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Sexuality Drama Maya Vivian Strange/Vivian Strong/Vivian Zelda Strong/Dorian Strong/Dorian Zelda Strong/Voltairine de Guerre - rapey tranarchist with Palestine Derangement Syndrome

Sexuality related drama
"While I am beautiful, brilliant and even entertaining now and then... it's kinda weird I've gone over 4 hours without talking at lenght about Palestine." - Vivian Strange
Here's Vivian Strange pretending his 5k channel is supposedly big enough to attract sponsors:


I bet none of these companies have ever contacted him seeking to offer him a sponsorship (if I am wrong and he was contacted with a sponsorship offer, I'd like to see receipts of that). He merely fantasizes about his channel getting big enough to where he gets to turn down sponsors, while in reality actively sabotaging his own channel with his PDS that almost none of his subscribers are actually interested in.

Furthermore, his fantasy about Youtubers making most of their money from sponsorships is flat-out wrong.

To give an example, Russia Youtuber Nikita Proshin, until recently, ran a Youtube channel with controversial political content (he's an anti-war Russian who fled his country to avoid conscription). In the name of transparency - something AFAICT no BreadTuber has ever done - Nikita posted a video with a breakdown of his Youtube income streams. Again, this is something no one in Vivian Strange's milieu has ever had the balls to do. Despite the left always demanding financial transparency from everyone else, they refuse to practice financial transparency themselves. I remember back when I was on KF, there was a user there called Calculus who would occasionally come into the ContraPoints thread to reverse-engineer Nyk's income on Patreon by counting his Patron listings at the end of his videos. That was the only way we got an estimate of how much money Nyk was actually making on Patreon, and how we figured out he had become a Youtube multi-millionaire buying property in the midst of the Covid pandemic while other people were losing their houses.

As you can see in this part of Nikita Proshin's video, sponsorships are only a small part of a Youtuber's income:

So Vivian's fantasy of all these Youtube sponsors showing up at his door begging him to endorse their products and services will never actually materialize as long as he remains a tiny far-left extremist Youtube channel telling students to get guns to shoot cops and Zionists (pretty sure no sponsor wants to be associated with that).

I think Vivian just gets off on being able to alienate everyone around him with his OCD extremism and somehow still manage to get paid for it, so the fantasy of turning down sponsors is purely about the powertrip of saying "no". Hence he "This Is Not For You" tattoo on his arm. A lot of what Vivian does is fantasizing and LARPing, like his fantasy about coming a famous filmmaker, his fantasy about JK Rowling browsing his OF porn account, his fantasy about collabing with immensely bigger Youtubers that don't even know he exists, or his fantasy about his endless, tiresome "Gaza Diaries" casualty gore compilations being some kind of urgent historical archival project - when the Gaza Diaries are literally useless to actual internet archivists, because Vivian never actually resources any of his pilfered content, probably for fear of being found out and struck with copyright notices - silly troon, the people whose content you're stealing are literally dodging bombs, they don't have the time or even the internet access to copystrike you. They might do it later though, once the war is over and they realize just how much Instagram content you pilfered from them while they were busy surviving. Bisan will NOT be happy when she realizes that some Amerimutt durg addicted porno-troon trying to re-brand himself as a curator of her life (and potential death) was stealing her Instagram updates behind her back so he could LARP as a documentary maker:


Nothing Vivian Strange does is ever meant to improve his lot in life, it's only meant to reinforce and feed into these various LARPs and fantasies he's completely obsessed with, all at the expense of his actual life. When you life has been reduced to an endless social media stream of either the most degenerate porn footage or the most gruesome war gore, you just stop being a functioning human being. Vivian Strange wants everyone to praise him for doing this to himself, when most people just shake their heads at his self-destructiveness and refuse to engage with it. The people in Vivian Strange's far left hugbox are too politically correct to tell him that his Palestine Derangement Syndrome is destroying his channel and his life, but his view-count numbers speak for themselves - which is why Vivian did a three hour Livestream ranting about how much he hates being confronted with his dwindling views:

But my fatigue from being a content creator is only the tip of the iceberg. Because, looking at this as a job - and what I do is the work of a professional - there is so much about being a Youtuber that I absolutely fucking despise.

So I hate having to commodity myself, I hate having to promote myself across as much of the internet as possible, I hate the pressure of needing to keep perpetually engaged on social media, I hate having to constantly find new and creative to phrase my sincerity and explain, like, my financial situation in order to ask for money and pimp my Patreon in every video I make, cos if I didn't I wouldn't be able to make any money off of this work at all.

I hate having to stifle... (laughs) Does everybody have their teacups ready?

I hate having to stifle and suppress my most pointed criticisms of other Youtubers, because, like all sectors of the entertainment industry, you only get work if you know how to play nice with everyone. Even and especially the fuckers who need to be challenged and taken down several notches. And, let's face it, I'm already not a very likeable person, that I rub over half the people who know me the wrong way. So... I hate the resentment and envy that I feel when one of my peers gets more subscribers than me. When their videos do better than mine. When they are recruited for collaborations by creators I want to work with while I am ignored and forgotten. I hate that there are several Youtubers whose videos I have loved in the past, that I simply can't watch anymore because they make me feel too insecure about my own. I hate that I'm too insecure to even give y'all examples of that. I hate that I've come to measure my value in terms of how many subscribers I have and I hate even more that that's an accurate way to measure a content creator's value in this game. Because, it doesn't matter what anyone says. On Youtube, your worth to both other creators and the entities who support and promote them is directly dependent on things like your subscriber count. Most of all, most of fucking all, I hate this fucking Youtube studio app, so fucking much. For those of you who don't know, this is an app that all of us, all content creators, we all have it and we're all fucking addicted to it. Like, it's unbelievable how much data and analytics this app has on all of you. It has all these numbers and graphs and shit that are designed specifically for someone with addictive brain chemistry, like mine - and, honestly, anyone who makes videos on the internet - it's made specifically to get us hooked on. Having this app on your phone is like having a little vial of coke in your pocket that you're able to bust out and take a bump from whenever you want, cos that's what happens when we watch our numbers go up. We get a fix. Social attention is converted into numbers, into measurable dosages of dopamine from watching the numbers go up. It really is like a drug. It's barely a metaphor. Stimuli maybe different, but the brain chemicals that react to them are all the same. (...) I hate that I have to care about this shit like this. I hate that I care so much about these numbers. I hate that to be succesful at what I do here, I have to care about this shit. I hate my well-conditioned compulsion to check out how many subscribers I have every day, how well my videos are doing and how close I am to getting my next $100 paycheck from AdSense - which is, about, every 4 or 5 months. I don't make much off of AdSense.

