• Welcome to Onionfarms. All races, ethnicities, religions. Gay, straight, bisexual. CIS or trans. It makes no difference to us. If you can rock with us, you are one of us. We are here for you and always will be.

Joshua Moon the owner of Kiwifarms
I honestly think this stuff pales in comparison to the smoking gun that he and Brennan wanted to create a "free speech absolutist" image board that tolerated open pedophiles. He even whined that they weren't grateful in a recent post. Not that it was a terrible and insane mistake to set up a safe space like that for molesters to begin with, just that he's angry they turned on him.

Reminder that the only reason Josh and Hotwheels hate Jim Watkins is because he shut down the pedophiles boards on 8chan.
  • Deep Thunk
Reactions: Lee
I honestly think this stuff pales in comparison to the smoking gun that he and Brennan wanted to create a "free speech absolutist" image board that tolerated open pedophiles. He even whined that they weren't grateful in a recent post. Not that it was a terrible and insane mistake to set up a safe space like that for molesters to begin with, just that he's angry they turned on him.
Reminder that the only reason Josh and Hotwheels hate Jim Watkins is because he shut down the pedophiles boards on 8chan.
Is there any proof of this? I don't doubt it could be true, but a screenshot or archive wold be nice. I don't remember seeing it in @Vex's 8chan thread and that's quite a big thing to leave out
Yeah I didn't see anything related to it either. There were borderline-CP boards on 8chan and 16chan that pedophiles used and I know Josh although very disgusted by them thought free speech was more important, hence them existing. Josh pretty obviously doesn't like pedophiles (Or could just be virtue signaling) and leaked IPs on 8chan from the /hebe/ board.
I would imagine Jim in his monetization quest probably nuked them and pissed off Josh and Hotwheels for it. If discussion exists it would be in /meta/, /sudo/, /next/, and other meta boards.
Yeah I didn't see anything related to it either. There were borderline-CP boards on 8chan and 16chan that pedophiles used and I know Josh although very disgusted by them thought free speech was more important, hence them existing. Josh pretty obviously doesn't like pedophiles (Or could just be virtue signaling) and leaked IPs on 8chan from the /hebe/ board.
I would imagine Jim in his monetization quest probably nuked them and pissed off Josh and Hotwheels for it. If discussion exists it would be in /meta/, /sudo/, /next/, and other meta boards.

Eh? That was major the conflict. Hotwheels and Josh were obsessed with making sure pedophile shit (as long as it wasn't direct child nudes, in which case we just need to scrub those images, but hey, no need to report these child porn posters to the feds, no sir) like the Child Modeling board stayed up. It might've been after Hotwheels ran out of money and had to let Jim take complete control over it, but I thought it was some shit like Hotwheels went on vacation and while he was gone Jim removed the child modeling board because of excesses CP posting and Hotwheels was pissed. All under the guise of Free Speech of course.

This is also why it is so obviously a blatant lie that Josh "didn't see the connection between Loli and Pedophiles until 9chan happened". How could you be part of 8chan's staff for that long and not know that? Also good ole Josh, still keeping the faith and making sure not to report CP poster to the FBI, instead he needs to SAVE ALL OF THE IMAGES INTO A DATABASE so he can have them auto-deleted. Nevermind the fact he needs to collect folders of child porn to do this.
This is also why it is so obviously a blatant lie that Josh "didn't see the connection between Loli and Pedophiles until 9chan happened". How could you be part of 8chan's staff for that long and not know that? Also good ole Josh, still keeping the faith and making sure not to report CP poster to the FBI, instead he needs to SAVE ALL OF THE IMAGES INTO A DATABASE so he can have them auto-deleted. Nevermind the fact he needs to collect folders of child porn to do this.
"Didn't see the connection between Loli and Pedophiles until 9chan happened".
How much drugs does one need to understand this statement?
  • Take Your Meds
Reactions: ___
This template contains everything you need to draft the thread. I had compiled the content previously but had never gotten around to structuring it. This would be written far more effectively (Not to mention more entertaining) as a collaborative effort than of my creation.
I won't do it myself due to personal reasons. Suck it up, buttercup.

(Goodbye KF) -> Multiple chat screenshots

[2020 Summer Drama THOTto, Kamov, JSGOTI, Twinkie]

[The banning of a Zedkissed60]

[Broken penis]
[Jace Connors is a fake lolcow]

[I Want To Start A Family]

[Breaching a PVCC (Illegally)]

[The Autistic Mods | Thread]

[Shit-Tier Security and Operation] Tor, Data Breaches, IP/Nginx Logging + Doxing, Etc...

