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Kiwifarms Gossip & Slap Fights KF General 2.0

These threads cover general gossip and interacting with Kiwifarms (openly calling them out).
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Dear God please help us. This next guy was listening to MATI on the speakers until recently when he realized it wouldn't be good to have Josh Moon screaming NIGGER FAGGOT into his resting infants ears. Jesus who are these animals?
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I wish this wasn't true, but I believe it. My ex left the house in a rage because two of the chicks I had just hatched minutes ago were upset and screaming. There is something deeply wrong with men and women today. Their comfort is the only thing that should matter, no empathy whatsoever.
are you fucking kidding me.PNG

"Randomizers and Retro Game Collecting has been a fucking poison on anything resembling a community."
Uhh no, not at all, if anything they're there for the fun part of a community, not whatever niggerish rambling you're pissing yourself over ...over
Don't mean to double post but I'm tempted to make a Ruben Sim thread on here pretty fucking bad
I've been on internet forums since the late 90s and the only place I've ever seen "double posting" discouraged is kiwi farms.

If posts are related to the thread but are about two different things they should be two different posts. The only person who doesn't think so is Joshua Coon
I've been on internet forums since the late 90s and the only place I've ever seen "double posting" discouraged is kiwi farms.

If posts are related to the thread but are about two different things they should be two different posts. The only person who doesn't think so is Joshua Coon
Figures, but yeah I think Ruben Sim deserves a thread, (I said this before or might've said it before but we need to target the kiwi's biggest fans/supporters) Plus it looks like Ruben sim lets furries live rent free in his head
KF is just a general aggregator of lolcow stuff now, they produce nothing of their own. I don't even think they do art contests anymore and hardly anyone makes photoshops or videos anymore. Just a bunch of people jerking themselves off about being superior to literal retards.
Which is sad, really. With the amount of people that are on there, you'd think there would be enough of them with SOME sort of creativity and enthusiasm to where they could get a bunch of community projects not only started but actually become sucessful by being ongoing or finished for everyone to see. But no, instead there's a hovering cloud of apathy anytime something like that is suggested, and anything that does get off the gorund is either niche, or "lolcow" related.


"Wow, like wow. I can' believe you'd ask Josh for an update on something he promised and took donations for. Control your emotions sweaty."

Null really has his T and H goons out here bullying the users into not asking for updates on he bodycam footage as if there's something wrong with asking.
Figures, but yeah I think Ruben Sim deserves a thread, (I said this before or might've said it before but we need to target the kiwi's biggest fans/supporters) Plus it looks like Ruben sim lets furries live rent free in his head
The Roblox community in its entirety is a lolcow, there is a KF thread about it but it's slow and overall wasted potential.