I don't think anyone mentioned it till you did tbqhwyI miss don't ask don't tell, used to be I didn't need to hear about some faggot sucking cocks for two pages but here we are.
I don't think anyone mentioned it till you did tbqhwyI miss don't ask don't tell, used to be I didn't need to hear about some faggot sucking cocks for two pages but here we are.
Sexual orientation is not gender identity, and it's also not gender dysphoria, nor is it autogynephilia. Those are all tranny things.The homosexual transexuals (HSTS) are gay males according to Blanchard. They are the "old school" ones who typically pass well and suffer gender dysphoria.
Nowadays, autogynephilic (AGP) trannies are more common. They are straight men who pass poorly and practice pseudobisexuality based on their fetish of getting fucked "like a woman" (as if gay male bottoms don't exist).
Old school/HSTS trannies are gay men and can be considered LGB. Even if it might distress them to call them a gay male to their face...
I'm aware of that. It's a joke post. However, I do think the statistic is on the rise. It has to be, what with corporations yanking their support, and normies realizing tranny privilege is dying out, and they don't have to pretend or withhold their feelings towards trannies to avoid being called Nazis anymore. The tranny movement is losing steam, people are moving on, but trannies are permanently stuck with their "identity", troonshine long term side effects, and buchered genetalia. Sure, they can detroon, but the rest of it is with them for life. Not to mention the consequences of pushing away people who cared about them but didn't buy into the tranny bullshit.That's a myth, 41 percent attempt but many do not succeed.
Nail him to the cross!
I'm gonna go ahead and use you as a divider for my post.-Ashley drivel-
Remember the fat guy from LTT? I can't remember his name right now, but he came out as Emily, and all the pro-troon people couldn't help themselves to remind everyone that "she was always Emily" and the like, when there were literally dozens of YouTube videos with millions of views each, very clearly showing this guy as a dude identifying as a guy. The whole rewriting history thing has always bugged the shit out of me, and its one of those things my more tranny-accepting friends never have a good argment for, obviously because it's lies and bullshit.He will tell such lies like "I've always been a woman. There's always been signs. I hated pictures of myself."
Ok bro you're right everyone is a dark insane pervert just like you but you're superior for not "wanting to cut your dick off". The doctors all love mutilating children because it makes them money. You're a genius and everyone else is the problem.Sexual orientation is not gender identity, and it's also not gender dysphoria, nor is it autogynephilia. Those are all tranny things.
They stopped being GLBs when they adopted the tranny identity. They're trannies.
I'm aware of that. It's a joke post. However, I do think the statistic is on the rise. It has to be, what with corporations yanking their support, and normies realizing tranny privilege is dying out, and they don't have to pretend or withhold their feelings towards trannies to avoid being called Nazis anymore. The tranny movement is losing steam, people are moving on, but trannies are permanently stuck with their "identity", troonshine long term side effects, and buchered genetalia. Sure, they can detroon, but the rest of it is with them for life. Not to mention the consequences of pushing away people who cared about them but didn't buy into the tranny bullshit.
Nail him to the cross!
I'm gonna go ahead and use you as a divider for my post.
I'm not buying that old two-category theory of HSTS and AGP. Modern trannies don't fit into those categories, and I don't honestly agree with the concept of HSTS. It doesn't really add up to me. I do know for a fact that AGPs and AAPs are real though. I've actually met a few. It is important to remember that trannies are a diverse group, especially in current year. For the most part only thing they all have in common is the fact that they all identfy as "trans".
I've known just a couple trannies who didn't feel comfortable as their real gender, and I believe them. One was a guy and the other a girl. They were alright I guess, I mean compared to most trannies I've met. Both had other problems besides the dysphoria though, and the girl (who presented as a dude) was a sex addict as well, complete with a high mileage pussy and a well worn ass. Yes, the tranny took Jew dick in her ass and pussy. This was a long time ago, when I didn't hate trannies. These two are the only trannies I've ever met whom I could actually bring myself to respect their chosen gender.
I met one, whom I'm not sure was gender dysphoric or not. He presented as a woman, not a transwoman. He did not pass, at least in my eyes. He wanted in my pants in the worst way, but I had no interest. I abandoned a job oppertunity for the sole purpose of never having to deal with this pervert again.