But this isn't just Youtube. Youtube is just one more element of a much more massive and encompassing media machine. The engine that powers the spectacle of celebrity culture. The stimuli economy of the entertainment industrial complex. You may have heard this from one or two famous people now and again, but fame is a bad thing actually. [Wow, I really pissed him off by pointing out he has Almost Famous Syndrome, it's true though.] It is toxic to our mental health, it's corrosive to our empathy, it's a cancer of the human soul. The mass media myth making machine of neoliberal capitalist culture has conditioned generations of us for over a century to lust for fame, success, renown, brilliance, whatever you want to call it, we were all raised to want to be the center of attention. To be the star standing on the stage with millions of mesmerized eyes staring down/up at us. But the thing is, human being are not built to be subjected to that kind of level of attention. We aren't an individualistic species, and it's deeply deeply unnatural for a single human being to be under the heat of so many spotlights at once. It's just the way we're built. We cannot function, let alone thrive, under spotlights. They burn us alive. The psychosocial relationship between the individuals and their idolizing masses that we call "fame", it consumes us. It uses up everything beautiful and meaningful and human about us, and leaves us as soulless, empty-headed homunculi with no conviction or principles, beyond a bottomless appetite for more and more attention, and the social influence that comes with it. I've learned that being a public figure, coming a celebrity, no matter how micro or niche I may be, it's dehumanizing. It strips people of their humanity, it fundamentally alienates one from other human beings, it stunts one's emotional and cognitive growth. It fundamentally and unavoidably traumatizes and damages all of us. No exceptions. Not even you, whatever clever creator happens to be watching this and thinking, "Oh, I know all this already, but it doesn't apply to me cos I'm above that". Especially not y'all, specifically.

The past two and a half years, I met a lot of famous people, and I've heard the stories of 100s more, because the cult of celebrity is literally just an exclusive (at least on paper) social club where everyone is connected to everyone else by, at most, 4 or 5 degrees of separation. So let me assure you, fame and celebrity and worship have never made anyone a better person. You get famous, the best one can possibly hope for is to escape from the spotlight with as little harm and damage done to them as possible. Yes, all of the Youtubers, streamers, content creators, filmmakers, writers, musicians, artists, critics, comedians, influencers, celebrities, all performers and entertainers you've ever loved, known or heard of, all of them are fucked up. None of us are good people. I don't want to look at the page, I want to look at the camera when I say this: None of us are good people.

Could I spill tea by talking about how psychologically fucked up, developmentally stunted, narcissistic, stupid, cruel, callous and creepy some of your favourite famouses on Youtube are? Well, I could, because drama sells very well, and it is algorithmically guaranteed to materially benefit me but I'm not going to do that. Yes, hate to break it to you, all your favourites suck, and I'm refraining from spilling tea and making drama not because I'm 'better than all that', but because I'm not better than all that.

The thing I hate most about being a content creator on Youtube is that it's been making me a worse person. It turned me into the kind of person I am disgusted by, and desperately do not want to be.

I warned Vivian that trannie chasers - which is anyone willing to entertain a troon online - do not follow troons because they give a fuck about their political takes, they follow troons for the bussy. How else do you explain someone like Blaire White having over a million subscribers, supposedly all right-wing conservatives making an exception on their anti-LGBT politics just for Blaire? If that doesn't tell you how little trannie chasers online give a shit about your political opinions, you're in denial. Nyk got cancelled by the trans community for his takes on non-binary troons, and yet he's still a Youtube multi-millionaire with 36k Patrons. That's how little online trannie chasers give a shit about a troon's political takes or what the trans community itself thinks about them. You could be the most reactionary far-right troon or the most politically correct far-left troon, it doesn't matter either way. The moment you became a troon and dedicated your life and body to the coom, your political views became superfluous to your attractiveness and sexual innuendo. You can't change this now, you cannot change the kind of audience that follow troons online, just because you've developed a sudden obsession with the war in Ghaza and the hoarding of every video that comes out of that conflict. Your audience will not and does not follow you in this, and hating Youtube for reminding you of the fact that they won't is just more denial of the obvious.

Literally the only place I have seen this kind of obsessive hoarding behaviour with videos was... KiwiFarms. Kiwis sometimes got on my back because I wouldn't archive every single video I was commenting on, and my response was that I didn't give a fuck about archiving every single thing, I just wanted to post a reaction to it. I just wasn't gonna archive 3 hour Livestreams because I didn't have the time or the bandwidth or the need to do so. This obsessive hoarding of every single video is truly some fucked up OCD behaviour, whether it's on KiwiFarms or on Vivian Strange's channel.
Here's Vivian Strange pretending his 5k channel is supposedly big enough to attract sponsors:

View attachment 56051

I bet none of these companies have ever contacted him seeking to offer him a sponsorship (if I am wrong and he was contacted with a sponsorship offer, I'd like to see receipts of that). He merely fantasizes about his channel getting big enough to where he gets to turn down sponsors, while in reality actively sabotaging his own channel with his PDS that almost none of his subscribers are actually interested in.

Furthermore, his fantasy about Youtubers making most of their money from sponsorships is flat-out wrong.

To give an example, Russia Youtuber Nikita Proshin, until recently, ran a Youtube channel with controversial political content (he's an anti-war Russian who fled his country to avoid conscription). In the name of transparency - something AFAICT no BreadTuber has ever done - Nikita posted a video with a breakdown of his Youtube income streams. Again, this is something no one in Vivian Strange's milieu has ever had the balls to do. Despite the left always demanding financial transparency from everyone else, they refuse to practice financial transparency themselves. I remember back when I was on KF, there was a user there called Calculus who would occasionally come into the ContraPoints thread to reverse-engineer Nyk's income on Patreon by counting his Patron listings at the end of his videos. That was the only way we got an estimate of how much money Nyk was actually making on Patreon, and how we figured out he had become a Youtube multi-millionaire buying property in the midst of the Covid pandemic while other people were losing their houses.

As you can see in this part of Nikita Proshin's video, sponsorships are only a small part of a Youtuber's income:

So Vivian's fantasy of all these Youtube sponsors showing up at his door begging him to endorse their products and services will never actually materialize as long as he remains a tiny far-left extremist Youtube channel telling students to get guns to shoot cops and Zionists (pretty sure no sponsor wants to be associated with that).

