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Lounge96 - Prominent Individual Hello, I am Ashley Hutsell Jankowski

People who are prominent in the Lounge96 community
"You and the grouphome gang have absolutely zero reason to believe I am abusive to children."

lol. Au contraire. Ash's bf (not husband) left her because of her abuse (ask the doll collector), and she hoped that a guy would be raped, because he killed (in perfectly legally self defense) a nonce, who raped multiple children. And she's a marxist (not the funny Jew ones, the unfunny, self hating Jew one).

Sounds like Ash is worried that her neighbours are going to think she's a wrong un, deserving of some porridge. Y'know what Ash, you should show your neighbours this post. But you won't do that, will you? Like you won't tell your neighbours that you, instead of getting over yourself and offline, harassed people with nothing to do with the situation.

I think that Ash looks like a child rapist. The dinny cunt isn't as au fait with LIBEL (it's recorded, you stupid bitch) laws, as I am.
It's wild how she thinks she can sue ken with all the shit she does. I bet ken has a massive archive of evidence against her wishing she would try so he can expose it all. With all the dirt he has on her she would end up institutionalized.
If Ken didn't get rid of her 800 page thread I could've looked up the post where she said: "Keep my thread up I want people to look at this thread."
Whatever your relationships have been in this area are not my concern. As I have said many times before, if you have issues with people outside of the forum that's your business , not my business.
Triple posting because Ashley is a bitch but:
Ashley has repeatedly called Ken a pedophile, under her logic, she is doing the same thing. And let us remind everyone here: Ashley does support the abuse of children, she salivate at the thought of beating up small kids.
The reason that Ashley makes sock accounts every day is because she's so fat that one account isn't enough for her.

My presence clearly frustrates you because otherwise there wouldn't be ten deranged threads here about me and you wouldn't continue revisiting me as a subject. Kiwi farms hogs universally hate the feeling they're not being taken seriously or seen as powerful. Really it's the only feeling that inspires emotions with any of you freaks at all.
Hey look a post of Ashley Hutsell Jankowski admitting why she comes back to Onionfarms.
I lifted the ban on Ashley. She is going to do what she is going to do regardless. And it does not make any difference in the long run because if not here then she will get our attention by proxy on lounge96. Ashley I know you are going to come over here anyway, so I lifted the ban. And no Ash: Nothing is coming down.
Will you at least allow her socks to be merged with her main account so threads don't become muddled with this fat head's rants? Please tell me @kiwifails is allowed to do that, him or @Fedbuster.
Ashley seems very obsessed about my family. Is Ashley jealous because her family disowned and left her?

Ashley hates my family.jpg