This template contains
everything you need to draft the thread. I had compiled the content previously but had never gotten around to structuring it. This would be written far more effectively (Not to mention more entertaining) as a collaborative effort than of my creation.
I won't do it myself due to personal reasons.
Suck it up, buttercup.
(Goodbye KF) -> Multiple chat screenshots
[2020 Summer Drama THOTto, Kamov, JSGOTI, Twinkie]
I was gonna post this in the summary thread but it got locked lol So because the leaker "stopped being mad" that prevents them doing the exact same thing in the future anytime there's drama with mods? Nah, I just realized HK-47 was hoping for me to leak it. I thought it was pretty weird he...
[The banning of a Zedkissed60]
Okay, so I made a thread about a lolcow that is in prospering grounds and I got banned. Here’s how it started: A mod got bent out of shape from a misspelled word (which I later corrected, but mod refused to keep my corrections) Afterwards, the mod criticized the word I used in a post, which...
[Broken penis]
[Jace Connors is a fake lolcow]
[I Want To Start A Family]
This is not a notice of closure. These are my thoughts which will impact the direction of the site moving forward. I’ve been deeply unhappy this month, perhaps more so than I have ever been since I left the United States in 2018. I find myself trapped in a tenuous and unprofitable position...
[Breaching a PVCC (Illegally)]
Greetings once again to Farms of Kiwi, For those unfamiliar with previous work from Fancy Bears Hack Team please be seeing following:
[The Autistic Mods | Thread]
Okay, so I made a thread about a lolcow that is in prospering grounds and I got banned. Here’s how it started: A mod got bent out of shape from a misspelled word (which I later corrected, but mod refused to keep my corrections) Afterwards, the mod criticized the word I used in a post, which...
[Shit-Tier Security and Operation] Tor, Data Breaches, IP/Nginx Logging + Doxing, Etc...
[A Fucking Minecraft Server]
Direct IP: version 1.16 This is an Anarchy server. The only rules are: don't be annoying, don't cheat. Anything else is fair game. Your spawn point is a large protected island and its surrounding water. The kits provided at the stalls (right click the signs) give you...
[Helping Glave Get Laid + Later Exile]
I thought this website was about Christine Weston Chandler?
[Super angry at Mr. Dunn] Legally barred (Banned) from KF + IP discord grabbing lie.
Explain please. Thanks Comes from the featured thread and post in question.
VORDRAK VORDRAK VORDRAK VORDRAK VORDRAK I didn't know who this was until one of his articles was brought to my attention as I've made threads on Atheism + lolcows before. The article went into the infamous Block Bot used by a lot of those SJWs involved in that boogaloo, which there are already...
Life After Death
We are under attack. The site was down for about 3 weeks because I was worried specific family members may lose their livelihoods. I took the sites down with the idea that I'd go to school for law and get a name change and just blend back into society like I had before the CWCki Forums became...
Trolled by a fake Fag0t + Grand Jury Subpoena
Feds scattershot investigating anything and everything to do with edgy "rightwing" posts. Yeah no Jews involved there. Freedom of speech suppression in the US. Yeah no Jews involved there. Man why do people always think it's the Jews? I'm not gonna go on some sperg rant about cockroaches or pull...
[Shit-tier privacy]
Site Compromised 10-Sep-2019
hello yes another one of these posts Someone using my account posted a file called which contained two things: 1. A CSV containing several thousand recently-used IP addresses and the accounts they were used by. 2. A second ZIP file containing 32,277 files, 7 for each of 4,611...
Dealing With The Compromise
Fact Sheet Definitely Compromised For at least the 4,611 users contained in the breach. IP addresses used since at least the beginning of September. Account details (email, birthday). Recent content you've made (particularly threads in Talk to Staff / Proving Grounds). The most recent index...
The Great Purge (IP's stored for 4 FUCKING YEARS)
After the site went down I had trepidation handing it off to other people because of a great deal of user data stored. Specifically, email addresses and history of profile changes (including emails). Less significantly, IP history had also been recorded for years. This information was used to...
