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Sexuality Drama Maya Vivian Strange/Vivian Strong/Vivian Zelda Strong/Dorian Strong/Dorian Zelda Strong/Voltairine de Guerre - rapey tranarchist with Palestine Derangement Syndrome

Sexuality related drama
"While I am beautiful, brilliant and even entertaining now and then... it's kinda weird I've gone over 4 hours without talking at lenght about Palestine." - Vivian Strange
On the topic of Vivian Strange appropriating the Instagram updates of the female Palestinian content creator Bisan Owda on his Youtube channel


Vivian has repeatedly appropriated the Instagram updates of Bisan Owda, a Palestinian zillennial influencer who was making travel vlogs about Ghaza before the war. I had posted about Bisan's Instagram account here on OF before, because for a while archive.is wouldn't let me archive her updates (this has since been corrected).

When the war in Ghaza started, the building where Bisan's studio was located was one of the first buildings that was bombed by the IDF. It was a fairly tall building from the looks of it, so who know who was hiding there. Perhaps she knew, perhaps she didn't have clue and needly suffered the loss of her office. She herself had to flee Ghaza City where she and her family were living to the South of Ghaza. She refers to herself as homeless and has since been moving from encampment to encampment. She has become a war correspondent for Al Jazeera's AJ+ channel, Al Arabiya and other ME news outlets. She has been posting her vlogs on Instagram, which is where Vivian found them, ripped them and combined them into one long 9+ hour Youtube video:

Here are Vivian's community posts about the above video:

Basically, what do you do when you want to be Dylan Burns, but you're too mentally ill to be Dylan Burns? You appropriate other people's content and make a documentary with their content. I have criticized Dylan Burns a lot on this forum, but I will respect Dylan for the fact that he's making his own documentaries, shooting and editing his own footage that he shot himself on the ground in Ukraine with his own paying that he's paying to risk their lives along with him. He's not just taking someone else's vlogs and combining them and calling that a "documentary".

Vivian claims he is doing this for the sake of "the historical record", despite having threatened to nuke his Youtube channel in a bad mood and having already done so with another channel, and continuing to violate Youtube's ToS by repeatedly openly advocating violence. I can't tell if Vivian's compilation of Bisan's Instagram stories is monetized (because I use an ad blocker, if someone can check this please let me know), but this is basically his idea of "solidarity": ripping off a female content creator's work in the name of "history".

I hereby openly challenge Vivian Strange to actually contact Bisan - as well as any of these other Palestinian content creators whose content he's been ripping and using in his videos - and to request permission to cross-post her Instagram stories to Youtube. And don't give me this shit about "How can I reach Bisan? She's in the midst of a warzone!". That's not a valid excuse. You could channel your request through Al Jazeera. You could reach out the people who run her fundraiser on GoFundMe that you've linked to. You chose not to ask for Bisan's permission to steal her shit and put it on your channel because you're a fucking troon, and the whole purpose of being a fucking troon is to take take and take from women without ever asking their permission.

This is literally who these fucking troons are, they think they can just take and take and take from women without asking any permission ever.

In one of his first videos about the war in Ghaza, Vivian, audibly on the verge of crying, read the following post by Bisan, which he mischaracterized as a "eulogy", falsely suggesting that Bisan had died and this was meant as a post-mortem.... but he is actually still alive, and continues to post almost daily vlogs on Instagram. So why did Vivian lie and make it seem like Bisan was dead? I'll be charitable and assume it was something other than the typical troon necrophilia that those of us who are following TRAs we're long used to.

Here is Bisan's original Instagram post:

We will not forgive you

I suffer from nightmares that are so closely resemble reality that I no longer differentiate between reality and dream.
We will not forgive you, we will not forgive you, humanity will not forgive you, we will not forget, even if we die, the history will never forget.

Here is Vivian reading it on his Livestream:

Regardless of where you stand on the war in Ghaza, this post, which was clearly written by an unarmed civilian/journalist fearing for their lives, was appropriated by a gross American troon who turned it into false agitprop, falsely suggesting the person who wrote this was already dead when they weren't. He recorded himself crying over this Instagram update... and then he went back to posting gross t-porn on his OnlyFans account.

I am sure that Bisan herself has no idea any of this appropriation is currently happening, but I bet if she knew that some gross OnlyFans troon had gone anywhere near her work, let alone stolen it and placed it on his own channel, she would be horrified and offended. Mind you, this is a troon who, until a few months ago, was still too busy talking about his gurldiq on his "Genderweird" podcast to give any fucking attention to any born woman on this planet.

Regardless of how much I disagree with Dylan Burns and his one-sided presentation of the war in Ukraine which I often find to be distorted, technocratic and hawkish, he is making his own documentaries, using his own footage, with a local crew and local fixers that he paid to take him into Ukraine, conducting his own interviews with Ukrainians, at least TRYING to learn the local language (something Null didn't even try when he was living in Odesa), as well as having an official press pass.

Vivian's "documentaries" consist of almost nothing but pilfered material from Palestinian content creators' social media accounts. I doubt Vivian has even bothered to reach out to them to obtain permission to repost their social media videos to Youtube. These videos are thus mere compilations, not "documentaries". They get nowhere near the same amount of engagement as his other videos do, because trannie chasers follow troons online for the degeneracy disguised as media criticism. The chasers that follow troon channels expect them to talk about the mouthfeel of their gurldiques and what fascist bitches women are for refusing to suq their gurldiques, not to talk about wars. Bisan herself obviously knows nothing about this discourse, which is what allows someone like Vivian to lionize her at the same time as he's stealing her content for himself.

Vivian Strange: "I feel the same way about my voice as I do about muh dique: I don't need to voice-train to sound like a woman, I don't need to get my dique inverted to be like a woman."

As for Vivian's insistence that Bisan's Instagram updates aren't content, this fetishization of immediacy and apparent authenticity of these updates is meant to undermine the fact that Bisan, very intentionally, has allowed her social media channel to be weaponized by Hamas to put out various false narratives. Most heinously, Bisan was one of the Palestinian influencers who insisted that Hamas terrorists had never raped anyone on Oct 7th. Just like Al Jazeera, when the UN came out and conceded, after going over AV evidence, that Hamas had actually raped their victims and sexually tortured them, Bisan did not retract her earlier post, and she remained silent about the UN report conceding to the fact of Hamas rapes. Bisan is thus very much a content creator, as an aggregator of Hamas' ridiculously false "not our boys" talking point.

Rape In War: Pro-Hamas Propaganda in Focus

Here is Vivian's community post about his latest release, "Gaza Diaries, Week One: 10/7/23 - 10/13/23" (Vivian spells Ghaza as "G4Z4" and Palestine as "P4L3ST!N3" in a vain attempt at fooling the Youtube algorithm), where he once again appropriates Bisan's updates together with those of other Palestinian content creators, many of whom are now regular war correspondents for Al Jazeera and others:

Here is the first volume of the P4L3ST!N3 project I've been working on. I'm sharing this on my Community page because YouTube will be suppressing and restricting it, just as they've done with all my previous G4Z4 videos. Any shares on other folks' Community pages would be immensely appreciated as well.

I'm not going to release these on a regular schedule, but rather as I finish them. As of today (March 8th, 2024), the G4Z4 H0l0c4ust has been transpiring for 154 days, or 22 weeks. My only hope is that by the time I manage to catch up on these Diaries, the Occupation will have ended and P4L3ST!N3 will be free.

In the description for the Ghaza Diaries, Vivian hysterically insists that his video compilation of other people's content is "NOT ENTERTAINMENT. THIS IS NOT CONTENT.". I would say that the moment something is appropriated outside its original context, purely for the sake of assuaging an American far-left guilt trip, that's the very moment it becomes mere content.

Since October 7th, 2023, the illegal Zionist fascist state of Israel has been carrying out a calculated genocide against Palestinians in the Gaza Strip, the culmination of a brutal 75-year colonial occupation of Palestine by the Zionist entity Israel.

Genocide is the standard defining feature of colonialism, but the Gaza Holocaust is unique in human history for being the first genocide to be streamed live on social media for all the world to watch unfold in real time, and this is only made possible by the courage, determination, and strength of the Palestinian journalists and content creators who have been putting themselves directly in danger in order to document the truth of what their people are experiencing.

These are the Gaza Diaries, a humble effort by a white Western colonizer to aggregate, preserve, and present a timeline of the Gaza genocide using the social media footage of twelve of these Palestinian journalists, storytellers, and creators.

