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Kiwifarms Gossip & Slap Fights Lol look at this faggot- OF edition

These threads cover general gossip and interacting with Kiwifarms (openly calling them out).
I recognise the top poster, but who are the others? "Nothing was lost'? At least say lol calm down and call him a faggot, faggot.
garakfan69 never seems to leave A&H, I've yet to see them in another subforum.
Lenard Hopelessness tends to make joke posts and generally seems pretty level-headed, if a bit autistic
Aquinas is a shitposter and makes people mad.
Daddy's Little Kitten I mostly see in A&H and I admittedly tend to gloss over their posts because of their avatar.
8 of Spades is chill from what I've seen, I only ever seem to cross his path in pinned threads though.
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garakfan69 never seems to leave A&H, I've yet to see them in another subforum.
Lenard Hopelessness tends to make joke posts and generally seems pretty level-headed, if a bit autistic
Aquinas is a shitposter and makes people mad.
Daddy's Little Kitten I mostly see in A&H and I admittedly tend to gloss over their posts because of their avatar.
8 of Spades is chill from what I've seen, I only ever seem to cross his path in pinned threads though.
yeah Lenard, Aquinas, and 8 of Spades were the ones I was thinking of. I think I've seen garak post a bunch elsewhere, too.
8 of Spades is chill from what I've seen, I only ever seem to cross his path in pinned threads though.
This faggot has been seething over me and stalking my posts for weeks now, wouldn't stop spamming my profile or replying to me with off topic retardation.
Would come into chat just to be a sperg and spam the same "leaf rake" joke 4 times in a single day once. He claims to not be a republican, then constantly defends them more then anybody else I think I've seen on awhile, even on A&N.
He's an annoying weirdo loser and one of the worst.
I rather enjoyed seeing him get his retarded face get messed up in the lol look at this faggot thread in supporters.
>tfw no epic
>that feel when girls poop out they're butts
>who are you quoting D:<
>try to walk to dinasaur
>I dunno teh saources
>I know that feel
>spaghetti falling out of my pockets
>you're waifus ded wat do
>mfw when i have no pokeface.png
>dinasaur turns into a dragon and flies away
>holy shit im flying to O__O
>le fu :DDD
>spaghetti falling out of my pockets
>flying spaghetti monster.exe
>I Sure Diggity Do
>Thats where you are wrong, kid. /g/ is my personal tech support.
>le xD
>4chan is not anime related.
>lol /jp/ is so shit
>Ishiddy didgeridoo
>not greentexting
>I Shiggy-diggy ding dong dig-dog
>Gorilla warfare
>i say le /sp/ here u r all nerds ^^
>flying on my dinasaur
>see dead baby on the sidewalk
>mvq quand :(
>lets have a fappu thread
>implying I, as a guy, will ever breast feed a baby
>that feel when males can lactate out they're nipples
>Post or you're waifu dies
>le ragecomic.jpg
>give my dragon bro a high five
>>_>^ ^<_<
>now i poop in my pussy every day because i enjoy yeast infections
>/v/ is bettar then u bc dragonss
>you're waifu does fart what do u do xD
>spaghetti falling out of my pockets
This faggot has been seething over me and stalking my posts for weeks now, wouldn't stop spamming my profile or replying to me with off topic retardation.
Would come into chat just to be a sperg and spam the same "leaf rake" joke 4 times in a single day once. He claims to not be a republican, then constantly defends them more then anybody else I think I've seen on awhile, even on A&N.
He's an annoying weirdo loser and one of the worst.
I rather enjoyed seeing him get his retarded face get messed up in the lol look at this faggot thread in supporters.
What happened there?
garakfan69 never seems to leave A&H, I've yet to see them in another subforum.
Lenard Hopelessness tends to make joke posts and generally seems pretty level-headed, if a bit autistic
Aquinas is a shitposter and makes people mad.
Daddy's Little Kitten I mostly see in A&H and I admittedly tend to gloss over their posts because of their avatar.
8 of Spades is chill from what I've seen, I only ever seem to cross his path in pinned threads though.
Garakfan69 I recognize from 2018 when he posted in Internet Famous. I mainly read the skeptic and IBS threads so I can't say if he only posted in those or if he posted in others as well.

Meanwhile in the APC ban celebration thread in supporters:

Garakfan69 I recognize from 2018 when he posted in Internet Famous. I mainly read the skeptic and IBS threads so I can't say if he only posted in those or if he posted in others as well.

Meanwhile in the APC ban celebration thread in supporters:
View attachment 3408
View attachment 3409
These are the very same people who will make fun of A&N fags for hiding in private conversations.