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Kiwifarms Gossip & Yarring KF General 2.0

These threads cover general gossip and interacting with Kiwifarms (openly calling them out).
The new declines of Kiwifarms


Hellovan Onion
What's completely out of the ordinary is his tolerance for it. He completely flips out at any woman or even man (Wolfetone and SlavePower) that's simps hard for him. He even gets aggressive towards people who even insinuate he gives favorable treatment to a woman but for nearly a year he's suddenly okay with this lurking poster woman to make a controversial thread, who fights other users, who shows up and knows intimate details about his life and why he makes the decisions that he does? any other female user behaving this way would have been called an attention whore by now.
Men do some crazy things when it comes to pussy. It changes our opinions our mind and our thoughts about things. And we can become more tolerant of things that we normally would be.
Yeah even if it was his GF he would have told her to knock it off since it's causing so many problems. It's Josh and the only thing keeping this Lidl LARP going is his oppositional defiant disorder.
She's toned it down quite a bit lately this may be because of all the people that have been vocal against her have been banned. And the rest scared into quieting down by josh. A lot of her post lately have just been confirming Josh's own opinion like a good stroke job.


Hellovan Onion
Yeah even if it was his GF he would have told her to knock it off since it's causing so many problems. It's Josh and the only thing keeping this Lidl LARP going is his oppositional defiant disorder.
I think Null is using her as a way to drive off/ban the /pol/ posters without having to do it all at once and have hundreds of angry edgelords yelling at him and ruining his "free speech messiah" grift.


Remarkable Onion
Men do some crazy things when it comes to pussy. It changes our opinions our mind and our thoughts about things
Speak for yourself.
I think Null is using her as a way to drive off/ban the /pol/ posters without having to do it all at once and have hundreds of angry edgelords yelling at him and ruining his "free speech messiah" grift.
i don't see the net benefit to this. Scratch the surface of any manhate poster and its 9/10 a lesbian or former pooner none of which seem to have jobs or monies. he said that the website makes no profit so unless the majority of his income is coming from BPFats donating superchats to him i am not seeing the point
isnt he too old to be doing the shadman edgy routine forming a clique of mental disturbed "politically homeless" women to fluff his ego and ride his broomstick?

...i just figured out why hes doing it lmao.
hes pivoting to be the streamer for edgy racist terf women who skew right-wing but still want abortion and DEI. hes trying to fill a niches

Chrysler Building

Hellovan Onion
Speak for yourself.

i don't see the net benefit to this. Scratch the surface of any manhate poster and its 9/10 a lesbian or former pooner none of which seem to have jobs or monies. he said that the website makes no profit so unless the majority of his income is coming from BPFats donating superchats to him i am not seeing the point
isnt he too old to be doing the shadman edgy routine forming a clique of mental disturbed "politically homeless" women to fluff his ego and ride his broomstick?

...i just figured out why hes doing it lmao.
hes pivoting to be the streamer for edgy racist terf women who skew right-wing but still want abortion and DEI. hes trying to fill a niches

IMO Null is also harboring anger and resentment towards the online edgelord community. He seems to have realized he ruined his life for absolutely nothing. He's gained zilch and nada from this entire experience. It's impossible for him to recover from this without a name change and maybe even paying someone to go into the internet and erase a bunch of his history, such as this website. He is stuck between a rock and a hard place, he is dependent on internet edgelords for his income but he also hates them for making his life worse.

Of course Null has no one to blame but himself for this predicament. Internet communities that cyberstalk drama llamas obviously still survive. It is only Kiwifarms that attracts so much negative attention. Compare this to the original 8chan (I believe? Not 8kun...) which Null fucked up with his inadequacy and it also went down in flames due to drama. He is the common point of failure in all of this. Other website owners have navigated these waters without attracting legal action or gotten banned from using credit cards or banks. But it is easier to blame his users then it is to take responsibility for his actions.

