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Public Figure - Niche DSP Plays Gotham Knights - the fatman takes on the court of owls as i cry loudly

Public figures in internet culture that are predominately seen as part of the cowsphere community


Registered Member
missed some due to the tranny outages, but I'm bored and waiting for breakfast so I'll cover a bit.

Phil doesn't know what "transmog" is, despite it being featured in most RPG games for the past 10 years. first time I saw transmog was on WoW back in like, 2011.

Phil is like, 25 hours into the game and hasn't unlocked Knighthood for his characters. To put this in perspective you can unlock Knighthood in like, 2 hours for every character.

Phil doesn't understand how the crime system works, Phil laments that there are no premeditated crimes for him to do so he can't unlock Knighthood, crimes aren't randomly assigned each night, they appear based on the evidence you collect on previous nights, the fact Phil has no crimes to do means he hasn't been keeping up on interrogations/crimes each night.

someone is explaining to phil how the crime system works, after like 20 fucking hours of him playing, something I understood in like 10 minutes. Phil is explaining how the game is great because he doesn't care about Knighthood "Why would I need Knighthood?"

because it grants you skills unique to your character, including some of your strongest skills, also the fact you can't use stuff like Batgirl's glide ability without Knighthood. Phil argues "I have fast travel, why do I want to glide" which, fair enough I guess? i mean, same argument would be "why should I glide or use the grapple in Arkham Knight? I have the batmobile"

also again Knighthood gives you unique abilities, more than just the traversal shit, like combat abilities and other such things.

phil has completed Night 24, with no Knighthood, no crimes done and no civilians saved. I know seems like a dumb thing to say, since there's no real point to saving civilians or anything like that, but I want to point it out because I think it's weird to play a superhero game, where the point is to save people and be a superhero, and he clearly doesn't want to do any of that. it's like spider-man PS4, yeah there's no real reason to do any of those randomly generated crimes that happen, but I mean, you're playing a superhero game, why wouldn't you?

phil is level 16 on Night 24, I think I am on Night 28 or 30? at level 30-31. because I've actually been doing crimes, this game isn't hard enough to punish Phil for skipping everything but thought I'd point out the difference between us. we are also at the same point in the story, like the exact same point.

another thing about Knighthood, when Robin gets Knighthood he gains teleportation, this includes things like pointing at an enemy across the map and teleporting it to you for an instant takedown. These are the types of skills Phil is going out of his way to avoid, because in his words "I have fast travel."

phil gets asked if this game looks better than Arkham Knight, phil says he thinks they look the same. i am a filthy Gotham Knights defender, but saying this game looks the same to Arkham Knight is absurd.

I was up making a sandwich so I missed it but Phil died in a crime and is now mad the crime is gone, he wants the criminals to just wait for him after beating his ass.

phil is mad he can't do a Mr. Freeze mission because he has to interrogate Freeze's goons to learn information, this is something he should've and could've done while doing crimes around town, but he skipped em all.

I've noticed phil doesn't even use the fucking batcycle, nigga just uses the grapple to go from point to point to point. it's so fucking slow and boring looking, like this is literally the LAZIEST possible way to get around town, man is literally pointing and clicking his way through Gotham, this is blowing my dick clean off, holy fuck.

this is what makes phil such a dogshit streamer, the only thing he cares about is what's fun or easiest for himself, does not care in the slightest for what might be fun to watch. "why would I need knighthood?" iunno, maybe viewers would like to see the Knighthood skills?

phil had a literal stroke and forgot how to crouch. I don't know what happened, but Phil has been crouching for the entire hour I've watched just fine, and then suddenly the information was gone. Man had to push every single button on the controller because he just didn't know how to crouch anymore.

phil is trying to prevent a backrobbery but is failing because he doesn't know where the vault is, so criminals are just running wild with the money. if phil had taken a moment to scope the place out, which he had the chance to do, he may've been able to handle this better, instead he just ran in wild and started swinging.

i also want to point out solving random crimes isn't only tied to Knighthood, there are 2 skills your characters will not unlock if you don't kill enough Talons/Clear out enough Owl Nests, the Talons he might get through just regular gameplay, the Nests he won't. So phil is literally missing out on, let's count.

