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Sexuality Drama Maya Vivian Strange/Vivian Strong/Vivian Zelda Strong/Dorian Strong/Dorian Zelda Strong/Voltairine de Guerre - rapey tranarchist with Palestine Derangement Syndrome

Sexuality related drama
"While I am beautiful, brilliant and even entertaining now and then... it's kinda weird I've gone over 4 hours without talking at lenght about Palestine." - Vivian Strange

Big gender reveal: Vivian claims he once dated and fuqed a human sex doll - claims the human sex doll was a better lay than "Laura", but just as abusive. (speculation on who this was)

I am still working on the Livestream but I do want to quote this part at length because this is some deep and previously undisclosed Vivian lore.

Before anything else: The Queen Wins! LONG LIVE THE QUEEN!

Vivian brought up his sexual trauma and admitted that some of this was due to being groomed by adults:

"I am a deeply sexually traumatized individual. I first started when I was way too young because of older people. And would even say I have been a victim of sex cults before. So I have a lot of trauma regarding sexuality. I mean, it's fine, I enjoy it for the most part. There's so many things in life I enjoy more than it. Like, for instance, drugs. If I had to pick between drugs and sex? Like, drugs, every time, every time. (...) Like, I'm good at sex. I've never gotten any complaints. But, it just doesn't do much for me. What I really wanna do is make a documentary about asexuality, where I just basically talk to dozens of people who identify somewhere on that spectrum. And just go, like, really deep into interviews and questions and stuff and kinda put that all together. But that's a sometime-in-the-future thing."

This is sad actually. Imagine being so traumatized by sex that you prefer to get high on drugs over having sex. Vivian is both very traumatized and very, very, very drug-addicted if drugs seem better to him than sex. However, if you are traumatized by sex, why continue to watch all these sex movies that you praise as masterpieces on Letterboxd? Why read all this sex literature, like Story of the Eye, Story of O and the rest of all these smutbooks? Why submerge yourself constantly in all this sex stuff if you're asexual and not into sex? Also, claiming you're good at sex doesn't count. We need independent confirmation from the people involved.

"As I mentioned, sex cult stuff. The Portland trans community here is not great, it's not great. Maybe they've gotten better in the past 4 years. I hope so. For their sake."

If they haven't all contacted Covid and Monkeypox and died, perhaps they've finally learned to practice safe sex but giving the herpes epidemic in the US, I highly doubt it.

"And, un-simulated sex onscreen, because that's another thing I'm very interested in. See, that's the thing with asexuality and whatnot. I am more interested in portrayals of it[sex] on screen portrayals of sex, then I am with sex itself."

If you're more interested in depictions of sex than in IRL sex it's because you're pornsick. The porn has fried your already HRT fried brain so much that you can't enjoy normal sex anymore, so you can only watch others have sex and be a voyeur. That doesn't mean you're asexual, that means the HRT and the coom and whatever abuse the trannie sex cult raped you with, that all has killed your dick and your ability to enjoy sex. It's all very sad, but don't pretend this is some form of asexuality.

"I love un-simulated sex scenes."

Then why don't you just interview an intimacy coordinator? You know all that shit is all choreographed nowadays, don't you?

He's asked about Michael Haneke says he has only seen Funny Games, but says wants to see The Piano Teacher because of his "older women kink" (remember, this guy claims he's sexually traumatized and asexual as a result, but he still wants to subject himself to this movie):

Here he talks about that "Laura" guy again, the AGP that groomed him over the internet and brought him to the West Coast so he could escape Boone, NC where he was studying at the time. He claims that he and "Laura" broke up in September of 2019:

During this part, we get the Big Gender Reveal of this stream: Vivian claims that after he and "Laura" had broken up, he immediately started date and fuqing a human sex doll, whom he claims was a better lay than "Laura":

