't understand why other people hate him, like an clinical psychopath

Josh also jumps at the chance to prove that PPP is a lying hypocrite by pointing out (incorrectly) that he and Tardski were going to see Faith in Cali, but he immediately backtracks on this when he realizes that they actually didn't go to Cali at all; spaghetti spilt. He then brings up Vordrak and how he went after his family, and that got his family mad at him, including his uncle, who was an active serviceman in the U.S. Army at the time, even thought Josh has a great dislike and distrust for service members. After this, Josh told that kept moving everywhere, broke as fuck, and Dick comes out and gives a whiff of money and Josh takes it, but then some fat Canadian had to come in and take that away from him; "it fucking sucks, don't it?" Josh says sarcastically.

That's all I got of his stream, because, really, all of Josh's streams can simply be boiled down to:

  • Merch & Coin Shilling
  • Trannyshit
  • Keffalsshit
  • Ralphshit
  • Amberlynnshit/Chantalshit
  • Beauty Parlor shit
  • "I Need That Money. I Really, Really Do. I Need that Money"
  • Some political sperging, and sperging about how much the U.S. sucks
mcdonald's hat
From Nool's last MATI stream on the 22nd of July, there were two moments that struck me as important in regards to his financial activities and employment and family history.

View attachment 15370

KhordKitty, a popular furry artist whose wife broke up with and took their kid away from him because of some drama I don't care about, has a meltdown over it and he makes a thinly-veiled seethe-post about how Jersh and the Kiwi Farms are the masterminds of the Furry Fandom like an Illuminati, which Josh reads and dissects on stream. Also, Josh completely blanks when he reads "McDonald's Hat", lol; didn't guy worked at a fast food joint and isn't McDonald's everywhere? Afterwards, he gets overworked and needs to watch anorexic Eugenia Cooney at the beach to cool off.

During this, Josh goes over his employment at 8-chan, to which he has to correct the reccord by stating that he wasn't fired from there for "promoting pedophilia", as he was "never employed by 8chan", but that he left because Hotwheels wanted him gone and that there was "something on /cow/ that got [him] kicked off there as a moderator", which he never specifies.

When Josh talks about also volunteering at a hospital, which is never for he never volunteered at anything because he doesn't work for free as he's "good at my job", he makes a reference to the infamous Healstream, and that it didn't matter that the money got refunded, because St. Jude's could not and would not accept money from racists denying the Holocaust out of principle and publicity, he spent hours acting like a black person for St. Jude's.:story:

lol, at him saying that he got served by a Syrian refugee who was a waiter at a fancy restaurant in some Eastern European shithole that he made smile by giving him a tip, making it sound like he's 80's Donald Trump or something. :story:

View attachment 15371
View attachment 15372
This is where we get the most seethe and spite out of Josh, btw

Some time after the first clip passes, Josh first says that he's going to take a drink of water before changing gears about approaching "a delicate subject" and needs some "cold confidence", cracking open a can of, presumably, beer or sodapop, because he's a diabetic fatty that cannot live without a large amount of sugar being pumped into his body.

Josh brings up how PPP is such a giant hypocrite because he attacked New Project 2 and now, years later, PPP, and Andy, are now using Powerchat, which is partly owned and controlled by fed-asset Baked Alaska, who is a part of the Catboy Cult of America First. Josh brings up the interview that PPP and Godwinson did with the evil Lord Vordak, and says that all of the skeevy stuff about NP2 was all made up, it's fiction. Josh is still irate over losing the money that he would've made from NP2, and he's suprised that PPP and Godwinson hate him, the owner and administrator of the Foxdick Farms. Josh says that he's not malding because PPP's a hypocrite and that he lost money and that he was poor and his family hates him and he doesn't understand why other people hate him, like an clinical psychopath

Josh also jumps at the chance to prove that PPP is a lying hypocrite by pointing out (incorrectly) that he and Tardski were going to see Faith in Cali, but he immediately backtracks on this when he realizes that they actually didn't go to Cali at all; spaghetti spilt. He then brings up Vordrak and how he went after his family, and that got his family mad at him, including his uncle, who was an active serviceman in the U.S. Army at the time, even thought Josh has a great dislike and distrust for service members. After this, Josh told that kept moving everywhere, broke as fuck, and Dick comes out and gives a whiff of money and Josh takes it, but then some fat Canadian had to come in and take that away from him; "it fucking sucks, don't it?" Josh says sarcastically.

That's all I got of his stream, because, really, all of Josh's streams can simply be boiled down to:

  • Merch & Coin Shilling
  • Trannyshit
  • Keffalsshit
  • Ralphshit
  • Amberlynnshit/Chantalshit
  • Beauty Parlor shit
  • "I Need That Money. I Really, Really Do. I Need that Money"
  • Some political sperging, and sperging about how much the U.S. sucks
/cow/ and /v/ proved null used his mod tools on boards that memed on him, great first post thanks for the contribution pls apply an avatar and enjoy your stay!