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Sexuality Drama Maya Vivian Strange/Vivian Strong/Vivian Zelda Strong/Dorian Strong/Dorian Zelda Strong/Voltairine de Guerre - rapey tranarchist with Palestine Derangement Syndrome

Sexuality related drama
"While I am beautiful, brilliant and even entertaining now and then... it's kinda weird I've gone over 4 hours without talking at lenght about Palestine." - Vivian Strange
@Anne Hathaway look, moar e-begging!


Fan who's gonna raise more money, Vivian Strange to get our of Portland, or ΦΚΦ for their epic frat party?



So he needs $ 7.5k to move? That's sad. How can you be nearly 30 and not have $10k in savings?
Oh, right, he admitted he spent all his Covid money on drugs and camera equipment.


So his IRL name is "Vivian Strong"? Or is this another fake name he made up? He said in his graduation video that his pre-trooning name was "Dorian Strong", so I guess this means his surname really is "Strong"?

Vivian is bitching about his lack of channel growth again, and blames his lack of growth on other Youtubers not using their channels to put out the same content as him so that it gets picked up by the algo:

May Day is always a day of remembrance worth observing, but in 2024, it is perhaps more important than ever. Let's talk about the history of May Day, the labor movements associated with it, and the intifada revolution that is blossoming before our eyes this spring!

So Vivian wants "10s of thousands of subscribers", but what is he actually doing to achieve those subscribers?

I am so fucking sick on his' and other Youtubers' whining about not getting more subscribers, I will rant directly at him for a bit:

First, cry me a river Vivian. There are other Youtubers who spend much more time, money and effort on their videos than you ever will, and they too are bitching about their lack of growth on Youtube. To give you just two examples I saw recently from other whiners:

Both these Youtubers - who are both leftists BTW, though I'm sure you've never heard of either because you don't give a shit to look beyond the ghetto you have condemned yourself to - make the kind of high-effort videos that will give your lazy low-effort ass a run for your money. One of them is a recreational drug user like youself (and is someone who I know is only one-degree separated from ContraPoints via her friend the trannie fairy/stand-up comedian, who I know is personal friends with Nyk), but look at how much more work she puts into her videos than you do.

You claim that you're such a fan of Nyk's channel and that you see him as your colleague. Nyk grew his channel in 2017-2018 by doing Livestream debates, not just by posting videos. In 2017 Nyk debated a lot of the big mainstream alt-right wingers, including Blaire White, Nick Fuentes and Lauren Southern. You will never grow your channel by staying in your little corner and hoping against all hope that people will somehow find you. Indeed, both the above Youtubers grew their channels through collabs with various people.

Debunking Vivian's "I'm shadowbanned" bullshit whining with actual numbers

Let's look at some of the people Vivian follows and reBSs, to see how many people they themselves are generally following on BlueSky:

4.3K following

71 following

298 following

438 following

409 following

386 following

353 following

Your lack of growth is entirely your own fault, Vivian. Almost every single one of these accounts follows 3 to 4 times the amount of users that you follow with your measly 108 follows. If you want people on BlueSky to notice you, you need to follow at least 200 more people. No one is gonna give you money or pay attention to what you're doing if they don't even know you exist. Stop with this pathetic "I'm shadowbanned" bullshit and go follow & engage with some people yourself.

I have listened to your Genderweird podcast with Jane Brown, and yes, your podcast is a bunch of self-indulgent predictable shit. I'll admit I was familiar with some of the movies you discussed on that podcast, but all the two you ever do on speculate is speculate about which actors and directors are/were secretly trans "eggs". Even people in film who are in no way GNC or androgynous, you will readily and falsely assign some imagined trans status to, just because you personally like their movies. You are so obsessed with your trans identity that you desperately want your favourite filmmakers to be like yourself, instead of just appreciating the intentional ambiguity and universal appeal of their movies and their ability to address many different audiences - even and including your stupid cult, though I'm sure you're mortified at liking plainly "cis" movies that were never addressed to you (ever seen a mainstream romcom you actually liked, Vivian?). For a podcast purporting to be about "gender", there literally is no actual gender analysis, no discussion about how gender is actually portrayed in these movies by different characters, just baseless speculation and gossip about the personal lives of public figures in film. Every single fucking episode of Genderweird follows this tedious pattern of "guess the trannie" with regards to literally every fucking movie. Why the hell would anyone genuinely interested in these movies waste their time listening to your predictable crap about "how everyone I like in film is trans because I say so"? It's cultic, it's morose, it's lazy and it doesn't inform the viewer in any way about the movies in question.

You claim that your Gaza Diaries are "algorithmic suicide", but what the fuck have you done to bring these videos to the attention of the pro-Palestinian community on Youtube? I warned you that these people aren't going to appreciate the fact that you're taking other people's contact with no permission, and posting it wholesale on your channel for the sake of your self-promotion. I suspect you fear bringing your videos to the attention of pro-Palestinian Youtubers because you secretly fear they will reject it for being orientalist and self-promoting.

I had a look at some of the people you've reBSed on BlueSky, and almost every single one of them follows way more people than you do on BlueSky:

If you don't give a fuck about others, if you don't interact with others, if you just sit there seething about whatever they've chosen to do with their channels and having the arrogance to claim that they all should to change their content to reflect yours, if this is how you chose to play this game, none of these people will never give a fuck about you or interact with you.
Vivian made a video on the topic of work, where he basically just reads yet another CrimeThINC essay:

I have only one thing to say in response to this video:

If the HRT doesn't kill him first, Vivian will end up dying on the Walmart floor:

As for that 2011 CrimeThINC essay he's reading, it's already outdated because it was written before the advent of generative AI. If automation was gonna put an end to boring, repetitive, so-called "meaningless" work, why is everyone rebelling against the AI right about now? Why was no one raging against the machine when automation was doing away with blue collar work? (Since we're quoting punk rock songs, that's what this song was literally about) If all this work was so boring and dreadful, why are these white collar people now literally suing AI companies, just so they themselves can keep working?

Shouldn't they too be thanking AI for mercifully absolving them of all this "boring" and "meaningless" work? The CrimeThINC essay doesn't account for the fact that, even when faced with the realistic prospect of being out of work due to advancements in AI, people will desperately cling onto their work, and will even use the courts to crack down on AI innovation and essentially curb the progress of science and technology, just so they themselves can keep working the same old jobs... the same jobs the CrimeThINC essay insisted they never wanted to do in the first place. In a way, the CrimeThINC essay, read with the benefit of hindsight, actually reveals the guilty conscience of the white collar class, who never gave a fuck about blue collar workers losing their jobs to automation, now being the next in line to be automated away. They hate their jobs, but need their jobs, and when AI threatens to liberate them, they will fight nail and tooth against that liberation.

Hilariously, it's the blue collar people who have more work security right now, because AI still cannot unclog toilets and leaky roofs cannot fix themselves. TBH, I kinda like this karmic reversal of fates. These fucking white collar people, who happily fed the blue collar workers to the machine to be made redundant, they all deserve to have the Fully Automated Austerity Trannie Rape Dystopia (or "GloboHomo Agenda") that they've been craving so hard forced upon them by AI.

Here he talks about communities of solidarity...

... which brings up to his latest fundraiser. The other day I asked who was gonna raise more money with their respective fund raiser, Vivian or ΦΚΦ. It looks like ΦΚΦ won: They raised $230k to throw the most epic frat party ever:


Dzooish money at work folks!