"Because, abusers come in groups, I fell into another one's bed, pretty quickly. And she was, a better lay at least, but, yeah, she looked like a fucking blow-up doll. She was one of "The Dolls". If you know, you know. But she was really into, you know, she watched Youtubers, and I did not. The most I had seen of LeftTube or BreadTube or anything like that before 2019, early 2020, was... the first time I went to hang out with this gurl[dude], back in 2018? I don't know... it was ContraPoints' AGP video. And I was not... I wasn't really... [I guess he means he was too busy gooning with his human sex doll to bother with Nyk's verbosity?] But she got me watching all of ContraPoints' videos. I watched all of Hbomberguy, Lindsay Ellis and PhilosophyTube, back before she dolled up. And basically what homegirl [homeboy] wanted to do, the girl [dude] I was dating, he was, like, he wanted to make Youtube videos a la ContraPoints. To make video essays and whatnot. And so he turned to me, because I was the filmmaker and I had recently used my pandemic unemployment money to buy a nice camera, a microphone, and shit like that. And I also knew how to write, and she did not. So we had vague kinda plans to start up a Youtube channel, where I would write videos for her and whatnot. That fell through because she just wasn't... but over the course of, like, 2020, I remember that was when I discovered, I started branching out past the core BreadTube and started finding other smaller creators, like Lola Sebastian, the black Youtube renaissance, that started in 2020, that when Khadija Mbowe started uploading, F.D Signifier stared uploading, Foreign Man in a Foreign Land, like, a bunch of the Big Black Youtubers, that are big now, started in 2020. So, after my relationship with that person ended, I just kinda thought, well, I can, I can kinda do this. I have an English degree. I have everything that ContraPoints does, except for the shitload of money. [If only he knew about Nyk's other mainstream multi-millionaire nepotistic connections... shall I tell him? That's Nyk's cousin, Vivian. Nyk himself told everyone so on a Livestream.] So I figured, why not? It took me a really long time to make any videos. I did an early version of my "The Thin Pink Line" video with my Genderweird theory in it. Not nearly as polished as the one that is on my channel now. It was an early version and I am glad it's not on the internet anymore. There was that and the Euphoria video, which I did release on my channel last year, so you can go and see that if you want, it's the earliest video I've ever made. But it took me a really long time to finish the Euphoria video, so I remember I finished it at, like, the beginning of February 2021. And I was disillusioned at that point. I was like, no, this is, fucking, I'm not cut out for this. So I stayed in for, like, 4 or 5 months, did a fuckload of drugs, and wrote two really amazing screenplays, like, if I do say so myself, they're fantastic, and one day people might be actually able to read them. [Prove that they're actually good, Vivian. Get them on Blacklist.] So, yeah, I did that. 2021 was a rough time for me. Materially, things were pretty well. Pandemic unemployment shit? Great! It just goes to show, the government can just give us money on a monthly basis and things be alright. And then it was into the summer of 2021 when I started to re-evaluate and I started seeing things from new creators that started popping up.

When Vivian describes dating someone who looks like a blow-up doll, some might imagine him as Madonna's secret trannie, but my mind immediately went to Juliette Stray, a t-porn actor whose outrageous backstory was brought to my attention on, where else, KF. Juliette is probably the most extreme example of a transgender coomer imaginable, someone who has succumbed so hard to his porn addiction that he has dedicated his life, mind and body to the coom. Juliette became notorious outside of t-porn circles when he wrote a gigantic megapost on Reddit (titled something to effect of "How I Stopped Worrying and Learned To Love Plastic"), complete with links to various imgur images for evidence, detailing his descent into coomer hell, starting his his EPE teenage gothic BDSM porn addiction on USENET, his grooming in chat-rooms by online BDSM mistresses, through gay sex clubs to his quest to become a TIM copy of Lola Ferrari, finding an online sugar daddy willing to pay for all of his increasingly more disfiguring and dehumanizing plastic surgeries in exchange for private sex videos, even pulling a Genesis P'Orridge towards the end of the narrative and having surgeries together with his "girlfriend". I no longer have the link to the archive.is mirror of this Reddit post but it's still somewhere on KF. I don't know why I am thinking of Juliette (according to his Reddit post, Juliette has had sex with an endless stream of men but he's had biological woman girlfriends his whole life, so I don't see how Vivian would fit into this, I think it was all before his time anyway), when there are so many other coomer troons who were inspired by his Reddit post and copied what he did. Perhaps because, when Vivian does his nervous laughter, it kinda sounds a little bit like Juliette's nervous laughter? I don't know if that's imitation or coincidence or something that just happens when the HRT and the coom has fried your brain. Most telling is the fact that the most satisfying sex that Vivian claims to have ever had was with a human trying to resemble a blow up doll. No wonder he now prefers drugs over sex.