I think Vivian just gets off on being able to alienate everyone around him with his OCD extremism and somehow still manage to get paid for it, so the fantasy of turning down sponsors is purely about the powertrip of saying "no". Hence he "This Is Not For You" tattoo on his arm. A lot of what Vivian does is fantasizing and LARPing, like his fantasy about coming a famous filmmaker, his fantasy about JK Rowling browsing his OF porn account, his fantasy about collabing with immensely bigger Youtubers that don't even know he exists, or his fantasy about his endless, tiresome "Gaza Diaries" casualty gore compilations being some kind of urgent historical archival project - when the Gaza Diaries are literally useless to actual internet archivists, because Vivian never actually resources any of his pilfered content, probably for fear of being found out and struck with copyright notices - silly troon, the people whose content you're stealing are literally dodging bombs, they don't have the time or even the internet access to copystrike you. They might do it later though, once the war is over and they realize just how much Instagram content you pilfered from them while they were busy surviving. Bisan will NOT be happy when she realizes that some Amerimutt durg addicted porno-troon trying to re-brand himself as a curator of her life (and potential death) was stealing her Instagram updates behind her back so he could LARP as a documentary maker:

View attachment 56052

Nothing Vivian Strange does is ever meant to improve his lot in life, it's only meant to reinforce and feed into these various LARPs and fantasies he's completely obsessed with, all at the expense of his actual life. When you life has been reduced to an endless social media stream of either the most degenerate porn footage or the most gruesome war gore, you just stop being a functioning human being. Vivian Strange wants everyone to praise him for doing this to himself, when most people just shake their heads at his self-destructiveness and refuse to engage with it. The people in Vivian Strange's far left hugbox are too politically correct to tell him that his Palestine Derangement Syndrome is destroying his channel and his life, but his view-count numbers speak for themselves - which is why Vivian did a three hour Livestream ranting about how much he hates being confronted with his dwindling views:

I warned Vivian that trannie chasers - which is anyone willing to entertain a troon online - do not follow troons because they give a fuck about their political takes, they follow troons for the bussy. How else do you explain someone like Blaire White having over a million subscribers, supposedly all right-wing conservatives making an exception on their anti-LGBT politics just for Blaire? If that doesn't tell you how little trannie chasers online give a shit about your political opinions, you're in denial. Nyk got cancelled by the trans community for his takes on non-binary troons, and yet he's still a Youtube multi-millionaire with 36k Patrons. That's how little online trannie chasers give a shit about a troon's political takes or what the trans community itself thinks about them. You could be the most reactionary far-right troon or the most politically correct far-left troon, it doesn't matter either way. The moment you became a troon and dedicated your life and body to the coom, your political views became superfluous to your attractiveness and sexual innuendo. You can't change this now, you cannot change the kind of audience that follow troons online, just because you've developed a sudden obsession with the war in Ghaza and the hoarding of every video that comes out of that conflict. Your audience will not and does not follow you in this, and hating Youtube for reminding you of the fact that they won't is just more denial of the obvious.

Literally the only place I have seen this kind of obsessive hoarding behaviour with videos was... KiwiFarms. Kiwis sometimes got on my back because I wouldn't archive every single video I was commenting on, and my response was that I didn't give a fuck about archiving every single thing, I just wanted to post a reaction to it. I just wasn't gonna archive 3 hour Livestreams because I didn't have the time or the bandwidth or the need to do so. This obsessive hoarding of every single video is truly some fucked up OCD behaviour, whether it's on KiwiFarms or on Vivian Strange's channel.
Kill yourself no one is reading all that.
BREAKING: Vivian Strange turns against Content Creators for Palestine: "fucking contemptible" - threatens to expose them after the crowdfunding campaign is over - asks Content Creators for Palestine to violate their NDAs by discussing their Youtube sponsors for his "Youtube SponsorShit List" - Strange Butterfly House turns into a call-out Youtube Drama Channel - Researching who's actually behind Content Creators for Palestine (CDC Foundation?!)

Vivian Strange is so judgemental and vindictive, he hates his fellow Content Creators for Palestine because they have other interests besides the conflict in Ghaza. Vivian is angry at his fellow content creators because they were discussing the popular Netflix series Bridgerton in that secret Discord group they're all hiding in right now:

Update: Vivian has apparently privated this Livestream - probably because he and his chat were openly discussing their drug abuse for most of the stream (which is stupid because Vivian literally has pictures of himself smoking joints on Instagram) - but I managed to transcribe the part where he threatened to expose Content Creators for Palestine before he hid it:

I'm going to write that down because I'm actually trying to, I'm trying to compile a list, uh, a Youtube SponsorShit List, and no one is, no one in the big Youtuber group I'm in right now, is contributing to it, at all. They're too busy talking about fucking Bridgerton. Cannot wait until a couple of weeks now, where I don't have to play nice and can tell y'all, tell the internet how I actually feel about some of these people, these fucking "activists". Ugh, fucking contemptible.

Bridgerton is a hyperwoke SJW costume drama series where one of the main characters is a fat woman (ie, body positivity) and the aim of the series is to blackwash European history through an a-historically diverse cast, and justifying this blackwashing by claiming it was supposed to be anachronistic. SJWs love that kind of revisionism of history, so of course when you get a bunch of lefty Youtubers in a Discord server together, they would be talking about the latest woke Netflix show that is literally designed in every way to appeal to this very audience.

Excluding sourpuss Vivian, who had asked these bigger lefty Youtubers to contribute to his "Youtube SponsorShit List", which he describes as a list of "Youtube Sponsors that work with Israel". The only example of such a sponsor he was able give was Better Help, a sponsor that most Youtubers have long dissociated themselves from for other reasons. Years ago, while Vivian was too busy gooning and getting high on drugs to notice anything, various big Youtubers had already researched Better Help and decided that they didn't want to associate themselves with that company. This (extensively researched in a way Vivian is incapable of) video from British Youtuber The Right Opinion about BetterHelp is from 5 years ago:

On his Livestream Vivian was making vague threats about exposing Concent Creators for Palestine, because the other Content Creators - who unlike Vivian have far bigger channels and hence do have sponsorships - all ignored his request that they sabotage their income streams just for the same of Vivian's latest OCD obsession. Vivian apparently doesn't know that when Youtubers agree to a sponsorship, they are placed under an NDA which obliges them not to talk about their sponsors.

Suppose a Content Creator made the mistake of disclosing anything about their sponsors to Vivian, or assisting him with finding out if that sponsor had business ties to Israel. If any such Discord chats got leaked - and Vivian's threat to expose his fellow content creators once the fundraising campaign is over certainly suggests he himself might go ahead and leak some of their private Discord chats - and CCs were shown to be violating their NDAs by discussing their sponsors on Discord, these people would definitely lose their sponsorships. Vivian, who has made his ill intent towards Content Creators for Palestine abundantly clear in his seething Livestreams, is probably the last person on earth these Content Creator would agree to talk to about their sponsorships.

This is why you should never trust a troon on the internet with anything pertaining to your Youtube career. TRAs will only join these fundraising campaigns - whether it's for Palestine or any other topic - just so that they can destroy them from within. They will spy on private chat sessions, screengrab everything, leak it and use those leaks to generate drama. Do not allow troons into your activist milieu, ever. Instead of a "Youtube Sponsorshit List", people should keep a list of all the activist endeavours and organizations that have been destroyed by making the mistake of welcoming TRAs.

