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Public Figure - Niche animegrafmays / Daniel Stevens & General

Public figures in internet culture that are predominately seen as part of the cowsphere community


An Onion Among Onions
Daniel Stevens is the alcoholic admin of the notorious fediverse node which is most known for 2 things:
1) "saving the white race" (nazi larpers)
2) lolicon

There have been many controversies around his tolerance of lolicon on Poast, particularly given its prominence as a white nationalist hub, but he has held firm to his belief that lolicon is free speech and that people who masturbate to it every day somehow aren't pedophiles.

Maybe it's because his moderators are pedophiles?
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He was doxed by antifa earlier this year in embarrassing fashion because he can't help but powerlevel for clout at every opportunity like a woman.

Poast had a convicted child molester for a user who was given personal protection from doxing, largely from kiwifarms users, from Mr. Stevens because it was "doxxxxxxxing." For someone who claims to hate pedophiles, Mr. Stevens certainly seems very protective of convicted ones.

After trannies started raping Josh this year he welcomed the kiwi refugees with open arms only to turn on them all and tell them to fuck off, including transgender Kiwifarms moderator crunklord420, for daring to find lolicon disgusting and for pointing out his feminine behavior in banning and defederating anyone for "doxxxxxxxing," viewing anime unfavorably, bashing lolicon, and calling people who are into simulated child pornography pedophiles.

Poast claims to have a "zero tolerance policy" on doxxxxxxxxing that supposedly applies to all public and private information, but this is a rule that is only meant to protect post users like Elaine Miller/Trollcow while he uses others people's real names/doxes while defederating, banning , and reporting users of other fediverse instances for using his real name. His name and company are very public.
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He reports users to the police whenever he can as the screenshot below proves.

Many Kiwis like Josh continue to use the place despite it's tolerance of lolicon. Many have chosen to leave to and many others like Josh continue to engage in mental gymnastics to justify their choice to stay.

edit: Josh stopped using Poast in March 2023 because Graf told him to fuck off. It wasn't the acid defense and tolerance of lolicon that made Josh leave. It was a personal blow to his ego that did it.
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Another day passes on Poast, another pedophile scandal occurs! Racist eceleb Sven, host of a racist podcast, deleted his Poast account because he didn't like how it tolerated lolicon, which is something he's been aware of for a while and discussed why he left on his podcast's subscriber forum. Graf appears to say Sven is no longer welcome on Poast for "slander" as he coerces the pedophile via the Poast matrix to switch to a difference fediverse instance, making the disingenuous/autistic distinction between "toddlercon" and lolicon as if there is a significant difference between the two or that one is somehow more acceptable than the other. "We're not pedophiles... we're ephebophiles. Learn the difference!"

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As had occurred with the convicted pedophile Poast user Nathan Davies, many users have chosen to once again defend the open tolerance of pedophiles on Poast stating that it okay because it's drawing or feebly pointing to some imagined double standard from people who also use Twitter. When Elon Musk, or any other ex-CEO of Twitter for that matter, starts defending pedophilic artwork as hard as Graf has and continues to let us know.


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Also, Josh has decided to continue using his Poast account to shill his stream for his soon to be dead website.
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Has Josh flip-flopped on lolicon yet?
Graf had another meltdown over some slight and factual criticisma from the clique of racist podcasters and is once again proving how foolish and disingenuous his rules around doxing are by suddenly allowing it for this one user.


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Graf doubles down on his spergery despite the "walking back" of Sven and Borzoi as Shannon tries his best to sweep it up for his new alcoholic master, as is tradition, completely ignoring Graf's rebuttal and pretending the problem has nothing at all to do with Poast's tolerance of lolicon. Despite all the overwhelming evidence graf allows it on Poast Shannon somehow says it's "OTHER FEDI NODES" (without naming any) that are the problem. Shannon also still defends Flamenco and calls the crusade against him a gayop.
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Shannon tries his best to sweep it up for his new alcoholic master, as is tradition
He was born on his back with his mouth open swallowing shit. Now instead of malt it has a hoppy, estrogen-like flavor. Nothing ever changes. As for graffot, after having ruined his reputation by trigger happy banning over a jewish nose, the ftm tranny can go back to respecting anime, loli, and drinking over-priced and poorly brewed craft IPAs full of the hormones his HRT is supposed to be combatting.
Esoteric Shaggyism been doing some investigating.
Is Graf a pedo?: A thread 🧵
Graf, admin of Poast, was recently exposed for hosting lolicon & essentially posting it on his own server via a bot named "Woomy"(a 14yo character), on an 18+ hentai instance Graf owns.
Let's dig even deeper into Graf's pedophilic tendencies...
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Recently, Graf has tried to portray himself as anti-loli, only keeping CSAM(In Canada) around due to "the previous admin had that policy".

Additionally, almost 2 months ago Graf said he'd review the policy that weekend, yet it's still allowed? Can only be seen as endorsement!

Graf, admin of poast, permanently marked himself as a pedophile with a hand tattoo of a little girl and a "13".
There is no specific hidden meaning to such a tattoo if you search it. Simply put, it's a known lolicon proudly expressing his open passion in children.

The Prince Hubris Connection:
One of the key inspirations of Graf is former Weekly Sweat host, Shawn.
Graf actually paid for his rent and for Shawn to move across the country.
One of PHs key talking points was the irrelevance of age of consent, likely why Graf honed in on him.

But not all was well, Graf "mistakenly" sent a pic of his "cockprint" to Shawn / Prince Hubris. Soon after, Shawn ghosted Graf for 2 years.
However, as of a week or two ago Shawn has come crawling back to Graf the gay, desperate for money & groveling like a bum.

Finally, on Shawn's escape from his Jewish exgirlfriend's house in Arizona that Graf funded.
Shawn was saved by none other than Patrick Casey, Jaden McNiel and YOBA who was already in Arizona.
Graf potrays himself as anti-groyper, but he was donating thousands to groypers.

Within 20 minutes of me posting about Graf, he's already crying on fediverse about "doxing".
Sorry, but all the info I got was public! You also tried doxing people using poast, so not sure where you have room to speak.

"It's discrediting me and poast, but I don't care and I'm laughing"
Which is it? You responded real quick, Danny boy.

So how does your niece and her parents feel that she's permanently etched onto an arm of a pedophile?
Doesn't make your tattoos any less suspect even if your sudden explanation is true.
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