1. his ultimate skill.
2. His traversal skill.
3. 6 unique Knighthood abilities I think. I think it's 6?
4. 1 active ability, potentially 2.

that's a lot of shit to miss out on because "I have fast travel"

phil is trying to fast travel back to his home base, but he can't find it on the map. the entire time he is being shot by police, he was unable to fast travel because the swat team shot him to death. which is honestly hilarious, the cops showing up to the crime scenes is one of the nicer touches of detail in this game and phil hates it. I have included a picture below.


someone tells phil about the ultimate ability that you get from Knighthood, Phil is now vaguely interested but still states since he's gotten this far without the ability, the ability is obviously unneeded. this shows Phil's mastery over game design "if I can play the game without it, then don't give me it, I don't want it" truly the makers of Legend of Zelda could learn from him.

phil has actually unlocked Knighthood with Robin, through no effort of his own.

"this reduces microbots cd by 20%? how do you even get microbots? i don't even have that. you must get that later" you unlocked it with knighthood, you retard.

phil has JUST unlocked Knighthood for Robin, he has gained like, 8 new abilities for Robin, so what is it time to do? switch to Nightwing to unlock Knighthood for him, holy fuck phil is a bad streamer and it also shows how little he actually cares about gameplay, man just unlocked an entirely new tier of shit, but let's unlock it for someone else instead of using it first.

phil has to ask which crimes are premeditated. this man has been playing the game for at least 12 hours and still doesn't understand basic game UI, something I figured out in literally 20 seconds? this man is an ape in human skin.

man has a near pathological fear of Ambush takedowns, even when he's dropping down in the center of a room and he will 100% be seen, he still goes for the stealth takedown, I honestly don't think he knows Ambush takedowns exist.

"I don't know how useful robins teleporting will be"

mate, it's a fucking teleport?

phil used the batcycle and within 15 seconds he ran a civilian over.

someone asks phil if he'd recommend this game. phil says "if you're a fan of batman, if you're a fan of combat, sure. if you're looking for better graphics then no" what the fuck does "fan of combat" mean? he didn't even say "a fan of the combat" he just said "fan of combat" like combat in general? what the fuck. also "if you're looking for better graphics" if you only buy a game based on graphics you're kinda a retard?

so Phil is trying to use the Glider that Nightwing has, fun fact about the Glider, it can go up or down. If you hold forward the thing fucking PLUMMETS TO THE DIRT LIKE GODS WRATH UPON THE SINFUL. so in order to use the glider, you just gotta kinda point Nightwing in a direction without holding a direction. Phil doesn't know this and uses it once, almost immediately slams into the ground and says it's dogshit.

phil is going on break now, I will post this and if I'm around I'll make another post when break is over.

i know I could just wait but I don't want to post 1 giant wall of text and also I'm just lazy, I don't have to justify myself, fuck.

im back for round two.
phil dropped down into a crime where he's supposed to protect two police officers, phil made a fucking beeline for the cops and started swinging. feel like he was seconds away from screaming ACAB, honestly.
phil explaining what a pierogi is, he says it's like a ravioli.
phil mentions the fact he was fired from twitter.
phil mentions how he thought Penguin's family entirely abandoned him in the comics or were all dead. not entirely sure where he got this from, while I don't actually know a significant amount of Oswald's family, I've seen enough about his mother to know that's usually a part of his character. I even recall a comic where Penguin ruined a EMT's entire life, think he straight got arrested for child porn, because the EMT insulted Penguin's dead mom.
Phil says Jason's Knighthood outfit looks like the comics, it doesn't.
phil stops a prison transport rescue, he then hears the prisoner calling for help and for a split second tries to free him, from the prison transport, that he just stopped people from breaking into.
phil wishes there "had been a street fighter game" for him to play during Halloween while he was dressed as ken. i honestly don't know what he means by this. did capcom just remove Street Fighter V or super turbo off the consoles?
it is almost winter and it seems like Phil has begun storing food inside his cheeks for the coming snowstorm.
nuts for the winter.png