Despite the medium through which the Gaza Diaries are being released, THIS IS NOT ENTERTAINMENT. THIS IS NOT CONTENT. This is a historical documentary meant to serve as a historical record of the atrocities committed by the terrorist state Israel and the global powers that fund and support them.

Keep this in mind, as the contents of these Diaries are very graphic and very upsetting. Viewer discretion is STRONGLY advised. But for people in the West, in particular white people, and in particular white people who (like me) are located at the heart of the American empire -- viewing is STRONGLY recommended. These are the atrocities we are complicit in. This is the truth, and it is our mission to witness it.

This video contains footage from 7 October 2023 to 13 October 2023. All footage comes from the Instagram and/or Twitter pages of the following Palestinians: BISAN OWDA - https://www.instagram.com/wizard_bisan1/ - https://twitter.com/wizardbisan MOTAZ AZAIZA - https://www.instagram.com/motaz_azaiza/ - https://twitter.com/azaizamotaz9 PLESTIA ALAQAD - https://www.instagram.com/byplestia/ HIND KHOUDARY - https://www.instagram.com/hindkhoudary/ - https://twitter.com/Hind_Gaza SALEH AL JAFARAWI - https://www.instagram.com/saleh_aljaf... ISMAIL AL DAHDOUH - https://www.instagram.com/ismail.jood/ ALI JADALLAH - https://www.instagram.com/alijadallah66/ DOAA AL BAZ - https://www.instagram.com/_doaa_moham... MOHAMED AL-MASRI - https://www.instagram.com/mohamed.h.m... WAEL AL-DAHDOUH - https://www.instagram.com/wael_eldahd... HAMZA AL-DAHDOUH - https://www.instagram.com/hamza_w_dah... LAMA JAMOUS - https://www.instagram.com/lama_jamous9/ By Bisan: 100 Days in Gaza (another documentary chronicling the Gaza Holocaust):
From the river to the sea, Palestine WILL be free! #FreePalestine #PermanentCeasefireNow #EndIsraeliOccupation #FromTheRiverToTheSea

Gaza Diaries, Week One: 10/7/23 - 10/13/23

Vivian Strange knows that if he went to Ghaza and told them he had a gurldiq and called the women there fascist TERFs for being disgusted by his "Western degeneracy", perhaps calling Bisan Owda herself a "fascist TERF" if she laughed in his face for claiming that he's "a woman with a gurldiq", he knows Hamas would be dispatched and then it would go something like this:

Vivian claims that he "tried to make 2 movies before the age of 20", one of which was a troon re-imagining of Waiting For Troondot by the sounds of it, but elsewhere he admits that with "trying to make movies" he actually means writing screenplays that he will never show to anyone and will never attempt sell.

Thus in the name of pointless artistic purity, Vivian will remain as starving an artist in America as a Palestinian in Ghaza, so make sure to check out his OnlyFans - or actually don't, cos maybe he needs to learn to sell those screenplays and make money from his own artistic practice instead of appropriating the lives of people who are in the midst of a war and cannot object to their appropriation by an American drug-addicted degenerate with a severe case of Palestine Derangement Syndrome.

Here's what Vivian had to say about the Holocaust - because like most of these far-left crypto-antisemites, he will happily virtue signal about that - and watching the 9,5 hour documentary Shoah in one of his Letterboxd lists:

My Cinemasochist Endurance Watchlist
In addition to the how good the films themselves are, I LOVE watching really really long movies as endurance exercises. Despite how soul-crushing and miserable it is, one gets a little dopamine burst of accomplishment upon finishing Satantango, whcih is a relief because such a film would be utterly unbearable if it were merely 3-4 hours long.

Some of these I've seen before, many I have not.
Personally, I am dreading repeating Shoah, easily the most difficult cinematic experience of my life, but damn it, I must persevere. That is the cinephile's obligation to history: it is our responsibility to REMEMBER the stories that the rest of the world would rather forget. No one will voluntarily watch a nine hour documentary like that out of pleasure, but if someone wants to make light of the Holocaust or loses historical perspective on it, then we need to be there to say, "Oh boy, I have something you need to see. You won't be alone though."

This is who these far-leftists are: they will virtue-signal endlessly about the Holocaust for brony points, but they don't give a fuck about what contemporary Dzooz in the 21st century actually want or are going through. They call Dzooz "colonizers" and "genociders" for wanting to be safe in their own homeland where they can do as they please, the same way everyone else around the world has their own homeland to do as they please. There are many Islamist theocracies on different continents where muslims can do as they please (oppress women, kill gays, factionalism, corruption, fundamentalism, weaponize demographics, etc). There is only ONE Dzooish country on the whole planet, and that one single Dzooish country is just too much for all these far-left crypto-antisemites of which Vivian Strange is but one. If you don't give a fuck about what living Dzooz in the 21st century actually want, namely to live in peace and safety in their own country, if you insist on calling them "genociders" and "colonizers" for simply wanting what everyone else around them already has, a place of their own, then I don't give a shit how many times you've sat through Shoah.

Next, fuck your anarchist anti-Stateism. If you know anything about the history of the Dzooz, then you should know that Dzooz already had those debates about Stateism versus anti-Stateism in the last century. I know you fucking anti-State far-leftists will never accept this, but there are groups of people out there who WANT their own State, no matter how wrong y'all think that the concept of the State is. There was a branch of anti-State secular Jewry at the beginning of the 20th century, which was Bundism.

Jewish Anti-Zionism: History and Struggle

The Bundist Dzooz were against the Zionist Dzooz, but they eventually lost from the Zionists, because Zionism was simply the more attractive and more sensible option to the majority of Dzooz, then the nebulous concept of "hereness" that the Bund was promoting. Why do you anarchists want to rehash a debate that has already been won in favour of Zionism/Stateism? Dzooz don't want hazy, Marxist, bullshit concepts like "hereness" that forces them to wallow in their outsider status as a minority. Dzooz simply want their own fucking place. How can a purported anarchist who believes in concepts like "Autonomous Zones" not understand this? This is how I know his fucking brain has been fried by the drugs and the HRT. #MATI
Someone gave Vivian $500 during his tranarchist reading Livestream today:


Vivian reiterated that he wants to move out of Portland, Hellhole (great idea TBH) but you know he's not gonna put this money towards saving up to move out. He's probably just gonna use it to buy poppers or viagra for his OnlyFans movies, that's what all these troons do. Keffals made $100k with his fake legal crowdfunder, lying about how he was going to use the money to sue the London, Ontario Police for transphobia... but actually he blew most of that money on cocaine and trips to Ireland.
So I went to Letterboxd to see if Vivian had been watching documentaries like The Garden, 5 Broken Cameras, Checkpoint, Arna's Children, Channels of Rage, Keep Shooting, Gadis Dilemma and many many others to learn what is actually happening in Israel... but instead of getting his ignorant ass educated, Viv has gone right back to his usual AGP gooning and fetishizing of young lesbians again:


Note: the indie movie The Love Witch was made popular by ContraPoints back when he trooned out in 2017, when he was utterly infatuated with this movie.

Many people had never heard of this movie until Nyk brought it up as an inspiration on a Livestream - including Youtube film reviewer Kyle Kallgren (who for some reason follows Vivian on Letterboxd) who ended up reviewing it after discovering it through Nyk - the top comment under Kyle's video review is Nyk's. Basically the cinematography of Nyk's Youtube videos from that point onward was completely ripped off from Anna Biller's highly stylized movie. Youtuber Brittany Simon too did a video about watching The Love Witch together with Nyk whom she had visited in Baltimore at the time, but she later took down that video when she broke with Nyk and BreadTube. It took some time for Nyk to realize that the director, Anna Biller, really is a feminist filmmaker who wants to make women's movies, not to be a "satirist" of women (that's what a troon is), who had posted a long thread on Twitter about all the problems she ran up against as a female filmmaker while trying to make The Love Witch, with the ignorant men around her completely misunderstanding her movie, exactly like Vivian is doing in his review. After Biller's Twitter thread, Nyk soured on the movie and Biller herself because learning the truth about its creation history utterly destroyed his AGP gooning fantasy of it.

