• Welcome to Onionfarms. All races, ethnicities, religions. Gay, straight, bisexual. CIS or trans. It makes no difference to us. If you can rock with us, you are one of us. We are here for you and always will be.

Joshua Moon the owner of Kiwifarms
True, although the portion on his involvement with the farms should be funny.
Josh has blocked Lynx, or so he claims via screenshots, on twitter as far as 2020 even on newest account at that time.
Here is the proof of this btw. Pretty interesting thread overall. Amazing how Josh is seething over some guy years into the future that you block him on you're new twitter accounts. I tried to archive this, but archive.is seems to be not working currently.

edit: Also...
>"better admin than ron/jim"
>abandons the sight in a few months
Here is the proof of this btw. Pretty interesting thread overall. Amazing how Josh is seething over some guy years into the future that you block him on you're new twitter accounts. I tried to archive this, but archive.is seems to be not working currently.

edit: Also...
>"better admin than ron/jim"
>abandons the sight in a few months
HW has a glass heart alongside his glass bones.

Hey shortstuff, I'm sure you forgot this but uh - he's like, 80% of the reason your site is kill, the only ambiguous part is that we don't know if he was fucking with your site intentionally or if he's just that shitty of a coder (neither are good looks!)
An edgy teenager, terminally online. If you've spent time on imageboards in your formative years, you will know a lot of things a child isn't supposed to know. Besides, TOR and hurtcore? It's like apples and eggs. How's knowledge of TOR is too much for a teenager?
>he doesn't know
Null’s just a teenage edgelord who never grew up. 30 years old and he ‘sstill obsessed with saying “roody-pooniggerfag” on the internet.
to be fair with Null you gotta keep those hecking ruddy-poo pot pea poes from getting too uppity, a verbal lynching from time to time is the least one can do
I think it's worth getting it straight on Null's interest in prepubescent catboys and what that says about him. We are after all talking about someone who's repeatedly gone on record as stating anyone who's into loli/shota is also definitively into real children (he used to think very differently) and deserving of death, who'd be in favor of banning lolicon if not for a technicality (he doesn't trust the government to classify what is and isn't loli), and now struggles to watch any anime (including children's movies) because of "pedo vibes".

Null's DOB is Dec. 9th 1992 and he first joined Blockland on June 8th 2008 when he would have been 15 1/2. That neko shota log dates to August 24th when he was close to 16.

This line about him actually being 14 when he was into little catboys came a few years later in early 2012 when he was confronted about it again on Blockland:
View attachment 4865
I can't find these posts on there anymore and this is probably just a backpedal. He could have just been being "edgy" and playing off his old "gay phase", but he doesn't even try to make that claim, it's just the brand new line about how he thought he was gay when he was slightly younger. What I also really think makes him full of it is him claiming the catboys were his age when the person he was talking to found nothing but "little boys" when they googled it, not even teenagers, with Null affirming that's what shota means. Going by this post on Dick Masterson's subreddit (which touches on even more pedo stuff with him and KF), that's what you'll still find.

Then there's this /g/ thread where he claims that log is from 2006-2007 when he was 14. There's pretty much no way he could get the dates that wrong and he's probably just trying to line it up with his "when I was 14, I thought I was gay" backpedal. There's also really no reason to believe he stopped masturbating to shota catboys well beyond any of this.

Again, the shota stuff normally wouldn't be that remarkable (atleast compared to all of the elaborate rape/murder threats and fantasies), but with how fucking crazy he's gotten about anime, it indicates some kind of guilt/projection.
I honestly think this stuff pales in comparison to the smoking gun that he and Brennan wanted to create a "free speech absolutist" image board that tolerated open pedophiles. He even whined that they weren't grateful in a recent post. Not that it was a terrible and insane mistake to set up a safe space like that for molesters to begin with, just that he's angry they turned on him.
I honestly think this stuff pales in comparison to the smoking gun that he and Brennan wanted to create a "free speech absolutist" image board that tolerated open pedophiles. He even whined that they weren't grateful in a recent post. Not that it was a terrible and insane mistake to set up a safe space like that for molesters to begin with, just that he's angry they turned on him.
I honestly think this stuff pales in comparison to the smoking gun that he and Brennan wanted to create a "free speech absolutist" image board that tolerated open pedophiles. He even whined that they weren't grateful in a recent post. Not that it was a terrible and insane mistake to set up a safe space like that for molesters to begin with, just that he's angry they turned on him.
Okay friend, let me explain something to you since you seem to be new here. Hebephilia is NOT the same thing as pedophilIa. I'm sick and tired of you trolls popping up everywhere and spreading BLATANT misinformation. In many countries hebephilia is considered normal and healthy . Human beings have a natural attraction to girls who are going through puberty. Being attracted to girls who are pre-pubescent is fucking sick and disgusting, but only in the US does there seem to be an unwarranted taboo around a healthy and normal condition.
Null almost certainly has some kind of low-key tranny fetish, right? He’s like one of those Christian guys who won’t stop spazzing about gays, you know no one is obsessed with shit like that if they aren’t going through some deep internal conflicts.
I think he views the trans people who waited too long to go on puberty suppressors and can't pass as well as an easy target of disdain and ridicule to take his mind off how much of a freak he is anyway. Incels who are isolated and angry don't so much fetishize the person as much as they fetishize power over them which is why he's a pedophile as well as a fetishist of trans people.
I think he views the trans people who waited too long to go on puberty suppressors and can't pass as well as an easy target of disdain and ridicule to take his mind off how much of a freak he is anyway. Incels who are isolated and angry don't so much fetishize the person as much as they fetishize power over them which is why he's a pedophile as well as a fetishist of trans people.
Man, doxxing trannies is Null’s entire life plan. Most people spend their 20’s setting themselves up so they’ll have a career of some kind, Null’s plan is to run Kiwifarms and sit around in some Eastern European basement for the rest of his life railing about trannies and catbois. Even Kengle-Chan managed to find meaningful work to do for a living.

Maybe a miracle will happen and Chris will be funny again and the Farms will be relevant again, that’s really the best he can hope for right now.
Man, doxxing trannies is Null’s entire life plan. Most people spend their 20’s setting themselves up so they’ll have a career of some kind, Null’s plan is to run Kiwifarms and sit around in some Eastern European basement for the rest of his life railing about trannies and catbois. Even Kengle-Chan managed to find meaningful work to do for a living.

Maybe a miracle will happen and Chris will be funny again and the Farms will be relevant again, that’s really the best he can hope for right now.
Not to sound like I'm trying to flatter Ken but he legitimately sounds succesful.
He was an accountant back when it was a high paying job and has certain knowledge of coding.
And there is that instance in which a mail bride tried to mooch him, I don't know much about that situation, but he seems like a profesionaly and financially succesful person.
Not to sound like I'm trying to flatter Ken but he legitimately sounds succesful.
He was an accountant back when it was a high paying job and has certain knowledge of coding.
And there is that instance in which a mail bride tried to mooch him, I don't know about that situation, but he seems like a profesionaly and financially succesful person.
I'm surprised you didn't sperg out about Kengle's life in this passage of text.
Incels who are isolated and angry don't so much fetishize the person as much as they fetishize power over them which is why he's a pedophile as well as a fetishist of trans people
WHAAAAAAAT?! James G Potter loves to coom to trannies and mail brides?! WTF I love Null now!
Absolutely based and Kenglepilled