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Kiwifarms Gossip & Slap Fights KF General 2.0

These threads cover general gossip and interacting with Kiwifarms (openly calling them out).

Our thread finally got updated but there's another post above 0 2's
I love that they think the Nigerian woman who posts about random celebrities is some 4D Chess Kengle Caper, as if there are not 330 million Nigerians poised and ready to scam Kenneth.
And that right there is one of the many reasons, MANY MANY fucking PUSSIES who cry about KF should look at it from another view and see them as nigger lolcows
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"These people are an absolute cancer on society and cause this board to implode... just like SA did"

Didn't Lowtax (like joshy) openly invite the cancer onto the board? Someone might be putting the cart before the horse, here.
I don't want to even make a joke, It feels like Justa Grata Honoria is going to bring some dark shit to Nulls doorstep.
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