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Kiwifarms Gossip & Slap Fights Lol look at this faggot- OF edition

These threads cover general gossip and interacting with Kiwifarms (openly calling them out).
Null gets incredibly booty-bothered any time he faces even a tiny bit of disagreement. Can you imagine having to work with him?

Something tells me he'd be out of work even if he had never heard of kiwi farms, or managed to change his name to Harry Gaylord Potter and fool everyone
Makes me wonder why Josh waited weeks to ban them instead of doing it right after this exchange.
Mods probably kept complaining to him considering he had to mention mods cleaning up posts, that or he really had his jimmies rustled by this specific altercation


I wonder how many people have made accounts on KF just to see this e-thot's nudes
Just blatant lies, I was posting only on topic images and news. I didn't derail literally anything I was the main contributor. I also specifically went out of my way not to argue with people today because Randall being a faggot is predictable.
I also wasn't talking about jews at all besides 1 post where I was joking people should lay off. This ban is very clearly based on a long standing personal vendetta.
Edit: fuck u sig ninja
Just blatant lies, I was posting only on topic images and news. I didn't derail literally anything I was the main contributor. I also specifically went out of my way not to argue with people today because Randall being a faggot is predictable.
I also wasn't talking about jews at all besides 1 post where I was joking people should lay off. This ban is very clearly based on a long standing personal vendetta.
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Edit: fuck u sig ninja
>The main contributor
555 come on now.PNG