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Kiwifarms Gossip & Yarring KF General 2.0

These threads cover general gossip and interacting with Kiwifarms (openly calling them out).
The new declines of Kiwifarms


Hellovan Onion
Null has said before that he hates having to moderate the site (unless someone hurts his feelings) and interacting with his userbase, so I think he doesn't care who posts on the forum until they start bothering him personally.
Exactly, he's indifferent at best; at worst, he views his user base as piggies to be plundered. He has no respect for his user base. He's told on himself regarding this numerous times, but people just seem to ignore it. I don't think it upsets him that Lilidrip is stirring up controversy; to him, it's a reason to get rid of the people he doesn't like. If he had any respect for his user base, he wouldn't speak about them the way he does, nor would he treat them the way he does.


Local Moderator
He does do some very minimal active moderation but that is to go around antagonizing the various boards and if they bend over for him then he moves on satisfied but when they throw it back at him a la the DSP board he goes on a ban rampage.

Worth noting this does nothing for the quality of discussion and is just for his own ego.


Apart of Josh's kryptonite
Hellovan Onion
Josh claims to be anti-trans, yet he tolerates users and moderators who identify as furry, pedophiles, or trans individuals. I know that removing these users would mean alienating a potential support base. However, he's already doing that by intentionally distancing himself from pol'tards. He's actively doing so by inviting radfems and instigating other users to take umbrage with H&N users.
And then there's the mass Exodus that he caused with his "girlfriend".
I will never get over how a site that hates trans ppl, FUCKING HAS TRANS PPL ON THERE ...THERE


Apart of Josh's kryptonite
Hellovan Onion

:bearcomputer: :bearcomputer: :bearcomputer:


a Jew who turns smurfs into gold
Hellovan Onion
I know that Jethro faggot is, I provided caps of him roleplaying waiting dog dick . 🤢 And red panda is a name that I remember in some of his dm chains. I'll have to scrounge around and see if I find something.
Yes, JethroTullamore is a gay furry, but if you really wanna hate someone, hate on @Meowsolini because in addition to gay furry degen, he's also got some involvement in boykisser.


Hellovan Onion
Yes, JethroTullamore is a gay furry, but if you really wanna hate someone, hate on @Meowsolini because in addition to gay furry degen, he's also got some involvement in boykisser.
"That's a name I didn't know; however, I can tell you that JethroTullamore was directly involved with Catler. In fact, one night, I wish I had screen-capped this: he got extremely drunk and upset at his banishing and started trauma dumping about how he hates everybody on Kiwi Farms because they treated his boyfriend, Catler, so poorly. He claimed that the accusations of him being a pedophile were just you guys being ignorant assholes and that he was tired of everybody persecuting the furries on the website.
Some user flash banged him with a bunch of seizure inducing gifs lol.


Apart of Josh's kryptonite
Hellovan Onion

Insane that a confirmed pedophile is legit interacting on the site with his own...never mind it's kf were talking about, I forgot, they weirdo nigger retards around all the time

Vidkun Quisling

Community Infighter
Remarkable Onion
I will never get over how a site that hates trans ppl, FUCKING HAS TRANS PPL ON THERE ...THERE
That rabbit hole gets dumber and more hypocritical as you descend. There are dozens of furries, trannies and gross-ass coomers that are regulars with positive reaction scores. BP has multiple threads about "hitting peak trans" or losing friends to trooning out. These are filled with the same fat harpies that bitch day after day about how much they hate porn addicts and trannies invading their spaces.

Maybe that's why Null is so partial to his chonky harem; they also can't stick to a viewpoint for five fucking seconds without contradicting themselves. He must feel right at home.