NGL, as someone who hates the Coen Brothers, I would love it if one of them trooned out with the other later following suit like happened with the Wachowskis. Both of them deserve the misery of being a troon for inflicting their shitty movies upon the world.
Vivian made a video that was meant to be a letter to JK Rowling, so let's go over it:

"I'm a writer too", oh really? What have you published Vivian? Other than a video telling women you know what they are better than they do. If you're really a writer, why don't YOU publish some of your shit so we can tell you whether it's actually any good or not? Oh right, you spend all day stealing the content of Palestinians who don't have the ability to tell you to stop doing it, and then you upload it in endless compilations of pilfering that you call "documentaries", because you have no footage and no vision of your own to put out.

Again, this is a guy who's never published a single thing in his life telling a female author and best seller than she doesn't know how to do her job right:

He claims that The Queen is addicted to fame. As Vivian is an admitted drug addict himself - who literally can't do a multi-hour livestream without taking a break to have a fag literally every hour of the stream - he would know everything about addiction.

Don't do drugs, kids, or you will end up like this:

"I think you have some issues with your womanhood", says the troon with issues with his manhood. This is really not the gotcha you think it is, Vivian:

You need to fix your teeth or you'll die from the rot making its way to your brain, Viv

He literally closes off the video by plugging his fucking OnlyFans (BTW, those "women" who say they watch your t-porn on OnlyFans, Viv? Those aren't actual women, hon):

Why would JK Rowling go and watch your $7 t-porn (and I still think you should raise the price if you ever wanna get out of Portland), when she can hire 20 actual t-porn actors to show up at her castle and swing their gurldiques at her IRL? How do you know that JK Rowling didn't come to the conclusions she did about troons because of personal experiences with them? I know you specifically like to brag about all the neovaginas you've "met", but what if JK has actually fuqed more trannies than you have, and simply wasn't very impressed, like, at all? Now, as a famous TERF she obviously can't come out and put y'all in your place by saying: "Hey, unlike those discount TERFs screaming at troons from the cheap seats, I actually fuqed some of y'all myself, y'all have a high opinion of yourselves but you're really nothing to write home about. Just my opinion.". Does it bother you to think that she did put her publishing millions to work to do her "research"? I'm not saying that's what JK Rowling actually wants - unlike you I don't make assumptions about The Queen's sexuality - but if she wanted to, she has the money to do it all. You don't seem to understand that, when rich people are interested in something sexual, they don't have to watch porn to experience it vicariously like poor people do. They can pay someone to actually do the thing to them or before them, so they can see/feel what the real thing is like themselves. You talk down on Rowling like she's unworldly and sheltered as a rich woman living in a castle, but it seems to me like you're the one who's naive and unworldly about what rich people in castles actually do with their money.
Are you not "a groomer, a pedophile, a rapist, or an apologist thereof"?

I don't know if you are the former - as far as I can tell your /r/transgenderjerkcircle is consenting adults, so good for you I guess - but you're definitely the latter, a apologist of sex crimes. You literally denied that Hamas had raped and sexually tortured Israeli civilians on Oct 7th. You sit there gooning all day to imaginary torture, while willfully ignoring real confirmed sexual torture, because you insist on seeing Hamas as noble savages and freedom fighters, insisting that "Hamas is not the problem", when they are the reason there is a war right now.

UN releases report confirming for the first time Hamas raped victims on October 7

Weaponizing Sexual Violence - Expert Panel on the events since Oct 7 2023

The UN confirmed that Hamas had sexually tortured civilians on Oct 7th, after going through hours of AV evidence, but you obviously won't believe it unless you receive your own 9,5 hour porn stash gooning compilation of the footage that was submitted to the UN to review. That's how disgusting you are. A lot of the footage that was sent to the UN is already out there, if you want to find it, but you just don't. You want to persist in your fantasy.

Former hostage talks about Hamas sex crimes

New Documentary: Hamas’s Sexual Atrocities

When asked by Sandberg what the girls she met in captivity told her, Agam replied: "I talked to one of them one evening and I asked her how they treated her, what she had been through. She started crying and I cried with her. We were crying together and then she started telling me. He told her on the last day, she was being moved to a different place. She was staying in an apartment with one guard. He told her that they had to move. 'Go get ready. Go wash yourself at the sink.'"

"She went into the bathroom and washed her armpit and then he came into the bathroom and held a gun to her head. he started kissing her and she started crying. She told me 'you know how when you cry your mouth is like this? This is what it was like, but he wouldn't stop kissing me.' He took off all her clothes and touched her all over her body. He asked her to touch his genitals in different ways and he also touched hers. She told me that she couldn't stop crying and that he wouldn't stop doing what he was doing. He enjoyed it. For 30 minutes the gun was pointed at her head," according to Agam.

"She had no choice. I asked her, 'did you do it? Did you do what he asked you to do?' She said 'what do you mean? Of course, I had no other option.' He never put his gun away from her head. And then he told her to 'go get dressed' and he left the bathroom," the teen recounted. "They went back to the living room. She told me that her ears were ringing and she couldn't stop crying, she was in shock. And they moved her to a different place and she never saw him again. He told her not to tell anybody."

Hamas victims showed 'systematic genital mutilation', says IDF volunteer | Israel-Hamas war

A female reservist for the Israel Defence Forces who prepared the bodies of the female victims of the 7 October attacks has told Sky News some of the corpses showed evidence of sexual assault.

Shari Mendes said some women had been repeatedly shot in the face and genitals.

Hostages Speak Up About Hamas Sexual Abuse


You prefer to wallow in imaginary torture while ignoring real sexual torture, driven by a fundamentalist religious zealotry that isn't the Christianity you're so obsessed with. Try reading the Quran sometime, and notice all the sanctified torture in that book: "The Quran is quite explicit in teaching that the 'merciful' Allah tortures non-believers for eternity using supernatural methods to inflict pain that are not even possible in this life."

The life of Muhammad demonstrates that torture is sanctioned in cases of interrogation. The prophet of Islam did not stop his people from beating and abusing individuals in his presence when information was needed, whether it concerned a matter of sexual impropriety or the location of wealth that could be looted. In at least one case of the latter, he is noted to have directly ordered the torture.

Torture is also allowed as a form of punishment and when putting people to death. Rather than prescribing quick methods of execution there were times when Muhammad ordered his men to make a victim's death as slow and agonizing as possible. In one case, his men literally pulled apart the body of an elderly woman named Umm Qirfa by tying her limbs to camels then sent in opposite directions (Ibn Ishaq 980).

One of the most influential Shi'a religious leaders in Iran recently extended the validity of torture to the practice of raping prisoners in the defense of Islam. Mesbah-Yazdi said that it was advisable for the rapist to "perform a ritual washing first and say prayers while raping the prisoner."

Mesbah-Yazdi went on to add that "If the judgment for the [female] prisoner is execution, then rape before execution brings the interrogator a spiritual reward equivalent to making the mandated Haj pilgrimage [to Mecca], but if there is no execution decreed, then the reward would be equivalent to making a pilgrimage to [the Shi'ite holy city of] Karbala."

According to the cleric, "If the prisoner is female, it is permissible to rape through the vagina or anus." When asked if the rape of men and young boy was considered sodomy, he said, "No, because it is not consensual."

A 2006 fatwa on the popular Islam Web website authorized burning people as a form of punishment. (It was pulled after ISIS began doing this to people in 2015).

Muslim apologists often tell a different story in the West, where rhetorical strategy creates the impression that they oppose torture in and of itself, thus attracting the support of a broader coalition. (CAIR's short-lived 2006 "Campaign against Torture" is one of the best examples of this). The scope of their efforts, however, rarely extend beyond condemning Western countries in general (and the US in particular). Sympathies are also tellingly limited to the alleged treatment of Muslim terror detainees.

In fact, these organizations have very little to say about ending the less ambiguous and far more brutal human rights violations practiced by Muslim governments, even though the victims there are usually Muslim as well (such as the cleric Mesbah-Yazdi's unfortunate victims of rape). The goal of these "anti-torture" campaigns is not an end to torture, but rather an attempt to capture the moral high ground on a controversial issue by exploiting Western attitudes - with no regard for the victims of true torture.

The barbaric treatment of hostages by groups like ISIS is a direct product of religious belief. The Quran is quite explicit in teaching that the 'merciful' Allah tortures non-believers for eternity using supernatural methods to inflict pain that are not even possible in this life. There is no reason for a believing Muslim to think that Allah would disapprove of a far more temporal and limited practice against those whom he has destined for such anguish.