phil did a celebratory bubble blow and almost blinded himself due to the bubble exploding near his eye, he thanks god he was wearing his gunnar glasses or that could've been the end of his life right there. the things he does for his viewers.
phil is doing a combat encounter, button mashing attack, I notice there is a gunman shooting at phil while standing next to an explosive canister, he has a clear shot, I notice this, phil does not and continues button mashing attack. truly the best over all gamer in the country.
phil watches a character scene, a rather cool scene about how Jason doesn't really care if his non-lethal rounds are killing people due to how they're being used. Tim Drake forces Jason to confront this by ordering Jason to shoot him, even stating "If you're so sure they're safe, shoot me." Jason relents and agrees maybe he has been hurting criminals more than he should.
Phil responds with "wow. very exciting. yes, derich, disney valley will be in 10 days."
mans a huge comic fan, btw.
Phil appears to wake up in The Maze, which is an extremely iconic and important part of Scott Snyder's Court of Owls storyline, Phil takes one look at this place and determines he's not really here and this is all an illusion, which, even if it is, it's clearly based off an iconic comic book moment, which big comic fan phil does not recognize.
i know I'm harping on the comic shit, but my room mate who plays Gotham Knights with me, does not give a fuck about comics, they still read the Court of Owls in lead up to the game, but comic fan phil? can't be bothered.
"who is the youngest robin? I keep forgetting his name"
huge comic fan, the hugest there is some might say. like...the roundest there is...if you feel me....
Phil tried his ultimate ability as Red Hood, didn't know how to use it properly and just stood there and got his ASS beat by some Talons. Literally got his asshole slapped out of his body.
"I don't really understand how it works, game didn't really explain it either" there's a tooltip to read, I know that requires you to read, but still.
I had to fucking rewind to make sure I heard phil correctly, holy fuck. So in Gotham Knights if you jump off a really high place, your character will reach up and fire their grapnel gun into the air, to stop their fall. Phil sees this and says I fucking shit you not, "I don't understand why Red Hood fires his guns into the air like that, how does that stop his fall?"
phil has absolutely no idea how to use Red Hood's ultimate, man just fucking missed an auto-tracking shot. i didn't even know that was possible.
phils dead by the way, he just doesn't know it yet. yep there it is, game over fat boy. that's 4 game overs so far. this game really ain't hard and he's getting bent over.
phil just got JUGGLED, he is fighting near a frost vent, he doesn't realize the frost vent applies freezing, so an enemy just bounced him between the vent and his attacks, man got stunned, hit hit, frozen, hit hit, stunned. was hilarious.
Phil keeps talking about how amazing his "cyro grenades" are. I don't think he has any? Pretty sure Jason's grenades don't gain elemental bonuses and even if they DID, phil doesn't have any cyro gear? man is mistaking his stun grenades for freezing grenades for some reason.
phil notices he has unlocked another ability for Red Hood, he refuses to even look at or try the ability out, he just notes it's there and leaves.
Phil is doing a bankheist and is freaking the fuck out, He has to do 10 enemies, but every time he beats one, the counter goes down. He is stuck at 4/10, every time he gets to 5, it goes back down to 4. Phil is convinced that the game must be continually spawning enemies and this is why he's getting fucked, what he doesn't realize, is that were was a medic running around healing everyone that Phil was ignoring. I point this out because not only is it funny as fuck, but I am working on my second monitor, not watching the stream and I figured out what was happening faster than the nigga playing the goddamn game.
phil only has one more daystream of this bad boy then he's going to banish it to the dark realm, so I'll try and cover that last stream before I die instantly.
missed some due to the tranny outages, but I'm bored and waiting for breakfast so I'll cover a bit.