Vivian on the other hand... has only raised $95 of the $7.5 k he needs to move:


This is what being a useful idiot is like: to dedicate yourself completely to a cause that has nothing whatsoever to do with you or where you actually are, and whose adherents don't give a fuck about you, because even they know you're just stealing all their Instagram updates for the sake of your self-promotion, so you can sit at home and not have to do a thing while others risk their lives provide the footage for your pilfered "documentaries". Vivian so desperately wants a piece of that Qatari Hamas money. How's it working out for you Viv? Where is that community of solidarity you keep referring to in your videos in your case, Vivian? Like I said, you prefer to sit there wallowing in your self-imposed marginalization, crying that you're "shadowbanned" because your content doesn't have the reach you expect it to have, when in fact you're the one who is avoiding interacting with the larger LeftTube community you that imagine yourself to be a part of. You might view people like Nyk and Oliver as "colleagues", but they don't see you that way in return, so this fantasy of equality is entirely parasocial and one-sided on your part. You belong to a virtual, fake community where you're just a consumer of their content. You still don't see the hypocrisy of these people preaching leftist values like "solidarity" and "mutual aid" while lining their pockets with money from suckers and pay piggies like you, who basically just pay them for saying the right things, without ever examining if their spending habits actually live up to their professed values. If this is "community", you might as well not have one at all.
It's true you guys, I am waging war against whatever this is:


He literally just urged the students at the UCLA encampment to pick up arms to shoot "cops and zionists", gloating at the prospect of them doing so at his urging. Is anyone out there paying attention to this Livestream? Hello Youtube extremism department? How's your ToS enforcement doing?

Vivian is Livestreaming, raging at the Dems, and he just said "Fuck AOC and the Squad, she is a viper, power has made her less human. I was #TeamAOC for a while, I now I hate Democrats, every last one of them", LMAOOO! I remember back when tranarchists on Youtube were posting videos such as this:

Instead of killing cops and zionists, it seems like Vivian prefers to kill his own Youtube channel even more, by promising to trauma dump even more of his war porn folder onto Youtube. In other words, he's only gonna post more of his Ghaza Diaries compilations that get 100 - 1000 views at most.

Vivian said that his goal with this channel was to make enough money to live, which he claimed was in the range of $2000 - $2500 a month.
Here's Vivian saying he wants to have enough Patrons to pay his bills:

He's currently making about $400 on Patreon with 128 backers (that's $3.12 per backer). This means he's gonna have to increase the number of piggies at least five times, so he needs at least 650 backers to make the money he says he needs to live comfortably. According to what I read, out of 100 subscribers only 1% will back a creator on Patreon. Vivian does a little better in that regard, because he has 5270 subscribers, 2,4% of whom are backers. He needs to have at least 26k subscribers.

That's not including his GoFundMe where he wants another $7500 to move out of Portland, but has only raised $265 of the stated goal.

Again, where is this alleged "community of mutual aid" you keep talking about, Vivian? Where are all these people that you expect to support you? Do they exist anywhere other than in your demented, crazy head?

What is Vivian Strange himself doing to increase his sub count and number of Patrons? Absolutely nothing. Instead of figuring out ways to collaborate with other bigger LeftTubers, whose audiences might be interested in his videos, Vivian sits on his Livestreams bad-mouthing other LeftTubers for not having PDS to the extent that he does, seething with envy at their greater success. He also openly speculates, with no basis whatever, that other LeftTubers do not like him, when most likely these other Youtubers are just too busy making their own videos and running their own channels to even notice that he exists. Vivian is not doing anything to let these people know he exists either. Vivian is obsessed with so-called "CornBreadTube" - basically black radical to moderate left Youtubers. These black Youtubers however don't give a shit about his white ass or his white takes, and just want to network with other blacks on Youtube. Then there is the pro-Palestine community on Youtube: Novara, TRT, Katie Halper, Owen Jones, The Electronic Intifada, etc. None of these people want anything to do with Vivian because they can see he's just a gross American porno-troon stealing the social media updates of Palestinians with no permission asked or granted to beef up his war porn folders, that he dumps wholesale onto his channel and referring to these compilations as "documentaries" to make it seem like he's a serious filmmaker, when he's just collecting all this footage purely out of his PDS compulsion.

The last community that Vivian could tap into to gain new subscribers - the film review/critique/analysis community - is over-saturated, and the only way to get noticed there is to either review the most recent movie releases (hence why his Poor Things video was picked up by the algo), or to make an exceptionally good video essay about an evergreen that is still popular today. Vivian said he hates making media analysis videos, and hates the fact that his most famous videos are all media analysis videos.

I have tried to explain a million times to Vivian Strange that people do not subscribe to trannie Youtube channels for the politics. People follow troons on Youtube for the bussy. Trannie chasers want troons on Youtube to doll themselves up and talk about their degenerate sex lives, "He didn't know I was trans", that kind of shit. You can't bait people into watching your content by profiling yourself as a porno-troon with an OnlyFans account, only to then do a bait-and-switch on your trannie chaser audience and be like: "Actually, I mean to talk to you about blown up kids in Ghaza, here's all the war porn of blown up kids I actually meant to show you.".

So there are 4 communities that Vivian could be tapping into to gain more subscribers - BreadTube, pro-Palestine, Film Reviews and Youtube Trannie Chasers - but instead of reaching out to any of these potential sources of new subscribers, all Vivian ever does is alienate them with his PSD. Instead of reaching out to these communities, he blames The Almighty Algorithm for the fact that he has condemned his own channel with his PDS extremism and moral superiority posturing.


On his latest Livestream, Vivian Strange admitted that he went to into the PSU (Portland State University) library that was occupied and vandalized by pro-Hamas protestors a couple of days ago. Here's how they left the PSU library:

Vivian, who is not a student at this school, openly admits he went into the PSU library and was there with the other pro-Hamas agitators "screaming at cops" which he describes as a rather "orgiastic" experience:

"As far as our resistance moving forward, one very important thing that we need to start doing, part of that hey-we're-fighting-a-war-right-now-and-we-need-to-act-like-it, we need to start arming ourselves. The problem, I think one of the main reasons why the American left and American progressivism has been so toothless and ineffective for, like, ages now, is because we do not have an organized militant resistance movement in this country. Like, we don't. And we need to. We need to become more comfortable with arming ourselves, we need to become more comfortable with violence. Because that whole, if, if, "if we kill the people who are killing us then that makes us just as bad as them"? That is a bullshit liberal lie used to control us and to keep us in line. No, killing the people that are trying, and have been killing us, is not, is not, uh... we need to fucking arm ourselves. Because, that's the thing about the cops and the IOF [= "Israeli Occupation Force", an acronym pro-Hamas agitators use instead of "IDF"] and the all the Zionists, all the fascists and occupiers. All the pigs in uniform and whatnot. They are cowards. And they're terrified."

Here is the part where Vivian admits he personally went to the vandalized PSU library and was there screaming at cops:

"When I went to the [PSU] library occupation, um, last week, that was something I noticed. One, I highly recommend, to anybody who... I have not been to a lot of protests before.
I am not very useful on the ground because I am delicate and anxious and fragile. But I will say, screaming at the pigs is such a great feeling. It is better than an orgasm."

Vivian Strange goes full far left extremist:

As far as Biden goes, as far as the election this year goes, um, fuck the Democrats, fuck the election, fuck this entire political system. Anything less the total dismantling of it is unacceptable, to me. (...) After the events of the last few weeks, I think less of anybody who does vote for Biden. Voting for Biden is voting for fascism. (...) Obama was a fucking war criminal. He made nothing better. All he did was set the stage for Trump. He was preparing things for Trump. (...) His purpose was to set the stage for further descent into fascism. The concentration of power has been a bipartisan affair, they are essential to one another. In particular, the more progressive ones? Fuck them in particular. You got Bernie Sanders, whom I... I was a Bernie Bro in 2016. Forgive me for I have sinned. I was #TeamFeelTheBurn for a while, but now the curtain has dropped. He has a whole record of being a pro-Israeli Zionist. But the new kids? Whatever the fuck they call the... diverse group of Senators or Representatives, or whatever the fuck. Alexandria Ocasio Cortez' club, fuck them. Fuck her in particular. The way she has... The Squad! Yup! That's it!