Who is really behind the Content Creators for Palestine campaign?

Who's actually behind Content Creators for Palestine? Meet Kirk Scott, the Edward Charles Foundation, the Tiltify Impact Fund and... the National Fund for the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.

First, meet Kirk Scott. As you can tell from his biography he's all about AIDS fundraising as the former Vice President of the Magic Johnson Foundation:

Kirk Scott is one of the main guys behind the Edward Charles Foundation in Beverly Hills, CA, which is presumably named after the sexologist Edward Charles. Kirk Scott & Co don't actually disclose whom they're named after on their site, likely not to alienate any conservative donors, but since they have their origins in pozz fundraising and Edward Charles advocated contraception, I'll assume he's the one they're most likely named after:


The Tiltify Impact Fund partners with the Edward Charles Foundation for the sake of the Content Creators for Palestine campaign. What does pozz and contraception have to do with Palestine, you ask? Your guess is as good as mine! Maybe "Queers for Palestine" can explain the connection there. I do suspect there's a valid connection there, given the apparent connection between HRT and PDS.

In other words, Content Creators for Palestine is not some grassroots crowdfunding campaign that was organized and run amongst Youtubers themselves. It's rather a highly professional crowdfunding campaign, run by the experienced Beverly Hills NGO elite, who initially made a lot of money from fundraising on behalf of literally pozzed up celebrities.

I wonder what someone who's as rabidly anti-celebrity and anti-Beverly Hills as Vivian is has to say about fundraising for the Beverly Hills NGO elite. At the very least Vivian must appreciate the fact that these "Edwardians" (appear to be) named after a sexologist, while covering up this association on their website to dupe conservatives into donating to their causes. Gotta love the grift there.
BREAKING: Vivian Strange turns against Content Creators for Palestine: "fucking contemptible" - threatens to expose them after the crowdfunding campaign is over - asks Content Creators for Palestine to violate their NDAs by discussing their Youtube sponsors for his "Youtube SponsorShit List" - Strange Butterfly House turns into a call-out Youtube Drama Channel - Researching who's actually behind Content Creators for Palestine (CDC Foundation?!)

Vivian Strange is so judgemental and vindictive, he hates his fellow Content Creators for Palestine because they have other interests besides the conflict in Ghaza. Vivian is angry at his fellow content creators because they were discussing the popular Netflix series Bridgerton in that secret Discord group they're all hiding in right now:

Update: Vivian has apparently privated this Livestream - probably because he and his chat were openly discussing their drug abuse for most of the stream (which is stupid because Vivian literally has pictures of himself smoking joints on Instagram) - but I managed to transcribe the part where he threatened to expose Content Creators for Palestine before he hid it:

Bridgerton is a hyperwoke SJW costume drama series where one of the main characters is a fat woman (ie, body positivity) and the aim of the series is to blackwash European history through an a-historically diverse cast, and justifying this blackwashing by claiming it was supposed to be anachronistic. SJWs love that kind of revisionism of history, so of course when you get a bunch of lefty Youtubers in a Discord server together, they would be talking about the latest woke Netflix show that is literally designed in every way to appeal to this very audience.

Excluding sourpuss Vivian, who had asked these bigger lefty Youtubers to contribute to his "Youtube SponsorShit List", which he describes as a list of "Youtube Sponsors that work with Israel". The only example of such a sponsor he was able give was Better Help, a sponsor that most Youtubers have long dissociated themselves from for other reasons. Years ago, while Vivian was too busy gooning and getting high on drugs to notice anything, various big Youtubers had already researched Better Help and decided that they didn't want to associate themselves with that company. This (extensively researched in a way Vivian is incapable of) video from British Youtuber The Right Opinion about BetterHelp is from 5 years ago:

On his Livestream Vivian was making vague threats about exposing Concent Creators for Palestine, because the other Content Creators - who unlike Vivian have far bigger channels and hence do have sponsorships - all ignored his request that they sabotage their income streams just for the same of Vivian's latest OCD obsession. Vivian apparently doesn't know that when Youtubers agree to a sponsorship, they are placed under an NDA which obliges them not to talk about their sponsors.

Suppose a Content Creator made the mistake of disclosing anything about their sponsors to Vivian, or assisting him with finding out if that sponsor had business ties to Israel. If any such Discord chats got leaked - and Vivian's threat to expose his fellow content creators once the fundraising campaign is over certainly suggests he himself might go ahead and leak some of their private Discord chats - and CCs were shown to be violating their NDAs by discussing their sponsors on Discord, these people would definitely lose their sponsorships. Vivian, who has made his ill intent towards Content Creators for Palestine abundantly clear in his seething Livestreams, is probably the last person on earth these Content Creator would agree to talk to about their sponsorships.

This is why you should never trust a troon on the internet with anything pertaining to your Youtube career. TRAs will only join these fundraising campaigns - whether it's for Palestine or any other topic - just so that they can destroy them from within. They will spy on private chat sessions, screengrab everything, leak it and use those leaks to generate drama. Do not allow troons into your activist milieu, ever. Instead of a "Youtube Sponsorshit List", people should keep a list of all the activist endeavours and organizations that have been destroyed by making the mistake of welcoming TRAs.

Who is really behind the Content Creators for Palestine campaign?

Who's actually behind Content Creators for Palestine? Meet Kirk Scott, the Edward Charles Foundation, the Tiltify Impact Fund and... the National Fund for the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.

First, meet Kirk Scott. As you can tell from his biography he's all about AIDS fundraising as the former Vice President of the Magic Johnson Foundation:

Kirk Scott is one of the main guys behind the Edward Charles Foundation in Beverly Hills, CA, which is presumably named after the sexologist Edward Charles. Kirk Scott & Co don't actually disclose whom they're named after on their site, likely not to alienate any conservative donors, but since they have their origins in pozz fundraising and Edward Charles advocated contraception, I'll assume he's the one they're most likely named after:

View attachment 56162

The Tiltify Impact Fund partners with the Edward Charles Foundation for the sake of the Content Creators for Palestine campaign. What does pozz and contraception have to do with Palestine, you ask? Your guess is as good as mine! Maybe "Queers for Palestine" can explain the connection there. I do suspect there's a valid connection there, given the apparent connection between HRT and PDS.

In other words, Content Creators for Palestine is not some grassroots crowdfunding campaign that was organized and run amongst Youtubers themselves. It's rather a highly professional crowdfunding campaign, run by the experienced Beverly Hills NGO elite, who initially made a lot of money from fundraising on behalf of literally pozzed up celebrities.