In summary, Islam is not fundamentally opposed to torture in certain circumstances, as long as it is the Muslim party applying it. This is a good example of the many common double standards within the religion that must be recognized and brought out in the open to facilitate honest dialog.

(Note: There are Muslim individuals who sincerely object to torture on principle. So, it would not be right to make assumptions about anyone's personal view on this subject - or any other - based on nominal religious affiliation).

https://www.thereligionofpeace.com/pages/quran/torture.aspx Archived: https://archive.is/Bjk6f

You're not a "libertine", you're an actual terrorism apologist and a war crime sexual torture apologist. Stop using literature as a shield for your own moral bankruptcy. You have zero interest in the lives of actual women and you only use them as a prop in your sick fantasies.
Vivian has sudokued his latest compilation of pilfered content from Palestinian content creators turned war correspondents in his Ghaza Diaries series. Here's what one of his fellow troons said about the video before it was taken down:

Great intro vivian, well put and uncomfortable indeed yet i cannot fathom what to do to affect meaningful change in face of such horror. Weve all watched this unfold live, and screamed for it to stop. Its a half a world away and at the same time in the palm of our hands to be consumed. Its not there to draw awareness to atrocity its there to tell us all there is nothing we can do about it but bare witness and be thankful we are not there. It is the rape of our humanity, our very will, right there live on tv. Its not going to stop its designed to break us, to cawl us to submission, its an example, our lesson to learn. All of this unimaginable suffering on display simply to tell the people (all of us) what will be readily unleashed should we deign to step out of line. . . .
I cant speak for anyone but myself here yet be it boot or yoke i do not sleep well with a heel upon my throat or anyone else's yet here i sit poised on the precipice wishing, willing, and waiting for a better way. I dont know what to do, I have no answers yet i know. I know that we as human beings can do better than this. We have to.
This simply cannot be

Troons look at Ghaza and, in their boundless self-obsessed narcissism, can only think: "the US government is gonna do the same thing to us!"... they might, if you insist on glorifying terrorism and calling for more violence, like Vivian has been doing on his channel ever since its inception. Vivian claims that "the uprisings of 2020 were a compromise", claiming to have insider knowledge that there will be "armed resistance" in the US, and claims he himself "will be called a terrorist" when that happens: "By the time the election rolls around next year, I will be considered a terrorist. If I'm being real, I don't mind that. Malcom X was a terrorist. So were the Black Panthers. I'm in some good company. The government is going to crack down very heavily on public figures and people with platforms."

Here Vivian says that he's been keeping the tabs on who has been speaking up in favour of Israel versus in favour of Palestine: "When things get worse next year, I'm not gonna mince words."

Vivian supports leftists taking up arms: "We need to become more comfortable with the idea of violent revolution"... he's literally been watching the consequences of that for 4 months, but he wants more of that in the US itself? Does he think that the US will show any more restraint than Israel did if anyone attempted to stage a violent revolution in the US?

OK, if you don't mind being called a terrorist, I will happily modify this thread to reflect that. SInce you're hate-lurking at your own thread here on OF, let me know if you want me to add "terrorist" or "terrorist sympathizer" to the title of the thread, since you apparently have no problem being called either.


Perhaps Al Jazeera finally reached out to him and told him: "Look troon, we don't want to have our war correspondents associated with your far-left degenerate Youtube channel. You literally have videos up on your channel talking about your gurldique, talking about all the troon orgies you've attended FROM THE AGE OF 15, and how many neovaginas you've fuqed. We don't want good, moral muslims exposed to your pornsick Western degeneracy. Stop stealing the content of our war correspondents and dumping it your seedy Youtube channel. We don't care how much in love you are with Bisan Owda, she thinks you're just a gross crazy man and wants nothing to do with you. We need you to steal all these people's videos "for the sake of the historical record", we keep our own archives."

Or perhaps Vivian realized that his channel was dying a slow algorithmic death due to his Palestine Derangement Syndrome:


I read somewhere that Youtube pays like $1 per 1000 views, so you made $5 on the Avatar video, $1 on the American Football video, $3 on the Taylor Swift video, and $1 on the Oscars video. That's $11 per month. That's not even a minimum hourly, yet you spent hours and hours on these videos. Your Ghaza Diaries can't even get 500 views combined (excluding the Bisan one, which is you pilfering her Instagram updates and using her name recognition to boost your own channel).

Perhaps this strategy of hoarding other people's content and dumping it wholesale on your Youtube channel - which your subs are likely following for the sake of your degenerate film reviews, not to learn about Ghaza - isn't the best strategy to grow your channel and make money from Youtube. Perhaps if you had made a separate Youtube channel just for the Ghaza compilations, you wouldn't have confused your algo. Perhaps it's time to adult the fuck up and get a real job.

"Someone made a video about video essayists... and my face is not on the thumbnail. One day they'll recognize, one day everyone's gonna see. One day I'll be appreciated on Youtube and the people on it. Maybe.", and then perhaps one day the great troon filmmaker Vivian Strange will have a street named after him in Ghaza in appreciation of his pilfering of Palestinian people's content and dumping it on his Youtube channel:

Vivian is Livestreaming right now, feel free to go over and have a look for yourselves, he's reading the anarchist book from CrimeThINC again:

He is learning Arabic apparently, and he's becoming a freelancer on Fiverr:


See a shortcut to Qbittorrent, Adobe Premiere Pro, Discord, OnlyFans.

Imagine this being your daily stream of video alerts:


- "Astronomy has a colonialism problem" (astronomy is quack, why the fuck woulf you bother with that bullshit)
- "Getting bamboozled by a small business"
- "The Bizarre History of Hollywood's Animal Stars" (who cares)
- "Dissecting RuPaul's Fascist Bookstore" (OK, so you hate the idea of black man making money selling books, we can see who the actual "fascist" is here)

He says his cat clawed his face because he clipped its nails. Do not cuck your cat by clipping it's nails. Cats are supposed to have sharp claws. No wonder the cat clawed his face the moment it has an opportunity to do so, to show its opposition to having its claws clipped.

Vivian reading a chapter now on "Freeganism", which is apparently people eating garbage. I guess these people are comrade freegans too according to CrimeThINC:

If I could I would literally fly the authors of this damn book to the Philippines and force them to eat "pagpag" on camera. If you're gonna praise the eating of garbage, might as well put some actual garbage in your mouth.

In fact, here's a fun video idea for Vivian that will surely get a lot of views: go to a restaurant dumpster in Portland, pick up some trash there, and actually eat it. Show everyone what a true and honest freegan you are. If that video doesn't get him more views than his current Livestream with 7 views, I will fucking join his Patreon.

Someone asked Vivian for his opinion on Jesus:

That cat lubs his troon:


Oh, OK... the cat apparently scratched his face, hence the wound on the left next to his mouth.

Wait a minute... Vivian claims he was raped by a trannie sex cult?! WTF?!

"I am carrying boatloads of sexual trauma (...) because between college and doing this Youtube thing, I was... I wouldn't call it a formal sex cult, but I was involved in a 'community' like that. So, I've been around a lot and had a lot of ... yeah... my issues are... and I'm still recovering from the trauma of that, still figuring out my sexuality and the way it relates to my lived experience. Because I don't really give a shit about labels and definitions."

Oh no, another Limpida!

So Vivian claims he was part of a trannie commune that was "almost" like a sex cult, saying he's still dealing with the trauma of that experience to this day. Vivian, if the degenerate troon lifestyle with the sex cult traumatized you so much, aren't you basically in denial about the actual effects this had on you, your psyche, your interpersonal relationships and even your daily life? You brag about how you participated in hook-up culture in school, but then you don't make the connection from that early promiscuity (which is supposed to be just a phase for most people, that most eventually grow out of) to you ending up under the spell of trannie sex cult and then being abused by them:

You are the one still defending a lifestyle that you openly admit has hurt you and made you averse to having any sex at all, becoming an asexual in response to your trauma:

"I am bored with sex", would you have become bored with sex if you weren't "pornsick", in other words, overexposed to "performative sex"? How do you not see the connection between being overexposed to "performative sex" leading to you becoming bored with regular sex? Of course they are connected:

You say that "shame is wrong", but perhaps if the people who traumatized you had some shame about their behaviour towards you, maybe just maybe they wouldn't have traumatized you. Perhaps if you yourself had a semblance of sexual shame, instead of this anything goes attitude you seem to have, you would've never gotten involved with these people in the first place. I really do think your crusade against shame is nothing but the result of Stockholm Syndrome and trauma bonding with your abusers.