Vivian Strange goes full Stochastic Terrorism, openly urging pro-Palestine students to murder past and present US Presidents:

Here's Vivian urging the students at the UCLA camp to basically pick up arms, saying "we need to fucking arm ourselves", in order to shoot "Zionists, fascists and the police":

"They're scared of us. When we surround them, cops do not like getting surrounded. When we have the resources to surround them, they fall to pieces. Cos they're fucking cowards. They're cowards, they're subhuman pieces of shit. They're not fighting for liberation, they're fighting for fucking overtime paychecks. And when you're up against a mob of people who are fighting for their lives, no paycheck is ultimately gonna make that worth it. Now imagine if, those of us who are fighting for freedom, fighting for our lives, now imagine if we had guns too. How many of the pigs do you think would lay down their weapons? I mean, like, watching the Zionist attacks on the UCLA encampments, last week. And the ones that have been... because, the LAPD is still at their encampments at USC that that currently, I believe right now they are attempting to destroy and whatnot. Imagine if, the students at the UCLA Ghaza Solidarity Encampment, imagine if they were armed. If they were armed, that battle would've gone very differently. And instead of a bunch of... instead of dozens of grievously injured college students [note: most of the agitators were not students, as the media reported, they are professional activists with criminal records who travel from protest to protest as a kind of alternative career.] who were fighting to end a genocide, instead of that, we'd have dozens of dead Zionists and Natsees and police."

What do you call someone who openly advocates for violent insurrection and Stochastic terrorism on Youtube without getting busted for it himself or having his channel shut down for violating ToS? An agent provocateur. I don't know if his channel is allowed to stay up because the FBI is using it as honeypot channel, but AFAIK there is no other explanation for why his open advocacy for gun violence at American university campuses is allowed to stay up on Youtube.

Again, this guy claims to work professionally as a substitute teacher at elementary schools. How the fuck is guy allowed anywhere near kids?!

Vivian admits in this reply that PayPal won't allow him to have an account: "they hate me for some reason xD" (maybe it's because PayPal already know about his stochastic terrorism advocacy?)

"I once knew a film producer in Hollywood" - Vivian Strange's Almost Famous Syndrome

Vivian not only suffers from Palestine Derangement Syndrome but also, to a lesser extent, from Almost Famous Syndrome. In every other video Vivian will refer to his deferred dream of wanting to be a famous filmmaker:

Let's be real with ourselves. Most millennials who grew up with dreams of fame and fortune can relate to Andy's ambitious convictions. I'll admit it, I spent a quarter of a century delusionally dreaming of unobtainable success. For me, Andy represents as part of me that dreamed of becoming a famous and influential Hollywood director who would change the system from within.

This is literally just a crazy person who thinks he's some kind of "mad genius" yet undiscovered by the world. He spends all day writing scripts that he knows will never be made into movies because he's too crazy to "compromise", which means being a team-player and learning to compromise.

That's actually something I had to come to grips with, that was tough, is realizing that these scripts I wrote - cos I've written a shitload of scripts. And most of them are really fucking good, um, if I do say so myself. But it was realizing that, with the way things are, with the system being as it is, these stories that I am entertained by, that I am engrossed by, that mean things to me, there is no situation in which I would be able to ever make them. Because, one, you need people to give you millions of dollars to make movies, and there's always, there's going to be some degree of oversight, and you can only make things so challenging to things... but that's if you wanna make good art. If you're, if you're wanting to, like, as a career thing, um, and just produce content, just write shit (laughs). Just write shit, just keep doing it, it will be garbage for a while, but if you're not emotionally invested in it, then do it enough, you'll eventually get better. But if it's something you care about, then care about it.

In this episode of the Genderweird podcast, Vivian talks about his connection in Hollywood, his top-secret troon adaptation of the movie Sleepaway Camp, and why this script will never see the light of day:

In the 2010s, right around the same time I was transitioning, I made some connections in Hollywood, including, um, trans connections, you know, behind the scenes, like producer-types. And I was blown away at how backward and conservative and... it was appalling to me! And, one of the people, um, she's an older transwoman, the way she described, like, the producers, and the people who actually get the things done and get things made. How in, like, even 2018-2019, the executives did not understand the distinction between drag queens and transwomen! Like, that sorta thing, that sorta, like, backwardness. And...

Jane: Well, do we?

Vivian: (laughs) OK, well, we're ahead of the curve, that's just it. Um, but, like, their understanding of transness was, like, virtually, like, nothing. And, the way that the trans people in the industry that I, that I met, the way they catered to that, and just kinda went along with that, and not challenge that in any sense? That's why I gave up on Hollywood. Like, I wanted to be a big time Hollywood director. But then I learned what that would cost, as a transwoman. That I would have to compromise, basically everything. Everything I believed in. Every way that I wanted to challenge the system, is just not possible. Change? Revolution? Never comes from within Hollywood.

Vivian: Between then and when Disclosure came out? Hollywood has regressed. We've regressed. Especially in terms of trans representation, honestly. What we're given is such a shallow and deeply unsatisfactory version of what we actually want, what we actually need. (...)

Vivian: Here's me, I'm gonna talk of, like, my experiences of Hollywood, tangentially Hollywood, as a trans creator, a trans filmmaker and writer. So, I've been working on a screenplay, story, concept, since 2017? 2018, I think? That was when I first discovered Sleepaway Camp.*

* For those of you who don't know, this 1983 horror movie is notorious in troon film discourse, even more than Silence of the Lambs, for depicting a naked she-male (a "pre-operative transwoman", to use troon speak) towards the end of the film and revealing him to be the killer. Troons absolutely hate this movie because it reminds them of how most people, who aren't GAMP trannie chasers or hyperwoke SJWs, still tend to view a synthetically feminized male body: as a horrific monstrosity of modern medicine, the mere sight of which is shocking and threatening.

And I wanted to do a remake/remix of it, in a way that centered that character as a trans character taking revenge on her bullies. Basically, remaking Sleepaway Camp in a way that was actualy centered and prioritized a trans experience and wasn't just, you know, what it originally was. I talked to my producer friend about it, and she had actually met Felissa Rose [the actress who plays the troon character] recently, who had starred in Sleepaway Camp and was once of the rights holders. Yeah, I mentioned that I had this, this idea for a really transgressive and radical re-imagining of Sleepaway Camp, and she told me to go ahead and write it and whatnot. And she might be able to get it in and rewritten and revised by screenwriters who actually have names and aren't just insignificant transes. She made it clear, that would be the cost for my story, my radical transgressive story, being made. It would be, going through the filters of all these other fucking milquetoast liberal writers, cis writers too, BTW, that was kinda implicit. And I was, like, fuck that! Y'all don't deserve my story. And then, a couple of years later, fucking that They/Them movie came out...

... and I'm sitting here, like, OMFG, someone definitely had a similar idea that got Hollywoodized. That got turned into this mulch.

Jane: Neutered?

Vivian: Yeah, that's a good word! Neutered.

Let me guess: Vivian has also been working on a top secret screenplay for The Metroid? (If you know, you know!)

Vivian was apparently blown away by the fact that screenplays undergo something commonly known as script development. No one should go over Vivian's "Carrie as Trans" script and tell him his gay conversion camp story is just some derivative bullshit.

Vivian Strange, in his drug-induced delusions of grandeur of being a great American filmmaker, has deluded himself into thinking that he is making the Palestinian version Shoah by stealing the social media content of Palestinian influencers-turned-war-correspondents and piecing it together on his Youtube channel, that is otherwise filled with the usual troon degeneracy about gurldiques and lesbian BDSM porn. Vivian could've given this content the respect he apparently thinks it deserves by launching a secondary channel to post it there, but instead he casually stacks it amongst videos of himself deepthroating the Marquis de Sade.

