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Kiwifarms Gossip & Slap Fights KF General 2.0

These threads cover general gossip and interacting with Kiwifarms (openly calling them out).
Some of the BP trannies are gunt guarding the Kino Casino for some reason. I don't get the connection but I am monitoring the situation.


Basic constructive criticism is down voted

"Actually it's so stupid it wraps around to being funny again." Check out the room temp IQ on this one.

Genius Andy truly is the wordsmith of our times.
WTF are they talking about. I'm no a big fan of Kiwi Tapes but I've seen a couple of eps of 2high4stupid and he and Smokey were crediting KF constantly.

If you aren't licking KF ass 24/7 they get all pissy. Most of he info on KF was dumped somewhere else first. It's always the useless people who do no research that say this stuff anyway.
It's the fact niggersuhi's son is calling someone else a vigilante, meanwhile what has KF ACTUALLY done to throw mfs in jail?
meanwhile what has KF ACTUALLY done to throw mfs in jail?
Exactly right? Especially these days there is barely any lolcow news at all nevermind something that someone is going to jail over.

KF is just a general aggregator of lolcow stuff now, they produce nothing of their own. I don't even think they do art contests anymore and hardly anyone makes photoshops or videos anymore. Just a bunch of people jerking themselves off about being superior to literal retards.

The Rekieta thing has given so many nerds big heads because they all seriously thought rackets was a self made mid west lawyer rather than a trust fund baby who was completely set up for life.

"Oh wow I'm slightly more competent than a man who had his ass wiped with gold fleece his whole life. Good for me."

It's like they're seething that Rekieta isn't just going to sign over his own arrest footage to the internet retard masses. Josh was on about this yesterday too being like "anyone involved including rekieta COULD sign away their consent to this footage wink wink".

From the question this post is quoting I'm also getting the sense that the Kiwis no longer think Josh will be able to produce the footage and are hoping for technicalities to get it released.
hoping for technicalities to get it released.
I hope it doesn't for the kids' sake. It's hard enough being raised by addicts, their unpredictability can cause childhood trauma that ultimately leads to BPD and other serious mental health problems in adulthood.
Plus these kids were actively neglected with no food or clean clothes. Even some "functional" addicts don't physically neglect their children, though it's emotional neglect to be regularly high while caring for them.
They don't need to be publicly exposed as dirty, neglected children to the public and on the internet in perpetuity, from no fault of their own. I know their faces would be blurred but still. I simply feel bad for them and the trauma they've gone through.
Some of the BP trannies are gunt guarding the Kino Casino for some reason. I don't get the connection but I am monitoring the situation.
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Basic constructive criticism is down voted
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"Actually it's so stupid it wraps around to being funny again." Check out the room temp IQ on this one.
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Genius Andy truly is the wordsmith of our times.
I think it is just a grift on KC and Null's part. They came to a truce just to dunk on Rackets. I don't think any of the three of them mean it more than what schekels it will bring in. Business purely and now that retards from KF see that, OH NULL AND KC ARE FRIENDS SO I HAVE TO LICK KC's DICKS TOO CUZ DEAR LEADER IS COOL WITH THEM NOW.

KC is entertaining and I do listen to some of their clip streams at work. But I tend to listen to them because I stopped listening to MATI because I am so fed up with him.
Exactly right? Especially these days there is barely any lolcow news at all nevermind something that someone is going to jail over.

KF is just a general aggregator of lolcow stuff now, they produce nothing of their own. I don't even think they do art contests anymore and hardly anyone makes photoshops or videos anymore. Just a bunch of people jerking themselves off about being superior to literal retards.

The Rekieta thing has given so many nerds big heads because they all seriously thought rackets was a self made mid west lawyer rather than a trust fund baby who was completely set up for life.