I am sorry you were raped by the sex cult but you gotta stop making excuses for these people. Please get yourself out of this lifestyle that's hurting you and putting you in harm's way.
LMAO, Vivian Strange has apparently privated all three of his tranarchist Livestreams, including the one where he was referring to Aaron Bushnell as trans and was ranting about "unaliving the US government". Why so delety delety all of a sudden Vivian? If you really mean what you say, why hide it?

This is Vivian talking about himself and his own life:

"Outside of this, I have nothing. I have a very sad and empty life."

... then why do you still defend your degenerate troon lifestyle? If this lifestyle left you with "nothing" but a Youtube channel that you're actively killing with your Palestine Derangement Syndrome, how is this lifestyle making your life better? It's really not.

So while his friends were getting jobs and families, Vivian was busy living the troon lifestyle, until one day everyone else had moved on and he was left behind. The fable of the grasshopper and the ant.

Literally this:

I'm 29
I have no friends
I have no brows
I'm round and pale
Yeah I was born
A ginger male

BTW, I don't even think Vivian is an actual red because in his pre-trooning video he still had blond hair.
Here comes the creepy everyone! (As it always inevitably does with troons). Vivian is going to release a whole video about the movie Poor Things tomorrow:


That's a rather unflattering thumbnail BTW. If you're gonna make a video about Poor Things, why not use Emma Stone's fake, inexpressive, bland plastic surgery face as clickbait? Oh, right, because the troon can't be in the same frame as an actual woman.


Now, I myself haven't seen Poor Things - I've seen exactly one of Lanthimos' movies years ago, hated it and decided to never watch any of his movies ever again - but according to this video by Pop Culture Crisis, Poor Things is basically just another Hollywood pedo movie, having a, quote, "strange and disturbing CP plot"

"The epitome of womanhood, according to Hollywood, is to take a toddler's brain and put it in the dead body of a hot girl, and film her having sex with people... the concept is absolutely profane and disgusting and so is the entire Hollywood machine."

Full video by Pop Culture Crisis about the pedophilia in Poor Things:

Here's Vivian literally pulling the "you just don't have enough media literacy" argument out of his ass:

According to one of the comments, this movie contains a scene where... "a grown woman is doing baby talk while penetrating herself with a cucumber", in case you were doubting that this movie is a Hollywood pedo movie. (It's amazing to me BTW that Null keeps bitching about anime, when American Oscar-winning movies are openly pedophilic like this.) As someone else said in the comments of the PCC video: "It is absolutely disgusting how no one sees anything wrong with having sex with a newborn in a fully grown body. They're comparing it to Forrest Gump. Forrest Gump was actually an adult. This movie is literally about having sex with a newborn.". And another comment: "This[Poor Things] is, 'It's ok, sure she has the mind of a 4 year old, but she looks legal.'."

So why is Vivian making a video praising what apparently is yet another Hollywood pedophilic movie? Maybe it's because Vivian himself wants to EPE children by showing them rape-snuff movies like Pasolini's Salo:

I think Salo or the 120 Days Of Sodom is a film that one should first watch as a teenager. No, I don't think it's "inappropriate" for kids that young to see. I am definitely in the minority of people who think this, but overall, I think we are much too restrictive with the things we will allow and not allow our young people to read and watch. Specifically regarding sexual content and cultural taboos. When I hear someone say, 'Oh, I watched such and such movie way too early', or, 'I saw this and that when I was way too young', I think: "Were you really 'too young'... or did you just not have someone older and smarter than you to explain what it was you were seeing?". Honestly, IMHO, if you consumed a piece of media as a child that impacted you in such a way that you recognize was fucked up and 'inappropriate' for you to see, I don't think you encountered it too early. You encountered it right when you needed to. What young people lack is media literacy. They do not understand the context of challenging media. And this media illiteracy is an us-problem. We're the adults, and young people need us to help them how to understand transgressive art and the things it communicates. They need us to explain the social and cultural context that illuminates what media is[sic] trying to say or accomplish. The problem isn't children being too young to understand things. The problem of ignorance is not on them, it's on us. And the troublesome fact is, our society does not equip us with the tools to responsibly teach young people about fucked up and uncomfortable media. Yeah, it's super uncomfortable to have to talk with your children frankly about things like sexual violence, or to talk with them about sexuality at all. It's uncomfortable, but, you know what? If you're a child's parent, or guardian, or caretaker, that's you fucking job. Cos, guess what? Your kids are gonna see this messed up shit whether you like it or not. "Innocence" is a myth and trying to preserve it is as foolish a task as trying to stop a child from aging. We all live in the same world, a world filled with wonders and horrors alike and you cannot stop your children from encountering or experiencing them.

And troons like Vivian and Orion, mentally stunted men with no children of their own, are going to make sure your kids encounter all the fucked up shit just when they "need to" by virtue of their corrupt influence. I myself have actually seen Pasolini's Salo, and it's definitely not suitable for children - it's basically a movie about a group of degenerate fascist elites in Italy, both male and female, raping their sex slaves to death - anyone who forces children to watch Salo is committing the crime of EPE and needs to be arrested for CSA. Vivian disclosed on Letterboxd that he has already forced his kid sister to watch Valerie with him, so I guess he's going to further ruin her by forcing her to watch Salo with him next.

As for "stopping a child from aging", isn't that literally what your troon cult is trying to do to children by giving them puberty blockers? Kinda hypocritical of you to accuse parents of developmentally stunting their kids, when your trans cult does that literally through their quack "science".

Vivian, you're part of an ideology that tells you you have to tolerate everything or you're a garbage person. Worse, tolerating everything is still not good enough, because that's not high enough on their empathy scale, instead in the name of "solidarity" you have to let garbage people into your life and even let them take advantage of you sexually. Instead of making video about how too much toleration made you susceptible to a trannie sex cult, you're making Stockholm Syndrome video about how "true freedom" means you have to tolerate even outright abuse like rape and pedophilia - which is literally what your Marquis de Sade video argues, that rapists and pedophiles just can't help themselves and we as a society need to be open-minded and tolerate their violence. Do you really not see how this mindset is driving you straight right into the arms of abusers? I know it's because you're a drug addict that you think abusers can't help themselves, but here's a newsflash: they really can. Someone can absolutely choose not to rape people. Even a pedophile can make a choice to commit themselves and keep themselves away from children. All you are doing here is projecting your own helplessness towards drugs onto others and expecting them to be just like you, a slave to their drug. If you're part of an ideology that dictates for you to get have no discernment, you will keep getting yourself into trouble and people of ill intent will keep taking advantage of you.

Source: Poor Things Book vs Movie

And thus Vivian posts a video defending yet another Hollywood pedo movie. He did improve the thumbnail though:

Yeah sure Vivian, all these people in the Youtube comments who think Poor Things is an exploitative, gratuitous, Hollywood pedo movie, they are all wrong, they're, like, just wrong.


"Does Bella have Stockholm Syndrome?"





Vivian is quoting xeets at the beginning of his video to make the critics of this movie seem simplistic and superficial (indeed, infantilizing them), whereas these longer Youtube comments demonstrate how much more thoughtful and specific the critics, a lot of them actual women, are in their rejection of the film and the gotcha it's trying to pull on the audience to Trojan-horse its pedophilia.

And these SA survivors - the "anti-sex, moral panicking, media illiterate, moral puritans" he is referring to - who were extremely triggered by the movie, it triggering their natural instinctual response to seeing a child trapped inside an adult woman's body being SAed throughout the movie, that doesn't mean a thing (SA abuse survivors KNOW when they're seeing SA, no matter how much Lanthimos is trying to gaslight them about this):



Vivian's cat shows up telling him to stop praising pedophile movies, he sprays the cat with a water bottle in response, and for some sadistic reason he felt the need to include it in the video...


BTW, I need to start making a list of all the mental illnesses that Vivian claims to have. First he claimed that he became schizophrenic from doing psychedelics, here he claims to have been autistic as a child:

"I would defend this scene and method of sexual education"... he wants adults to expose themselves having sex to kids, which is literally a sex crime in the US.


And of course, it ends with Palestine Derangement Syndrome:

Let me show you zoomers how we do the geolocation thing, so you can learn to become geolocators too and join the OSINT community when you grow up and help geolocate these troons who want to show porn to kids and have their parents fuck in front of them and more of these sex crimes.