The difference being that the guy who made Shoah actually shot his own footage. He wasn't stealing other people's content. Channel 4 just made a documentary about Marilyn Manson, but they had the baseline decency to pay one of his biggest fangirls on Youtube money for 30 seconds of footage from her channel.
Almost Famous Syndrome:

Why Jean-Luc Godard Chose to Die

To this day, I have never even physically touched celluloid. It took many years of writing scripts no one would ever read, of not being able to afford a good camera or microphone, or a good computer, or editing program. Of being told by one of the actual Hollywood connections that I had been fortunate enough to make, that if I wanted to have any chance of being successful, I'd have to be less politically inflammatory and ruthlessly critical of the industry on my social media. Which, if you're familiar with me at all, is, um... is not an option. But after years of this, I came to grips with my unreal, outdated ambitions when the film industry really started collapsing from the pandemic in early 2020. I accepted that I was never gonna be famous, I was never gonna have the shades, I was never gonna change the world with cinema. Hell, the truth was, my transgender, transgressive art and attitude were completely incompatible with Hollywood and fame. I was never gonna change the system from within, and in quarantine, I learned to unchain myself from these ego-maniacal dreams that capitalism had implanted within me. I learned to let go of those, and be OK with that.

Vivian has changed his Twitter bio to state that he's a "filmmaker", while openly calling for "intifada" (read: suicide bombings)


Vivian's definition of "filmmaker" means stealing other people's Instagram updates and trauma dumping them onto your troon channel, that then none of your regular trannie chaser audience members will watch, because they only subbed to your channel for the bussy. This re-branding of yourself as a filmmaker just isn't working out for you Vivian. When your own life has been nothing but trooning out, t-porn, drugs and gooning, you can't just take other people's lives (or misfortunes for that matter) and claim it as your own just because you insist on calling yourself a "filmmaker" for dumping your war porn onto Youtube under the guise of solidarity. The fact is that you desperately want to share this footage because it's gore and you get off on gore, but you feel guilty for it, so you insist on involving others in your sick kink to absolve yourself of the guilt of looking this "sick shit" up. You claim you have "a duty to witness" all this gore "as an American colonizer", but you literally don't. You are obsessed with these videos of blown up Palestinians the same way you're obsessed with your t-porn: you've consumed so much porn, that you have ended up jaded and way too desensitized to feel anything anymore, so you seek out ever more extreme footage to feel anything at all. You don't want to startle anyone into awareness with this footage, you just want to startle your own jaded pornsick self. It's the same reason you speak so casually about students arming themselves to shoot the police, when it's very clear from the way you talk that you only want this to happen so you can have another orgy of violence to gloat over. Don't fucking lie to yourself and your viewers pretending there is any moral superiority or altruism to what you are doing with making these endless, tiring gore-compilations that no one wants to watch. You want to share your war porn folders with others, so you don't have to question why you are so obsessively drawn to this material - for evidently, entirely selfish and self-serving reasons.


BTW, this is Drenched, the poem he's referring to (took me less than 5 minutes to find it):

This poem is only 16 lines but Vivian can't be bothered to pay a professional Arabic voice artist to read it for him, or to buy the Arabic version of the book it appeared in:

On the shores of the Mediterranean,
I saw humanity drenched in salt,
Face down,
Eyes gouged,
Hands up to the sky, praying,
Or trembling in fear.
I could not tell.
The sea, harsher than the heart of an Arab,
Soaked with blood.
Only the pebbles wept.
Only the pebbles.
“All the perfumes of Arabia will not” grace the rot
Israel breeds.

I actually have a great idea for an indie film I must pitch to Vivian right now: how about, instead of a trannie version of Sleepaway Camp, you make a trannie version of Palestinian Refugee Camp? It's basically Palestinians but they are trannies, and they are on the run from both Hamas wanting to throw them off buildings for being gay, as well as from the IDF's AI drones who wrongly think the trannies are Hamas' girlfriends. The backstory is that the IDF drone registered Hamas terrorists having sex with trannie prostitutes, so they were wrongly entered into the "When Does Daddy Come Home?" drone-target database. They can engage in "gender fluidity" to avoid facial recognition, the possibilities are literally endless. That HAS to be an arthouse box-office smash-hit. Don't worry about casting, you know Palestinians will be out of jobs for the foreseeable future, they'll be more than happy to put on a hijab and some make-up and pretend to be M2F prostitutes for your movie.
Vivian Strange is such "a fucking professional" everyone!


How are you a "fucking professional", Vivian Strange? You literally do not follow ANY of the professional rules in the code of conduct for journalists and documentary makers, you know, those actual professionals in the media of which you sure as hell ain't one:


You don't give a fuck about the rules that apply to real professionals: "Balance the public’s need for information against potential harm or discomfort. Pursuit of the news is not a license for arrogance or undue intrusiveness.", "Realize that private people have a greater right to control information about themselves than public figures and others who seek power, influence or attention. Weigh the consequences of publishing or broadcasting personal information.", "Avoid pandering to lurid curiosity, even if others do.", these rules mean absolutely fuck-all to you. Your "documentaries" are merely a testament to your own "lurid curiosity" and "undue intrusiveness", which you refuse to be thoughtful and reflective about.

No, I don't think you and others like you with Palestine Derangement Syndrome sincerely give a shit about Palestinians. I think you're virtue signaling adrenaline junkies who just crave your adrenaline fix, and you will look for it and find it literally anywhere, whether it's hardcore BDSM trannie porn or war gore footage. You, from the comfort of your home studio, telling American students to "arm themselves to shoot cops, fascists and Zionists" doesn't serve anything other than your own sick bloodlust.

I said this before and it bears repeating: the reason you refuse to obtain permission to repost other people's war trauma is because you know that if you did seek permission, they'd look into you, realize you're a extreme left porno troon, and tell you to stay the fuck away from their content. You tell people who object to your appropriation to "grow up", when you yourself are the one who refuses to grow up and play by the rules of adult society. It's telling how on the one hand, you will decry professional filmmakers, calling them sell-outs, telling them that "cinema is dying and deserves to die", but here you will weaponize the term "professional" for yourself to distract from the obscenity of what you're actually doing with all this pilfered content, which is attempting to re-brand yourself.

Because you, Vivian Strange, damn well know what will happen if Bisan Owda dies during this conflict: all of a sudden, your "documentaries" bearing her name, full of her pilfered Instagram updates that you stole and assembled into a documentary just to the sake of forcing an association between you and her, those videos will then be discovered by the masses and might even get millions of views. Or so you hope. Make sure to put a lot of advertisements all over your videos when that happens, mr "Professional".

I know you will never admit this openly, but I have listened to your Genderweird podcasts with Jane Brown, and I know the only reason you're so obsessed with Bisan is BECAUSE YOU PROBABLY SUSPECT HER OF BEING A CLOSETED LESBIAN which you strongly imply in your Gaza Diaries presentation of her WITHOUT EXPLICITLY SAYING SO because you use queer-coded editing to say the unsayable - since this is something you and Jane Brown habitually do on your Genderweird postcast, where you randomly declare various people in film to be trans with absolutely no evidence other than the fact that you personally like their content. You suspect Bisan of being a lesbian because she's a sports jock (which is you applying American gender stereotypes about lesbian women being into sports onto foreign women who care about your stupid American gender stereotypes) and of course because Bisan doesn't wear a hijab, which makes her relatable and sexually available to Westerners like you - when it's very obvious that she's just a secular Muslim to anyone remotely familiar with that culture. That's all it takes for you to queer-smear a woman you personally fancy, and that's why your appropriation of all these Instagram updates and ESPECIALLY of Bisan's updates is so evidently self-serving and puerile.

No, you're not a "professional" when you're queer smearing cultures you know nothing about and whose violent conflicts are only appropriating for your virtue signaling bloodlust. No one in your far-left hugbox will call this out for what it is, so I will.
Vivian Strange is such "a fucking professional" everyone!

