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Kiwifarms Gossip & Slap Fights Kiwi Farms Moderators

These threads cover general gossip and interacting with Kiwifarms (openly calling them out).
I went through his Kiwi thread. Guess what I found?
I thought you hated anime avatar Jershy noooooooooooo

And the troon totally doesn't track your IP, please believe this schizo troon's honor! Just remember to make yourself identifiable! TROOOST THE PLAN! THE ALLEGATION ON THE CHANS IS TOTALLY NOT TRUE AND UNFOUNDED!
josh noooooooooooooooo.png


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What are you referring to?
the Stranger Neighbors/Rat Speaker stuff from mid last year, to summarize
-rat speaker acts like an edgy fag in supporters
-twinkie calls him out and says he wants to dox mods and has been planning this in a discord
-JSGOTI mocks this and sides with Rat Speaker in saying twinkie is schizo ASAP
-bunch of shit happens
-JSGOTI writes a long effort post about how Stranger Neighbors is awful(which is true), but then says Rat Speaker did nothing wrong.
-days later rat speaker speds out, janny doxxxxes somehow come out in a matter of days conveniently and pretty much everything Twinkie said was vindicated.

if I had to guess, but obviously I don't because i'm not a mod, but I would imagine Stranger Neighbors talked quite a bit about Rat Speaker and his participation, perhaps some others. I feel like the actual explanation got cut out. That would of course lead you to ask, "Why was JSGOTI altering the story to make Rat Speaker look better?" because clearly somebody as well connected as him was aware of what was occurring.
The specific explanation i'm referring to I believe can be found in supporters.
If you check his Fedi it is nonstop posting about being a troon. I'd assume anyone who talked to him would notice pretty quickly. I posted a picture that he posted himself in troon sock.
Here it is again (the original file not screenshot)
I heavily doubt that that's really him, the pic has been circulating on 4chan since July 2020. Crunklord just reposts the latest memes he finds on there like the redditor he is.


There is also one pic he posted of someone wearing a skirt and a TempleOS hoodie, but it's just copied from the store page of the site that sells the crap.

link link
I heavily doubt that that's really him, the pic has been circulating on 4chan since July 2020. Crunklord just reposts the latest memes he finds on there like the redditor he is.

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There is also one pic he posted of someone wearing a skirt and a TempleOS hoodie, but it's just copied from the store page of the site that sells the crap.

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1. He does go on chins and he mentioned a lot in his fedi he is both a nazi and a troon (I posted a lot of caps but there are A LOT MORE)
2. You can see there are male orbiters around him. ColonelJ and Noid. Both obviously lusting after a troon (GF(BF)) ColonelJ even went to the length of donating 50 CAD to a no name guy on youtube just to get him to play Crunt's game. That's obviously simping behavior which indicates ColonelJ believes he is a troon as well.
3. He admitted it today in Jershy's Fedi post response he is a troon.

The pic might not 100% be him. I can't prove that with the info I have. But it should be pretty obvious that he is a troon.
Was going to sleep. Checked Jershy's fedi.
Which of you guys did it lmao

IS our Jershy boy going full CHRIST IS KING and DEBROOMING THE TROON?

Probably not, judging by the tone he knew already and is damage controlling so he can claim he didn't purposefully not look into this.
That image has been posted elsewhere before and is probably not crunt himself.
T-there's no fucking way. Right? NO one would date Colonel J. NO ONE!

Though, I have no problem thinking that Colonel J would go after whatever he could get his hands on, and that Crunklord probably would to. I also have thought Crunklord is a tranny, that's probably true... But no. That's gross. No, stop it. You're bad. That's bad, no don't stop that can't be. It's False. Your writers made that one up. No. It's Fiction.
Ok schizo shitpost time!

Examine the picture, what did he mean by this?