Going to the catladies seems driven by this same resentment and spite. It makes the oldfags super irritated to see Null treating catladies with such favoritism. Other users get mad about it so he can ban them without guilt. Etc. the Lidl profile, regardless of who is running it, is just the cherry on top of the humiliation ritual that he's forcing the not-catladies to go through.

"You ruined my life by convincing me radical right wing politics were cool and good, I will never have a normal life, the only thing I can do is to make nice with people you don't like and let them command the forum to torment you." or something like that.


Remarkable Onion
ding ding ding! shots fired 🚨

doesn't he realise that these women are fat and will not have sex with him? id like to say that other male poster arent going to stick around simping and hoping for fish stank pussy from the manhate legbeards but theyre all so spineless they will.
meanwhile the terfites are trying to convince the other women to poon out or join in the scissorfest.
even the supposed straight BPlumpies say that women should just use sperm banks to have babies. sounds like rug munching psyop to me

we should start calling it the Dyke Farms.


Remarkable Onion
Of course Null has no one to blame but himself for this predicament. Internet communities that cyberstalk drama llamas obviously still survive. It is only Kiwifarms that attracts so much negative attention.
Its a very fun train wreck to watch tho. he makes the most retarded choices at every single junction which is why his life sucks and he is a failure. he self sabotages his way through existence.

he complains that he never gets help but alienating users that would be willing to help.
he gets involved in petty user fights for some reason. he gets aggressive when people talk to him. he enrages people off the site that maybe were sympathetic to him.
fitting that the worlds biggest lolcow runs the site about them.

cosmic veteran

veteran of the cosmos, navigating the cosmos
An Onion Among Onions
@Galactic Innerways check this out.

looks like suburban bastard payed us a visit. say hi to him, guys!
suburban bastard - infantile and naive said:
how is there a thread with like 40 pages of asshurt about you on kengle's domain?
suburban bastard - infantile and naive said:
You're like one of the nicest users here
:story: okay, who's going to tell him? hey @Crimson Fucker, are you going to tell this guy about what he really is on the inside?
idk man, one of the nicest users on kiwifarms wouldn't scream at anyone who he think it's a sock account of someone/his boogeyman.

mind you, this is the same moron who unironically made a horrendous "lolcow thread" and in that thread he puts shit like this:
yes, I'm not making this up. this audio is an AI-generated voice of captain pollution from a cartoon called captain planet and the planeteers. yes, it's that bad.
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Apart of Josh's kryptonite
Hellovan Onion
@Galactic Innerways check this out.

looks like suburban bastard payed us a visit. say hi to him, guys!
View attachment 59776

:story: okay, who's going to tell him? hey @Crimson Fucker, are you going to tell this guy about what he really is on the inside?
idk man, one of the nicest users on kiwifarms wouldn't scream at anyone who he think it's a sock account of someone/his boogeyman.

mind you, this is the same moron who unironically made a horrendous "lolcow thread" and in that thread he puts shit like this:
View attachment 59777
View attachment 59778 yes, I'm not making this up. this audio is an AI-generated voice of captain pollution from a cartoon called captain planet and the planeteers. yes, it's that bad.
LMAO, Hey somebody tell subhuman nigger that I said that his boyfriends' thread is a fucking failure and it never succeeded unlike glowie's thread on here which is much larger


Local Moderator
IMO Null is also harboring anger and resentment towards the online edgelord community. He seems to have realized he ruined his life for absolutely nothing. He's gained zilch and nada from this entire experience. It's impossible for him to recover from this without a name change and maybe even paying someone to go into the internet and erase a bunch of his history, such as this website. He is stuck between a rock and a hard place, he is dependent on internet edgelords for his income but he also hates them for making his life worse.

Of course Null has no one to blame but himself for this predicament. Internet communities that cyberstalk drama llamas obviously still survive. It is only Kiwifarms that attracts so much negative attention. Compare this to the original 8chan (I believe? Not 8kun...) which Null fucked up with his inadequacy and it also went down in flames due to drama. He is the common point of failure in all of this. Other website owners have navigated these waters without attracting legal action or gotten banned from using credit cards or banks. But it is easier to blame his users then it is to take responsibility for his actions.