View attachment 55690View attachment 55688

How are you a "fucking professional", Vivian Strange? You literally do not follow ANY of the professional rules in the code of conduct for journalists and documentary makers, you know, those actual professionals in the media of which you sure as hell ain't one:

View attachment 55689

You don't give a fuck about the rules that apply to real professionals: "Balance the public’s need for information against potential harm or discomfort. Pursuit of the news is not a license for arrogance or undue intrusiveness.", "Realize that private people have a greater right to control information about themselves than public figures and others who seek power, influence or attention. Weigh the consequences of publishing or broadcasting personal information.", "Avoid pandering to lurid curiosity, even if others do.", these rules mean absolutely fuck-all to you. Your "documentaries" are merely a testament to your own "lurid curiosity" and "undue intrusiveness", which you refuse to be thoughtful and reflective about.

No, I don't think you and others like you with Palestine Derangement Syndrome sincerely give a shit about Palestinians. I think you're virtue signaling adrenaline junkies who just crave your adrenaline fix, and you will look for it and find it literally anywhere, whether it's hardcore BDSM trannie porn or war gore footage. You, from the comfort of your home studio, telling American students to "arm themselves to shoot cops, fascists and Zionists" doesn't serve anything other than your own sick bloodlust.

I said this before and it bears repeating: the reason you refuse to obtain permission to repost other people's war trauma is because you know that if you did seek permission, they'd look into you, realize you're a extreme left porno troon, and tell you to stay the fuck away from their content. You tell people who object to your appropriation to "grow up", when you yourself are the one who refuses to grow up and play by the rules of adult society. It's telling how on the one hand, you will decry professional filmmakers, calling them sell-outs, telling them that "cinema is dying and deserves to die", but here you will weaponize the term "professional" for yourself to distract from the obscenity of what you're actually doing with all this pilfered content, which is attempting to re-brand yourself.

Because you, Vivian Strange, damn well know what will happen if Bisan Owda dies during this conflict: all of a sudden, your "documentaries" bearing her name, full of her pilfered Instagram updates that you stole and assembled into a documentary just to the sake of forcing an association between you and her, those videos will then be discovered by the masses and might even get millions of views. Or so you hope. Make sure to put a lot of advertisements all over your videos when that happens, mr "Professional".

I know you will never admit this openly, but I have listened to your Genderweird podcasts with Jane Brown, and I know the only reason you're so obsessed with Bisan is BECAUSE YOU PROBABLY SUSPECT HER OF BEING A CLOSETED LESBIAN which you strongly imply in your Gaza Diaries presentation of her WITHOUT EXPLICITLY SAYING SO because you use queer-coded editing to say the unsayable - since this is something you and Jane Brown habitually do on your Genderweird postcast, where you randomly declare various people in film to be trans with absolutely no evidence other than the fact that you personally like their content. You suspect Bisan of being a lesbian because she's a sports jock (which is you applying American gender stereotypes about lesbian women being into sports onto foreign women who care about your stupid American gender stereotypes) and of course because Bisan doesn't wear a hijab, which makes her relatable and sexually available to Westerners like you - when it's very obvious that she's just a secular Muslim to anyone remotely familiar with that culture. That's all it takes for you to queer-smear a woman you personally fancy, and that's why your appropriation of all these Instagram updates and ESPECIALLY of Bisan's updates is so evidently self-serving and puerile.

No, you're not a "professional" when you're queer smearing cultures you know nothing about and whose violent conflicts are only appropriating for your virtue signaling bloodlust. No one in your far-left hugbox will call this out for what it is, so I will.
Go on a diet, you fat bitch
Vivian Strange & Shortbus - John Cameron Mitchell admitted he has never had anal sex despite making it a central point in Shortbus


I have actually seen this movie, and yes, it's full of unsimulated sex. I don't see how that's necessarily daring, or why Vivian thinks movies have less sex nowadays. Shortbus is quite hilarious, both intentionally and unintentionally, but the plot is really weak. There are two main characters in this movie, a gay man and a straight Asian woman, Sofia. Sofia is married to a white man but she can't climax with her husband, no matter which position they try, who ends up watching porn and masturbating on his own. By the end of movie she finally climaxes by cheating on her husband and discovering her bisexuality during an orgy with another couple (that's not how non-orgasmic women actually learn how to climax IRL, but don't expect a gay film director to know how this actually works in women). At first she attends that orgy only as a voyeur. I recall a particularly funny scene where another voyeur, a bitchy older homo, is sitting next to her, openly commenting on what they are seeing, which in my memory was by far the best, funniest scene in the movie. Later she meets a gross troon who is basically a Yaniv and obsessed with menstrual blood, who invites the woman to attend his performance art piece, telling her to give him her tampon so he smear her menstural blood on his face (you can see why that woman can't cum for the duration of this film, save for the very end where she gets to bang an actual chick...). The other main character is a suicidal homo who was molested as a child, who does a Marilyn Manson on himself despite being in an open relationship where he and his SO have sex with other men. He eventually tries to commit suicide, then ends up having anal sex with his neighbour the peeping tom, who was spying on him through a telescope and thus saved him from ACK. At one point the director himself gives oral sex to a spectacularly bored looking black woman at the orgy, which he claims was the first time in his life he ever performed oral sex on a woman. Again, the plot makes no sense at all, all these different stories and characters are only connected in the sense of all these different people happening upon each other at the house party where the orgy happens. I think the director just wanted to film a bunch of shocking/funny scenes and string them together with only the barest of narrative. I guess the moral of this immoral story is something to the effect of "Oh well, everyone has their own sex issues!", which is really weak and lame, because a married, urban professional woman not being able to climax with her husband is definitely not on the same level as someone wanting to ACK because of untreated CSA. It's pretty bullshit to conflate these different things, and to suggest that the magic cure for it all is everyone forming one big dogpile on the floor. If you're gonna watch this movie, watch it only for the LULZ, not for the simplistic, dumb "resolution" to the nonsensical plot.

Fun fact: Cameron openly admitted on a Youtube Livestream during Covid that he himself has never had anal sex, and was asking someone from the audience of that Livestream to buck break him when he's in London. Here is the Livestream in question:

PeppTalks: Peppermint and John Cameron Mitchell | Wattstax

John Cameron Mitchell: I'm gonna reveal something that I've never... I'm slightly ashamed about, but... I've actually never been fucked. And I'm telling you Pepp [Miss Peppermint, the drag queen doing the interview] for the first time on social media. You're frozen. Are you frozen, or was that your face?


John Cameron Mitchell:
Because I came of age with AIDS.

Oh, I get it! I get it!

John Cameron Mitchell:
So back then, a broken condom was a death sentence. So, it was a thing that I didn't do. I came out right at the beginning of AIDS, and it was unsafe from the beginning. I was that first generation, and everyone, a year or so older than me, they were dying. And it had scared the shit outta me - which is not an anal joke. And then I had a boyfriend who had a huge penis and it was not working. So, I'm like a little virginal girl now, who's like: "It has to be the right man to relax me!". So, this is a call out. DM me. I am going to London. Anyone in London, I am a vaccinated! Just saying.

Neither Vivian or Jane Brown discussed this crucial fact about John Cameron Mitchell on their Genderweird podcast about Shortbus. It's pretty obvious James Cameron Mitchell made a movie about a guy who gets butt-fucked by his peeping tom neighbour, because he was projecting his own buck breaking fetish onto his actors.

James Cameron Mitchell very clearly has an anal fixation because this is the most prominent painting in his house in New Orleans:

No one cares and no one will ever read your essays
Except Ashley, she loved Gays from L.A's essays because she had the big 'tism.

