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Kiwifarms Gossip & Slap Fights KF General 2.0

These threads cover general gossip and interacting with Kiwifarms (openly calling them out).
Other than timing this doesn't prove that they're the same person. It just proves that the two of them are derailing the thread.
Much like the worst part of Kiwi is the herd mentality, the worst part of Onion is the convenient loss of reading comprehension. Like I'm still lost how anyone was so angry at Lidl that they didn't understand her inquiry about dairy goats. Absolutely retarded mother fuckers
Believe it or not, I don't think we're gonna get a video of fatty himself switching from his Chrome to his Opera window to make these posts, so this is the next best thing.
No, but I'm going to need something more than just the two of them having a conversation at the same time in a thread. From my perspective it appears more often than not Josh says something stupid and then lidl comes in to back him up so he doesn't look stupid. That's not out of the ordinary for somebody who obviously has feelings and infatuations for Josh.
Much like the worst part of Kiwi is the herd mentality, the worst part of Onion is the convenient loss of reading comprehension. Like I'm still lost how anyone was so angry at Lidl that they didn't understand her inquiry about dairy goats. Absolutely retarded mother fuckers
It makes her look stupid. She doesn't put a lot of effort into her postings. Because the follow-up to that follow-up was her saying something to the effect of well if I have to kill the male goats so be it. I agree with you. People are misreading a lot of this stuff to make it fit their narrative.
Much like the worst part of Kiwi is the herd mentality, the worst part of Onion is the convenient loss of reading comprehension. Like I'm still lost how anyone was so angry at Lidl that they didn't understand her inquiry about dairy goats. Absolutely retarded mother fuckers
All I'm saying is I'm going to need something like the evidence that he's not in Siberia. When he accidentally told on himself because there are no impossible burgers at that time until nearly a year later.
That's not out of the ordinary for somebody who obviously has feelings and infatuations for Josh.
What's completely out of the ordinary is his tolerance for it. He completely flips out at any woman or even man (Wolfetone and SlavePower) that's simps hard for him. He even gets aggressive towards people who even insinuate he gives favorable treatment to a woman but for nearly a year he's suddenly okay with this lurking poster woman to make a controversial thread, who fights other users, who shows up and knows intimate details about his life and why he makes the decisions that he does? any other female user behaving this way would have been called an attention whore by now.
What's completely out of the ordinary is his tolerance for it. He completely flips out at any woman or even man (Wolfetone and SlavePower) that's simps hard for him. He even gets aggressive towards people who even insinuate he gives favorable treatment to a woman but for nearly a year he's suddenly okay with this lurking poster woman to make a controversial thread, who fights other users, who shows up and knows intimate details about his life and why he makes the decisions that he does? any other female user behaving this way would have been called an attention whore by now.
Yeah even if it was his GF he would have told her to knock it off since it's causing so many problems. It's Josh and the only thing keeping this Lidl LARP going is his oppositional defiant disorder.
What's completely out of the ordinary is his tolerance for it. He completely flips out at any woman or even man (Wolfetone and SlavePower) that's simps hard for him. He even gets aggressive towards people who even insinuate he gives favorable treatment to a woman but for nearly a year he's suddenly okay with this lurking poster woman to make a controversial thread, who fights other users, who shows up and knows intimate details about his life and why he makes the decisions that he does? any other female user behaving this way would have been called an attention whore by now.
Men do some crazy things when it comes to pussy. It changes our opinions our mind and our thoughts about things. And we can become more tolerant of things that we normally would be.
Yeah even if it was his GF he would have told her to knock it off since it's causing so many problems. It's Josh and the only thing keeping this Lidl LARP going is his oppositional defiant disorder.
She's toned it down quite a bit lately this may be because of all the people that have been vocal against her have been banned. And the rest scared into quieting down by josh. A lot of her post lately have just been confirming Josh's own opinion like a good stroke job.
Yeah even if it was his GF he would have told her to knock it off since it's causing so many problems. It's Josh and the only thing keeping this Lidl LARP going is his oppositional defiant disorder.
I think Null is using her as a way to drive off/ban the /pol/ posters without having to do it all at once and have hundreds of angry edgelords yelling at him and ruining his "free speech messiah" grift.
Men do some crazy things when it comes to pussy. It changes our opinions our mind and our thoughts about things
Speak for yourself.
I think Null is using her as a way to drive off/ban the /pol/ posters without having to do it all at once and have hundreds of angry edgelords yelling at him and ruining his "free speech messiah" grift.
i don't see the net benefit to this. Scratch the surface of any manhate poster and its 9/10 a lesbian or former pooner none of which seem to have jobs or monies. he said that the website makes no profit so unless the majority of his income is coming from BPFats donating superchats to him i am not seeing the point
isnt he too old to be doing the shadman edgy routine forming a clique of mental disturbed "politically homeless" women to fluff his ego and ride his broomstick?

...i just figured out why hes doing it lmao.
hes pivoting to be the streamer for edgy racist terf women who skew right-wing but still want abortion and DEI. hes trying to fill a niches