Retard appears to not know what a tomboy is
Tardushi's Daughter should know that Null is Tipster without the LGBTQ stuff
Slav Power deleted his avatar and limited who can post on his profile. This happened fairly recently, like within the past week.
View attachment 59181
After Cheesenigger shit all over him on MATI back in May, he stopped posting. However, he didn't actually go anywhere, rather he's been lurking and handing out stickers, at least up till last weekend.
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View attachment 59179
As long as you have accepted yourself for you truly are then nobody can take that from you.No, I accept myself for the homo I am. It is the only path to happiness. Well that, and gold.
@Meowsolini deleted his avatar today too.
Is this not why we are all here? We haven't we all been subjugated to such inequities that we find ourselves equals.How long until he starts posting here? I remember calling him put as a dick riding bitch months ago when Josh took out the stickers.
How long until he starts posting here? I remember calling him put as a dick riding bitch months ago when Josh took out the stickers.
Some kiwis are too uptight to consider posting here. Others harbor negative feelings towards @Kenneth Erwin Engelhardt.Is this not why we are all here? We haven't we all been subjugated to such inequities that we find ourselves equals.
Not even PizzaboyAs long as you have accepted yourself for you truly are then nobody can take that from you.
Everybody there has an anime avatar. I don't personally recognize any of the usernames. It does look like maybe they've been exiled from somewhere, though.View attachment 59196
Off topic but is anybody aware of this site? It's pretty much like us and KF
Yeah, nah. Not all.All gay men are molestation victims. Or have been groomed into the lifestyle.
Ohh. Well I expect you to be combating anything of the sort said about transpeople then. Wise of you to not let the Sass guys know about it.Yeah, nah. Not all.
I was never molested or abused in any way, had both parents growing up, had a brother and sister, good relationship with both to this day. I've had a few monogamous relationships culminating in my marriage which has been going strong for over a decade now.
I just remember about age 14 watching one of my best mates change for sports class and thinking his nutsack filled his shorts in a way that was and realising maybe girls weren't my jam
A certain former Onionfarms admin was active on that site.. Maybe he still is.Some kiwis are too uptight to consider posting here. Others harbor negative feelings towards @Kenneth Erwin Engelhardt.
Not even Pizzaboy
Everybody there has an anime avatar. I don't personally recognize any of the usernames. It does look like maybe they've been exiled from somewhere, though.
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View attachment 59213
Loli? Count me out.
Why would he do that?Ohh. Well I expect you to be combating anything of the sort said about transpeople then.
LGBs are not Ts, though some trannies claim to be LGB on top of being a tranny.Ohh. Well I expect you to be combating anything of the sort said about transpeople then. Wise of you to not let the Sass guys know about it.
LGBs are not Ts, though some trannies claim to be LGB on top of being a tranny.
Also, there are more than one kind of tranny. The only even remotely defensible kind of tranny are the gender dysphoric ones. These are the OG trannies, and in times past it was generally accepted that these people should be tolerated because their gender dysporia mental condition makes them unable to be mentally well while living as their real gender, ie. one that matches their genitals. And so, gender dysporia was a requirement to be a tranny. We may, or may not, accept these people as the gender of their choosing, but we at least understand that they are mentally unhealthy. Many of these people pass well enough that you might not realize they're tranny. They don't, or at least historically didn't, identify as tranny, only as the gender their mentally unwell brain thinks they are. There was no such thing as a "transwoman". These people used to make up the majority of trannydom, but for a number of reasons the gates were not kept and a ton of people without gender dysphoria came in and took over.
One reason is because some people decided that you can simply "identify" as some thing, and that automatically makes you that thing. Example, a boy (without gender dysporia) can choose to identify as a girl. He is obviously not a girl, and he is not even trying very hard to trick you into thinking he's a girl. In fact, he's not even presenting himself as a girl, but rather, as a "transwoman" or simply "trans". In normal times of old, we would call these people delusional, and we would not recognize or affirm their delusions. Some might suggest that they might actually suffer from gender dysphoria as opposed to a more general form of delusional thining. This muddied the waters to the point where a majority of pro-tranny supporters no longer draw a distinction between bonafide gender dysphoria delusional thinking and other forms of mental illness. Anyone can be anything, and you will affirm, else you are a Nazi. They even invented a word to describe people of the old guard, "trans-medicalist", and a slur, "truscum" which means the same thing.
With the waters sufficiently brown, normal everyday liberals, virtue signallers, and others bought into the idea that anyone can identify as anything, and that we MUST affirm their delusions, which are now viewed as normal, healthy thought.
This was accelerated by money hungry investors looking to make a buck, and seeing trannies as a future profit center. Yes, that does mean that Jews are partially responsible for the current state of affairs, which is not something I'm exactly happy about.
The vast majority of trannies today fall into this non-gender dysphoric category. These are AGPs and AAPs, seahorse dad fetishists, sissies, pedophiles using trannydom as a vehicle to access kids, narcissists chasing the affermation high, trenders, children of trender parents (forced trooning), men attempting to take advantage of resources available only to women, male criminals (especially pedophiles) trying to avoid male prison genpop, and losers willing to do anything to fit in, among others. These people are completely inexcusable and in my opinion the reason why so many reasonable people rightfully hate trannies.
For you, I have this alternative version:
kFor you, I have this alternative version:
Trannies are faggots that don't want to accept reality. 41% of them will kill themselves, thankfully, and with the way things are going currently, that statistic will only grow.
Trannies aren't gay and don't belong in the GLB diaspora.Ohh. Well I expect you to be combating anything of the sort said about transpeople then. Wise of you to not let the Sass guys know about it.
Especially not PizzaboyNo Not even Pizzaboy
Yeah, nah. Not all.
I was never molested or abused in any way, had both parents growing up, had a brother and sister, good relationship with both to this day. I've had a few monogamous relationships culminating in my marriage which has been going strong for over a decade now.
I just remember about age 14 watching one of my best mates change for sports class and thinking his nutsack filled his shorts in a way that was and realising maybe girls weren't my jam
How and when did GLB become LGBT?Trannies aren't gay and don't belong in the GLB diaspora.
Who fucking knowsHow and when did GLB become LGBT?
Somebody must know.Who fucking knows