I wonder what someone who's as rabidly anti-celebrity and anti-Beverly Hills as Vivian is has to say about fundraising for the Beverly Hills NGO elite. At the very least Vivian must appreciate the fact that these "Edwardians" (appear to be) named after a sexologist, while covering up this association on their website to dupe conservatives into donating to their cause
s. Gotta love the grift there.
BREAKING: Vivian Strange is has decided to radically turn his life around, stop being a broke troon and become a capitalist: "Let's Make Some Money!!"


I can't believe my eyes! This... THIS IS GREAT! The resting bitchface is also great, Vivian looks at his best and most authentic when he's being his narc contemptuous and arrogant true self.

Let's Make Some Money!! (10 Things I Hate About YouTube, Third Stream)

So on Thursday, I didn't get around to talking about everything I wanted to cover about YouTuber sponsorships and the role occupied by big creators in the entertainment industrial complex, so let's conclude the discussion by raising some funds for me and my family to be able to afford extravagant luxuries like paying our rent on time and moving to a cheaper place by July!

If I've somehow changed or positively influenced your life, you should donate to my GoFundMe to show my[sic] some love and appreciation, cause I could really use it right now.

And if you wanna watch or rewatch this stream afterwards, you'll need to join my Patreon to see it before I edit it into a bigger project!

I am glad I am having such a positive effect on Vivian Strange, inspiring him to be more of a capitalist and really start making money on his Youtube channel. Vivian actually did a capitalism under my rotten influence, and has now paywalled all of his recent Livestreams on his Patreon:


That's the spirit Vivian, that's how you make money on Youtube!

Soon, we will see Vivian doing this to his paypigs:

The Greediest Streamer on Twitch

Findom those trannie chasers Vivian! If they want the bussy they have to PAY! It's FUN being a nasty capitalist! (BTW, I have a whole post coming up about Vivian's connection to BadBunny on BlueSky, he's been reBSing her there, so perhaps he and his simpies should know who this woman actually is - other than a lumpen Sasha Gray - and what she and her circle has done to other Youtubers.)

Vivian is gonna make some money, but he doesn't want that Dzooish blood money: "And if you’re a Zionist who sympathizes with Israel, fvck you, go away. I don’t want your money or support.".


That's stupid of you, Vivian. It's bad business practice to turn down donors. If you were a smart business troon, you would've milked those liberal Dzooz with a guilt-trip for all they're worth. Do what the "Edwardians" at the Edward Charles Foundation are doing: hide the fact that you're named after a contraception-popping sexologist, and watch all those Republicans get dupped into forking over their money to your causes. That's how you do it when you're an experienced Beverly Hills NGO Boss.

In the mean time, he's not even halfway there: "$1,643 USD raised of $7,500 goal". At this pace I highly doubt he will ever reach his goal.

He admits the reason he's asking for 7k is because he wants people to fund his OCD obsession with collecting and stringing up every single gore video to come out of Ghaza during the war: "I want to clarify that the end goal of this fundraiser has been calculated to provide enough financial support to get me through the summer so I don’t have to get a second job that would use up the time that I could better spend working on The Gaza Diaries documentary project."

So it's not really a help-us-move fundraiser, it's more of a "fund my self-destruction of my otherwise previously viable Youtube channel, so I can waste my time making more war gore compilations that almost no one ever watches or can actually use for research, because the fact that I am too lazy and scatter-brained to timestamp the videos I pilfer from others, or to cite my actual direct sources for any of these videos, that alone makes these compilations completely useless to actual researchers or archivists looking for a mirror of a potentially lost video. I pretend that my gore compilations are some kind of historical archiving or preservation project, while completely disregarding the conventions of archiving and citation that could've made these compilation actually useful to researchers. In the end, these gore compilations are just about me indulging by PDS obsessions and humble-bragging about all the gore I was able to withstand. It's about turning other people's misery into an endurance test for myself, because everything is about me."

BTW, why is Vivian Strange hating so hard on Bridgerton again?

'Bridgerton' Star DEMANDED Nude Scenes to Piss Off Body Shamers

Sounds like this show is right up Vivian's alley! He should lay off the Gaza Diaries and the war gore and review this instead of his pay piggies.
Strange Butterfly House becomes a trannie Drama channel: Vivian Strange trashes Youtuber Jenny Nicholson: "Bitch, fuck you!", "Rich bitch doing gotcha journalism.", "I'm not going to let you enjoy things! I'm not gonna let you get away with making a 4 hour ad for Disney, a corporation that doesn't give a fuck about you.", "egregious fucking travesty!", "We're supposed to be boycotting Disney right now!", "It's despicable to me!", "They targeted us when we were vulnerable, then they hired us to ensnare the next generation. That's a cycle of abuse I refuse to contribute to. Disney can go fuck itself!" - I lecture Vivian on "Disney-pilled" Youtubers like Jenny and Lindsay being, quote, "on the phone with Disney" about their Disney videos, and what that indicates about their faux-criticism of Disney.


Here's Jenny with Nyk at Disneyland, if you want to know the real reason Vivian is so raging angry at a cis woman who has direct access to a trans Youtuber Vivian has been fanboying for years and desperately wants to be transbians with himself:



Here's Jenny with Nyk and former Reddit moderator censor turned Censorship Czar Kat Lo (the "Kat L" credited at the end of the last ContraPoints video):


BTW, which of you bitchez showed up in the chat to call Vivian a man to his face during the Livestream? LMAO! Come on, I know this was one of you!


I am listening to the Livestream right now, and it's just him seething at childwoman Youtuber Jenny Nicholson because (he claims) she spent $ 6000 to stay at some Disney Star Wars themed hotel that she recently made a video about: "Bitch, fuck you.". Vivian Strange is angry at the mere idea that Jenny - who is a multi-millionaire Youtuber just like Nyk - has $ 6000 to spend on a Disney Star Wars themed hotel. "What pissed me off was not that it cost 6k dollars to stay (...) what pissed me off is that she spent so much time, energy and money on making that video at all. That's what I have an issue with."

Here's some old news for you Vivian, because you're being stupid right now. You are being extremely naive for assuming these Youtube multi-millionaires - which Jenny, Lindsay and Nyk all three are - would pay $6000 out of pocket for this shit. Again, I cannot prove this and am only assuming here, but given everything, they most likely GET PAID for this shit because their fake-"critical" videos are seen as promos by Disney. Both Jenny and Lindsay Ellis - Nyk's other trannie nannie, who for a while literally wrote his scripts for him - they are, quote, "on the phone with Disney" themselves about all the videos they've made about Disney. I myself personally caught Lindsay Ellis admitting to Nyk, at the beginning of a Livestream, that she was, quote, "on the phone with Disney" before the Livestream they did that day. Nyk later nuked this whole Livestream to just cover it up. The link to that Livestream is still up on KF, if you need to see my post about it at the time.