Vivian wouldn't disclose where he's from, or which school he went to. He would only say that he's from North Carolina.

In this college autobiographical short he made at the beginning of his transition, Vivian (then "Dorian") is standing outside a CVS with his first ever HRT prescription:


Later in the video, he shows a pillbox with the phone number (828) 262 0900 printed on the label. This is the phone number of a CVS in Boone, NC.


Vivian said that several students had committed suicide at the school he went to at time. He also said that he trooned out in 2015 at the age of 20. Using this information, I concluded that the school Vivian went to is very likely Appalachian State University:

I found this article from 2015 about 7 Appalachian State students who had committed suicide over the span of 4 months:

Here's another about these "suicide clusters", also from 2015:

So Vivian was not living in a large city when he trooned out, but in a small college town up in the Appalachian mountains. It's possible he trooned out because trooning out was the only way for him make contacts within the wider trans community that would allow him to escape from North Carolina to the West Coast where he is now. ("I met my first trans-femme friend as a senior it was to [him] I came out to first on my 21st birthday.", "This person wasn't the greatest, she was a mess, I was a mess to, no hard feelings, she got me out to the West Coast at least, that was nice, you know who you are, if you ever watch this, I forgive you!")

The population was 19,092 at the 2020 census

Make all the jokes about inbred hicks that you want.
He's gonna have a "Postpartum" stream, LMAOOO! He has a cervix you guys, his cervix is so tired and exhausted from all the trooning:

the POOR THINGS video is an unexpected success, and I actually have a LOT more to say about this film, so let's celebrate with a postmortem/postpartum stream! Q&A, talking about the future of the channel, buncha fun stuff!

What does a porno troon do when his equally pornsick community is letting him know that they don't give a shit about enabling his Palestine Derangement Syndrome, and the pro-Palestine movement full of fundamentalist Muslims is ignoring him entirely, because they know he's a gross pornsick troon appropriating the content their war correspondents, that they want nothing to do with?


The troon looks at his video view counts, does the math, and goes back to reviewing hypersexualized Hollywood pedo movies. Immediately the algo awards him for returning to form and saving his channel.

He is so intellectual everyone, he wants his porn and his philosophy:


I literally quoted the comments from all the people who objected to the movie and had very thoughtful, eloquent reasons for doing so, but I guess that just wasn't intellectual enough for Vivian and his HRT-friend brain.

Oh well, at least the troon has stopped ranting about Palestine for the moment.

Here's how a troon responds to an actual woman - and a black one at that, if her avatar is to be trusted - voicing her opposition to Lanthimos' misogyny and pedophilia: Vivian Strange the BLM ally tells an actual black woman to go fuck herself.



Vivian literally has no response to someone who is able to call out Poor Things for the Hollywood pedo Trojan-horse it really is. He cannot respond to the actual arguments being made by this woman, and only repeats TRA slogans he has memorized. For example, "prescriptivist", like "essentialist", is a thought-stopper in TRA sloganeering, it means stop thinking, start flinging mud and do not even ponder what the opponent is actually saying.

And yes, if you wanna show Salo to kids, you are a pedophile. If you don't understand how a snuff-rape movie like Salo is completely inappropriate for kids, you are a pedophile. If you insist that parents should have sex in front of their kids to teach them about sex, and use this argument to justify a scene where a father is having sex with a hooker in front of his twin sons, you're definitely a pedophile and a sex crime advocate. TTD, 41% and rising, etc. Vivian needs to leave society behind and go hide in a cabin up high in the Apalachian mountains removed from civilization.


How are your cats spoiled, Vivian? Do you offer them a cigarette whenever you can't feed them, because you've spent your Patreon money on poppers and Viagra?


Vivian made $20 on Ko-fi from the Poor Things video, and you know he's not going to buy any cat food with that money:

The latest Livestream very quickly went from: "I love Bella, I identify so much, she received oral sex from her black socialist hooker girlfriend, that was so hot", to "Bella leaves the brothel to become a doctor with i n h e r i t e d w e a l t h, at her medical practice she has s e r v a n t s she drinks gin with, that means she's a feminist bitch girlboss so actually fuck Bella, she's a libfem". Far-left troons once again reveal that they only like women as black socialist hookers, not as white doctor girlbosses with inherited wealth.

The rest of the Livestream was Vivian literally justifying incest:

Animals don't have family structures, so that means humans should fuck their children too:

This argument is gonna make Null very happy: Vivian says that if you allow incest, you will "wind up with England, and no one wants that".

Vivian doesn't know that 70% of women do not experience orgasms from PiV:

Vivian has a completely superficial, impersonal, opportunistic, consoomerist view of sex, compares having sex with real feeling human beings as "having a meal":

"If reproduction isn't the main purpose of sexuality, then what's really wrong with incest? A lot of people conflate incest with abuse which is not the case." #TTD #41SHOULDB99

"Incest is the #1 search term on Pornhub, we love incest. We can act like we're all disgusted, but the facts of the numbers say otherwise" #TOTALPORNHUBDEATH #TTD #41SHOULDB99

"I don't have any incestuous inclinations myself, but still, it's a subject I find interesting" (sure Orion...) "The reason I am not attracted to anybody in my immediate family is probably, more so that, they're not my type" (sure Orion...) "(laughs), OMG, this is crazy! And they look too much like me, like my siblings, I can see their faces from when they were young, from when we were growing up together, I haven't interacted much with them as adults, so when I look at them, I see the kids that they used to be, and, like, my own reflection put together and, that's weird to me."

So he says the only reason he doesn't want to bang his own siblings is because "they're just not my type, they look too much like me", suggesting he might have banged them otherwise... I really don't understand how his parents allow him to be anywhere near his siblings, especially his 15 year old sister that he was making watch Valerie with him (which was also brought up during the stream), but then again, Vivian claims he was neglected by his parents who were neglected by theirs, so I guess this whole family is screwed up or something.

Besides all the incest shit, I also learned from this Livestream that this is apparently Vivian's favourite song:

In the mean time, over at the Poor Things video, Vivian quietly deleted his comment telling a black woman to go fuck herself for correctly assessing Poor Things. Nevertheless @jordanabrams6315 read his FU comment before he nuked it, and proceeded to put Vivian Strange in his place:


@vivianstrange .... not everything is about you babes. the fact that you chose to see all that i said as a bunch of words to call you a pedo is concerning lol. I just came back to this comment to see if you would actually consider the things i said, guess not.

Just how you don't have to be a avid racist to ignore the racism around you, you dont have to be a pedophile to ignore the ways it shows up in our society. not considering how that fact in this western patriarchal society shows up in our film and media is irresponsible in my opinion.
I watched Vivian's Godard video, where Vivian said he's feeling suicidal like Godard did before he offed himself at 91:

Powerlevelling: I have actually tortured myself with 4 of Godard's movies in my life. They're all boringAF and I feel sorry for myself that I wasted my time with them just because I was brainwashed by the arthouse propaganda that Godard was such an important filmmaker I needed to see and understand in order to better appreciate movies. If you're a zoomer who has never watched a single Godard movie, please keep it that way, there is nothing you will learn about movies from trying to sit through his unwatchable borefests that are nothing but the most sleep-inducing Marxist theoretical gooning sessions (I literally cannot remember what Tout Va Bien or Comment ça va were even about). My "favourite" one was Lettre à Jane (Letter to Jane Fonda) because it was while watching that documentary that I just burst out laughing and finally realized that this man is just a massive troll that no one need take seriously. I also feel like Godard pioneered the genre of Youtube essays with that documentary, and really set the standard for what an obsessively researched video essay could be, even when using the barest of means - a single picture in this case - as the impetus for its critique. I thought it would be funny to do something similar to a photograph of Vivian himself and title it "Letter to a Troon" , so I went through Vivian's Instagram account and found this picture:


