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Lounge96 - Prominent Individual Hello, I am Ashley Hutsell Jankowski

People who are prominent in the Lounge96 community
How come her and her scary looking beet red hoof don't bother us anymore?

Is arguing with Daniel Owens over at Gaygamels website eating (lol) up all her time?

Or is she merely lurking... biding her time and waiting for the best moment to strike against us with weak insults and impotent threats?

Perhaps you guys can help me solve this mystery...

Also, she has a fuckin fanny pack, front butt looking ass FUPA.

She eats garbage and feces and she masturbates by putting snakes inside of her vagina and then holding a lighter to their heads.

And she has 17 terabytes of homemade bestiality porn.

I have PROOF.
Is arguing with Daniel Owens over at Gaygamels website eating (lol) up all her time?
She's found her home. SHe's where her people are. She can bitch about us over there, and not worry about her account getting merged. For the time being. Eventually, the most tarded, solipsistic numpties, who just can't get along are going to turn on each other.
She's found her home. SHe's where her people are. She can bitch about us over there, and not worry about her account getting merged. For the time being. Eventually, the most tarded, solipsistic numpties, who just can't get along are going to turn on each other.

I give it maybe another 2 months before that website shuts down. Gargamel might keep it up out of spite and to not have to concede failure, but even if he does it'll be deader than a fucking mall in Nebraska.

Matter of fact he'll probably have to keep it up even though nobody's using it because Christ killers are notoriously cheap and he probably bought a deal for server hosting and paid for a full year lol.

What I want to know is how many of those rats are going to abandon the sinking ship and come wallowing back here or try to start over with Null? 🤔
I give it maybe another 2 months before that website shuts down.
tbf, Metocuck.us went some time, although, for a bit of that, it was Belaine wars. Or Fembot's many socks.
What I want to know is how many of those rats are going to abandon the sinking ship and come wallowing back here or try to start over with Null? 🤔
More concerning, there have been a couple of people who just disappeared. Kampung's X account stopped posting. Dani keeps coming back, and has had a couple of socks outed on Commie Farms.
Lmao what did she do this time?
Doing what Ashley does:
Contacted my family and telling them that she and her husband will go ahead with suing me for defamation and sexual harassment and stalking.

Demanding we take down all pictures of her ( that profile of her foot with her face on her toes traumatizes her). In fact any pictures of her traumatizes her.

Tried another nusiance call that I may be running afoul of Rhode Island stalking laws.

Tried extorting me that if every single thing not only concerning her but any thread with the last name of Jankowski was not wiped by Monday she would make that terrible phone call about my white-supremacist website that encourages sexual harassment and possible violence.

Boasting on lounge96 that I was seething all day in my basement and that she had me over a barrel.
It's wild how she thinks she can sue ken with all the shit she does. I bet ken has a massive archive of evidence against her wishing she would try so he can expose it all. I bet with all the dirt he has on her she would end up institutionalized.

Back when OnAforums was actually fun and didn't fall back into that faggy reddit shit, SWIM used to participate in harassing Patrick Tomlinson by texting him incessantly.

He would argue with SWIM for fucking HOURS and then tell him "I'm reporting you to the police for harassment, stalker" and SWIM would always say "Hey asshole, it's not harassment or stalking if you're PARTICIPATING IN A BACK AND FORTH FOR HOURS" 🤣

People are fucking dumb.
@Catministrator just tell your family to contact the police, get a restraining order.
The problem is that from a legal standpoint, it is internet feuding between two forums. Basically, both of us have jumped in the mud pit and went at it. When she contacted my family member, she told me that Ashley was very polite and reserved over the telephone.
When she contacted my family member,
Which she shouldn't have done, your family have nothing to do with it. If she feels that she is being harassed, she should go to the police. Which she won't do, because she's not. That's why she's contacting your family. By Ash's logic, anyone has a right to contact her neighbours and tell them what a nutter Ash is, and a probable risk to children.
she told me that Ashley was very polite and reserved over the telephone.
She did it, to harass your family, so they would tell you to delete her forums. Regardless of how "polite and reserved" she is. The Mafia are very "polite and reserved", y'know?
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The problem is that from a legal standpoint, it is internet feuding between two forums. Basically, both of us have jumped in the mud pit and went at it. When she contacted my family member, she told me that Ashley was very polite and reserved over the telephone.
I know you're concerned about the optics however there's your refutable proof and I witnesses it easily refute her claims. Hell I probably clean two to three of her dirty socks up a day. Sometimes she just picks up where she left off with the last one and keeps on going like it's not even a different account.
I know you're concerned about the optics however there's your refutable proof and I witnesses it easily refute her claims. Hell I probably clean two to three of her dirty socks up a day. Sometimes she just picks up where she left off with the last one and keeps on going like it's not even a different account.
I have experienced this in the past when I was more active. I don't get on as much but I'm glad she hasn't changed.
So the "problem" is that nothing you describe is anything approaching criminal harassment, and it was instead an amicable one time discussion between one adult telling another adult that her mentally ill brother should stop posting my contact information and attempting to incite harassment of me on a website he owns. We had an understanding, but I guess there's an understandable resignation and apathy in dealing with you.
Until she dug a little deeper and was understandably concerned about your mentally ill status.

Here's all the insane bullshit I didn't get into Ken, because that comes later, in the form of police reports and detailed reports to the state:
- You are clearly being taken for some kind of ride by a psychopath with a cutesy cat avatar that appeared out of nowhere and glazes everything you do no matter how self-destructive or stupid or evil, I'm guessing he's aiming to attach himself to your paycheck soon if he hasn't already.

Yes Ashley. This avatar was just pure evil. This was suggested by my evil twin who is sitting right beside me :Null

How to stop you cat from drooling.jpg

- You have already been visited by cops for stalking a young woman on the internet, through onionfarms.

The one responsible for getting me swatted was a teenager by the username of Torswats and he targeted a lot of people

Here's all the insane bullshit I didn't get into Ken, because that comes later, in the form of police reports and detailed reports to the state:

Here is a reality check Ashley: The legality of the website was never an issue. I was very courteous to the Warwick Police that time I was swatted because I knew there are certain protocols they have to follow in situations such as this.

I have no issue at all with members of the law enforcement community registering on Onionfarms. Why should we? We are a gossip and discussion forum for public figures, e-celebrities, current events and so forth.

- Your website is overrun by racists and misogynists and islamophobes sharing their mentally ill ideas which you happily facilitate and agree with. Any thread about me is clogged with the most vile sexual harassment anyone's ever seen. If this is how you treat some rando on the internet then I truly fear for your female patients.

Do I care what race you are, who the big guy in the sky is you pray to, or what you have between your legs when you sign up? I totally empathize with you being totally traumatized over your sexual harassment. :haha:

Ashley and Joshua.jpg

You are so stupid that 5 years before you started any of this with me you were openly sharing how you illegally bought sex and stalked a woman so badly that she sought help for it. I don't care what your hugbox full of crazies is telling you, this is repulsive to everyone. Buying sex is repulsive to conservatives, it's repulsive to women, it's repulsive to everyone besides scum.

As I said Ashley that was over 45 years ago. Who cares.

You and the grouphome gang have absolutely zero reason to believe I am abusive to children. That is a lie and defamation and if any of you dickless psychos ever attempts to spread this lie, especially from the UK, there will be consequences.

Whatever your relationships have been in this area are not my concern. As I have said many times before, if you have issues with people outside of the forum that's your business , not my business.