Phil doesn't know what "transmog" is, despite it being featured in most RPG games for the past 10 years. first time I saw transmog was on WoW back in like, 2011.

Phil is like, 25 hours into the game and hasn't unlocked Knighthood for his characters. To put this in perspective you can unlock Knighthood in like, 2 hours for every character.

Phil doesn't understand how the crime system works, Phil laments that there are no premeditated crimes for him to do so he can't unlock Knighthood, crimes aren't randomly assigned each night, they appear based on the evidence you collect on previous nights, the fact Phil has no crimes to do means he hasn't been keeping up on interrogations/crimes each night.

someone is explaining to phil how the crime system works, after like 20 fucking hours of him playing, something I understood in like 10 minutes. Phil is explaining how the game is great because he doesn't care about Knighthood "Why would I need Knighthood?"

because it grants you skills unique to your character, including some of your strongest skills, also the fact you can't use stuff like Batgirl's glide ability without Knighthood. Phil argues "I have fast travel, why do I want to glide" which, fair enough I guess? i mean, same argument would be "why should I glide or use the grapple in Arkham Knight? I have the batmobile"

also again Knighthood gives you unique abilities, more than just the traversal shit, like combat abilities and other such things.

phil has completed Night 24, with no Knighthood, no crimes done and no civilians saved. I know seems like a dumb thing to say, since there's no real point to saving civilians or anything like that, but I want to point it out because I think it's weird to play a superhero game, where the point is to save people and be a superhero, and he clearly doesn't want to do any of that. it's like spider-man PS4, yeah there's no real reason to do any of those randomly generated crimes that happen, but I mean, you're playing a superhero game, why wouldn't you?

phil is level 16 on Night 24, I think I am on Night 28 or 30? at level 30-31. because I've actually been doing crimes, this game isn't hard enough to punish Phil for skipping everything but thought I'd point out the difference between us. we are also at the same point in the story, like the exact same point.

another thing about Knighthood, when Robin gets Knighthood he gains teleportation, this includes things like pointing at an enemy across the map and teleporting it to you for an instant takedown. These are the types of skills Phil is going out of his way to avoid, because in his words "I have fast travel."

phil gets asked if this game looks better than Arkham Knight, phil says he thinks they look the same. i am a filthy Gotham Knights defender, but saying this game looks the same to Arkham Knight is absurd.

I was up making a sandwich so I missed it but Phil died in a crime and is now mad the crime is gone, he wants the criminals to just wait for him after beating his ass.

phil is mad he can't do a Mr. Freeze mission because he has to interrogate Freeze's goons to learn information, this is something he should've and could've done while doing crimes around town, but he skipped em all.

I've noticed phil doesn't even use the fucking batcycle, nigga just uses the grapple to go from point to point to point. it's so fucking slow and boring looking, like this is literally the LAZIEST possible way to get around town, man is literally pointing and clicking his way through Gotham, this is blowing my dick clean off, holy fuck.

this is what makes phil such a dogshit streamer, the only thing he cares about is what's fun or easiest for himself, does not care in the slightest for what might be fun to watch. "why would I need knighthood?" iunno, maybe viewers would like to see the Knighthood skills?

phil had a literal stroke and forgot how to crouch. I don't know what happened, but Phil has been crouching for the entire hour I've watched just fine, and then suddenly the information was gone. Man had to push every single button on the controller because he just didn't know how to crouch anymore.

phil is trying to prevent a backrobbery but is failing because he doesn't know where the vault is, so criminals are just running wild with the money. if phil had taken a moment to scope the place out, which he had the chance to do, he may've been able to handle this better, instead he just ran in wild and started swinging.

i also want to point out solving random crimes isn't only tied to Knighthood, there are 2 skills your characters will not unlock if you don't kill enough Talons/Clear out enough Owl Nests, the Talons he might get through just regular gameplay, the Nests he won't. So phil is literally missing out on, let's count.