I cannot prove this, but I think it is safe to assume that Lindsay and Jenny do not actually have pay to pay anything to go to those Disney Theme Parks and Theme Hotels (in fact, IIRC someone on KF told me Jenny was getting free access tickets to Disney Parks as a perk for her making her Disney Theme Park videos). I don't have any evidence for this, but the most logical conclusion to draw - especially given Lindsay's pathetic attempts at covering up the fact that she made her videos in direction negotiation with Disney - is that they are very likely invited by Disney themselves to go there, and then they make a supposedly "critical video essay"/"honest review" about that experience, that they are "on the phone" with Disney about, and presumably only get to post on Youtube if Disney is happy with it and thus effectively green-lights it. The idea, I am guessing, is to have a video about various aspects of Disney theme park that seems like an impartial, honest review, when in reality Disney had their hand all over it.

You obviously don't know any this and Youtubers being "on the phone with Disney", because you were too busy gooning and doing drugs to notice these disclosures at the time when they were happening. If you had been reading KF instead of trashing it you would've known all this already.
Strange Butterfly House becomes a trannie Drama channel: Vivian Strange trashes Youtuber Jenny Nicholson: "Bitch, fuck you!", "Rich bitch doing gotcha journalism.", "I'm not going to let you enjoy things! I'm not gonna let you get away with making a 4 hour ad for Disney, a corporation that doesn't give a fuck about you.", "egregious fucking travesty!", "We're supposed to be boycotting Disney right now!", "It's despicable to me!", "They targeted us when we were vulnerable, then they hired us to ensnare the next generation. That's a cycle of abuse I refuse to contribute to. Disney can go fuck itself!" - I lecture Vivian on "Disney-pilled" Youtubers like Jenny and Lindsay being, quote, "on the phone with Disney" about their Disney videos, and what that indicates about their faux-criticism of Disney.

View attachment 56278

Here's Jenny with Nyk at Disneyland, if you want to know the real reason Vivian is so raging angry at a cis woman who has direct access to a trans Youtuber Vivian has been fanboying for years and desperately wants to be transbians with himself:

View attachment 56277


Here's Jenny with Nyk and former Reddit moderator censor turned Censorship Czar Kat Lo (the "Kat L" credited at the end of the last ContraPoints video):

View attachment 56276

BTW, which of you bitchez showed up in the chat to call Vivian a man to his face during the Livestream? LMAO! Come on, I know this was one of you!

View attachment 56279

I am listening to the Livestream right now, and it's just him seething at childwoman Youtuber Jenny Nicholson because (he claims) she spent $ 6000 to stay at some Disney Star Wars themed hotel that she recently made a video about: "Bitch, fuck you.". Vivian Strange is angry at the mere idea that Jenny - who is a multi-millionaire Youtuber just like Nyk - has $ 6000 to spend on a Disney Star Wars themed hotel. "What pissed me off was not that it cost 6k dollars to stay (...) what pissed me off is that she spent so much time, energy and money on making that video at all. That's what I have an issue with."

Here's some old news for you Vivian, because you're being stupid right now. You are being extremely naive for assuming these Youtube multi-millionaires - which Jenny, Lindsay and Nyk all three are - would pay $6000 out of pocket for this shit. Again, I cannot prove this and am only assuming here, but given everything, they most likely GET PAID for this shit because their fake-"critical" videos are seen as promos by Disney. Both Jenny and Lindsay Ellis - Nyk's other trannie nannie, who for a while literally wrote his scripts for him - they are, quote, "on the phone with Disney" themselves about all the videos they've made about Disney. I myself personally caught Lindsay Ellis admitting to Nyk, at the beginning of a Livestream, that she was, quote, "on the phone with Disney" before the Livestream they did that day. Nyk later nuked this whole Livestream to just cover it up. The link to that Livestream is still up on KF, if you need to see my post about it at the time.

I cannot prove this, but I think it is safe to assume that Lindsay and Jenny do not actually have pay to pay anything to go to those Disney Theme Parks and Theme Hotels (in fact, IIRC someone on KF told me Jenny was getting free access tickets to Disney Parks as a perk for her making her Disney Theme Park videos). I don't have any evidence for this, but the most logical conclusion to draw - especially given Lindsay's pathetic attempts at covering up the fact that she made her videos in direction negotiation with Disney - is that they are very likely invited by Disney themselves to go there, and then they make a supposedly "critical video essay"/"honest review" about that experience, that they are "on the phone" with Disney about, and presumably only get to post on Youtube if Disney is happy with it and thus effectively green-lights it. The idea, I am guessing, is to have a video about various aspects of Disney theme park that seems like an impartial, honest review, when in reality Disney had their hand all over it.

You obviously don't know any this and Youtubers being "on the phone with Disney", because you were too busy gooning and doing drugs to notice these disclosures at the time when they were happening. If you had been reading KF instead of trashing it you would've known all this already.
Holy shit shut the fuck up stop formatting your posts like a schizophrenic you fucking weirdo no one is reading all of that.
Strange Butterfly House becomes a trannie Drama channel: Vivian Strange trashes Youtuber Jenny Nicholson: "Bitch, fuck you!", "Rich bitch doing gotcha journalism.", "I'm not going to let you enjoy things! I'm not gonna let you get away with making a 4 hour ad for Disney, a corporation that doesn't give a fuck about you.", "egregious fucking travesty!", "We're supposed to be boycotting Disney right now!", "It's despicable to me!", "They targeted us when we were vulnerable, then they hired us to ensnare the next generation. That's a cycle of abuse I refuse to contribute to. Disney can go fuck itself!" - I lecture Vivian on "Disney-pilled" Youtubers like Jenny and Lindsay being, quote, "on the phone with Disney" about their Disney videos, and what that indicates about their faux-criticism of Disney.

View attachment 56278

Here's Jenny with Nyk at Disneyland, if you want to know the real reason Vivian is so raging angry at a cis woman who has direct access to a trans Youtuber Vivian has been fanboying for years and desperately wants to be transbians with himself:

View attachment 56277


Here's Jenny with Nyk and former Reddit moderator censor turned Censorship Czar Kat Lo (the "Kat L" credited at the end of the last ContraPoints video):

View attachment 56276

BTW, which of you bitchez showed up in the chat to call Vivian a man to his face during the Livestream? LMAO! Come on, I know this was one of you!

View attachment 56279

I am listening to the Livestream right now, and it's just him seething at childwoman Youtuber Jenny Nicholson because (he claims) she spent $ 6000 to stay at some Disney Star Wars themed hotel that she recently made a video about: "Bitch, fuck you.". Vivian Strange is angry at the mere idea that Jenny - who is a multi-millionaire Youtuber just like Nyk - has $ 6000 to spend on a Disney Star Wars themed hotel. "What pissed me off was not that it cost 6k dollars to stay (...) what pissed me off is that she spent so much time, energy and money on making that video at all. That's what I have an issue with."