Going to the catladies seems driven by this same resentment and spite. It makes the oldfags super irritated to see Null treating catladies with such favoritism. Other users get mad about it so he can ban them without guilt. Etc. the Lidl profile, regardless of who is running it, is just the cherry on top of the humiliation ritual that he's forcing the not-catladies to go through.

"You ruined my life by convincing me radical right wing politics were cool and good, I will never have a normal life, the only thing I can do is to make nice with people you don't like and let them command the forum to torment you." or something like that.
Exactly. Like with the trannies Josh is externalizing blame for his actions.

I do also believe Lidl's purpose on the Farms is to antagonize users and cause drama that can be used to ban other users. However this is part of why I believe Lidl is a sock if not Josh himself. Lidl appears to be all business and I don't think I've ever just seen them just kicking back and enjoying the site. Lidl barely even seems to like chatting in BP and if you asked most users to describe Lidl without saying "TERF" or "Josh nuthugger" I don't think they would be able to.

If Lidl was their own person who wanted control of the site for their own purposes we would be able to see a reason for that, but we don't. All we have are quick driveby "don't you gals hate men? Amirite?" posts. Lidl doesn't even have long drawn out convos or anything.


Local Moderator
View attachment 59779
Is there any way to confirm this at all that altistic niggerish coon of retard is a woman?
I remember way way back before Altistic even became mod Crystal Golem was in chat asking if Altistic was gay or something but I've never heard the woman thing. I guess it would make sense considering that Josh seems to choose mostly women to mod the site.


Hellovan Onion
i don't see the net benefit to this. Scratch the surface of any manhate poster and its 9/10 a lesbian or former pooner none of which seem to have jobs or monies. he said that the website makes no profit so unless the majority of his income is coming from BPFats donating superchats to him i am not seeing the point
He said the majority of the money the site makes from users comes from the Beauty Parlor and he's also said that Beauty Parlor reminds him of how KF used to be when he first joined it.
Speak for yourself.

i don't see the net benefit to this. Scratch the surface of any manhate poster and its 9/10 a lesbian or former pooner none of which seem to have jobs or monies. he said that the website makes no profit so unless the majority of his income is coming from BPFats donating superchats to him i am not seeing the point
isnt he too old to be doing the shadman edgy routine forming a clique of mental disturbed "politically homeless" women to fluff his ego and ride his broomstick?

...i just figured out why hes doing it lmao.
hes pivoting to be the streamer for edgy racist terf women who skew right-wing but still want abortion and DEI. hes trying to fill a niches
And that is why womens right was a mistake lol. Whores want all the rights but none of the responsibilities that come with them


Remarkable Onion
Lidl appears to be all business and I don't think I've ever just seen them just kicking back and enjoying the site. Lidl barely even seems to like chatting in BP
She chats plenty in the General chat and she participates a lot in the Ethan Ralph board and in beauty parlor threads about fat women. I know you unironically think that Josh spends his days talking about fat women's rompers and a-logging their curtains but it seems like a typical BP user to me.


Hellovan Onion
Speak for yourself.
Just speaking the truth, men do some crazy shit for pussy. Life ruination shit. I do agree with the above posters, I think Josh is tired of being the edge lord of the internet relegated to the backwaters of the internet. Surrounded by users that he absolutely despises. And the beauty parlor Queens do give him the ego stroking that he craves. Whereas a lot of the male /poltards give him relentless grief and agitation.


Apart of Josh's kryptonite
Hellovan Onion
Just speaking the truth, men do some crazy shit for pussy. Life ruination shit. I do agree with the above posters, I think Josh is tired of being the edge lord of the internet relegated to the backwaters of the internet. Surrounded by users that he absolutely despises. And the beauty parlor Queens do give him the ego stroking that he craves. Whereas a lot of the male /poltards give him relentless grief and agitation.
If he's tired of it he should stop acting like it