1. his ultimate skill.
2. His traversal skill.
3. 6 unique Knighthood abilities I think. I think it's 6?
4. 1 active ability, potentially 2.

that's a lot of shit to miss out on because "I have fast travel"

phil is trying to fast travel back to his home base, but he can't find it on the map. the entire time he is being shot by police, he was unable to fast travel because the swat team shot him to death. which is honestly hilarious, the cops showing up to the crime scenes is one of the nicer touches of detail in this game and phil hates it. I have included a picture below.


someone tells phil about the ultimate ability that you get from Knighthood, Phil is now vaguely interested but still states since he's gotten this far without the ability, the ability is obviously unneeded. this shows Phil's mastery over game design "if I can play the game without it, then don't give me it, I don't want it" truly the makers of Legend of Zelda could learn from him.

phil has actually unlocked Knighthood with Robin, through no effort of his own.

"this reduces microbots cd by 20%? how do you even get microbots? i don't even have that. you must get that later" you unlocked it with knighthood, you retard.

phil has JUST unlocked Knighthood for Robin, he has gained like, 8 new abilities for Robin, so what is it time to do? switch to Nightwing to unlock Knighthood for him, holy fuck phil is a bad streamer and it also shows how little he actually cares about gameplay, man just unlocked an entirely new tier of shit, but let's unlock it for someone else instead of using it first.

phil has to ask which crimes are premeditated. this man has been playing the game for at least 12 hours and still doesn't understand basic game UI, something I figured out in literally 20 seconds? this man is an ape in human skin.

man has a near pathological fear of Ambush takedowns, even when he's dropping down in the center of a room and he will 100% be seen, he still goes for the stealth takedown, I honestly don't think he knows Ambush takedowns exist.

"I don't know how useful robins teleporting will be"

mate, it's a fucking teleport?

phil used the batcycle and within 15 seconds he ran a civilian over.

someone asks phil if he'd recommend this game. phil says "if you're a fan of batman, if you're a fan of combat, sure. if you're looking for better graphics then no" what the fuck does "fan of combat" mean? he didn't even say "a fan of the combat" he just said "fan of combat" like combat in general? what the fuck. also "if you're looking for better graphics" if you only buy a game based on graphics you're kinda a retard?

so Phil is trying to use the Glider that Nightwing has, fun fact about the Glider, it can go up or down. If you hold forward the thing fucking PLUMMETS TO THE DIRT LIKE GODS WRATH UPON THE SINFUL. so in order to use the glider, you just gotta kinda point Nightwing in a direction without holding a direction. Phil doesn't know this and uses it once, almost immediately slams into the ground and says it's dogshit.

phil is going on break now, I will post this and if I'm around I'll make another post when break is over.

i know I could just wait but I don't want to post 1 giant wall of text and also I'm just lazy, I don't have to justify myself, fuck.

im back for round two.
phil dropped down into a crime where he's supposed to protect two police officers, phil made a fucking beeline for the cops and started swinging. feel like he was seconds away from screaming ACAB, honestly.
phil explaining what a pierogi is, he says it's like a ravioli.
phil mentions the fact he was fired from twitter.
phil mentions how he thought Penguin's family entirely abandoned him in the comics or were all dead. not entirely sure where he got this from, while I don't actually know a significant amount of Oswald's family, I've seen enough about his mother to know that's usually a part of his character. I even recall a comic where Penguin ruined a EMT's entire life, think he straight got arrested for child porn, because the EMT insulted Penguin's dead mom.
Phil says Jason's Knighthood outfit looks like the comics, it doesn't.
phil stops a prison transport rescue, he then hears the prisoner calling for help and for a split second tries to free him, from the prison transport, that he just stopped people from breaking into.
phil wishes there "had been a street fighter game" for him to play during Halloween while he was dressed as ken. i honestly don't know what he means by this. did capcom just remove Street Fighter V or super turbo off the consoles?
it is almost winter and it seems like Phil has begun storing food inside his cheeks for the coming snowstorm.
nuts for the winter.png