[A Fucking Minecraft Server]

[Helping Glave Get Laid + Later Exile]

[Super angry at Mr. Dunn] Legally barred (Banned) from KF + IP discord grabbing lie.

Life After Death

Trolled by a fake Fag0t + Grand Jury Subpoena

[Shit-tier privacy]
Site Compromised 10-Sep-2019
Dealing With The Compromise
The Great Purge (IP's stored for 4 FUCKING YEARS)
Will account deletion be available again?
Lolcow Email Was Compromised
Yaniv Visits The Farms

[New Zealand Police Told To Go Fuck Themselves]

The Chris-Chan Extortionists
Idea Guy / Joshua Wise
Lunatics who attack a mentally handicapped person - "Your name here"
[Doesn't Understand Why His Rules Don't Work]
[Operating Kingsnake: Micromanaging CWCs Life For Justice!]

[An Outline Of Kiwifarms History]

[Pain And Suffering For Josh And The Kiwifarms]
Virgin UK is blocking DNS Resolution to kiwifarms dot net
Banned from Brave Publishing
Where The Sidewalk Ends An Internet Story

[My Resignation Retirement - The Forum Handed Over To Josh]

[A man nearing his 30s talks about Internet friends]

-White Genocide cries, Sexism, and Severe Racism. White Genocide speech Black Teens Abusing Retarded White Kid Apartment
-Josh's relationship to Endchan + /tech/ BO?
-The $100 blog of sexism and hate!


[8 Liters Of Coke A Day]

[A Message To The Jannies]
Jokes aside there isn't a funny or polite way to deal with this so lets get it

[The End For Whitey]

[A Viable Strategy]

[Write Me In Your Wills]

[X-Post] Closure of the CWCki Forum's Private Discussion Board - Secret Oldfag CWC Gayops


Josh historically has attempted to assimilate any and all "competing" communities. Lolcow.farm is no stranger to this and Josh has tried numerous time to make it his very own, even going so far as to DDoS it? Look for yourself!:
PULL Is Closing In Two Weeks
Trial Of The Beauty Parlor

Kiwi Farms General
Kiwi Farms #2
Complains And Suggestions
Site Discussion
/manure/ - high quality posting
/pt/ - Joshua Conner Moon/Null/Kiwi Farms owner

[Autism.cool Null Chronicles]


[Josh's Personal Tumblr]

https://www.fahrenheit211.net/2020/05/31/from-elsewhere-trouble-at-the-farm/ - From Elsewhere: Trouble At The ‘Farm’? – Fahrenheit211
https://zagforums.com/thread/314170...nations-and-exceptional-customer-service.html - Null / Joshua Conner Moon, Kiwi Farms Donations and Exceptional Customer Service - Memes - Zag Forums
https://medium.com/s/darkish-web/hunting-for-trolls-on-an-anonymous-forum-7b721d3bd199 - Hunting for Trolls On an Anonymous Forum | by Johnny Freedom | Medium
https://www.skidbin.net/paste?t=THV3aN - 1776 HOSTING AND JOSHUA CONNER MOON - SkidBin
https://pastefs.com/pid/68500 - 1776 HOSTING - PasteFS
https://archive.is/vY9Bm / https://pastebin.com/XRM5PHSu - Punished "Tranny Furry" Null - Today at 12:09 PM It's really obvious Sgt Maul - Pastebin.com

[Blanket Topics...]
[Real Life Superhero?] Reporting Shadman To The Talent Agency | Reporting Idea Guys To Feds
[Whiteknighting, NO FUN ALLOWED, Lolcow Capitalization] Aggressive Assimilation Of Competitors | CWC Dominance | White-Knighting WingsOfRedemption
[Trusted, Or Treacherous?] Claims Of Privacy | Storing IPs For Years | 2019 Breach | Infinity Next Image Hovering And General Fuckery | General Incompetence
[Imageboards] 8chan, 16chan, 9chan, Endchan | Shitty Software | Namefagging
[Deviancy] A Feeder? | Filrting/Sexting In Public KF Chat With An Underaged Emspex/OwO?
[Pedophile?] Exodus.tech? | 16Chan




So skimming through this OwO’s big contribution to the site was...emailing Diddler Dax and Diddler Cody? Wow, so amazing, no wonder Josh was ride-or-die despite all “her” incompetence, obnoxiousness, and general derangement. That’s definitely not something Josh could’ve done himself or kept around someone who wasn’t a widely hated insane transsexual furry to do.
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Might be good to cover the time he hid in the bathroom from the tranny while his mom handled him or when he shut the site downfir a while
I remember he postured to our very own @Sailfish that he bought a gun specifically for him and would shoot him if he came on his property after some autistic shit about Ken posting his Mums dox and talking about a trip to Florida. Lol as if.