I've known many more who were losers or had issues that caused other people to shun them, who later trooned out after it became so popular to do so. One guy had previously spent $50k of borrowed money to go to an expensive university for the sole purpose of being exposed to the people on campus, that's how retarded he is. They still have all the same issues, but now they're surrounded by fake friends who don't give a shit about them, all the while they're desperately seeking attention from normal people like they always have. They show absolutely no signs of being uncomfortable as dudes, rather, they bought into identity politics and the delusional line of thinking that they can be anything they want. These people to the best of my knowledge are not autogynephilic, but they're also most definitely not gender dysphoric either. Also, they all identify as furries, every single one of them. Furry fandom has a similar problem to trannydom, in that a lot of losers join up because they think it's gonna solve all their problems. It doesn't, it never does. But that is the problem with current-day trannydom. It's not helping the majority of people who fall under it's umbrella.
I know of a few more who probably would troon out if it weren't for their hatred of trannies. Naturally, they're also all furries, and they're also all hopeless losers, and none of them show any signs of gender dysphoria, nor any signs of growing up or a willingness to make an effort to solve their problems or improve their lives in any meaningful way.
Remember the fat guy from LTT? I can't remember his name right now, but he came out as Emily, and all the pro-troon people couldn't help themselves to remind everyone that "she was always Emily" and the like, when there were literally dozens of YouTube videos with millions of views each, very clearly showing this guy as a dude identifying as a guy. The whole rewriting history thing has always bugged the shit out of me, and its one of those things my more tranny-accepting friends never have a good argment for, obviously because it's lies and bullshit.
Probably the worst thing that has come out of this mess is the legitimization of delusional thinking, and how the rest of us have to be exposed to this shit.
No, apparently this is Tranny General now, with a touch of crazy bitch.What about them kwiffar tho, crazy huh.
Imagine defending trannies (in earnest???) And calling someone else mentally ill. Take your meds.You people truly are mentally ill. Just wondering, when you jack off are you thinking of yourself as your gender? So why is it a "fetish" when transpeople are thinking of themselves as the gender they're transitioning to? It's 2024 and you're repeating bullshit from a nutcase like J Micheal Bailey, a completely discredited pervert. A lot of you guys and Null are cut from the same paranoiac, misanthrophic cloth and I have to wonder what's in your closet when you've got opinions this strong about a sexual minority that isn't personally affecting you.
Meds aren't gonna help this one...Imagine defending trannies (in earnest???) And calling someone else mentally ill. Take your meds.
False majority in some internet circles, that's probably why. The sad reality is many offline troons are normal people suffering a mental illness, whether dysphoria or paraphilia and are hurting greatly. They should have access to mental healthcare the same as any other human.
I'm aware of that. It's a joke post. However, I do think the statistic is on the rise. It has to be, what with corporations yanking their support, and normies realizing tranny privilege is dying out, and they don't have to pretend or withhold their feelings towards trannies to avoid being called Nazis anymore. The tranny movement is losing steam, people are moving on, but trannies are permanently stuck with their "identity", troonshine long term side effects, and buchered genetalia. Sure, they can detroon, but the rest of it is with them for life. Not to mention the consequences of pushing away people who cared about them but didn't buy into the tranny bullshit.
It's frequently a social contagion, they don't have to have offspring to damage the next generation. All we can hope is that it fizzles out by natural attrition, i.e. trannies ack themselves faster than they can induct new cult membersThe only upside is that they can't reproduce since they sterilized themselves which means they won't pass their stupidity and mental sickness onward.
Imagine defending trannies (in earnest???) And calling someone else mentally ill. Take your meds.
I am a big supporter of vaccines including COVID vaccines and boosters and I do know the earth is a sphere. I don't think some of the trans treatments are anywhere near as evidence based. The supposedly helpful treatments like surgery and hormones seem to make them much worse.I get the same feeling reading screeds from smug narcissistic hillbillies who are convinced vaccines cause autism or the earth is flat
Newer stuff critical of mainstream trans activism in any way doesn't get published anymore. Plus the HSTS vs AGP dichotomy seems enduring.How do you even get to a place emotionally where you're cherrypicking theories published in 1981 when they were still arresting gays and forcing them into electroshock to portray <1% of the population in the most cynical and dark light possible?