phil did a celebratory bubble blow and almost blinded himself due to the bubble exploding near his eye, he thanks god he was wearing his gunnar glasses or that could've been the end of his life right there. the things he does for his viewers.
phil is doing a combat encounter, button mashing attack, I notice there is a gunman shooting at phil while standing next to an explosive canister, he has a clear shot, I notice this, phil does not and continues button mashing attack. truly the best over all gamer in the country.
phil watches a character scene, a rather cool scene about how Jason doesn't really care if his non-lethal rounds are killing people due to how they're being used. Tim Drake forces Jason to confront this by ordering Jason to shoot him, even stating "If you're so sure they're safe, shoot me." Jason relents and agrees maybe he has been hurting criminals more than he should.
Phil responds with "wow. very exciting. yes, derich, disney valley will be in 10 days."
mans a huge comic fan, btw.
Phil appears to wake up in The Maze, which is an extremely iconic and important part of Scott Snyder's Court of Owls storyline, Phil takes one look at this place and determines he's not really here and this is all an illusion, which, even if it is, it's clearly based off an iconic comic book moment, which big comic fan phil does not recognize.
i know I'm harping on the comic shit, but my room mate who plays Gotham Knights with me, does not give a fuck about comics, they still read the Court of Owls in lead up to the game, but comic fan phil? can't be bothered.
"who is the youngest robin? I keep forgetting his name"
huge comic fan, the hugest there is some might say. like...the roundest there is...if you feel me....
Phil tried his ultimate ability as Red Hood, didn't know how to use it properly and just stood there and got his ASS beat by some Talons. Literally got his asshole slapped out of his body.
"I don't really understand how it works, game didn't really explain it either" there's a tooltip to read, I know that requires you to read, but still.
I had to fucking rewind to make sure I heard phil correctly, holy fuck. So in Gotham Knights if you jump off a really high place, your character will reach up and fire their grapnel gun into the air, to stop their fall. Phil sees this and says I fucking shit you not, "I don't understand why Red Hood fires his guns into the air like that, how does that stop his fall?"
phil has absolutely no idea how to use Red Hood's ultimate, man just fucking missed an auto-tracking shot. i didn't even know that was possible.
phils dead by the way, he just doesn't know it yet. yep there it is, game over fat boy. that's 4 game overs so far. this game really ain't hard and he's getting bent over.
phil just got JUGGLED, he is fighting near a frost vent, he doesn't realize the frost vent applies freezing, so an enemy just bounced him between the vent and his attacks, man got stunned, hit hit, frozen, hit hit, stunned. was hilarious.
Phil keeps talking about how amazing his "cyro grenades" are. I don't think he has any? Pretty sure Jason's grenades don't gain elemental bonuses and even if they DID, phil doesn't have any cyro gear? man is mistaking his stun grenades for freezing grenades for some reason.
phil notices he has unlocked another ability for Red Hood, he refuses to even look at or try the ability out, he just notes it's there and leaves.
Phil is doing a bankheist and is freaking the fuck out, He has to do 10 enemies, but every time he beats one, the counter goes down. He is stuck at 4/10, every time he gets to 5, it goes back down to 4. Phil is convinced that the game must be continually spawning enemies and this is why he's getting fucked, what he doesn't realize, is that were was a medic running around healing everyone that Phil was ignoring. I point this out because not only is it funny as fuck, but I am working on my second monitor, not watching the stream and I figured out what was happening faster than the nigga playing the goddamn game.
phil only has one more daystream of this bad boy then he's going to banish it to the dark realm, so I'll try and cover that last stream before I die instantly.
This is a very thorough review, thank you. I find Phil's videos very difficult to watch, he snorts/yells in a very startling way that makes him hard to have in the background.