• Welcome to Onionfarms. All races, ethnicities, religions. Gay, straight, bisexual. CIS or trans. It makes no difference to us. If you can rock with us, you are one of us. We are here for you and always will be.

    Josh the fatty may ban you for weight loss advice or an anime avatar. Kengle the fatty won't and never will.

Joshua Moon the owner of Kiwifarms
Real or Fake?
I don't think anyone is going to try to make a good write-up about this, it's just so plain and boring.

Woah, some internet loser with no real degree drinks 8 litres of coke a day, has a weird view on women and can't forsee security exploits? Not really interesting or funny. If Jorsh wasn't the prime janny, then zero (0) people would care about his existence.
Woah, some internet loser with no real degree drinks 8 litres of coke a day, has a weird view on women and can't forsee security exploits? Not really interesting or funny. If Jorsh wasn't the prime janny, then zero (0) people would care about his existence.
Think of it like this... all the info that's been dumped about him on here (starting from the blockland stuff to now) is a good character study about the guy. Technically someone COULD make a video similar to "Down The Rabbit Hole" or what Mister Metokur used to do that explains it all in better detail. For anyone that's been around the "dark web", yea it's probably nothing, but for normalfags and people that aren't glued to the internet 24/7, most (if not all) of it is probably shocking and/or hilarious.

KiwiFarms and Josh has this "intimidating" persona about them to anyone that hasn't bothered to register or join the site to know exactly wtf REALLY goes on inside. This is the same place that has groups of people going apeshit about fucking stickers, acting like receiving a negative one (or even removing almost all of them if you're an A&N'er or Happenings poster) is on the same level as having your parents or loved ones murdered. This is the same admin that can dox someone with little to no hassle, but can't even maintain his site without breaking SOMETHING (software or hardware related). This is the same place where half of the site gossips about the same fat bitches doing the same boring fat bitch things while powerleveling to extreme proportions. Nobody outside of it hears/knows about those things though. they only know that KF is a "mean evil site that doxes people" which scares the fuck out of them. Once you show everyone what's behind the curtain, the fear will be removed, and nobody will take Josh or the site seriously anymore.
Think of it like this... all the info that's been dumped about him on here (starting from the blockland stuff to now) is a good character study about the guy. Technically someone COULD make a video similar to "Down The Rabbit Hole" or what Mister Metokur used to do that explains it all in better detail. For anyone that's been around the "dark web", yea it's probably nothing, but for normalfags and people that aren't glued to the internet 24/7, most (if not all) of it is probably shocking and/or hilarious.

KiwiFarms and Josh has this "intimidating" persona about them to anyone that hasn't bothered to register or join the site to know exactly wtf REALLY goes on inside. This is the same place that has groups of people going apeshit about fucking stickers, acting like receiving a negative one (or even removing almost all of them if you're an A&N'er or Happenings poster) is on the same level as having your parents or loved ones murdered. This is the same admin that can dox someone with little to no hassle, but can't even maintain his site without breaking SOMETHING (software or hardware related). This is the same place where half of the site gossips about the same fat bitches doing the same boring fat bitch things while powerleveling to extreme proportions. Nobody outside of it hears/knows about those things though. they only know that KF is a "mean evil site that doxes people" which scares the fuck out of them. Once you show everyone what's behind the curtain, the fear will be removed, and nobody will take Josh or the site seriously anymore.
"And then we shall become the sole source of lulz on the web! My hahaha!"
TL;DR, Josh's IP range sits inside of a larger IP range that belongs to Flow Chemical, a Shell company situated in Australia with ties to Russian intelligence agencies and cybercrime. Beneath this company are many smaller shell companies.

I am not the one who conducted this research. I do not understand the terminology. As such this is disorganized and I'm not qualified to give my own personal thoughts on it. All of the information contained within this post has been derived from the Flow Chemical PDF presented on the Onionfarms Discord and research into its existence.

Quick rundown:
  • Josh uses Moscow time to refer to his local time. His location.
  • Fancy Bear joining KF coincides with Josh moving to parts unknown. "East Europe".
  • Flow Chemical is listed as a contact location for Fancy Bear at the website "hungrybear.cooking". This site is down.
  • Josh's IP range sits inside of the Flow Chemical IP range. (See below statement on the IP ranges of Josh and Flow)
  • Flow Chemical is operating out of a normal residential apartment. Not a commercial building.
  • Vincent Zhen, a main figure of Flow Chemical, has no online existence and may very well not exist at all. Online documentation points to him being involved with Flow Chemical for over 10 years, additional history pointing to him working with a related entity 5 years even before this.
  • Flow Chemical is related to a numerous amount of entities. It is listed a a contact for dozens of "companies" that based on first impressions are very likely shells.
  • The poster of the Flow Chemical evidence within our chat room claims that Flow Chemical is the location where Josh's large subscription-like donations are sent.
  • Australian news has reported Russian spy correspondence at/near the location of Flow Chemical.
  • Fancy Bear's site has been seized by the FBI for cybercriminal activity.
  • Fancy Bear has publicly posted hacking successes on Kiwifarms in a boastful manner. Does this turn Kiwifarms into a site for organizing crime? Fancy Bear posts archived further below.
  • Fancy Bear has apparently donated large sums of BTC to Josh via chat. (In the Thousands)
  • Josh has been silent about finances for years. Even when a close friend of his was organizing multiple $100/mo subscribers for him, he refused to release internal billing information. He claims this is to "keep his enemies (Vordy) in the dark".