I think this picture of a younger Vivian perfectly lends itself for the job. Not just because this is Vivian at his most synthetically femininized (even he admits he will never look like this again as he ages), with his (admittedly awesome, TBH) reverse ombre hair effect from his roots showing, his snobby but absent-minded/pensive stare (too contemptuous to be a typical AGP smirk, too busy connecting things in his head to make eye contact with the camera), the visible padding at the edge of his 1950s bullet bra (why take HRT to grow moobs if you're gonna be insecure about them and fill up your bra with fake lining? I'll never understand troons...), the dollar sign tattoo on his wrist. But in fact, every single object in this picture serves as a launching pad for a thorough gender critical iconographic analysis. Everything from "the dead flowers in a vase" that look like black roses, to the male peacock's tail feathers that are a prominent feature of this dead nature bouquet, the Alice in Wonderland bottle with the "Drink Me" tag with the bracelet of transflag coloured sweets (though I fear this might not be what I think it is but is instead a...), the screenwriter's blues typewriter, the Pirate's treasure trove/weathered old suitcase that is a troon's closet full of (feminist) skeletons. I don't know what that thing in the glass globe is supposed to be, to me it looks like a gem stone with a vaginal crack running through its center revealing the crystals beneath the dark surface of the stone, but the way it's trapped in a display globe and juxtaposed with Vivian's crotch next to it, makes this the anatomically amputated vagina-in-a-jar that is the stuff of any troon's most delusional SRS dreams. The drapes in the back, the naked vertical branches to the left of Vivian that look like flames, a gender holocaust approaching. If only there were enough hours in a day.
Vivian Strange gooning to Richard Kern's Fingered: politically correct but originally murderously racist transgression cinema

Browsing again through Vivian's Letterboxd account, where he tends to post rants that are even more unhinged than his Youtube ones, I discovered that he has been gooning to Richard Kern's 1986 XXX hardcore porn movie Fingered:


one of the most fascinating explorations of sex, power, gender, and exploitation I've ever seen. not for the faint of heart, esp those sensitive to fictional portrayals of rape, but this film is unironically a masterpiece.

Lydia Lunch: When I saw Fingered, I told Richard: It's not hardcore enough.

Now, I don't know if Vivian wants to fuck the "older woman" Lydia Lunch up the ass, or, given the fact that he's a troon who identifies as a woman, Vivian rather identifies with Lydia's character and wants Marty Nation to anally rape him like he did with Lydia in this movie.

Fingered is an example of The Cinema of Transgression. Lydia Lunch's other desperate love puppy, Nick Zedd, wrote the The Cinema of Transgression Manifesto in 1985, which is right up Vivian's tranarchist alley:

We propose that all film schools be blown up and all boring films never be made again. We propose that a sense of humour is an essential element discarded by the doddering academics and further, that any film which doesn’t shock isn’t worth looking at. All values must be challenged. Nothing is sacred. Everything must be questioned and reassessed in order to free our minds from the faith of tradition. Intellectual growth demands that risks be taken and changes occur in political, sexual and aesthetic alignments no matter who disapproves. We propose to go beyond all limits set or prescribed by taste, morality or any other traditional value system shackling the minds of men. We pass beyond and go over boundaries of millimeters, screens and projectors to a state of expanded cinema.

We violate the command and law that we bore audiences to death in rituals of circumlocution and propose to break all the taboos of our age by sinning as much as possible. There will be blood, shame, pain and ecstasy, the likes of which no one has yet imagined. None shall emerge unscathed. Since there is no afterlife, the only hell is the hell of praying, obeying laws, and debasing yourself before authority figures, the only heaven is the heaven of sin, being rebellious, having fun, fucking, learning new things and breaking as many rules as you can. This act of courage is known as transgression. We propose transformation through transgression - to convert, transfigure and transmute into a higher plane of existence in order to approach freedom in a world full of unknowing slaves.

Later in 2013 Nick Zedd wrote yet another manifesto, The Extremist Manifesto, which sounds like a typical Vivian Strange Youtube rant (in case you thought Vivian was being original):

The Simulation imposed upon us by shadow governments and hidden elites must be exposed and destroyed. That includes a cancerous art establishment based on commerce and the malignant dictums of predatory capitalism that negates individual breakthroughs based on lived experience.

Non-referential, non-simulated breakthroughs are accomplished by plunging into life and grabbing it by the balls. This means taking chances, offending people, causing alarms to go off and generally disturbing the equilibrium in a strategic manner.

We are the new extremists, armed with a vision to see through the charade imposed upon us by the gatekeepers of consensus reality, who manage a mass hallucination we choose to reject.

Ours is the art of bad taste, which blots out and destroys your system of lies and self-delusion. For too long the sheep among us have been rewarded for their subservience to a bankrupt system of lies.






Despite being an extremely pornsick blackpilled nihilistic degenerate, Nick Zedd was also into right-wing 9/11 conspiracy theories, confirming the far left - far right horseshoe theory:

NZ: My recent “No Plague Like Home” examines the 9/11 false flag operation & identifies the perpetrators within the shadow government i.e.; David Rockefeller, the Rothschilds, the drunken mole Cheney, the traitor Bush & other members of the global elite, although in a light-hearted way, naturally. The dominant myth of our age, the 9/11 Lie is the false foundation propping up the last 8 years of economic collapse, unrestrained military imperialism & global dominance unleashed on the world. It is imperative to dismantle this myth in every forum available in order to reverse the suicidal course of the US Empire whose sovereignty is targeted for annihilation by the masters of the Illuminati who now pull the strings of our puppet leaders. America is a nation of sheep led by a handful of pigs.

RT: Was 9/11 an inside job?

NZ: Of course.
How else could 19 fanatics with boxcutters led by a guy in a cave on a dialysis machine breach the most heavily guarded airspace on earth & not be intercepted before hitting two skyscrapers which then magically collapse at free fall speed in a controlled demolition secretly installed by Marvin Bush’s company Securacom in collusion with real estate tycoon Larry Silverstein, hoping to make a quick buck on his white elephant while helping the PNAC crazies jump-start a convenient war of aggression in the Middle East in order to gouge oil prices & augment massive profits for the multinational conglomerates controlling everything?

Let me guess: Vivian Strange, following the conspiratorial footsteps of his idol Nick Zedd, probably thinks that Oct 7th was an inside job too, he's just too scared of openly saying so? Where is the power of your convictions, Vivian? You already said you didn't believe Hamas raped anyone, so why not go all the way like your idol Nick Zedd did, and get openly conspiratorial about how Netanyahu supposedly allowed Oct 7th to happen so he could go to war with Hamas and occupy Ghaza? I know you're thinking it. Your fellow gooners and tranarchist watching your videos probably think this too.

Nick Zedd died from (anally contacted?) Hepatitis C in 2022.. Lydia on the other hand is still around, and she actually has a podcast on Youtube, so Vivian can reach out and actually hook up with an "older woman" (a real woman, not an AGP like "Laura"), if he thinks he can handle her.

I should warn Vivian though, that Lydia Lunch has interviewed none other than Buck Angel on her podcast, and actually agreed with all of the TERFy takes expressed during that show. I don't know if Lydia likes TIMs like Vivian, Lydia Lunch definitely likes TIFs, but only if they are gender critical like Buch Angel, which I am sure will disappoint Vivian, perhaps to the point of ruining his Fingered gooning session.

For zoomers reading along who have no idea who the fuck Lydia Lunch is, remember that crazy, super-molested racist female animation artist Emily Youcis that Null was in love with for years? The one he devoted a whole MATI episode to, discussing the effect that her animation Alfred's Playhouse had on him?

Lydia Lunch is basically a Gen X version of Emily, but active in music, book and film instead of painting and animation. Emily is like a millennial version of Lydia. Both of them are (part-)Italian and super-molested by their fathers. Emily however managed to get her rapist jailed, whereas Lydia let him walk, which still makes Emily immensely more based than Lydia could ever hope to be (ladies, put your rapist in jail, don't let them walk like Lydia and Vivian do with theirs). Emily is still uploading videos to Youtube , BTW, where she's performing both male and female characters, much to Vivian's delight at such a cross-gender performance I'm sure.

What I bet Vivian doesn't yet know, it that Fingered is based on an IRL story that Lydia Lunch wrote about in her autobiography Paradoxia: A Predator's Diary. The story takes place in Los Angeles, where Lydia was living at the time. She and her boyfriend Marty were driving up the Hollywood Hills, where they were approached by a black girl who was crying hysterically. She told them she had been abducted from Watts (a black/Hispanic majority LA hood) by two white guys, whom she assumed were cops, who took her up into the Hollywood Hills and threatened to kill her if she wouldn't perform oral sex on them, which she did. The black girl begged Marty and Lydia to drive her back to Watts, but she told them not to drop her off at her home, because if her father found out that she had been abducted and raped by two white guys "there would be another race riot".