Here's some old news for you Vivian, because you're being stupid right now. You are being extremely naive for assuming these Youtube multi-millionaires - which Jenny, Lindsay and Nyk all three are - would pay $6000 out of pocket for this shit. Again, I cannot prove this and am only assuming here, but given everything, they most likely GET PAID for this shit because their fake-"critical" videos are seen as promos by Disney. Both Jenny and Lindsay Ellis - Nyk's other trannie nannie, who for a while literally wrote his scripts for him - they are, quote, "on the phone with Disney" themselves about all the videos they've made about Disney. I myself personally caught Lindsay Ellis admitting to Nyk, at the beginning of a Livestream, that she was, quote, "on the phone with Disney" before the Livestream they did that day. Nyk later nuked this whole Livestream to just cover it up. The link to that Livestream is still up on KF, if you need to see my post about it at the time.

I cannot prove this, but I think it is safe to assume that Lindsay and Jenny do not actually have pay to pay anything to go to those Disney Theme Parks and Theme Hotels (in fact, IIRC someone on KF told me Jenny was getting free access tickets to Disney Parks as a perk for her making her Disney Theme Park videos). I don't have any evidence for this, but the most logical conclusion to draw - especially given Lindsay's pathetic attempts at covering up the fact that she made her videos in direction negotiation with Disney - is that they are very likely invited by Disney themselves to go there, and then they make a supposedly "critical video essay"/"honest review" about that experience, that they are "on the phone" with Disney about, and presumably only get to post on Youtube if Disney is happy with it and thus effectively green-lights it. The idea, I am guessing, is to have a video about various aspects of Disney theme park that seems like an impartial, honest review, when in reality Disney had their hand all over it.

You obviously don't know any this and Youtubers being "on the phone with Disney", because you were too busy gooning and doing drugs to notice these disclosures at the time when they were happening. If you had been reading KF instead of trashing it you would've known all this already.
> Skizo write.
> talks to someone that doesn't even come here

Mix Ashley and Drain Todger and you have @The Gays From LA
More Stochastic Terrorism from Vivian:

Don't be bothered by how often I advocate for like straight-up murder on my channel publicly. But, like, seriously, it's something we really should consider. We really should consider more, like, I mean, because, God know, the powers that be, the people who have the most control over the world and the things that happen in the world are... uh... killing doesn't seem to bug them. Like, and that's also another, uh, aspect of neo-liberal capitalist media brainwashing, is the idea that we've been taught in so many things, like OMG, basically every fucking revenge movie made in the last 15 years at least, turns out to be, the message being, oh, if you kill the bad guy, then you're just as bad as them, and that being just accepted as a fundamental truth of the way things are in our mainstream neo-liberal culture. Because no, not all killings have equal... killing is contextual, and frankly I think if there's just a couple of people in a room pressing buttons that make soldiers shoot people and drop bombs to blow children to pieces, if that's a couple of guys sitting in a room pressing buttons and signing papers and making decisions like that, I'd even venture to say we have a moral obligation to "deal" with them. And they may wanna try to... I defy someone to explain to me why we shouldn't kill at lot of these people.

Vivian then challenges CC Acc to a fight:

It's nice to know I could beat you up if you ever had the balls to show your face and not bully people from the anonymity of a comment section, you fucking cunt!

Why do you want to see the people bullying you on the internet, Vivian? What difference doesn't it make, if you can't see them anyway? Isn't it more fun to use your imagination and imagine your bullies to be as hideous and monstrous as possible? Come on, you've watched so many horror movies according to your Letteboxd, you can make something up. Practice on yours truly, imagine me as the most horrible, unsightly Gender Fascist you can conjure up in your mind's eye. You know there's no way I could look worse than that IRL, so have fun with it.
Your brain on PDS:


JFC, he's a Fugly troon. I dare him to use this screenshot on his OnlyFans account instead of those old "boudoir troon" pictures from 2018. PDS will age a troon even worse than HRT does, holy shit.

Take Names, Talk Sh!t, Spill Tea, Make Money, Free Palest!ne (fundraising stream)

I'm soooo mad, and I'm ready to come for blood.

aaaaaand I'm also in desperate need of funds to relocate and continue my Palestine documentary projects. So let's finish this once and for all.

- "I have a sizeable platform", only 15-20 people were watching his 4 hour stream at any given point.
- He denounces Cinema Sins for "working with BetterHelp"
- "I simply can't work a job outside the house" - so all he does is stay home and submerge himself in all this war gore all day that literally none asked him to do and all of his present subscribers are avoiding.
- "I'm not sure about rent in June, which is 2 days from now"
- "I have another job currently that I'm trying to... not only is that just a fucking nightmare in general, it takes too much time, I don't have a car and usually the gigs I pick up are at the other side of town for an 8 hour shift, I'm exhausted when I get home", so he is working? I thought he just said he can't work.
- "I had just moved to California in 2016, also I was homeless that summer", wait, I thought he said he moved in with his online AGP "transmom", that "Laura" person he keeps referring to? Maybe "Laura" kicked him out the house as soon as he realized that he what he'd actually imported from NC?
- "If I sound contemptuous, it's because I am. I am one of the few people in that group of over 100 people [Content Creators for Palestine]. It's something for their activist resumes. A lot of people have left the initiative and stepped away from it because there was some drama that happened not too long ago, a couple of weeks, where... I'm not gonna go into specifics, YET, but I have, I have receipts and whatnot. Nothing too terrible... no embezzlement or predatory behaviour, just people being assholes and showing their asses about what this really means to them. Because I'm in a Discord server with everyone else, like... the way they've been talking about this whole thing has been fucking disgusting to me. It's the simplest way to put it. Talking about this like it's a... I don't need to boost them. [Then get out their Discord server, you drama spy. You're literally behaving like a Kiwi right now. How the fuck are you troons different from Kiwis again? You're not.] For most of these folks, it's about covering their asses. A lot of these people are only coming around to realizing: "Oh! Stuff is happening!". Seeing rich white kids get brutalized by cops on the news did get the media's attention. I have been very critical, very regularly calling out celebrities and content creators. No one has any fucking right to be proud of themselves. I'm sorry, I'm not fucking impressed, especially with people with platforms that are bigger than my. If I had a fraction of their platforms, I'd have done a shit a lot more with it, from early on. I'm not gonna say I'm a decent person, but I try to be. I wanted to jump ship with the other creators who left but I am sticking around to keep an eye on things to make sure the money goes where it's supposed to. [Naw, he's just screengrabbing their private Discord conversations to embarrass them later on for clicks and superchats.] My work is trying to keep people's egos in check."
- "Not a single dollar that has been donated to Content Creators for Palestine is going to stop those bombs from dropping. Cos that's what we need to keep in focus. This posturing and performative activism is what should've been happening 7-8 months ago. What matters is to end the occupation, to stop 'Israel'. I refuse to recognize their legitimacy. I've been trying to refer to them as the occupation, the Terrorist State. The student Intifada uprising, which are still going on, encampments are still coming up, they're cracked down by the pigs, they're expanding to strikes. Stopping Israel, fighting for total divestment, redistributing money is not taking anything out of Israel's pockets. We need to fuck with their money."