"Oh wow I'm slightly more competent than a man who had his ass wiped with gold fleece his whole life. Good for me."
Remember when KiwiFarms got Nick Bates arrested, thanks to a now-deceased KiwiFarms user who documented his arrest years ago? We don’t see that kind of action anymore. If someone commits a crime, people just complain without taking any steps to stop it or they claim that the police are corrupt. KiwiFarms is like a Karen website where users try to “speak to the manager,” but all they do is cry and complain about everything. They could have reported things much sooner. Take the Keffals thread, for instance. Null could have submitted all his evidence to the police. However, it’s too late now since his website has been taken down multiple times by the transgender hackers he claims exist.
I tend to listen to them because I stopped listening to MATI because I am so fed up with him.
KC is a good show, I've only been able to tolerate like 2 or 3 MATIs in its history because null has an annoying voice, is unfunny and not entertaining. It's like he's allergic to researching and getting info right, even when his fans spoon-feed it for free.
Oh but dont you want to comb over it in minute detail and make AI music videos from it? :cautious:
I mean, they can do what they like with Nick's image but the kids should be left out of it. Hopefully they get to go to a public school and catch up on what they missed in education and get some psychotherapy too.
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This niggerish abeeded coon is calling someone else "vigilantes" LMAO.

How can this dude know so much but be so far off the mark? White Bowser worked at a movie theater where he groped a 17 year old by 'accident'. He was fired and eventually banned from going to the theater. He also watches creepy shows about underage teens with big boobs in legal anime... creepy but not illegal. There is no crime to report. Not the biggest fan of smokey or kiwi tapes (they are gay and foster a very gay community) but they dindu nuffin wrong. Tbf no idea what he is talking about with the $500 but on white bowser they are innocent afaik
Some of the BP trannies are gunt guarding the Kino Casino for some reason. I don't get the connection but I am monitoring the situation.
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Basic constructive criticism is down voted
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"Actually it's so stupid it wraps around to being funny again." Check out the room temp IQ on this one.
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Genius Andy truly is the wordsmith of our times.

Not a fan of kino casino tbh it can be fun if you catch it live on a good show but it's not great for info and every time Warski claps like a retard I want to drive to canada and personally administer a beating to him. But this does show how easily opinions are swayed over at kf... they hated the show when Joshy decreed it and now they're negrating anyone with even basic critiques. Everyone is on their knees just because ppp said 'sorry about calling you a pedo and the hit to your income was just collateral there buddy'.
Aunt Carol is generally a good poster but did you really need to do a whole ass guide to making punk patches? This useless info is why I hate BP. It weighs down the thread and makes them hard to read. They do it with literally retarded fat people like Polissa too. Whole food guides when you know the cow will never read it and do not want to put in the effort. Just laugh at them and their self induced problems.
Aunt Carol is generally a good poster but did you really need to do a whole ass guide to making punk patches? This useless info is why I hate BP. It weighs down the thread and makes them hard to read. They do it with literally retarded fat people like Polissa too. Whole food guides when you know the cow will never read it and do not want to put in the effort. Just laugh at them and their self induced problems.
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Can they go back to shitting on the Mcdonalds lords? Sick of them putting bullshit in that thread that don't need to be in it
We don’t see that kind of action anymore. If someone commits a crime, people just complain without taking any steps to stop it or they claim that the police are corrupt. KiwiFarms is like a Karen website where users try to “speak to the manager,” but all they do is cry and complain about everything.

I got a lot of flak for talking about something bad enough it compelled them to act. That's also when I found out Null really only gave a shit about what made KF "fun" for him.

KF does not want to deal with bad people. KF wants to feed on the drama that comes with a bad person, or have 5 minute's hate over someone going down by someone else's actions.

I feel stupid I let myself read KF as a real free speech or dirty laundry airing site - Josh openly states "it's a gossip site" that he wants to be "fun". It's a useful dox and info dumping site, at least until Null starts pruning un-fun things. Oh well.

Still, I thank Null for injecting fun into his site with the ban waves. This is only going to get worse for him, and funnier for me :story:
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Dear God please help us. This next guy was listening to MATI on the speakers until recently when he realized it wouldn't be good to have Josh Moon screaming NIGGER FAGGOT into his resting infants ears. Jesus who are these animals?
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Missed opportunity to change your avatar to Candy and reply " don't let your son unfettered access to the Internet and pizza"