Fuck Jannies? As in what people want to appear as ebin oldfags say? Is he trying to appear as an ebin old fag by pinning this image of a pinned janny in his profile? Is it that simple? He just wants to appear as an ebin oldfag?
But hold on, isn't he a janny on the very site that he is posting on? Is that the reddit tier irony he is going for? We must dive deeper.
Take notice of the words "fuck jannies." That's just a copypasta warcry against janny some might say. But what if it has deeper meanings?
The first word, "fuck" sometimes indicates the desire for sex. Could it be referring to a sex act instead of an intensifier or to denote disdain?
Let's gather the facts we have so far. We know that:
1. He is a janny himself on the very site this reddit tier meme was posted on
2. He wants to have sex with a janny

No, that's not enough facts for us to discover the true meaning of this. We must suffer on and scroll the page down to browse more of the reddit tier memes.
Hold on, a pattern is emerging right before our eyes, he keeps using images with stripes. What could it possibly mean? And the phase "trans" is also heavily repeated in his page. Trans? Trans what? Transformers? Transplant? Transcontinental? Could it be referring to the Transcontinental Railroad as in what autistic man childs are into? The trains? We must ask the great oracle for answer. Let's search for "trans reddit" on
Wait, what's this? Let's zoom in and enhance the second result we got from our wise oracle.


Could it possibly means what we think it means? Is Crunt a transgender? We must use our pattern recognition skills. The stripe images he posted. Could it be representing the trans flag? Let's get the definition of transgender: Transgender people have a gender identity or gender expression that differs from the sex that they were assigned at birth.
But no, hold on, we must go back. That's just the definition that is on the surface web. To understand someone who is trying to be an ebin oldfag we must take on such a mindset ourselves. We must go to the darkweb: 4chin to search for the truth, for it is out there!
Ah, we have we found? Trans/Troon can be used as an insult for redditers/leftists, especially in the context of /pol/.
A perfect match, that couldn't be a coincidence could it? That repeating vibe of reddit. No, it can't be just a coincidence, this must be it!

Is it a reference to that fact he is a troon and therefore must fuck himself everyday as a part of dilation? Is this what it is? An encrypted message confessing to be a tranny that fucks himself each day?

Or could there be an even deeper meaning? What could we be missing here? We must search deep and hard for the TRUTH, for the TRUTH is out there.
Wait, I know what we have been missing. The fact that is hidden in plain sight. The second word that is the key to unlocking this mystery! "jannies." There are 2 jannies on Kiwi FEDiverse. He is not the only one there. But who is the other janny?
Of course! The best janny on the internet, Joshua Conner Moon! He is also an Administrator on that site. Could Josh be the janny that is being referenced in this very image? The fastest broom this side of blockland forum? The man with a thousand Troons jannying for him for free? The legend, the myth, the manboy himself that has so many troons lusting after him??

With this fact in mind we can perhaps decipher the TRUE AND HONEST meaning behind this reddit tier post:

Crunt wants to fuck Josh. Josh is the Janny here and fuck refers to the sex act.

It's a very shy way of confessing his love for Josh who we know has a public stand of hating troons.
Crunt knows he will never receive Errverlord's love, therefore he did not chose to confess his love openly and directly to Josh. But instead hid his love in this very innocent reddit tier image that is so concealed it takes me going off my schizo meds for 20 years to figure out.



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T-there's no fucking way. Right? NO one would date Colonel J. NO ONE!

Though, I have no problem thinking that Colonel J would go after whatever he could get his hands on, and that Crunklord probably would to. I also have thought Crunklord is a tranny, that's probably true... But no. That's gross. No, stop it. You're bad. That's bad, no don't stop that can't be. It's False. Your writers made that one up. No. It's Fiction.

(It the same video but different timestamp)

You can WITNESS ColonelJ's simping behavior here. As he puts it himself GF(BF). I can't trump that.

(It the same video but different timestamp)

You can WITNESS ColonelJ's simping behavior here. As he puts it himself GF(BF). I can't trump that.

View attachment 5623

That's so weird, and Crunklord didn't deny it...

It's especially weird for me because Colonel J used to always be right up my ass too and would comment on just about everything I said.

Also just for completeion's sake

Best part is he'll never get suspicious of Crunklord moaning Josh

(Edit: gotta do my part, i sure am smart.)

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And so it is confirmed.
Yeah that level of coping is unreal and retarded. There is no need for him to be CJ's GF for CJ to shill his game on that guy's YouTube. He could just asked CJ to say it's his friend's game. Unless CJ would only do it if Crunt become CJ's GF(BF). Which well still makes you a troon. There is no way you can reason out of this one.
Why would a normal heterosexual man want to be referred to as GF(BF)? The answer is no, no straight man would. Only a troon would.