For HSTS sure, it's because they know they are gay. AGPs will make up stories or false memories from wanting it to be true. Memory is flexible.Every transgender I've ever talked to has said they started feeling uncomfortable as the gender they were assigned as soon as they learned to speak
Did I say abuse? Mental illness is a tragedy whether it has to do with abuse or not. AGPs are suffering a life disrupting paraphilia and need help, HSTSs are suffering dysphoria that troubles them greatly.why does everything have to be dark fucked up abuse world for you?
My sympathies. It can be hard to have an LGBT sibling, if they're annoying about it and T is just watching them wreck themselves.Source: my brother is an AGP Brickhon.
There was actually a study that randomized male and female descriptions of orgasm and they were not able to tell them apart by gender. That shows that male vs female orgasm is very similar. I doubt most cis people think of gender while jacking off, lol.Just wondering, when you jack off are you thinking of yourself as your gender? So why is it a "fetish" when transpeople are thinking of themselves as the gender they're transitioning to?
It's affecting everyone by now.you've got opinions this strong about a sexual minority that isn't personally affecting you.
Based and unironically true.The doctors all love mutilating children because it makes them money.
BPD General?No, apparently this is Tranny General now, with a touch of crazy bitch.
That's very true. A lot of the pozzed modern therapists don't focus on getting to the WHY of it but even DBT would probably help if studied for GD and AGP because it does not allow the client to be coddled or manipulative and focuses on coping. The biggest problem is hormones and surgery are options while counseling and psych meds aren't the main and only focus.The big question is "what's the goal of therapy."
Pippa Pipkin finally received a thread on kiwifarms after several attempts. Aside from missing some important videos and images from Pippa's thread on this very forum, some of which were used by Lidl Drip and other kiwifarms users, it is pretty well written.
View attachment 59196
Off topic but is anybody aware of this site? It's pretty much like us and KF
Blanchards theory has not been proven and only took off because of anti trannies. I mean it sounds plausible but so did the theory of phlogistonThe homosexual transexuals (HSTS) are gay males according to Blanchard. They are the "old school" ones who typically pass well and suffer gender dysphoria.
Nowadays, autogynephilic (AGP) trannies are more common. They are straight men who pass poorly and practice pseudobisexuality based on their fetish of getting fucked "like a woman" (as if gay male bottoms don't exist).
Old school/HSTS trannies are gay men and can be considered LGB. Even if it might distress them to call them a gay male to their face...
That's a myth, 41 percent attempt but many do not succeed.
What do you think of billionaire tranny Jews like Martine Rothblatt?
View attachment 59296
I think he's an AGP and is a transhumanist who made a talking robot of his African American wife:
BINA48 - Wikipedia
Wouldn't even be an issue if he was a normie gay or even an HSTS. Like I've mentioned once before I have/had several gay friends and there's 0 issue. I think alot of women would welcome a feminine man to talk about girl stuff with in their lives it's just that he's never been feminine and can only steal/copy from actual women to keep up the "born this way! I'm a feminine womanly woman" shtick.My sympathies. It can be hard to have an LGBT sibling, if they're annoying about it and T is just watching them wreck themselves.
Oh shut up I bet you are barrenYou people truly are mentally ill. Just wondering, when you jack off are you thinking of yourself as your gender? So why is it a "fetish" when transpeople are thinking of themselves as the gender they're transitioning to? It's 2024 and you're repeating bullshit from a nutcase like J Micheal Bailey, a completely discredited pervert. A lot of you guys and Null are cut from the same paranoiac, misanthrophic cloth and I have to wonder what's in your closet when you've got opinions this strong about a sexual minority that isn't personally affecting you.
just stop be retard? please to unyuns. no retard please.Time to unalive I guess psycho, the whole world is against you
nice to see humanism philosophy hasn't completely gone and there are still people who believe in it and practice it.They should have access to mental healthcare the same as any other human.
Can you give more info on this? Has anyone figured out her account?Some BDP KF user ended up on that Fishtank reality tv show by Sam Hyde, as soon as it was revealed she had thirsted for Null, Lidl immediately ran into the thread to start doxxing, what a fucking weirdo.
Spazzing incel pussy with as many problems as josh reacts to a link with an american physician consensus statement by making it clear he's psychotically obsessed with adult womens genitals at least as much as he's obsessed with childrens.Oh shut up I bet you are barren