Will account deletion be available again?
Edit: 70GB of publicly available HTML was scraped and posted by 5 accounts with weak passwords. There was no hack.
Lolcow Email Was Compromised
TL;DR: An environment file from's frontend was leaked. If you use a address for something important, change its password. Change your account password regardless if you care about it. The full technical explanation is below (which explains what definitely got leaked +...
Yaniv Visits The Farms
Lets see how big the top banner can get with all these happenings.
[New Zealand Police Told To Go Fuck Themselves]
On 3/17/2019 6:12 AM, MICHAEL, John (JP) wrote: Good afternoon I am hoping that you can help us with an investigation the New Zealand Police are working on. On 15 March 2019 there was a shooting in New Zealand with multiple fatalities at two mosques in the city of Christchurch. The alleged...
The Chris-Chan Extortionists
I had many ideas of how I'd dole this information out but I figure at this point I'll just tell everyone what happened. I am writing this post for a broader audience and will be explaining things so people outside of the CWC community can understand it. Christian Weston Chandler, legally...
Idea Guy / Joshua Wise
This thread is for discussion of content by the Idea Guy troll, who started influencing Chris around fall 2017 by convincing him that he’s really communicating with characters in CWCville. For more info on Idea Guy’s shenanigans, see the CWCki article: CONTENT...
Lunatics who attack a mentally handicapped person - "Your name here"
First order of business, I'm removing the ween wordfilter because it did fuck all to convince you people to improve your vocabulary. A ween is not any person who contacts Chris / any lolcow. A ween is not anyone who trolls Chris / any lolcow. A ween is, very specifically, a retard who wastes...
[Doesn't Understand Why His Rules Don't Work]
Holy shit OH BOY
[Operating Kingsnake: Micromanaging CWCs Life For Justice!]
From: Kloker Mannen Subject: Date: Wed, 13 Jun 2018 21:50:05 +0000 Hi, Chris! I won't give you a penny! you spend them on toys. You're not famous you're infamous af Skickat från min iPhone --- The irony of a man who wants to fuck crickets...
[An Outline Of Kiwifarms History]
Inspired by Null's lament about the "old guard" and how the Kiwi Farms has changed over the last five years, I've hammered out a brief history of Kiwi Farms, which I hope to make a comprehensive history about all the drama and everything happened since. It's not externally hosted yet (except for...
[Pain And Suffering For Josh And The Kiwifarms]
Virgin UK is blocking DNS Resolution to kiwifarms dot net
The Anglo menace has begun blocking DNS resolution to the site. This is a hostile action by the Anglos at Virgin UK. Our backup domains are kiwifarms dot is (iceland) and dot tw (taiwan). The Discord emergency hotline is at Learn to use custom DNS servers hosted by...
Banned from Brave Publishing
THE GIST: This post remains the most up-to-date on how to donate to the Kiwi Farms. You can donate BAT you received to the Kiwi Farms from advertisers. You cannot donate BAT you received from the Brave Foundation directly. This is not Brave's fault, they have to abide by certain rules to stay...
Where The Sidewalk Ends An Internet Story
On July 2nd, 1776 Solutions, LLC was banned from the ColoCrossing datacenter in New York. Several thousand dollars of hardware was disconnected at the power strip and I received an email plainly stating that I had "violated their AUP". They could not tell me why and deferred me to Deluxe, their...
[My Resignation Retirement - The Forum Handed Over To Josh]
My dear Kiwis, About four years ago, I was actively admining the CWCki and I had an issue. People would frequently use talk pages to discuss Chris related content, as there was essentially no other place to do so. PVCC was closed off for registration and had no intention of letting "spergs" in...
[A man nearing his 30s talks about Internet friends]
(Note: This post is very long and has no valuable information.) In 2012, when I was 19, I joined the CWCki Forums. At the time, it was hosted on a free forum service. A group of problem users had caused a rift in the community towards the end of 2012 and began reporting it to the service...