He is just trying to play it off as IRONIC and its very retarded.
the Stranger Neighbors/Rat Speaker stuff from mid last year, to summarize
-rat speaker acts like an edgy fag in supporters
-twinkie calls him out and says he wants to dox mods and has been planning this in a discord
-JSGOTI mocks this and sides with Rat Speaker in saying twinkie is schizo ASAP
-bunch of shit happens
-JSGOTI writes a long effort post about how Stranger Neighbors is awful(which is true), but then says Rat Speaker did nothing wrong.
-days later rat speaker speds out, janny doxxxxes somehow come out in a matter of days conveniently and pretty much everything Twinkie said was vindicated.

if I had to guess, but obviously I don't because i'm not a mod, but I would imagine Stranger Neighbors talked quite a bit about Rat Speaker and his participation, perhaps some others. I feel like the actual explanation got cut out. That would of course lead you to ask, "Why was JSGOTI altering the story to make Rat Speaker look better?" because clearly somebody as well connected as him was aware of what was occurring.
The specific explanation i'm referring to I believe can be found in supporters.
There was so much bullshit with that drama. Most of the people following it at the time still don't know what happened and if you wanted to go back and read through it all as it hgappened you would have to read 4 supporters threads:



+ a bunch of shit in the spiderman thread + several shitposting threads + at least one thread made in forum discussion.

My impression on twinkie has always been her big mistake was to not have a thicker skin when people were agitating her after the fact. She overreacted with rat but Thotto and others really were really the ones who went too far and then tried to pin it all on her and eventually that came out. But she just couldn't handle the fact people were fucking with her in ways that you should expect on KF, and kept freaking. Kind of feel bad for her but its for the best she got demodded.
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There was so much bullshit with that drama. Most of the people following it at the time still don't know what happened and if you wanted to go back and read through it all as it hgappened you would have to read 4 supporters threads:
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+ a bunch of shit in the spiderman thread + several shitposting threads + at least one thread made in forum discussion.

My impression on twinkie has always been her big mistake was to not have a thicker skin when people were agitating her after the fact. She overreacted with rat but Thotto and others really were really the ones who went too far and then tried to pin it all on her and eventually that came out. But she just couldn't handle the fact people were fucking with her in ways that you should expect on KF, and kept freaking. Kind of feel bad for her but its for the best she got demodded.
>He gave James Porter $20
Yes, there was an odd post on his profile made by his account talking about himself in the third person and mentioning something about a better place, seems to be deleted now.

It's also interesting to note that he blamed his infamous meltdown on substance withdrawal caused by prescription drugs.

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I love how Lex's withdrawal-induced meltdown led to the creation of the GOAT copypasta.

I love how Lex's withdrawal-induced meltdown led to the creation of the GOAT copypasta.

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Wait that copypasta came from a farms user themselves? Over being called a pedo? Because he was raging at people for saying they didn't mind convicted pedos getting killed?


Maybe I should read A&H more.
I'm surprised you don't know this by now, considering that Lex is mocked with it almost everytime he speaks.
I love that it happens that way :story:

It's the same thing with Techpriest and his "I'll eat my hat if Trump beats Hillary" bet. Play stupid games, win stupid prizes.
Screenshot_2021-02-22 US ELECTION DAY (TRUMP VICTORY).png
Spoiler: he never did eat that hat.

Notably, Techpriest also deleted the post he made about his bet. But nobody will ever forget about the bet he done welched.

EDIT: Yeah I really can't seem to find any trace of his hat bet post (I was hoping on Kiwi Farms that someone had thought to screencap it at least). I did find this though. He welched on this bet too:
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Honestly for as big (and I mean FAT)of a fag as slav power is, he's taken the ribbing against him lately very well and been chill in chat.
There was 9299 posts and I can't make it through all of them.
But 1. Troon 2. Schizo posting 3. Self shills

EDIT: forgot the best one

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I doubt that's Crunklord420, Crunklord420 often reposts cringey memes, but it's a well known social media troope that trannies are either communists, ancaps or nazis. I can name dozens of examples, Crunklord420 himself is a "Dark Enlightment" (far-right) blogger.

It's almost like insane ideas are a magnet for insane people. Really makes you think doesn't it.
Triplepost, clean it up SIGSEGV!