Alia is so directly tied into all this gay discord drama that nothing else computes in her head. The people she’s referring too arent even ecelebs. The ones that stream get like maybe 5-10 viewers? And they are all the same people in this weird “fatmosphere haydur nation” circle. Which begs the question.
If your goals in this super duper tiny insular community know as “Haydur Nation” is to just swat each other and go to kiwifarms to cry about it? Why even get involved?
I mean, most zcelebs I am aware of run some kind of Podcast to cover there own grifts with superchats and donation goals. They may be fucking lolcows and faggots but they
get PAID to be that way. Look at PPP and the Kino Casino. Look at Ethan Ralph and The Killstream. Metocare and his Cancer show. Hell,
Look at Joshua Connor Moon and MATI.
There is ZERO incentive to even talk about this fucking loser other than maybe Zoom/Corey Barnhill but he hasnt been relevant since 2018 Morning Kumite Days. If you guys have been all going at each other for years, which Alia and these losers have, and you have never gathered a real organic audience thats willing to support your drama then guess what Alia? You lost before it began and now you are super doxed and we know you smoke Meth with alleged Pedophiles like
@Warrior of Light on Swatter streams like Elaine Miller.
TLDR: This is about as much as I care to break this down. Alia is 4 things
A faggot
A loser
A methhead
A big ol piece of shit yaaaaaaaahhh!
Just read this effort post she made last night lol.