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Lounge96 - Prominent Individual Hello, I am Ashley Hutsell Jankowski

People who are prominent in the Lounge96 community
You heard Ken and his pet sycophant,it's time to diversify. If people aren't going to get on board with Nigeria posting some extreme measures need to be taken
I see you're genuinely very interested in this subject and keeping it going. And
If you're not interested in our Nigerian postings, I recommend checking out our other discussions. You might find something interesting if you lurk a bit more around here."

Does it matter? Are you so anal, that you had to sock up here and tard out over this?
You got a good point there
What makes you think they're a sock account? they could be a genuine new user that we need to welcome with open arms.
I recommend checking out our other discussions.
Ooooooorrrr. Maybe they could START a thread, right? It's a mind blowing concept, isn't it? Instead of taking their daddy issues out on some rando on the Internet, and bitching about pointless shit (like a faggot).
You got a good point there
Yeah. That's my thing. Making good points. Oh and "confrontation"
Meaning, pointing out patently retarded shit, from mongs.
What makes you think they're a sock account?
Do you know where you are? Odds on it's a sock of some faggot who flounced, and regretted it. WHo does that sound like?
they could be a genuine new user that we need to welcome with open arms.
Mmmmeeeeeehhhhh. Good cop-Bad cop.
The boards stay open
Fingers crossed, eh?
But let's diversify a little bit.
But not TOO MUCH, like a thread on Sham Collywobbles Sniff, that's TOO diverse (because Sham is a hypocritical tard, just like his crush joshy). I might start a thread on someone I have in mind. They are in prison at the moment (hint), so I'm waiting for them to get out.

But, you can tell Chryaast essss Kaaanng to knock themselves out OPin a thread. SOmeone no one has never heard of.
Ooooooorrrr. Maybe they could START a thread, right? It's a mind blowing concept, isn't it? Instead of taking their daddy issues out on some rando on the Internet, and bitching about pointless shit (like a faggot).
That's a wonderful idea if they started a thread that would give them an opportunity to ingratiate themselves to the community.
Yeah. That's my thing. Making good points. Oh and "confrontation"
Meaning, pointing out patently retarded shit, from mongs.
And you do contribute a lot I appreciate that.
Do you know where you are? Odds on it's a sock of some faggot who flounced, and regretted it. WHo does that sound like?

Mmmmeeeeeehhhhh. Good cop-Bad cop.
Well I've already made the mistake once of accusing people of sock accounts so I don't want to potentially misstep again.
What makes you think they're a sock account? they could be a genuine new user that we need to welcome with open arms.

Because how would somebody who just signed in on here with no stars know something about Ashley that you don't? Obviously it was a deep cut if you missed it, but new guy over here caught it? Getdefuggouddahere.

Bro, if way too much thought was put into the username and it's still dumb and has a retarded pfp and no stars and talks like they've been here for a while and are comfortable with insulting admins and moderators even though they're new.... 99.9999999999999999999999% probability of a Danny.

Dude has nine messages on a week old account and knows more about Ashley than you do, and has the balls to run his mouth to you and Ken like he runs the joint. Yeah that tracks. Sounds like a "new user" to me.
For too long have Onions played the fool by hosting faildoxes.
Ashley's legal name is Ashley Renee Hutsell. It has been what, 5 year? And yet no one has corrected this? We're at the point where Kengle (PBUH) is flailing in the dark at "Ashlee Jankowski" or whatever the fuck when there's not a single legal document to indicate she ever changed her name after her supposed marriage to Thomas.
@Catministrator would you kindly correct this blatant error or at least explain why you think it's a good idea to spread bunk info?
By the way Daniel if you weren't so flagrant about it you'd be harder to spot.

Here's what you can do to successfully sock (at least I think. I wouldn't know. I don't have alt accounts that get merged together. When you see my name changed it's because I requested it)

1. Get a little bit of posting history under your belt before you start speaking on things that you shouldn't know about. You hit the ground running every time talking about things that you shouldn't know as much as you know about.

2. Stop insulting the people who run the website because that's painfully obvious. That's a gigantic tell. Most people who are here legitimately are feeling the place out and want to know whether or not they can rib Ken. They just got done being banned by null do you think they would talk this kind of shit to a new admin with 9 messages under their belt?

3. Don't sticker react so much shit. Only people who have been here for a while react to basically everything they see in a thread.

4. Post vague things in vague threads like random videos, pics and gifs and what are you listening to right now? To pad your resume so you're not the guy with nine messages.

5. Stop the cutesy little "A hyuk hyuk, look at my clever username and PFP picture that goes along with it" shit. You have your entire profile from top to bottom kitted out by the time you make your first post.

Or you can just... Ya know.... Post as yourself and stop being Gargamel's flunky. Come back here and stop acting like a whippet sniffing fucking reject and salvage your reputation with some people.
Because how would somebody who just signed in on here with no stars know something about Ashley that you don't? Obviously it was a deep cut if you missed it, but new guy over here caught it? Getdefuggouddahere.
Oh it wasn't missed...
Bro, if way too much thought was put into the username and it's still dumb and has a retarded pfp and no stars and talks like they've been here for a while and are comfortable with insulting admins and moderators even though they're new.... 99.9999999999999999999999% probability of a Danny.
I think some of it might have gone over your head however mods are advised not to engage in calling out new users.
Dude has nine messages on a week old account and knows more about Ashley than you do, and has the balls to run his mouth to you and Ken like he runs the joint. Yeah that tracks. Sounds like a "new user" to me.
I appreciate your lack of subtlety it's one of your charms.
By the way Daniel if you weren't so flagrant about it you'd be harder to spot.

Here's what you can do to successfully sock (at least I think. I wouldn't know. I don't have alt accounts that get merged together. When you see my name changed it's because I requested it)

1. Get a little bit of posting history under your belt before you start speaking on things that you shouldn't know about. You hit the ground running every time talking about things that you shouldn't know as much as you know about.

2. Stop insulting the people who run the website because that's painfully obvious. That's a gigantic tell. Most people who are here legitimately are feeling the place out and want to know whether or not they can rib Ken. They just got done being banned by null do you think they would talk this kind of shit to a new admin with 9 messages under their belt?

3. Don't sticker react so much shit. Only people who have been here for a while react to basically everything they see in a thread.

4. Post vague things in vague threads like random videos, pics and gifs and what are you listening to right now? To pad your resume so you're not the guy with nine messages.

5. Stop the cutesy little "A hyuk hyuk, look at my clever username and PFP picture that goes along with it" shit. You have your entire profile from top to bottom kitted out by the time you make your first post.

Or you can just... Ya know.... Post as yourself and stop being Gargamel's flunky. Come back here and stop acting like a whippet sniffing fucking reject and salvage your reputation with some people.
Is this the unbridled Onion Farms schizophrenia I've heard so much about?