Doing some research on the IP ranges. flow chemical's /23 is "allocated portable", meaning they got it from APNIC themselves. Flow chemical's ip range is Josh's ip range is Josh's /24 is "allocated non-portable" meaning he must have been given it by an LIR.


On February 3rd a mysterious individual by the name of "Hotload911" had entered the official Onionfarms Discord server. Within the server they had posted strange information regarding Josh's 1776 hosting, Josh's connection to an Australian-based company by the name of "Flow Chemical", and other miscellaneous information.

First appearance:

(Josh's name change PDF can be found at the bottom of this post)

What exactly _is_ Flow Chemical?


Flow Chemical PDF may be found at the bottom of this post

Where did they get their information from?

This individual in the Discord claimed Flow Chemical is the location Josh's largest Donations are sent.

Based off of the Flow Chemical extract, we know that:
  • Flow Chemical is based in a normal residential apartment.
  • This apartment was bought for $380,000 in 2009
  • The owner, a "Mr. Vincent Zhen" does not exist on White Pages or anywhere else on the internet.
  • Mr. Zhen has a very odd, broken job title as "The OnSite Manager", somehow related to real estate.
  • Flow chemical doesn't use 1776 hosting but some sites that keep track of IPs say that it used it at some point in time, it has a linode nameserver and IP. Kiwi Farms used to use linode.
  • The company has existed for 10+ years based on ASIC filings. This costs substantial amounts of money to renew on a yearly basis.
All of these are on websites dedicated to recording numbers cold calls which are linked to the address, and one of the numbers was recorded to be owned by another dude with a Chinese sounding name in 2009 before the property sold, but another number linked to the address in 2005 has Vincent Zhen's name on it. This is weird.

Post Archive Links





















Information about Flow Chemical and its related Entities:

PO Box 16 Nobby beach at the gold coast is listed under flow's whois contact.

Listed as a contact for devpoint, possibly a software development firm?
http://www.devpoint.com.au/contact/ (https://archive.is/9ghud)

And also a company called "each day is a gift", a gift basket company.

Listed as contact for "hungry bear"

Site is down but is archived. http://web.archive.org/web/20200124222824/http://hungrybear.cooking/
There are some articles by The Australian but they're paywalled.

Hungry Bear Cooking is using the Russian PO Box.
A brumby 600 airplane is also registered under the address.

PO Box is also registered as contact for a company called sharepoint pro https://www.sharepointpro.com.au https://archive.is/k5s4x

Listed as a contact address for a superfund (you americans would know it as a 401k) called V-B Fund
https://superfundlookup.gov.au/ABN/View?id=67258963250 https://archive.is/MvoqV

Listed under contact address for an essay writing service called "EssayMinds"
https://au.enrollbusiness.com/BusinessProfile/913037/EssayMinds-Nobby-Beach-QLD-4218 https://archive.is/vdl67

Listed as contact address for "hot snail"

Listed under contact for "shuttle digital"
PO Box 16 showed up in this excel spreadsheet on google.

Link was https://www.google.com/url?url=http...ingbody.xlsx&usg=AOvVaw3TRxgyYGCaUqLg4D-1szDs
Listed as contact for "Luxe de Vie" https://luxedevie.com/contactus.html https://archive.is/zXGPv

This too https://archive.is/ZqLX8

Listed on contact page for a fake shopping site https://www.vivadevine.com.au/pages/contact-us https://archive.is/AYAm6

Listed as a contact for something to do with buddhism https://maitriyana.com/contact/ https://archive.is/dgkIp

Listed as contact for a mowing business http://www.quickmow.com.au/contact.htm https://archive.is/sLL5b

Listed under ANOTHER superfund https://superfundlookup.gov.au/ABN/View?id=97858032877 https://archive.is/s4u9x

A website here says that a death threat was sent via mail with the return address as the PO box:

Kitesurfing forum says a lot of scam equipment websites use the PO box.
This too:
PO Box mentioned on an Indian lawyer forum.

Take from this what you will.