His room is a typical troon mess BTW, look at all the clothes and bedsheets thrown on the floor, you'd think for someone who doesn't have sex he'd take the extra time to clean his room a bit:

Vivian Strange is angry at a new musical about the late wigger Amy Winehouse... because she just wanted to be a Dzooish wife and a mother.


During his recent 5k subs Livestream, Vivian revealed that he's working on a video about the late Amy Winehouse. Specifically, someone made a musical about a white trash Dzooish-British female junkie who appropriated black music, literally being a white female Eminem trying to sound like black woman while singing, bragging about not going to rehab to deliberately market her songs to drug addicted blacks by working with black producers as commercial bait to get black music fans on board the gravy train, she made millions with her black-LARP, then died anyway because the people around her were too blinded by fame and money to help her kick the habit:

I am so sick and tired of society lionizing junkies. Literally the only reason Amy Winehouse never got called out for being an "Elvis Presley" and a "wigger appropriator of black culture" like Eminem always got flack for, is because she's a British woman. Nevermind the fact that Eninem's music is immensely better than hers. Enimem wrote what was basically social commentary about issues that affect both blacks and whites, which is why a lot of black rappers liked him and wanted to work with him. Amy Winehouse just sang dumb love songs that gave people the feelz. The one wigger is not the other. Yet the one wigger received a lot of shit for being a wigger, and the other, purely because she was a woman, got away with it.

So Vivian is extremely triggered by the trailer of a new Any Winehouse musical, even though he hasn't even seen the musical itself yet, but he's gonna make a video raging at the trailer anyway:

Let me guess: what triggers Vivian the most about the trailer for the Back to Black musical, is a second-long scene in there where Amy says that she doesn't really care about being a famous singer, she actually just wants to settle down, get married and become a mother... which desire was very likely inspired by her Dzooish roots:

Winehouse was raised Jewish and expressed pride in being Jewish, although she was not religious.[165] During one interview, Winehouse said "being Jewish to me is about being together as a real family. It's not about lighting candles and saying a bracha."[12] Winehouse also frequently performed with a large Star of David medallion.[12]

Amy Winehouse did not want to be a wigger singer. She wanted to be a Dzooish housewife raising a Dzooish family.

That's it, that's the big trannie trigger. Any woman that just wants to be a wife and mother is "cis scum", which is like a cross to vampire when it comes to these extremely narcissistic men. Amy's desire to be a Dzooish housewife with "a real family" suggests that the reason she deteriorated was because her womanizing drug addicted husband was too insecure about her success to agree to have a family with a woman who was more successful than him, and actively sabotaged his musician wife due to his own insecurities. Let's explain this to people like Vivian who have been so brainwashed by the trans cult to be rabidly anti-marriage, anti-family and antisemitic that they no longer understand how straight couples operate when they compare their finances. I'll let Brittany explain what happens when a woman makes more than her man:

Back to Black serves as a reminder that a lot women, even famous and successful and controversial ones, just want to get married and have kids. Or was Vivian triggered at the trailer because it suggests that Amy didn't just callously shrug at being cheated upon by her man, as Vivian no doubt would've expected her to do, but was actually emotionally devastated at discovering the cheating? Anyways, it's always fun to watch a troon throw a fit at one of his idols, whom Vivian no doubt assumed to be a closeted lesbian, turning out to be a superstraight Dzoo.
I noticed most of gays effort posts involve trannies and gay guys he is upset won't date him so acts like a rejected narcissist with ocd and obsesses over them in a spiteful hate sort of way.
Vivian Strange admits he's McThief The Crime Cat:


Vivian annoyed because I and another person in the comments said he was being abusive for spraying his cat:

He insists he isn't abusing his cats when he's spraying them:


These are Vivian's cats. The ginger one is called Garnet and the black one is Goddess Persephone, so I guess that makes Vivian himself Hades, the King of the Dead in the underworld, which is very apt for a troon:


What did these poor cats do to be condemned to a troon owner? Vivian says he can't buy food for his cats with his foodstamps, so he's begging strangers on the internet for money to feed them. Maybe if you can't afford to feed a cat... don't have one? Much less two?

Troons should not be allowed to own cats:

It should be against the law for them to own cats. We should arrest troons, torture troons and jail troons for owning cats.

Troons owning cats is a greater crime against nature than them poisoning themselves with HRT and giving themselves cancer while pretending to be women.

PETA should be a TERF organization we can call upon to go after troons owning cats:

Let's ALF this cat, he shouldn't be with a troon.

Scene of Amy wearing the Star of David with her Dzooish granny from the new biopic musical Back to Black:


Marisa Abela: 'Playing Amy Winehouse taught me about strength in vulnerability' • FRANCE 24 English

Where's the video on Back to Black, Viv? Or did you deceive not to make the video when I pointed out that Amy is Dzooish and very much wanted to be a wife and a mother, shattering your bullshit lesbian gooning fantasy of her?

So, I watched this clip from Back to Black, to see if there was anything else in here that might have triggered a troon:

And OMG, this Amy Winehouse song "Stronger Than Me" is like garlic to a vampire when it comes to failmale troons:

This song is from the perspective a woman telling her man to stop being a, quote, "lady boy" and to man the fuck up, literally calling him "gay" for not having his shit together. Telling him she's not gonna be his Mommy McBangmate*. Again, garlic to a troon, a straight woman telling her man to be a man.

You should be stronger than me
But instead you're longer than frozen turkey
Why'd you always put me in control?
All I need is for my man to live up to his role
You always wanna talk it through, I'm ok
I always have to comfort you every day
But that's what I need you to do, are you gay?
'Cause I've forgotten all of young love's joy
Feel like a lady and you my lady boy
He said, the respect I made you earn
Thought you had so many lessons to learn
I said, you don't know what love is get a grip
Sound as if you're reading from some other tired script
I'm not gonna meet your mother anytime
I just wanna grip your body over mine
Please tell me, why you think that's a crime?

Amy was not a victim of heteronormativity, Amy literally wrote songs about how much she craved it and how disappointed she was at her own man was not willing to fulfill his traditional gender role

Seriously, what was Vivian expecting this musical to be? A trailer of Amy Winehouse making out with lots of chicks, then crying about how she can't come out as a Dzooish lesbian due to h o m o p h o b i a in the mainstream music industry? Amy Winehouse was a musician banging chicks during what is likely the most gay-friendly period in the whole of human history (2006 - 2010). Has Vivian never heard of, oh, I don't know, one Lady Gaga? Did Vivian never watch a single episode of Glee when he was younger? Even my Gen X Gender Fascist ass has seen that shit:

That's the same time when Amy Winehouse was having a career, dummy, I guess you were too busy gooning to t-porn and becoming a drug addict to notice what was happening in the larger culture. If Amy wanted to come out of the closet and declare herself a Dzooish lesbian - which she clearly wasn't, she clearly wanted to be a straight wife and mother - the record company would've said, hey, go right ahead, we'll market it the the gays to get a slice of that Lady Gaga market.

