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  • For the record, I have no account on Lounge96. The Kenneth Erwin Engelhardt account listed on the forum is a phony

Kiwifarms Gossip & Slap Fights Lol look at this faggot- OF edition

These threads cover general gossip and interacting with Kiwifarms (openly calling them out).
Wow, you like, actually need to calm down. I never said that. You didn't do anything ban worthy IMO.
My honest apologies based on how you were coming at I had assumed you were in favor of it.
I would have to assume if you're arguing that's the opposing stance and because of me facing stuff like this, where mods/users sperg on me, I'm going to push hard against it.
Just blatant lies, I was posting only on topic images and news. I didn't derail literally anything I was the main contributor. I also specifically went out of my way not to argue with people today because Randall being a faggot is predictable.
I also wasn't talking about jews at all besides 1 post where I was joking people should lay off. This ban is very clearly based on a long standing personal vendetta.
View attachment 3264
Edit: fuck u sig ninja
What did you do to piss off Fragg anyways?
What did you do to piss off Fragg anyways?
So I think I pissed him off originally because he wanted to shit out a thread on PG and then I said no I'll do it and that never came to be. The lolcow in question was quickly arrested after too.
I interacted with him in chat once and he said "I dont get the point of APC all he posts is about jews", when in reality jewsperging is probably 25-30% of my content which is intetional. I explained this to him and he just ignored it.
I notice for a long time hes been very pro israel, very anti Palestinian(repeatedly calling for them to be bombed, which if I said about Israel I'd get MATI ratings up the wazoo). Iirc hes a christian but theres clearly some moralfag shit where he can't handle people talking about jews. The thing is too a lot of my jewsperging isn't negative, I just find jews interesting and I really always have.
After he threadbanned me I also went to his awful thread trying to "set the narrative" for the WSB like the media does, where I said "when you threadban people like this and act so sensitive that's why people don't want to help you" which although blunt is truthful.

I posted in 7-9 different lolcow threads today, but only people mention the 1 thread I posted about jews.
>banned for shitting up the shittiest part of the forum
I actually got banned three times by Randall in i believe 4 days, first ban was totally underserved but he could use the jew sperg argument I guess. Second ban was he picked a fight and then decided to take what I said out of context to epicly own me janny style. Then there was this last time.

Getting banned for being based 3 times is an accomplishment. Real freeze speech platform, jewsh.
@Leg Pit Cream
You are missed.:feels:

That is so true lol, it can only be the null show