Lydia Lunch said that she and her boyfriend Marty where so utterly black-pilled nihilistic and hooked on drugs at the time, that they considered abducting that black girl themselves and raping her all over again up in the Hollywood Hills, "repeating her nightmare". Lydia wrote they "gloated over this thought for weeks" because they felt they were ready to kill someone just for fun, and were taunting one another to commit "the ultimate act [of killing a human]".

Edit: here's the relevant excerpt from the book, p. 104-105:

We'd often wander the freeways hunting down for hitch-hikers. Pick up anyone who stuck their thumb out. Stuff them into the front of the pick-up. Tight squeeze. Never had a game plan. We'd drive in silence, vibing on the possibilities. Instinctively clicking into each other's zone.

Amazed that anyone still had the fucking nerve to get inside a mobile death trap. Of course, I did it all the time. Accept rides from just about anyone. But I was different. I had a motive. Had the edge. Was prepared. Better prepared than the potential assailant. Armed with mace, the buck knife. A threat to their sanity. Teasing with innuendo. Short skirts. Red lips. Anxious for one false move. A reason, excuse. To spray them. Stick'em. Terrorize.

We used the map like the I Ching. Open to a random page. Drop the car keys. Drive. The cab of the truck, a Coney Island of the mind. A nether world of perpetual twilight. Red, white, gold lights scattershot over endless highway. Driving for miles to get nowhere. Lost, the ideal location. Trapped in a timezone where the calendar freezes. Steel cocoon. Metal womb.

Flagged down while stalking the Hollywood Hills. She jumped in front of the truck. Hysterical. Small boned black teenager. Waving frantically. Screaming for help. Dressed om waitress get-up. Pulled over, pulled her up into the front seat. Told her to calm down, stroking her hair. Two middle-aged white men had abducted her at gun-point from the bus stop in front of the donut shop she worked at in Watts. Might have been cops. Threatened to shoot if she didn't suck them off. She did. Got dumped up in the hills. Asked for a ride back to the bus stop. Couldn't go home yet. Had to work on an excuse. If she told her father what happened, there'd be hell to pay. He'd go on a rampage.

We drove in silence back to Watts. Marty and I both getting off on her fear. Evil enough to consider turning back around, driving her back up to the hills and repeating her nightmare. The thought alone was enough. We dropped her at the bus stop, spent on the horrible misdeeds we had both been entertaining.

Like every other junkie, we were hooked. Poisoned on adrenaline. Addicted to it. Strung out. You up the ante and crash twice as hard the next time. Need twice as much to get off. Started making me sick. Sucking up the filthy remnants trailing fear's shadow.

Neither one of us were ready to bloody our hands by breaking the Sixth Commandment. Yet always taunting the other closer to committing the ultimate act. Even against each other. Marty would get pissed, insisting I was brainwashing him, sending secret signals, impregnating him with polluted ideas. Begging him to kill me. He'd explode from the other room, screaming at me to stop instigating... Mind fucking. Teasing. I'd play innocent. Tell him he was losing it. Didn't know what he was talking about. He was full of shit. He knew exactly what I was doing. Scaring the shit out of him. Taunting him with the vitality of my power source. A power he would've loved to consume. Forever hating himself for doing. It was a hook. It had us both trapped.

The movie Fingered was thus supposed to be a pornographic interpretation of that rape-snuff fantasy that Lydia shared with Marty about abducting, re-raping and killing the black girl. Richard Kern apparently couldn't find a black woman to play the role of the black girl getting raped and murdered by Lydia and Marty, so I guess they had no choice but to replace that black character with a white actress (Lung Leg) . How very SJW of them, which means that even transgressive filmmakers could not resist the urge to be politically correct and not offend the blacks, lest there be "another race riot" at their screenings too. These fucking people, who boldly declare themselves to be "transgressive" and "extremist", were scared of offending blacks by depicting something closer to the original story. In censoring themselves, they are no different the same SJWs who censored the controversial documentary Buck Breaking (about white-on-black male rape), which Null responded to and uploaded in full in his MATI archive, making Null far more transgressive and extremist than they will ever be.

If anyone needs to fact-check this story, go and read the book Paradoxia, it's all in there. Fact is, by gooning to Fingered Vivian Strange the BLM ally is literally gooning to a story that was originally about a black girl being abducted and raped by two white cops, then abducted again and repeat-raped and murdered by two white junkies, one of which was Lydia herself. Still, Vivian calls Fingered a "masterpiece" and declares himself in line with its transgressive values, despite drawing an arbitrary line at offending blacks ("all value systems must go", except for the SJW woke ones). Now that I've told you all this, you can't unknow this.
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Here's Vivian a year ago talking about the "trans genocide" in the US, which literally doesn't exist:

"Trans people are dying. The powers that be in every corner of this country are trying to legislate us out of existence. Or, to call it what it is, they are enacting genocide. Maybe you think that's too strong of a word to use. Maybe you think I'm co-opting a word and concept that is not my place to invoke. And when it comes to the kind of creator and public figure I want to be as my following grows, I want to be the bitch that tells all of you who think that I'm exaggerating when I say that what's happening to me and mine is genocide, to shut the fuck up and go to hell. (...) I'm a member of a community that's being hunted and exterminated."

Which is bullshit BTW, there is no "trans murder epidemic" and certainly no "genocide".
It's the typical hyperbolic histrionic bullshit that TRAs commonly resort to when people no longer believe their bullshit.

This trans person (yes!) debunked it in this video:

This follow-up video is even better:

OK, Vivian, having now witnessed what you claim is an actual genocide in Ghaza, do you finally realize how utterly ridiculously hysterical and hyperbolic you sound in the above video in retrospect? I guess hysterical troons like you have to see what a real war looks like before they realize they're not actually in one. Unfortunately, this did not lead you to reflect on your previous hysteria about a "trans genocide". You think you can go through life making hyperbolic after hysterical statement without anyone calling you out on your bullshit, probably because they think you're too schizo to bother doing so.

In case anyone thought I was exaggerating when I said that HRT use seems to go hand in hand with Palestine Derangement Syndrome, here are the nonnas on lolcow.farms talking about the same thing I noticed:


"First it was a 'trans genocide', then a 'trans terrorism'. What's next? 'Trans Palestine state'?"


"Considering yourself a victim of genocide while living in the US is insane. Transgenderism just seems like mass schizophrenia at this point, no country in the entire world is going to consider you an asylum seeker"


"There's a REAL war going on but trannies still think they're being genocided LMAO. They just need to be the center of attention at all times."


"I am sick of seeing shit about trans people are dying of being genocided, and more people should hound them about producing proper statistics because they can't. They fetishize actual oppression because they are not content being in the shadows undisturbed. It's funny that the more they try to get acceptance, the more everyone realizes how awful and sick they are, how they've grown from being perceived as a fairly harmless fringe group to one of the most harmful cults to exist."

"They push the trans genocide narrative to garner sympathy and punish wrong-think so that the handmaidens don't develop critical thinking skills and realize it's all lies."

Where the Ko-Fi donations went...


OMG, how many screenshots did I post in the ContraPoints thread of Nyk getting drunk on stream? I feel like I'm having a Nyk revival here.

Told y'all he was gonna get poppers with the money, listen to him pop the cork at this part:

Unfortunately, unlike Nyk who can afford to drink nothing but champagne everyday, Vivian doesn't understand that you can only call a wine Champagne if it's actually from Champagne. Otherwise you will be sued for false advertising. If it's from California, it's not Champagne, not matter how similar to the real thing it seems.

More significantly, Vivian just admitted on his latest Livestream that he was been lurking along with this very thread! How do I know this? Vivian literally mentioned Fingered on his stream after I brought up his Letterboxd review here in the thread:

This means I win, Vivian. This means I win, Vivian. I got you to read about the real story behind this movie and how it was about Lydia and Marty wanting to rape and murder a black teenager who had just been raped by white cops. Now you can't watch Fingered again and not superimpose "a bony black teenager" whenever you see Leg Lung. Now you have to appreciate how cowardly these "transgressive" and "extremist" filmmakers were for not casting a black actress to play the victim. Now that you know what the real story behind this movie was, ask yourself, would you have called Fingered a "masterpiece" on Letterboxd as casually as you did, if there it was a black actress getting raped and murdered by Lydia and Marty?

I'll do a separate post about the rest of the Livestream, I just wanted to highlight the fact that, yes, the lolcows we talk about here do find out about their threads and do actually come over to check out their own threads. @Kenneth Erwin Engelhardt thought you might like this.