Does Vivian even know what the main audience of musicals is nowadays? It's not homosexual men as per the cliche. It's middle-aged capitalist women*, you know, that demographic that makes Vivian's ladyboner throb harder.

Amy's teenage fandom of black music and black female singers is also very relevant here. Amy had grown up with black singers who had brainwashed her with songs about how the miserable destructive ghetto life is the only real life worth living. The more famous and rich Amy got, the more Amy suffered from Impostor Syndrome, compounded by her shitty husband cutting her down. This made Amy, who was essentially a female wigger, want to manifest that destructive ghetto life that black music had convinced her was where the only realness was.

Jewish Community to Black Community

It's prohibited under the woke censorship regime to say that Amy Winehouse wanted to LARP at being a miserable black junkie in the ghetto so bad, that she gave up her life for that demented fantasy, the same fantasy that Candace Owens has spent her public life speaking out against. Amy knew in her heart that a normal Dzooish family life was her life-raft out of that misery she had romanticized, but that opportunity was denied to her by her insecure abusive husband.

But Vivian doesn't care about any of this. Vivian, who can't have normal sex and just wants to goon to images of Amy making out with chicks for his amusement, is going to rage at the musical Back to Black for not making Amy Winehouse's trysts with women the centerpiece of the documentary.

* Mommy McBangmate explained:

Bangmaid - A woman that is treated like a second mommy you can also sleep with by an incompetent immature man who has little respect for her. This is the ideal role most LVM are looking for women to fulfill.

** Gender Composition: 65% percent of the Broadway audience identified as female. It seems the theater continues to be a vibrant space for women to enjoy captivating performances. The average age of the Broadway theatregoer during this season was 40.4 years old. The average annual household income of the Broadway theatregoer was an impressive $271,277. - The Broadway League’s report 2022-2023
So I decided to check if Vivian Strange has ever been active on Reddit, where all the troons are, but I couldn't find much. I guess Vivian was too busy gooning IRL with his groomer "Laura" and later with "Juliette" the human sex doll, to bother with virtual spaces like /r/transgendercirclejerk all these years.

I found this /u/mayastrange account from 2017, but it's actually empty:

Sorry, wrong link! Then I found /u/Lady_V_Strange, which is definitely him:


This was apparently his first Youtube channel from 3 years ago, which he later deleted:

His very first video, which got about 100 views, was The Thin Pink Line:

"This is “The Thin Pink Line,” the pilot and introduction to V. Strange, a series of video essays exploring film, television, entertainment, and culture through a radical queer perspective"

His second video was about the Euphoria series:

BREAKING NEWS: Vivian found a new job (but he's still e-begging on Facebook)

Vivian Strange apparently got a new job:


I sincerely want to congratulate Vivian on finding gainful employment. Anyone in Portland willing to employ this pothead stoner troon is engaged in charity really:


Though perhaps it didn't work out because he was e-begging on his Facebook wall a couple of days ago, claiming he had the worst day, so maybe he already got into a political argument with his co-workers and ended up getting fired for not being a team player:

I didn't think I could hate transgender people anymore and then I heard the word "Tranarchist"

And that made me think of "Tran Hathaway" and now I want to punch a fucking hole in my living room wall.
I discovered Vivian's Blue Sky account! Some of these posts overlap with his Xitter account, but some are BlueSky originals:

Blue Sky is apparently an SJW hugbox that troons mass-migrated to after Elon Musk took over Xitter. You need an invitation to get on, so the troons on Blue Sky only give them out to their fellow troons so it's one big trans cult hivemind.

How it started:


How it's going:


Vivian claims he had himself a troonhood hiatus where didn't take any estrogen for one and half year, so he's been on estrogen for 10 months now:


Vivian is Type O Negative's Black No 1: "She's in love with herself..."


Vivian claims that LeftTube hates him, as if he's somehow more insufferable than the rest of them while saying the exact same things they do:


Vivian E-begging:


Vivian's obsession with sister-on-sister incest:


Vivian living the Ken Park lifestyle:


Fvck it, I’ll admit, Ive been dating and screwing people in their 30s since I was 19. Get the fvck over yourselves and your fake moral outrage. You children.