Vivian Strange & Shortbus - John Cameron Mitchell admitted he has never had anal sex despite making it a central point in Shortbus

View attachment 55693

I have actually seen this movie, and yes, it's full of unsimulated sex. I don't see how that's necessarily daring, or why Vivian thinks movies have less sex nowadays. Shortbus is quite hilarious, both intentionally and unintentionally, but the plot is really weak. There are two main characters in this movie, a gay man and a straight Asian woman, Sofia. Sofia is married to a white man but she can't climax with her husband, no matter which position they try, who ends up watching porn and masturbating on his own. By the end of movie she finally climaxes by cheating on her husband and discovering her bisexuality during an orgy with another couple (that's not how non-orgasmic women actually learn how to climax IRL, but don't expect a gay film director to know how this actually works in women). At first she attends that orgy only as a voyeur. I recall a particularly funny scene where another voyeur, a bitchy older homo, is sitting next to her, openly commenting on what they are seeing, which in my memory was by far the best, funniest scene in the movie. Later she meets a gross troon who is basically a Yaniv and obsessed with menstrual blood, who invites the woman to attend his performance art piece, telling her to give him her tampon so he smear her menstural blood on his face (you can see why that woman can't cum for the duration of this film, save for the very end where she gets to bang an actual chick...). The other main character is a suicidal homo who was molested as a child, who does a Marilyn Manson on himself despite being in an open relationship where he and his SO have sex with other men. He eventually tries to commit suicide, then ends up having anal sex with his neighbour the peeping tom, who was spying on him through a telescope and thus saved him from ACK. At one point the director himself gives oral sex to a spectacularly bored looking black woman at the orgy, which he claims was the first time in his life he ever performed oral sex on a woman. Again, the plot makes no sense at all, all these different stories and characters are only connected in the sense of all these different people happening upon each other at the house party where the orgy happens. I think the director just wanted to film a bunch of shocking/funny scenes and string them together with only the barest of narrative. I guess the moral of this immoral story is something to the effect of "Oh well, everyone has their own sex issues!", which is really weak and lame, because a married, urban professional woman not being able to climax with her husband is definitely not on the same level as someone wanting to ACK because of untreated CSA. It's pretty bullshit to conflate these different things, and to suggest that the magic cure for it all is everyone forming one big dogpile on the floor. If you're gonna watch this movie, watch it only for the LULZ, not for the simplistic, dumb "resolution" to the nonsensical plot.
Why did you create this entire review and why are you telling me to watch this gay film?
Ohai Vivian:


No, he wasn't about to wipe the snot off his gurldique in this shot, he just has a bad habid of wiping his glasses using TP which actually ruins the top layer of the glass. Vivian, why don't you get a microfiber towel and some cleaning spray to wipe your glasses with? TP is for your ass, not your glasses!

I am rather perplexed by this latest Livestream. Vivian reads an essay he's recently written, where he's responding directly to things I complained about here in the thread, and his response is that Youtube is to blame, Youtube made him a worse person. He readily admits to being a narcissist, but claims that everyone is narcissistic nowadays due to the requirements of social media:

He even answered my question about his favourite romcom, and it makes perfect sense because Vivian said on BS that he fancies Heath Ledger as the Joker, so it makes sense he'd want to be Kat Stratford in 10 Things I Hate About You with Heath Ledger seducing him for the duration of the movie:

Vivian is still in Stochastic Terrorism mode, saying he wants to kill JK Rowling with his bare hands, asking someone in his audience to either STFU about her or kill the fucking bitch:

As someone who wants to kill JK Rowling with my bare hands... uh, yeah! Don't send her death threats, either kill the bitch or STFU.

Imagine harbouring this level of murderous rage for someone you've neve met, who literally has no bearing on your life whatsoever. Pretty sure asking your audience to kill someone is 100% agains Youtube's ToS, but we've already established that Vivian's channel is some kind of honeypot channel where you can break all the ToS rules, even the ones against personal death threats, with no consequences.

"Putting the weight of my ego onto people, I can crush people with it":

He hates having to do... what everyone who wants audience and money on Youtube has to do:

"I am a filmmaker, I am a screenwriter...I have movies I could make... IN THEORY", then you're not a filmmaker and you're not a screenwriter. You're just a LARPer.

He wants his simps to go to his OnlyFans to listen to an essay "about narcissism, peformance and ego and doing that in flagrante [delicto], I guess... basically, video essays but I'm nude and they're paywalled"... I don't know what he means about doing it in flagrante, I guess he will be moaning and screaming about these topics while he's destroying another vibrator up his asshole, while leaking snot from his limp gurldique he's trying to prop up with viagra (I still don't understand why trannie chasers are so enamoured to synthetically feminized men destroying their dicks on camera for their amusement, other than necrophilia which I suspect is what's really behind this):

Again, I've never seen any of his OF movies, but if his comments are anything to go by, about needing a new vibrator because he gooned so hard he broke he previous one... no thanks. I'll watch the SFW version of his essay... on Youtube, because every time a narc troon has tried to quit Youtube, they came right back like a dog returning to its own vomit.

This is the part where the compulsive OCD hoarding of content for his war gore folders really comes out:

"I have 100ds of picture and videos to label and sort and 100s more to download... I got a lot to do."

"I'm a journalist the way Bisan is"... no you're not:

If you've actually watched these updates from Bisan, you might have noticed that she already was a mainstream journalist working with mainstream Arab TV channels long before she became a war correspondent out of necessity. You might have seen Bisan's earlier history items and travel vlogs about Ghazan history and culture:

You've seen how high quality and professional those videos are. Those are definitely not some DIY Youtube videos or Instagram updates. They have such high production values because Bisan made them for mainstream TV channels, so she had to meet their much higher production standards. The fact that you can't tell this just from looking at them really makes me question your claims about having studied film academically. So no, you are not "a journalist the way Bisan is". You're just an OCD hoarder of war gore that someone else is already archiving in a much better, more thorough and more professional way than you ever will be able to.

Vivian has launched yet another Youtube channel just for these endless tiring compilations he keep churning out in the name of "preserving history", as if Al Jazeera doesn't have an entire staff dedicated to what he thinks he's doing:

The videos on this channel are documentaries chronicling the Gaza Holocaust through the social media coverage of several Palestinian journalists and content creators. This is a humble effort by a white American colonizer to aggregate and preserve a historical record of "Israel's" genocidal atrocities committed against the people of Palestine, through the eyes of Palestinian and their stories as told by them.

Vivian says that he joined LeftTube because he was feeling lonely wanted to be friends with the Youtubers that he admired, but admits doesn't feel part of that community. He's also threatening to start trash-talking Content Creators for Palestine, the new group he's joined... that he also doesn't appear to like very much.

My question to Vivian is this: how is it possible that you're in a such a huge group of people like Content Creators for Palestine (literally dozens of people), people who do the same thing you do (Youtube), and support the same cause you do (Hamas, as their stated goal is to raise and donate a million dollars to UNRWA to help them smuggle shit to Hamas)... and yet you can't find a single person amongst that group that you can be friends with? I think that's a you-problem, Vivian. I think you go looking for problems in people, you go looking things that annoy you about them, instead of looking for ways to relate to them and collaborate with them. And no, I don't think Content Creators for Palestine will want to promote your new Gaza Diaries Youtube channel, if your idea is "to fucking guilt-trip them [Content Creators for Palestine] into doing it":

If these people all support the same cause as you, why would you need to guilt-trip them? Why not just ask them to watch your videos and perhaps give you feedback about improving them? I don't know what's happening in this secret Discord server you've all crowded yourselves into, but if you don't like what the other Content Creators for Palestine are saying there, just leave.
Last edited:
Ohai Vivian:

View attachment 55819

No, he wasn't about to wipe the snot off his gurldique in this shot, he just has a bad habid of wiping his glasses using TP which actually ruins the top layer of the glass. Vivian, why don't you get a microfiber towel and some cleaning spray to wipe your glasses with? TP is for your ass, not your glasses!