Every single one of these Livestreams where he's advocating violence and murder of American politicians is in violation of Patreon's ToS BTW:


This is apparently what Vivian Strange's "Private KiwiFarms" folder looks like, where he basically does what we're doing here on OF, only he hoards all these receipts for himself:


Make an OF account Vivian! Share all those receipts here on the forum with the rest of the world!

Vivian Strange is literally this delusional: he now claims he has to archive every single video coming out of Ghaza... because AI will be used to falsify them!

Strangers!!! Tomorrow morning at 9am PST (like, in eight hours), I'm going to be doing a fundraising stream, wherein I shall discuss the Gaza Solidarity Movement and the effects we're starting to see as it catches the attention of social media and the mainstream public (for better and for worse), the increasing importance of my documentary project "The Revolution Will Not Be Televised, But the Holocaust Is Streaming Live" (or, for brevity, "The Gaza Diaries") in the face of encroaching AI reality/history distortion...

aaaaand I'm also gonna talk some serious shit about some famous people, both celebrities and the culture around them, including content creators like me! ☕ I'm too angry to play nice now. 🔥 it should be entertaining!

9am. Be there if you can ❤️

This is literally how crazy Vivian Strange is. He thinks that his mirrors of all those gore videos Ghaza are the only genuine pristine copies in the world. Everyone else has received the AI deepfakes that were created by Israel as Hasbara to manipulate the general public (that is some Elaine level of delusion, right there). He probably thinks the UN prosecutors themselves will personally contact him to get his copies, because they can't trust Israel to submit copies that haven't been altered with AI. Only Vivian Strange and his war gore folder is the guardian keeper of The Truth on Ghaza, y'all! (BTW, this kind of self-aggrandizement combined with conspiracy theorizing is a sure sign of malignant narcissism.)
Your brain on PDS:

View attachment 56441

JFC, he's a Fugly troon. I dare him to use this screenshot on his OnlyFans account instead of those old "boudoir troon" pictures from 2018. PDS will age a troon even worse than HRT does, holy shit.

Take Names, Talk Sh!t, Spill Tea, Make Money, Free Palest!ne (fundraising stream)

- "I have a sizeable platform", only 15-20 people were watching his 4 hour stream at any given point.
- He denounces Cinema Sins for "working with BetterHelp"
- "I simply can't work a job outside the house" - so all he does is stay home and submerge himself in all this war gore all day that literally none asked him to do and all of his present subscribers are avoiding.
- "I'm not sure about rent in June, which is 2 days from now"
- "I have another job currently that I'm trying to... not only is that just a fucking nightmare in general, it takes too much time, I don't have a car and usually the gigs I pick up are at the other side of town for an 8 hour shift, I'm exhausted when I get home", so he is working? I thought he just said he can't work.
- "I had just moved to California in 2016, also I was homeless that summer", wait, I thought he said he moved in with his online AGP "transmom", that "Laura" person he keeps referring to? Maybe "Laura" kicked him out the house as soon as he realized that he what he'd actually imported from NC?
- "If I sound contemptuous, it's because I am. I am one of the few people in that group of over 100 people [Content Creators for Palestine]. It's something for their activist resumes. A lot of people have left the initiative and stepped away from it because there was some drama that happened not too long ago, a couple of weeks, where... I'm not gonna go into specifics, YET, but I have, I have receipts and whatnot. Nothing too terrible... no embezzlement or predatory behaviour, just people being assholes and showing their asses about what this really means to them. Because I'm in a Discord server with everyone else, like... the way they've been talking about this whole thing has been fucking disgusting to me. It's the simplest way to put it. Talking about this like it's a... I don't need to boost them. [Then get out their Discord server, you drama spy. You're literally behaving like a Kiwi right now. How the fuck are you troons different from Kiwis again? You're not.] For most of these folks, it's about covering their asses. A lot of these people are only coming around to realizing: "Oh! Stuff is happening!". Seeing rich white kids get brutalized by cops on the news did get the media's attention. I have been very critical, very regularly calling out celebrities and content creators. No one has any fucking right to be proud of themselves. I'm sorry, I'm not fucking impressed, especially with people with platforms that are bigger than my. If I had a fraction of their platforms, I'd have done a shit a lot more with it, from early on. I'm not gonna say I'm a decent person, but I try to be. I wanted to jump ship with the other creators who left but I am sticking around to keep an eye on things to make sure the money goes where it's supposed to. [Naw, he's just screengrabbing their private Discord conversations to embarrass them later on for clicks and superchats.] My work is trying to keep people's egos in check."
- "Not a single dollar that has been donated to Content Creators for Palestine is going to stop those bombs from dropping. Cos that's what we need to keep in focus. This posturing and performative activism is what should've been happening 7-8 months ago. What matters is to end the occupation, to stop 'Israel'. I refuse to recognize their legitimacy. I've been trying to refer to them as the occupation, the Terrorist State. The student Intifada uprising, which are still going on, encampments are still coming up, they're cracked down by the pigs, they're expanding to strikes. Stopping Israel, fighting for total divestment, redistributing money is not taking anything out of Israel's pockets. We need to fuck with their money."

Every single one of these Livestreams where he's advocating violence and murder of American politicians is in violation of Patreon's ToS BTW:

View attachment 56440View attachment 56439View attachment 56438

This is apparently what Vivian Strange's "Private KiwiFarms" folder looks like, where he basically does what we're doing here on OF, only he hoards all these receipts for himself:

View attachment 56442

Make an OF account Vivian! Share all those receipts here on the forum with the rest of the world!

Vivian Strange is literally this delusional: he now claims he has to archive every single video coming out of Ghaza... because AI will be used to falsify them!

This is literally how crazy Vivian Strange is. He thinks that his mirrors of all those gore videos Ghaza are the only genuine pristine copies in the world. Everyone else has received the AI deepfakes that were created by Israel as Hasbara to manipulate the general public (that is some Elaine level of delusion, right there). He probably thinks the UN prosecutors themselves will personally contact him to get his copies, because they can't trust Israel to submit copies that haven't been altered with AI. Only Vivian Strange and his war gore folder is the guardian keeper of The Truth on Ghaza, y'all! (BTW, this kind of self-aggrandizement combined with conspiracy theorizing is a sure sign of malignant narcissism.)