-White Genocide cries, Sexism, and Severe Racism. White Genocide speech Black Teens Abusing Retarded White Kid Apartment
-Josh's relationship to Endchan + /tech/ BO?
-The $100 blog of sexism and hate!
Ashton Parks is a small-time youtuber who developed his reputation in the "IBS-sphere" as the man who relentless shits on other Internet Famous lolcows - particularly Ethan Ralph & Co and most recently Dick Masterson. He spends most of his time doing long autistic streams criticizing and mocking...
[8 Liters Of Coke A Day]
[A Message To The Jannies]
Jokes aside there isn't a funny or polite way to deal with this so lets get it
[The End For Whitey]
You all laugh at the idea, you scoff at your own tribe and loudly object to any idea of global anti-white sentiment by saying that "skin color doesn't matter" and "so what if we're all brown" You'll be alive for 50 more years, and unfortunately for you, you are going to be a minority in your...
[A Viable Strategy]
[Write Me In Your Wills]
I know @DykesDykesChina and @FuckYou are long gone from this world I faintly recall other dead members of this websites but can't remember the names to, was there a kiwi that worked at a game development company at some point that died years ago? also, a thread to discuss dead members of kiwi...
[X-Post] Closure of the CWCki Forum's Private Discussion Board - Secret Oldfag CWC Gayops
The CWCki Forums had a private discussion board that only people with VIP status can access. This is sort of a personal catharsis that I feel should be shared with the general public. I've removed names and gender-specific pronouns from the post, except those relating to Chris. Some of the...
Josh historically has attempted to assimilate any and all "competing" communities. is no stranger to this and Josh has tried numerous time to make it his very own, even going so far as to DDoS it? Look for yourself!:
I originally discovered while looking for new domain names to switch to from I found the .farm TLD had come out recently and checked to see if was taken. Not only was it taken, it was in use. Back in the day, lolcows were not conglomerated as they are...
PULL Is Closing In Two Weeks
FYI to mods, our glorious admin @Null and users in general: another lolcow forum, PULL (pretty ugly little liar), announced it will be closing in the next 2 weeks. Additionally, control over lolcow.farms was handed to a new admin 2 weeks ago, and the boards are rapidly deteriorating to the point...
Trial Of The Beauty Parlor
Demonstrating an enormous lack of forethought and critical thinking skills, I've made what is probably the worst decision in my time of hosting this website and have opened a girlcow board. This is entirely because I want to consume the catty, destructive /cgl/-based lolcow communities. No boys...
Kiwi Farms General
Kiwi Farms #2
Complains And Suggestions
Site Discussion
/manure/ - high quality posting
/pt/ - Joshua Conner Moon/Null/Kiwi Farms owner
[ Null Chronicles]
[Josh's Personal Tumblr]
[Misc...] - From Elsewhere: Trouble At The ‘Farm’? – Fahrenheit211 - Null / Joshua Conner Moon, Kiwi Farms Donations and Exceptional Customer Service - Memes - Zag Forums - Hunting for Trolls On an Anonymous Forum | by Johnny Freedom | Medium - 1776 HOSTING AND JOSHUA CONNER MOON - SkidBin - 1776 HOSTING - PasteFS / - Punished "Tranny Furry" Null - Today at 12:09 PM It's really obvious Sgt Maul -
[Blanket Topics...]
[Real Life Superhero?] Reporting Shadman To The Talent Agency | Reporting Idea Guys To Feds
[Whiteknighting, NO FUN ALLOWED, Lolcow Capitalization] Aggressive Assimilation Of Competitors | CWC Dominance | White-Knighting WingsOfRedemption
[Trusted, Or Treacherous?] Claims Of Privacy | Storing IPs For Years | 2019 Breach | Infinity Next Image Hovering And General Fuckery | General Incompetence
[Imageboards] 8chan, 16chan, 9chan, Endchan | Shitty Software | Namefagging
[Deviancy] A Feeder? | Filrting/Sexting In Public KF Chat With An Underaged Emspex/OwO?
[Pedophile?] | 16Chan