I am rather perplexed by this latest Livestream. Vivian reads an essay he's recently written, where he's responding directly to things I complained about here in the thread, and his response is that Youtube is to blame, Youtube made him a worse person. He readily admits to being a narcissist, but claims that everyone is narcissistic nowadays due to the requirements of social media:

He even answered my question about his favourite romcom, and it makes perfect sense because Vivian said on BS that he fancies Heath Ledger as the Joker, so it makes sense he'd want to be Kat Stratford in 10 Things I Hate About You with Heath Ledger seducing him for the duration of the movie:

Vivian is still in Stochastic Terrorism mode, saying he wants to kill JK Rowling with his bare hands, asking someone in his audience to either STFU about her or kill the fucking bitch:

Imagine harbouring this level of murderous rage for someone you've neve met, who literally has no bearing on your life whatsoever. Pretty sure asking your audience to kill someone is 100% agains Youtube's ToS, but we've already established that Vivian's channel is some kind of honeypot channel where you can break all the ToS rules, even the ones against personal death threats, with no consequences.

"Putting the weight of my ego onto people, I can crush people with it":

He hates having to do... what everyone who wants audience and money on Youtube has to do:

"I am a filmmaker, I am a screenwriter...I have movies I could make... IN THEORY", then you're not a filmmaker and you're not a screenwriter. You're just a LARPer.

He wants his simps to go to his OnlyFans to listen to an essay "about narcissism, peformance and ego and doing that in flagrante [delicto], I guess... basically, video essays but I'm nude and they're paywalled"... I don't know what he means about doing it in flagrante, I guess he will be moaning and screaming about these topics while he's destroying another vibrator up his asshole, while leaking snot from his limp gurldique he's trying to prop up with viagra (I still don't understand why trannie chasers are so enamoured to synthetically feminized men destroying their dicks on camera for their amusement, other than necrophilia which I suspect is what's really behind this):

Again, I've never seen any of his OF movies, but if his comments are anything to go by, about needing a new vibrator because he gooned so hard he broke he previous one... no thanks. I'll watch the SFW version of his essay... on Youtube, because every time a narc troon has tried to quit Youtube, they came right back like a dog returning to its own vomit.

This is the part where the compulsive OCD hoarding of content for his war gore folders really comes out:

"I have 100ds of picture and videos to label and sort and 100s more to download... I got a lot to do."

"I'm a journalist the way Bisan is"... no you're not:

If you've actually watched these updates from Bisan, you might have noticed that she already was a mainstream journalist working with mainstream Arab TV channels long before she became a war correspondent out of necessity. You might have seen Bisan's earlier history items and travel vlogs about Ghazan history and culture:

You've seen how high quality and professional those videos are. Those are definitely not some DIY Youtube videos or Instagram updates. They have such high production values because Bisan made them for mainstream TV channels, so she had to meet their much higher production standards. The fact that you can't tell this just from looking at them really makes me question your claims about having studied film academically. So no, you are not "a journalist the way Bisan is". You're just an OCD hoarder of war gore that someone else is already archiving in a much better, more thorough and more professional way than you ever will be able to.

Vivian has launched yet another Youtube channel just for these endless tiring compilations he keep churning out in the name of "preserving history", as if Al Jazeera doesn't have an entire staff dedicated to what he thinks he's doing:

Vivian says that he joined LeftTube because he was feeling lonely wanted to be friends with the Youtubers that he admired, but admits doesn't feel part of that community. He's also threatening to start trash-talking Content Creators for Palestine, the new group he's joined... that he also doesn't appear to like very much.

My question to Vivian is this: how is it possible that you're in a such a huge group of people like Content Creators for Palestine (literally dozens of people), people who do the same thing you do (Youtube), and support the same cause you do (Hamas, as their stated goal is to raise and donate a million dollars to UNRWA to help them smuggle shit to Hamas)... and yet you can't find a single person amongst that group that you can be friends with? I think that's a you-problem, Vivian. I think you go looking for problems in people, you go looking things that annoy you about them, instead of looking for ways to relate to them and collaborate with them. And no, I don't think Content Creators for Palestine will want to promote your new Gaza Diaries Youtube channel, if your idea is "to fucking guilt-trip them [Content Creators for Palestine] into doing it":

If these people all support the same cause as you, why would you need to guilt-trip them? Why not just ask them to watch your videos and perhaps give you feedback about improving them? I don't know what's happening in this secret Discord server you've all crowded yourselves into, but if you don't like what the other Content Creators for Palestine are saying there, just leave.
I'd say this is longer than all the other posts on this page but he has other posts on this page with similar length.

Troon who has never been to the ME wants to travel to Ghaza after the war to go on a disaster tourism safari amongst the ruins together with Bisan as his personal transbian trophy disaster tour guide: "I pray one day we shall meet and walk together in a free Palestine" :optimistic:

For over 100 days, Palestinian journalist and storyteller Bisan Owda has documented Israel's genocide of her people and shared it with the world via social media. Most of us have seen Bisan's story unfold in pieces over the last three-and-a-half months, but in this documentary, her work has been compiled and assembled into a singular piece, in the interest of informing and inspiring the masses to form solidarity with the Palestinian struggle for liberation in the face of monstrous colonial violence.

This is not just a timeline of war updates though, as our Bisan is a storyteller and creator who has committed herself to documenting and displaying the rich beauty of Palestinian culture, history, and everyday life. This is not just the record of a Holocaust, but an unprecedented portrayal of the strength, kindness, determination, and humanity of a population who has never wavered in defying their oppressors with a passionate appreciation and love of life.

Let the world watch this and come to understand the people we've failed for over 100 days, and let it renew and reinvigorate our resolve and commitment to fighting for a free Palestine. This is not just History - this is REALITY, and it is NOT OVER.

Bisan, if you ever see this...thank you. You have changed this world more than any of us are able to even imagine yet. Human history is forever indebted to you and your work. We will not let you and your people ever be forgotten, just as we will NEVER let the world forget the occupation's atrocities committed against you. I pray one day we shall meet and walk together in a free Palestine 🇵🇸


No troon, you will NEVER visit Ghaza, you're banned from entering Israel FOREVER for calling them "IsraHELL" and saying American students in Portland should arm themselves to shoot Zionists.

Does Vivian even realize that he can't even travel to Ghaza without travelling to Israel first, and being allowed to enter Ghaza by Israeli authorities? Does he think Israel will ever allow him to enter their country, let alone Ghaza, legally given all the violent rhetoric he has spewed against Israel and Zionists over the past months, openly calling for students to arm themselves to shoot Zionists?

Entering the OPTs

Entry to the OPTs, including by sea to Gaza, is controlled by the Israeli authorities. You must show a passport and Israeli immigration slip to cross between Israel and the OPTs.

There are requirements for foreign nationals entering the West Bank. Read about the requirements for entering the West Bank on the Israel government website.

Israeli border officials at Tel Aviv Ben Gurion Airport have asked some travellers to sign a form stating they are not allowed to enter territories controlled by the Palestinian Authority unless they get advance authorisation from the Israeli ‘Territory Actions Co-ordinator’. You can be deported from Israel and barred from entry for up to 10 years for violating this restriction.

If immigration officials believe you plan to enter Gaza without permission, or that you’re entering Israel to work in the OPTs, you may be refused entry.

FCDO cannot support individuals applying for entry or exit permits for Gaza. If you decide to visit Gaza against FCDO advice, you must contact the relevant authorities well in advance. FCDO cannot provide administrative support to UK charities wishing to enter Gaza by the Rafah crossing.

The Rafah border regularly closes with no warning and for long periods. The Erez border is currently closed. At these times it may be impossible to enter or leave Gaza.

Israeli checkpoints may close on Israeli public holidays and during periods of increased instability. There is information on known checkpoint closures on the UN website. This can change at short notice.

No troon, you will NEVER travel to Ghaza and you will NEVER meet Bisan or any of these people whose content you've been stealing... unless they agree to get the fuck out of Ghaza voluntairly after the war, which most of them have said they will refuse to do, as they want to contiue to say in Ghaza just on principle, even if they have to live amongst ruins.