Vivian apparently rage-quit Youtube 2 months ago, then came crawling back:


He posted the same rant about being "an obscure failure" on Xitter, where predictably no one read it:


right now, there’s nothing for me here but failure and obscurity, and the demands of churning out content and staying relevant are killing me. I’m sorry to anyone I may have hurt or disappointed or alienated. I didn’t mean to. I just wanted to matter, to be noticed, to be 7/

Geez, Vivian, I'm literally giving you the attention and notoriety you've always craved, and you're calling me a "gender fascist" for it. Thankless troon.

Vivian complains about getting dumped by his friends, who likely got sick of his constant attention seeking:


Vivian "It's not antisemitic to want to drive 10 million Dzooz out of the ME" Strange:


Israel is not and should never be equivocated to Jewish people. Israel is not representative of the worldwide Jewish people; or honestly not even of the Jewish people actually IN Israel.

Israel is and has always been a colonialist state & puppet gov’t installed by the west

Vivian harassing Youtuber Mary Morgan from the Pop Culture Crisis channel:


And finally, here is Vivian denying the harsh reality of Total Twink Death:


Dunno Vivian, Twink Death seems very real to me when I compare your pre-troon self to your present "state":


(Notice how he took my advice and actually shaved his armpits. Good troony, don't forget to groom like a civilized person.)

See. this is why Vivian is lusting after older people. It's wish fulfillment on his part. He hopes that by fucking older gays, he can collect some positive sex karma that he can exchange for real sex in the future, when hopefully some younger troon will be living the Ken Park lifestyle and for some reason decide to lust after Vivian when he's 60. Assuming his drug abuse, nicotine addiction, drinking, sedentary lifestyle, combined with the HRT poisoning hasn't given him some nice big blood clots by then.
His opinion basically comes down to: "Yeah, I liked it in spite of myself because it made my dick hard.".

Oh look, Vivian has just discovered that the planet Arrakis was meant to be a metaphor for Iraq, LMAO:


He has given himself blue eyeballs in the thumbnail, suggesting he's a Fremen who has taken the spice of Arakis, which is really just a metaphor for oil. If Vivian has been sniffing gas to get high, that's definitely concerning.

He's stealing my posts now:


Also, what the fuck is wrong with his wall?


Why are you against nukes Vivian, aren't you supposed to be a woke SJW?

Don't you know nukes will end climate change? Get on with the science troony:

Using the Palestinian Keffiyeh as a fashion statement on Instagram:


Now open your mouth and show us your cavernous nicotine stained chompers inside that ashtray mouth, troon.

BTW, the line he's using here "I still exist" is him ripping off Bisan Owda, the Al Jazeera war correspondent whose work he appropriated, with no permission sought or given, in this video compilation. Bisan opens her Instagram videos with "I'm still alive", the difference is that she's living in war zone, and Vivian is linving in Portland, one of the most progressive and troon-friendly cities in the US.

Vivian, I know you keep saying that Youtube is suppressing your Ghaza Diaries video compilations, but, given the fact that there are countless of videos about Ghaza on Youtube with literally millions of views (which alone disproves your claim that Youtube is suppressing this content)... isn't it more likely that your compilations aren't getting any views because 1) you have explicitly marketed yourself as a porno troon with an OnlyFans account on your channel, and this branding of yourself as someone openly using Youtube to funnel people to his porn account, is evidently offensive not just to Youtube but also to the kind of people who would otherwise watch your videos and 2) you're pilfering other people's content, including content from Al Jazeera, to make your compilations.

Just something you might consider, as someone who openly advocates piracy on your channel. When you start pirating from the people you claim to support, they themselves might have a problem with seeing their work appropriated by an American OnlyFans troon doing narcissistic glamour shoots with a Keffiyeh like a fashion/fetish item.