Here's another thing: Plestia, whose content you've also stolen for you assemblages, she actually managed to escape Ghaza at the beginning of the war and now lives safely in Australia. You could've easily contacted Plestia in Australia and gotten her permission to re-use her footage in your Gaza Diaries. But you consider yourself so entitled to other people's content, that even with a Palestinian who is now outside of Ghaza, you just couldn't be bothered to get permission from them when you could.

You are not "preserving history" troon, and your videos are completely useless for actual archival purposes because you don't even bother to follow basic citation rules (where you obtained a video, when it was posted, when you downloaded it, how it was altered). Failing that, your pilfered videos are utterly useless to anyone wanting to do any form of serious archival work. You don't know any of this because you've never worked professional with archival footage, despite claiming to be such a "fucking professional". All you are doing is posting war gore compilations meant to shock and outrage.

"I answer only to the people of Palestine", that's why you never asked of them for their permission to pilfer their misery for your assemblages of war gore:

You don't want to actually represent Palestinians, Vivian. Because that means talking to them and getting consent to use their footage. Instead, the true purpose of your Gaza Diaries is that you want to be personally praised for having subjected yourself to all this war gore. You think your disaster tourism by proxy is some kind of visual endurance test, where you consider yourself to be more moral and righteous than anyone else just because you've put yourself through more hours of gore-watching than anyone else (with a life) would be willing to subject themselves to. It's all about quantity over quality with you. All you are doing with your Gaza Diaries is challenging others to beat you at this pointless sadomasochistic dick measuring endurance contest. Tell me, is someone who watched a single one of these gore videos from Gaza and decided to oppose the war because of that one video they saw, are they that much less righteous than you, who apparently is so desensitized that you need to watch hours and hours of gore to re-traumatize yourself and extend that secondary trauma to others?

This is what you're doing, literally this. Same guilt-trip through an endless anthology of gore videos.

Troon who has never been to the ME wants to travel to Ghaza after the war to go on a disaster tourism safari amongst the ruins together with Bisan as his personal transbian trophy disaster tour guide: "I pray one day we shall meet and walk together in a free Palestine" :optimistic:

No troon, you will NEVER visit Ghaza, you're banned from entering Israel FOREVER for calling them "IsraHELL" and saying American students in Portland should arm themselves to shoot Zionists.

Does Vivian even realize that he can't even travel to Ghaza without travelling to Israel first, and being allowed to enter Ghaza by Israeli authorities? Does he think Israel will ever allow him to enter their country, let alone Ghaza, legally given all the violent rhetoric he has spewed against Israel and Zionists over the past months, openly calling for students to arm themselves to shoot Zionists?

No troon, you will NEVER travel to Ghaza and you will NEVER meet Bisan or any of these people whose content you've been stealing... unless they agree to get the fuck out of Ghaza voluntairly after the war, which most of them have said they will refuse to do, as they want to contiue to say in Ghaza just on principle, even if they have to live amongst ruins.

Here's another thing: Plestia, whose content you've also stolen for you assemblages, she actually managed to escape Ghaza at the beginning of the war and now lives safely in Australia. You could've easily contacted Plestia in Australia and gotten her permission to re-use her footage in your Gaza Diaries. But you consider yourself so entitled to other people's content, that even with a Palestinian who is now outside of Ghaza, you just couldn't be bothered to get permission from them when you could.

You are not "preserving history" troon, and your videos are completely useless for actual archival purposes because you don't even bother to follow basic citation rules (where you obtained a video, when it was posted, when you downloaded it, how it was altered). Failing that, your pilfered videos are utterly useless to anyone wanting to do any form of serious archival work. You don't know any of this because you've never worked professional with archival footage, despite claiming to be such a "fucking professional". All you are doing is posting war gore compilations meant to shock and outrage.

"I answer only to the people of Palestine", that's why you never asked of them for their permission to pilfer their misery for your assemblages of war gore:

You don't want to actually represent Palestinians, Vivian. Because that means talking to them and getting consent to use their footage. Instead, the true purpose of your Gaza Diaries is that you want to be personally praised for having subjected yourself to all this war gore. You think your disaster tourism by proxy is some kind of visual endurance test, where you consider yourself to be more moral and righteous than anyone else just because you've put yourself through more hours of gore-watching than anyone else (with a life) would be willing to subject themselves to. It's all about quantity over quality with you. All you are doing with your Gaza Diaries is challenging others to beat you at this pointless sadomasochistic dick measuring endurance contest. Tell me, is someone who watched a single one of these gore videos from Gaza and decided to oppose the war because of that one video they saw, are they that much less righteous than you, who apparently is so desensitized that you need to watch hours and hours of gore to re-traumatize yourself and extend that secondary trauma to others?

This is what you're doing, literally this. Same guilt-trip through an endless anthology of gore videos.
No one is ever going to read that shit and you're a dumpster ghoul no different than Null in spirit. Go home, they're waiting for your essays on Kiwi Farms

Troon who has never been to the ME wants to travel to Ghaza after the war to go on a disaster tourism safari amongst the ruins together with Bisan as his personal transbian trophy disaster tour guide: "I pray one day we shall meet and walk together in a free Palestine" :optimistic:

No troon, you will NEVER visit Ghaza, you're banned from entering Israel FOREVER for calling them "IsraHELL" and saying American students in Portland should arm themselves to shoot Zionists.

Does Vivian even realize that he can't even travel to Ghaza without travelling to Israel first, and being allowed to enter Ghaza by Israeli authorities? Does he think Israel will ever allow him to enter their country, let alone Ghaza, legally given all the violent rhetoric he has spewed against Israel and Zionists over the past months, openly calling for students to arm themselves to shoot Zionists?

No troon, you will NEVER travel to Ghaza and you will NEVER meet Bisan or any of these people whose content you've been stealing... unless they agree to get the fuck out of Ghaza voluntairly after the war, which most of them have said they will refuse to do, as they want to contiue to say in Ghaza just on principle, even if they have to live amongst ruins.

Here's another thing: Plestia, whose content you've also stolen for you assemblages, she actually managed to escape Ghaza at the beginning of the war and now lives safely in Australia. You could've easily contacted Plestia in Australia and gotten her permission to re-use her footage in your Gaza Diaries. But you consider yourself so entitled to other people's content, that even with a Palestinian who is now outside of Ghaza, you just couldn't be bothered to get permission from them when you could.

You are not "preserving history" troon, and your videos are completely useless for actual archival purposes because you don't even bother to follow basic citation rules (where you obtained a video, when it was posted, when you downloaded it, how it was altered). Failing that, your pilfered videos are utterly useless to anyone wanting to do any form of serious archival work. You don't know any of this because you've never worked professional with archival footage, despite claiming to be such a "fucking professional". All you are doing is posting war gore compilations meant to shock and outrage.

"I answer only to the people of Palestine", that's why you never asked of them for their permission to pilfer their misery for your assemblages of war gore:

You don't want to actually represent Palestinians, Vivian. Because that means talking to them and getting consent to use their footage. Instead, the true purpose of your Gaza Diaries is that you want to be personally praised for having subjected yourself to all this war gore. You think your disaster tourism by proxy is some kind of visual endurance test, where you consider yourself to be more moral and righteous than anyone else just because you've put yourself through more hours of gore-watching than anyone else (with a life) would be willing to subject themselves to. It's all about quantity over quality with you. All you are doing with your Gaza Diaries is challenging others to beat you at this pointless sadomasochistic dick measuring endurance contest. Tell me, is someone who watched a single one of these gore videos from Gaza and decided to oppose the war because of that one video they saw, are they that much less righteous than you, who apparently is so desensitized that you need to watch hours and hours of gore to re-traumatize yourself and extend that secondary trauma to others?

This is what you're doing, literally this. Same guilt-trip through an endless anthology of gore videos.
Just go to the forum no ones uses so no one has to scroll past your long ass posts we won't read.